The moonlight shone through the half drawn curtains and the stars reinforced the dim light. As the shortest hand of the clock inched slowly towards the midnight sign, the artificial lights went out and the noises died down.

Even breaths in and out, harmonious with the slight rising and falling of the chest, the indications of sound sleep occupied Kit. He was never a light sleeper, the one who won't wake up until the bed caught fire or some tsunami waves rolled over him. All of a sudden, his chest felt heavy and even breathes became ragged and suffocation was increasing. He heard a small voice calling out his name repeatedly as the weight on his chest got heavier by each passing seconds.

It took a great amount of willpower and energy for Kit to lift up his eyelids heavy with sleepiness. Gears turned in his head as his eyes took in the vision before him.

There was someone straddling him.

"Holy shit. Who the heck are you!?" Kit yelled, snapped out of the daze. He grabbed the pillow beside him and started smacking the freaky invader on top of him.

"Wait!! P'Kit. I'm Ming. Your husband! Ming Kwan! How could you forget that your husband came for a sleepover!?" The boy on top shouted in between defending against the fearsome pillow attack.

Kit paused for a moment, breathing and taking the situation in. He reached out his hand to flick the light switch beside the bed on. Twin whimpers escaped as the bright light blinded out and blurred the sight of both of them.

"No. You aren't!! You sneaky little bastard. My boyfriend ain't this small. Who the heck are you!? Tell me how and why did you come in!! I'll call the police you freak!" Kit resumed the tantrum as he saw the man on top of him was not exactly who he said he was.

"Wait! P'Kit! That's exactly the reason I was trying to wake you up for the last fifteen minutes! I shrunk down, P'Kit! I shrunk!!" Ming yelled in his defense.

The pillow froze in the middle of the air. With eyes that saw the crazy man, Kit blabbered. "Huh?"

With suspicion, Kit narrowed his eyes at the boy who was still straddling him. Perfect straight nose. Checked. Not very light nor dark skin. Checked. Firm lips curving in a playful way. Checked. Yes. It was screaming nothing but Ming. Especially those big sparkling eyes. But he was kind of small? Like a miniature version of Ming.

Lost in his own thoughts, Kit continued to stare off at Ming.

"Oiii, P'Kit. Do you still not believe me? I'm hurt, P'. I'm the one who was such a big coward to just stand and watch Kit from afar without confessing. I'm the one who pursued and courted Kit knowing all Kit's perfections and imperfections. I'm the one who made Kit fall for me as my life really depended on it. I'm the one who want to take care, cherish, adore, love and stay together with Kit for the rest of my life." Sweet sweet words fell from Ming's lips as nothing but sincerity in his eyes. Long eyelashes fluttered innocently. "Oh, I'm also the one who made Kit scream my name in bed. Gosh. You have no idea how adorable you were being. I could eat you up right he-"

The ready-to-explode Kit, blooming bashfully in all shades of red, smacked and covered small Ming's teasing lips. "Asshole. You don't have to say that out loud!"

There. The puppy eyes again. And damn. It was working much much better on this younger version of Ming.

Kit pulled back his hand. With hesitation though. Kit asked as curiosity took priority. "So. You have any idea why you, umm, suddenly got younger?"

Small Ming just shrugged ever so carefreely. "Nope. Not at all."

Confused and at a loss of words, Kit scratched the back of his head. Then, he was reminded of the important fact again. "Whatever. You're still heavy. Get off. Now."

Ming pursed his lips and rolled of from Kit. He crawled out of the bed and fix his messy clothes and hair, the casualties from his boyfriend's little tantrum.

The dark blue shirt was a bit big for this little Ming now. The V-neck hunging low, showing off more skin than necessary. And the pajama bottoms were a bit too long that when Ming walked, they were literally being dragged along.

Kit giggled at the sight. Enjoying the sight of small Ming for now. Adult Ming was charming and this Ming was so cute.

"Tch." Ming clicked his tongue in annoyance, also to hide his embarassment when he caught his wife making fun of him for being short. He always teased about Kit's short stature and now karma came back with twice the force. Ming bent down to roll up the pants a bit.

Kit's cheeks reddened at the sight. The big V-line shirt showing everything through the gap formed as Ming bent. Kit didn't care about his husband's nipples before. But now, he was having a second thought as the pink nipples came into his sight. The body was not as mouth-watering as the adult Ming's, but it was obviously fit. No wonder, he weighted no less heavy.

