At The Movies

Summary: This chapter has Gwen, Courtney, and Trent taking Maybelle, Brady, Lita, and Alex to the local movie theater to see "Shrek"

Co-written by me and Hellflores

Disclaimer: Rated M for Sexual Content, AB/DL Content, Language and some minor cannabis use.


It was Sunday, February 27th 2028 as it was 9:00 AM as the previous day... Gwen and Courtney ordered seven movie tickets for Shrek at the local movie theater at 3:00 PM as the two woke up, as the kids were asleep and Trent was out getting groceries.

"Morning Princess." Gwen said to Courtney.

"Good morning Gwenny." Courtney said before they hugged and kissed before they smelled something.

"We should change." They said to each other before they began to change each other's wet diapers.

"Rearz Princess for the both of us?" Gwen asked Courtney.

"Sure." Courtney answered Gwen before they powdered and wiped themselves as they changed into clean Rearz Princess diapers.

"Ahhhh...! That's better." They sighed and said before they started to get dressed and get ready for the day.

"I am so excited about today Gwen." Courtney said to Gwen.

"Me too, you, me, Trent and the kids are going to watch a movie together as a family at the local movi theater... this is going to be so much fun." Gwen said back at Courtney.

"Totes." Courtney said before they finished getting dressed as they decided to wake Maybelle, Brady, Lita, and Alex up.

"Kids time to wake up." Gwen and Courtney said as Maybelle woke up first.

"Good morning." Maybelle said to Gwen and Courtney as the twins woke up next.

"Morning kids." Gwen and Courtney said to the twins.

"Morning mom." The twins said to the kids as they changed out of their pajamas and into their clothes while Courtney helped Alex get dressed.

"Where's dad?" Maybelle asked Gwen.

"Out getting groceries." Gwen answered Maybelle.

"Alrighty." Maybelle said to Gwen.

"Good morning Alex." Courtney said to Alex.

"Good morning Mama." Alex said to Courtney who kissed his cheeks.

"So what do you kids want for breakfast?" Gwen asked.

"Pancakes!" The kids answered Gwen.

"Alrighty then. I'll make the pancakes." Courtney said before she put Alex down on the sofa.

"Okay then... kids, I want to play a little game with you all." Gwen said to the kids.

"Okay, mom." Maybelle, Brady, and Lita said to Gwen.

"Mama, me want to play." Alex said to Gwen.

"Okay, Alex." Gwen said while she held Alex.

"You can play." Gwen said to Alex.

"Yay!" Alex cheered as Gwen sat down while the kids sat next to their mom as well while Courtney starts making the pancakes.

"So what's the game?" Maybelle asked.

"We are going to find out what movie we're going to see this afternoon." Gwen answered.

"Cool!" The kids said to Gwen.

"We want clue!" Alex said to Gwen.

"Alrighty then. First clue, this movie is for kids." Gwen said to the kids.

"Okay." The kids said back.

"You want another clue?" Gwen asked the kids.

"Yeah!" The kids answered Gwen.

"It's a cartoon." Gwen said to the kids.

"Cool!" The kids said to Gwen before they began asking.

"Is it a Disney movie?" Maybelle asked Gwen.

"Nope." Gwen answered Maybelle.

"Is it a Pixar movie?" Brady and Lita asked Gwen.

"Nope, try again." Gwen answered the twins.

"Oscar movie?

"Alex are you trying to say that this is an Oscar winning animated movie?" Gwen asked Alex.

"Yeah!" Alex answered Gwen.

"Good job son!" Gwen said before she kissed his cheek as the door opened as Trent arrived home from the grocery store.

"I'm home!" Trent said.

"Hey dad!" The kids said to Trent.

"We're in here, Courtney is cooking pancakes while the kids and I are playing a game." Gwen said to Trent.

"Okay cool!" Trent said before he put the groceries away.

"So... what's the game?" Trent asked.

"I'm letting the kids ask questions to see if they can guess what movie we're going to watch today." Gwen answered Trent.

"Oh, cool!" Trent answered Gwen.

"Yeah." Gwen said to Trent before she switched her focus back to the kids.

"Okay, next clue... the main character isn't human." Gwen said to the kids.

"Okay." The kids said to Gwen.

"Any other clues?" Maybelle asked Gwen.

"Hmmmm... well, this movie also has characters from different stories." Gwen answered Maybelle.

"Alright." Brady and Lita said to Gwen.

