Chapter 7 | The Review

Sakura awoke feeling her right hand was enclasped in another and immediately she peered over the side of her bed to investigate. Sasuke never looked so peaceful as the sun's rays barely stretched across his face. The Haruno felt a longing sensation within her rise; one that tempted her to follow it right into the Uchiha's embrace, just like she did when he pulled her into the hot spring. Her cheeks deepened in redness as Sakura resisted her urges to become enveloped in her co-star's warmth.

Her reverie was interrupted by the sound of Sasuke's phone vibrating against the wooden floor. To Sakura's surprise the raven actor lazily reached for the device with his free hand despite it being his non-dominant as his other hand remained entwined with hers. He was able to answer the call.

"Sasuke-kun is everything okay? Your brother is in tow-"

"I know," The Uchiha murmured with his eyes still closed.

"Well do you know what time it is?" Kakashi asked on the other line but waited for no answer, "It's thirty minutes until your meeting with Jiraiya-san and the other executives. Where are you?"

Sasuke's eyes shot open causing Sakura to quickly duck from view. The pink haired medic shut her eyes in an attempt to demonstrate that she had not been eavesdropping and was really still sound asleep. After ending the call Sasuke rose from his bed and stared at the sight of the Haruno desperately trying to make herself appear unconscious. He smirked as he noticed her brows slightly furrowed and decided to climb over her resting body. Feeling him hovering over her Sakura couldn't help but quiver as she pressed her eyes further shut, not knowing what the Uchiha would do next. He lowered his head so that it was just against her ear and hotly whispered:

"You can't act, remember?"

Sakura's eyes opened as she furiously pushed the laughing raven actor off of her with her cheeks still burning brightly. "Tell that to the producers who want me to star in Jiraiya's movie," She pouted as she folded her arms. Sasuke grinned, she was just too cute.

"Come on pinky we're due at the studio in twenty," He informed and the two prepared for the long day ahead of them.

They arrived at Konoha Stardom five minutes before Sasuke's private meeting was scheduled to start. Sakura didn't have the time to take in the new environment as Sasuke rapidly led her down a series of private access gates until finally the reached a long hallway. At the opposite end stood a large glass walled chamber containing a large rectangular table that Sakura could easily distinguish as their destined conference room. As they drew closer the Haruno spotted Kakashi and Jiraiya among the assembly inside, but to her dismay the more arrogant Uchiha was present as well. He was seated next to a man with pale blue skin and pointed hair. Noticing her stare the odd man smiled, revealing his sharp triangular teeth to which Sakura hesitantly nodded out of courtesy.

"Wait here, they want to talk to my brother and I first," Sasuke instructed, ensuring the medic was seated comfortably right outside. He then entered the meeting room leaving Sakura to awkwardly observe from five feet away.

The course of their conversation appeared strange to the spectating medic. Although she couldn't hear a word from inside Sakura discerned that they were arguing as Kakashi and the blue man rose from their seats to speak to the audience. The silver haired manager seemed frigid and angered while his opponent remained calm and consistently smiled throughout the argument. The Haruno's eyes then drifted to Itachi and saw his content smile as he watched the two argue. Lastly Sakura focused on Sasuke who was back in his apathetic state. His arms were folded but he wasn't nearly as irritated as Kakashi seemed to be.

Suddenly every member in the conference turned and looked at Sakura. She watched in confusion as Kakashi walked over to the door and slightly opened it. "They want to hear from you," He said and allowed the rose haired girl inside.

"Miss Haruno it's an honor to finally meet you!" One executive beamed as she entered the room and stood in between Kakashi and the blue man, "We're in sort of a pickle here and would love for you as the lead actress to help us out."

"O-of course," Sakura agreed nervously as she stared at the crowd in front of her. She glanced over at Sasuke who silently nodded his head, somehow assuring her everything would be alright. Her nerves stabilized.

The executive explained, "It's very rare for Konoha Stardom to be in the possession of our two very best actors suited for the same part. Of course we understand your history with Sasuke but we really can't go wrong with casting Itachi as well. So our team of producers would like you to act out the same scene with both actors to help us choose which is the best fit for the overall production."

Upon acceptance of the arrangement the three actors were given a few minutes to read over the scene. Once they each felt confident in their rehearsal the room was emptied of other attendants leaving the executives, the auditioner, Jiraiya, and Sakura. Out of formality Itachi was allowed to act out his scene with the leading actress first, forcing Sasuke to watch his lover to act out a romantic scene with his brother from outside the glass walls.

"Okay Sakura, whenever you're ready," Jiraiya directed.