Slapping himself inside, Kit averted his attention back to small Ming in general. "How old do you think you are actually? I mean, right now."

Ming stood straight again and his brows knitted close as he thought. "Around twelve. I guess."

Kit snickered. "Duh. What kind of twelve years old is this tall and fit? Say the possible."

"Me." Ming beamed at Kit, showing the rows of white pearly teeth. "After all, I was quite athletic."

Then, the cheerful expresion changed into a mischievous one as Ming wiggled his eyebrows teasingly. "You checked out my body, P'? How naughty. Policeman will come to arrest you when you lay your hands on this young adorable underage me."

A pillow flew towards Ming's face at the end of his words. His shriek was muffled out by yet another flying pillow. "Okay! Okay! I won't tease you anymore! P'Kittt." Ming surrendered as he saw Kit's hand moved towards those so very thick medical books on the nightstand. Pillows were fine, but those damn thick books? A big no-no.

"How can you be so playful when you literally became a twelve years old again, Ai'Ming!? Be more serious about this!" Kit scolded Ming in irritation.

At the stern harsh voice, Kit could even see puppy Ming's eyes glistening more, ears down and tail still.

Ugh. Oh lord, spare me from the cuteness, please. Feeling guilt squeezed his heart, Kit muttered. "Well. You didn't do anything wrong though. We can just figure things out together. Let's wait and see for this night. I don't really want to let any other people find out this. They will make a fuss and also media and press will probably come to be involved. At worst, you will become a test subject for mad scientists' way for eternal youth or some nonsense thing."

Ming cursed as chills ran down his spine. Then he dashed towards the bed again and leapt onto Kit, his arms firmly attaching behind Kit's neck. "Protect me. P'Kit!"

Kit rolled his eyes in response. "Yeah. Yeah." He ruffled Ming's hair out of habit.

The good mood of Kit did not last for long when Ming said the following words. "P'Kit. I need to brush my teeth. Can you tag along with me to the bathroom? Pretty pleaseee?"

Ming pleaded.

"Ai'Ming. You're not some five years old. You are twelve." Kit was pretty irritated but he did not yell at all because he couldn't afford to see the hurt puppy look on twelve years Ming again.

Again Ming objected. "B-But I was afraid of the dark and did not dare to go to bathroom alone until I was about fifteen."

Kit was ready to laugh out loud. But once he saw that sadness and embarassment running across young Ming's poor facial expressions, he regreted. Again he pulled Ming into his embrace again and ruffled his hair. "Okay. Okay. P' will come along. There's no need to be afraid."

Who in the right mind would have thought that Ming had such a weakness. Kit gently urged Ming and they both got out of the bed and headed into the bathroom.

Who in the right mind would have thought that Kit did not kill me when I disturbed his beauty sleep. Ming reached out to his toothbrush. He gasped out loud in shock and horror.

Kit was deciding whether to brush his teeth, again, when he heard Ming gasped. In the twist of fate, oh-poor-little Ming could not reach the cabinet where he kept his dental floss picks anymore. Tiptoeing, he tried. But it was futile. The dental floss was on the top shelf. And he barely reached past the second to top shelf.

Kit reached out instead and took it for him, holding in a giggle while doing so.

Ming accepted it with a soft mutter of thanks.

Not to hurt his husband's pride further, Kit swore with a tiny bit of regret. It was getting fun though. But he knew that Ming would get his revenge once he returned to his normal state.

As Kit was about to switch off the light, Ming spoke out. "Can you leave it on, P'?"

Awww. Kit flashed a rare smile. "Sure."

Knowing that Kit was giving in, young mischievous Ming urged further. "Can you please give me a good night kiss, P'Kit?"

At the silence tratement he got in return, Ming inwardly sigh. He saw this coming, but he had a thin ray of hope that Kit would be more comfortable to initiate a kiss if he was in this state.

A quick yet sweet peck fell upon his cheeks and lips consequently.

"There. Done. Now, sleep. Don't you even worry a bit that you would stay like this forever?" Kit mumbled in a hushed voice.

"But you seem to like this young me more." Ming whined but smiled softly nonetheless.

"No! It's not like that. Of course, this type of you is cuter. But I love usual Ming the same. I mean it!"

Ming looked thoughtful for a second. "Really?"

Kit nodded slowly. "Really."

"My Kit! So adorable when you're honest like this! And hehe, sorry but I lied to you about being afraid of the dark." Before Kit could even curse at him, Ming tackled Kit onto the bed and held him down. "Today, we're going to sleep like this. Hold me tight, P'. I'll hold you tight too."