"The last clue is that it's based on a book." Gwen said to the kids.

"Based on a book... the main character isn't human." Maybelle said.

"It has characters from different stories." Brady said also.

"Oscar movie." Alex said as well.

"And it's not from Disney and it's not from Pixar either..." Lita said also before the kids gasped.

"Is it Shrek?" The kids asked Gwen.

"That's right! We are seeing Shrek today!" Gwen answered the kids.

"Awesome!" The kids said in excitement.

"Why are we seeing that movie today though in the movie theater?" Maybelle asked.

"Once a week the local movie theater plays an old school movie from the 2000's and this week only they're playing Shrek." Gwen answered Maybelle.

"Oh! Awesome!" Maybelle said back to Gwen.

"Yeah it is." Trent said.

"All of us are going to have an awesome time at the movies today." Courtney said to the kids.

"Yeah!" The kids said as a few minutes went by until it was time for breakfast to start.

"Breakfast is ready!" Courtney said to Gwen, Trent, and the kids.

"Alright!" The kids said.

"Awesome." Gwen said also.

"Sweet." Trent said before he helped Alex into the kitchen before everyone sat down by the table as Courtney gave the kids each a plate of pancakes while she also cut Alex's since he was still very young.

"Hope you kids like it." Courtney said to the kids.

"Thank you, mother." Maybelle, Brady, Lita, and Alex said to Courtney.

"You are welcome." Courtney said before she, Gwen, Trent, and the kids start eating.

"Mmm! These pancakes are amazing!" Maybelle said to Courtney.

"Yeah!" The twins said to Courtney as well.

"Yummy pancakes." Alex said to Courtney who was feeling good.

"Aww, thanks kids." Courtney said to the kids.

"You're welcome." The kids said back.

"So... you kids excited to watch Shrek?" Gwen asked.

"Yeah we are." The kids answered.

"Great, so are we." Gwen said to the kids.

"We all haven't gotten a chance to spend some time together as a family for a while you know." Trent said to the kids.

"Yeah." The kids said back.

"Watching a movie together is going to be the perfect way for all of us to spend time together." Courtney said to the kids.

"Yeah! And it's going to be so much fun." The kids said back.

"Besides, we still spend time together." Gwen said to the kids.

"Yeah, we know we do." The kids said back.

"They have always been fun. No matter what, we all still love the three of you." Trent said to the kids.

"Yeah." The twins said to Trent.

"Thanks kids." Trent said to the twins as everyone kept eating their breakfast until they were full.

"Mmm! That was great. Thank you again, mother." The kids said to Courtney.

"It was my pleasure, kids. I'm happy you all enjoyed the pancakes." Courtney said back.

"What time is the movie?" The twins asked.

"2:35 PM." Gwen answered the twins.

"Okay." The twins said to Gwen.

"We all still have some time before we can leave." Gwen said back.

"Why don't you kids just relax and we'll tell you when it's time to get ready to go." Courtney said to the kids.

"Okay mother." The kids said as Maybelle picked up Alex while the kids soon went up to their rooms and relax.

"You two excited as well?" Gwen asked Trent and Courtney.

"Yup." Trent answered Gwen.

"Oh yes I am, Gwenny." Courtney answered Gwen then it was time a few hours later.

"Kids! Time to get ready!" Courtney said to Maybelle, Brady, Lita, and Alex.

"Okay mother." The kids said back to Courtney.

"We should get ready too." Gwen said to Courtney.

"Okay, Gwen." Courtney said back as Trent went upstairs.

"I'll help you guys get ready." Trent said to the kids.

"Sounds great Dad!" The kids said before Trent helped get the kids ready meanwhile Gwen and Courtney got ready as well.

"Alrighty, I'm ready. You ready?" Gwen said to Courtney.

"Almost..." Courtney answered Gwenas she was putting her shirt on.

"Okay, now I'm ready." Courtney said to Gwen.

"Do we have any diapers in our purse?" Gwen asked Courtney.

"Of course." Courtney answered Gwen.

"Great." Gwen said before Trent entered the room.

"The kids are dressed and ready." Trent said to Gwen and Courtney.

"Thank you, Trent." Gwen and Courtney said to Trent.

"Anytime." Trent said to Gwen and Courtney as the trio put the kids in their 2017 Lincoln Navigator, then the trio entered the car.

"Alright, everyone have their seatbelts on?" Trent asked the kids.

"Yes!" The kids answered Trent.