Sakura braced herself mentally for the inevitable as they would be acting out the scene that followed from where the commercial left off. To do this the Haruno had to allow Itachi to wrap his arms around her and nuzzle his chin onto the bed of her hair. Already she felt wildly uncomfortable as her body trembled slightly.

"Don't be such an idiot Kaeru," Sakura recited with more acid in her voice than planned, "You don't know what you're talking about."

Itachi pulled away from his embrace and smiled somberly. "I know I'll never be the one you truly love Makigai-chan," He softly said and tilted the Haruno's chin upwards, "But I'm going to guard your happiness for the rest of my life." As the script foretold Itachi then placed a kiss on the medic's forehead oh so delicately.

Flustered by this and despising him for his perfect acting Sakura wouldn't allow herself to give in. Still she managed to quote the last line of the scene with anger fueling her tone, "You'll pay for that!", as she proceeded to throw a fist onto the older Uchiha's chest. Her brute strength caused Itachi to stagger in position and ultimately fall, all while maintaining his perfect smile.

"And cut," Jiraiya announced and shared glances to the team of executives beside them. He nodded his head and turned back to the duo, "Now let's see that with Sasuke."

Relieved to be closer to her true co-star, Sasuke and Sakura reenacted the scene from the script but because of her growing feelings for the raven haired Uchiha, Sakura recited her lines comfortably. In turn Sasuke's performance closely mirrored his older brother but when Sakura delivered the final blow his smile widened into an impressed grin.

Again Jiraiya yelled cut and exchanged looks with the producers. Nodding once more he finally declared, "I'd like to have a private word with Sakura during a small recess. Everybody please report back in ten minutes."

The crowd obeyed and soon disappeared beyond sight of the transparent barrier. Now seated alone with Jiraiya Sakura was sure of the news to come but there was something about the snow haired writer's expression that troubled her. "I know I'm not the best actress," She explained apologetically, "But I really do want to be a part of this movie."

Jiraiya sighed. "Sakura, it's not that..." He revealed, "...The producers want to cast Itachi as the role."

"What?!" The Haruno gasped, "But I felt more comfortable with Sasuke-kun!"

"Yes, we all saw that and to be honest with you- that's exactly why the scene didn't work." The director explained.

Sakura wilted in her chair. "I don't understand…" She murmured.

"Sakura-chan, you read the entirety of the book correct?" Jiraiya asked.


"And do you remember what this scene is particularly about?"


"Then please tell me your understanding of it."

Sakura cleared her throat. "Kaeru has just confessed his love to Makigai but ultimately she rejects him."

"That's correct, but..." Jiraiya affirmed, "Would you say Makigai loves Kaeru back?"

"No… Or at least, not in a romantic way. She loves him more as a dear friend," Sakura answered.

"Now remember the way you acted that scene out with Sasuke. Your real feelings for him seeped through your role and made you two appear as reciprocated love," Jiraiya explained, "When in the novel Kaeru's love for Makigai is forever one sided. You were able to demonstrate this sentiment with Itachi through your tone and your movements. But with Sasuke… you melted."

The weight of the truth stunned the Haruno. "Jiraiya-san you don't understand. Itachi he's… He just wants to steal this role from Sasuke-kun to torment him! You can't let him get away with it," Sakura begged.

"I know young love when I see it," The director said, "So I understand your agony. I'll talk this over with the executives to allow the two of you to re-audition tomorrow but if you don't do something to change the sparks flying between you and Sasuke then I'm afraid Itachi will have his way."

"What are you saying Jiraiya-san?" Sakura questioned.

"I'm saying… if you really want to do what's best for Sasuke, you'll stay away from him," Jiraiya answered gravely. The response pierced through the medic's body as she immediately recalled Kakashi echoing a similar statement from the hot spring. She couldn't believe her growing feelings for the raven actor really were going to take its toll in some form or the other. And the worse part was that she could have avoided it all if she had just listened the first time.

Noticing her silent distress the director sighed. "I think it's time you and Lady Tsunade had a chat," Jiraiya advised, "She knows more about this than you know."

Sakura could feel her eyes begin to swell with tears but she forced them to remain in captivity as the door opened behind her. "Is everything alright?" Kakashi asked as he partly stepped inside.

"Everything is going to be just fine, right Sakura-chan?" Jiraiya assured.

The rose haired medic nodded as she slowly rose from her seat. With her heart weighing down with guilt she passed by the masked man without a word and swiftly exited the room, just in time to evade the returning crowd.

"You were right Hatake," Jiraiya informed quietly, "She bought every word."