"Brace yourself when you turned back to normal, Ai'Ming." Kit's voice lacing with menace, insincerity slightly distinct though.

Ming snuggled closer to Kit. And with a hearty chuckle, he stated. "That's my sentiment, P'Kit. You better stop talking now since you're gonna have to scream my name like there's no tomorrow once I turned back to normal."


A pair of eyelashes fluttered alive in the middle of the night, revealing the curious eyes behind them. Kit peeked down at the boy in his arms who was currently using his arm as a pillow. His little lover was sleeping so soundly, peacefully.

For unknown cause, Ming shrunk down so suddenly. But it seemed that he hadn't returned to the normal state yet. Even after a few hours had already passed.

With great care and caution, Kit moved around, trying to get his numb arm from under little Ming's head. But no, he did not even budge. Kit then realized, much to his misery, that little Ming was straddling and hugging him, their limbs tangled all over together.

Another attempt was thrown. And this time, Kit used a bit more force. Or maybe not just a bit more, but a lot more force. Since little Ming almost fell out of the bed.

Kit sighed in relief when he found that little Ming was still in deep sleep.

Without knowing a thing, little Ming thrashed around in his sleep. "Mmm." He flipped over and the white t-shirt got rolled up a bit in progress. The white smooth skin was begging to be touched. And the pants hung low on the slender waist, showing a good view of his initial puberty status. Thin firm lips were slightly parted unconsciously in sleep. Even breathes, in and out, harmonious with the rise and fall of the chest.

Marvelous at the sight, Kit reached out to move away a stray hair from his little charming lover. It's frustrating to admit but he looks so handsome, even as a teenager.

Before Kit could even register what came over him so abruptly, he placed a tender kiss on little Ming's forehead. And, he became more daring when the boy did not wake up. Kit cupped Ming's a bit puffy cheeks gently, running his thumb around in a soothing circular motion.

Mischievousness took over and the finger ran lower, to the so very tempting lips. "So soft." Kit mumbled to himself. The finger continued to trail along the line of the pink squishy lips. The way the lips were parting slightly was pushing Kit to the edge. As his finger slipped into the gap in between those captivating lips, the warmth and wetness teased him, motivating him to explore deeper, this time with his own lips.

Still hesitant, Kit leaned down to feel the soft lips against his own. The moment their lips locked, Kit couldn't help but melt, wanting more. Hesitantly, he traced his tongue along those tender lips before dipping deeper into the welcoming cavern to taste the sweetness they had shared so many times before. Frustration grew as Kit wanted nothing more than his little sleeping beauty to respond the kiss.

Kit inhaled sharp and gulped hard, taking notice of the need arising. He may look like a minor but the inner mind is what it counts, right? This might be a lifetime chance for me.

After contemplating for while, Kit made up his mind. His hands, slightly shaky with nervousness, reached down to the hem of the T-shirt of little Ming. Yet again, all actions were paused, Kit wrecking his brain whether to proceed or not. Is it really okay? I mean, Ming is literally twelve years old right now!

"I gave up! If you aren't going to make a move, I will!" The sudden words from the now awake little Ming took Kit by surprise.

Words lost their way from the tongue to the lips and Kit stuttered in shock. "What? Wait...were you awake all this time!?"

A yawn came out instead of an answer. Then, with a mischievous smirk, little Ming stated after propping himself against the headboard of the bed. "Well, my prince charming came and kissed me, how can I still be asleep?"

In an instant, Kit tucked himself in the blanket and dived into the sheets, then rolled to the other edge of the bed, away from little Ming's end. He caught me stealing a kiss. He caught me stealing a kiss. He caught me stealing a kiss.

On the other hand, like a victorious player he was, devilish little Ming crawled closer to where his bashful lover was. He leaned and hugged the heap of sheets his other half was hiding in. "Knock. Knock."

Silence. It was all the still embarassed Kit returned. Little Ming knowingly smiled. "My prince charming, my Kit, why did you run away after waking me up with a tantalizing kiss? I thought you were going to embrace me in your arms, taking the clothes off and having skin against skin, lips locked together, and our arous-"

Before little Ming could continue his words, Kit jumped out of the sheets and tackled him onto the bed. "Y-You! Shameless bastard!" Kit yelled as he smacked the playful lips of the boy under him.

"Ouchie. It hurtie hurts, P'Kit." Little Ming called for the puppy eyes and pursed lips as his defense.

Kit paused for a moment. To show his disapproval at Ming acting all cute, he frowned. "Stop that. It's so-"

"Cute that your heart can't handle it. Right?" Little Ming cut off him.

Kit growled in frustration. He was taken by surprise when little Ming under him rolled over and flipped their positions, so that Kit was lying on his back while little Ming became the one on top, straddling. "Don't worry. I'll finish what you started, P'Kit."

"Ah!" A moan mixed of pleasure and shock escaped Kit's lips as a sneaky hand rubbed his semi-erect buldge over the boxer-briefs. And he didn't even know when his pajama shorts came off or where it flew to.

Kit knew that he should not let this keep going. He did. But everytime his lips were parted, moans poured out instead of protests. The pearly liquid seeped through the fabric of the boxer-briefs and Ming wiped and collected it with his thumb. "See. You're so wet and aching for me. Right, P'Kit?" Then, his tongue darted out to lick the liquid passion clean from his fingers.

"N-No! S-Stop it! I'm not gonna lay my hands on a minor!" Kit cried out. His reason and rationality was ready to snap and it was getting worse by seconds. A chill ran down his spine as his very private lower regions met the cold air. His gaze darted right back at the boy hovering above him.

Little Ming smirked and tore off the packet of condom with his teeth as he snapped the cap of the lube open. "Don't worry. You won't be doing a thing. I will."

Oh dear all the Gods in this world, it was wrong of me to even think of trying to top my boyfriend while I had a chance. I was wrong. So, please help me out from being done in by a teenage boy! Kit prayed. He attempted again to stop his stubborn boyfriend. "Wait! Ai'Ming! Please! I don't want to. Not now. Not when you're so young and small!"

Kit sighed out in relief when little Ming halted and seemed thoughtful for a moment. But this peace lived only a short while before little Ming leaned closer. Then, he whispered, "If you are worried about me being small, don't be. My thing is pretty big for a normal twelve years old if I have to say. I can pleasure you just fi-"

The next thing registered in little Ming's mind was deadly pillow attacks from his lovely Kitty. Again?! I'm gonna throw away all those stupid pillows tomorrow! ... It seems like a pretty good idea. I can have Kit sleep in my arms. Hehe. Little Ming was trying his best to evade every attack throw at him but that didn't stop his train of thoughts and fatasy, tuning out all adorable curses from his love in progress.

With one moment of letting his guard down, Kit gasped at the warm, hard thing touching his twitching hole. It was just the tip rubbing but, he could see that little Ming did not lie about his size. "Ahh! Y-You! H-How dare you!"

"I love you." Little Ming replied and planted a kiss on Kit's forehead.


"Love you." And another kiss landed on the tip of the nose.


"Love you so much." Again, double kisses on both sides of the cheeks this time.

"Die and rot in hell! And stop distracting me with the kisses!" Kit yelled again, trying to cover his weak state of mind with fake anger.

Little Ming chuckled at that. "If I die, I'm worried that my Kit would die out of broken heart."

Another chain of curses were transformed into a series of moans as little Ming tried to push his erection deep into the warmth clenching around so tightly that the pleasure became agonizing pain.

But then, all of a sudden, little Ming pulled his erection out as Kit watched in confusion. The young boy looked down in terror, making Kit wonder and follow his eyes to where Ming was looking. There was nothing but awkward silence for a moment.

"Did you, perhaps, come?" Kit held in, not to laugh out loud as he asked, pretending to be in shock.

"N-No! It was just too- grrrrr- yes! I did! This can't even be count as sex! I haven't even put the tip in, yet I came selfishly! Kit looked just so arousing and all my blood rushed down there! Gosh, I feel so embarrassed." This time little Ming was the one to dive into the sheets and hide.

God hasn't abandoned me! Hurray! I'm saved! I'm not going to be done in by a friggin teenager boyfriend! Kit rejoiced. "Hmph. Serves you right. Premature ejaculation suits a little jerk like you." Kit was laughing so hard that all other things were forgotten and his earlier needs and arousal disappeared into thin air.

"Ai'Ming. I'll try to forget that you ejaculated prematurely, so long as it's convenient. So, stop sulking and come here. Let's sleep." Kit patted the space beside him.

A smile bloomed on his lips, as he watched the pouty little Ming rolled over onto his lap.

In mere seconds, all passionate moments turned into a lovey dovey one. And that was one thing guaranteed for sure, if you had Ming as a boyfriend.