"Great, next stop the movies." Gwen said to the kids.

"Yay! Woohoo!" The kids cheered a bit before Courtney began driving as 10 minutes went by before everyone arrived early at the movie theater.

"We're here!" The trio said to the kids.

"Awesome!" The kids said to the trio as Gwen, Courtney and Trent exited out the car while helping the kids out as well.

"Ohh! I'm getting all excited! I can't wait to watch Shrek!" Maybelle said in excitement.

"Calm down Maybelle." Gwen said to Maybelle who then calmed down.

"Welcome to the Premiere, how can I help?" A male ticket attendant said and asked.

"Seven tickets for Shrek." Courtney said to the attendant.

"You ordered early right?" He asked Courtney.

"Yes sir." Courtney answered him.

"Alrighty then... let me get your tickets." The ticket attendant said before he grabbed seven tickets to the showing of Shrek.

"There you go, enjoy the movie." He said to everyone.

"Thank you." Everyone said back to him before they entered the theater and got into their seats.

"This is so cool!" The twins said to each other.

"Movie, yay!" Alex shared his delight as well as this was the first movie he was ever seeing.

"We're happy you kids are excited." Gwen said to the kids.

"But remember, you need to stay quiet during the movie, okay?" Courtney said before she asked.

"Okay." The kids answered Courtney as they began being quiet as the previews showed several new movies coming before the movie started.

"We hope you enjoy your feature presentation..." The announcer said before the lights dimmed as the movie began with someone reading a story about a princess, locked in a tower and guarded by a dragon... until the reader ripped off one of the pages and used it as toilet paper as it showed to be Shrek, an ogre who lives in a swamp.

"Hehehe!" The kids laughed quietly as Shrek was seen doing many things a human would do... but as an ogre... taking a mud shower, using a bug liquid as toothpaste and even grabbed some food for dinner while back a village, many people were preparing to find and capture the ogre for the reward.

"Ew! So disgusting!" Gwen said quietly.

"I know." Courtney said quietly as Shrek was now eating until he noticed the light of the torches from the group of villagers as he soon decided to give them a spook.

"This is payback for interrupting his peace and quiet." Trent said to the kids quietly.

"Yup." The kids said back before Shrek spooked them from behind... and then soon roar loudly, scaring the villagers super badly as they screamed back in fear.

"This is the part where you start running." Shrek said to the villagers who ran away while everyone in the theater laughed a bit as they started to enjoy the movie.

"Hahahahahahaha!" Everyone in the theater laughed as the movie then showed a scene where in the forest there are many fairy tale characters as they were being sold to solider of Lord Farquaad, including a talking donkey.

"Aw, poor fairly tale guys." Maybelle said quietly to Lita.

"From the looks of it, Lord Farquaad sounds mean." Lita said quietly to Maybelle.

"Yeah." Brady said quietly to both siblings as Donkey escaped the soliders who in response chased him... until they all interacted with Shrek, who spooked them away, saving Donkey, even though that wasn't his motive.

"Shrek help Donkey." Alex said quietly.

"He sure did help." Gwen said to Alex as the movie continued, showing that the freed fairy tales characters are in Shrek swamp, orders by lord Farquaad. This made Shrek set out to find him and make them change his mind so he can have his swamp to himself again then Shrek and Donkey arrived at Duloc which was like a weird version of Disneyland almost.

"What the heck?! It's like Disneyland but weirder." Maybelle asked and said in a quiet tone.

"I know." Courtney said quietly as Shrek and Donkey entered Duloc... seeing that it's completely empty but can heard a crowd of cheers.

"Sounds like there's a wrestling match is going on son." Trent said to Alex.

"Cool." Alex said and soon enough Shrek entered the arena to see a lot of knights... including Lord Farquaad.

"Knights new plan. The one who kills the ogre will be named champion, have at him!" Lord Farquaad said to the knights before Shrek kicked the knights butts liked it was a match in the WWE.

"Whoa!" The kids said to each other.

"Awesome!" Alex said while Shrek nailed a crossbody, dropkick, he threw a knight, nailed a piledriver, clothesline and even used a weapon and used Donkey's head to kick the knight's butts.

"Awesome!" Gwen, Courtney, Trent, and the kids said as Shrek won before he and Donkey began their quest as they arrive, at the castle where they face a huge dragon guarding the castle.

"There the towers... but where's the-" Shrek

"DRAGON!" Donkey shouted interrupting Shrek's question as the two ran for their life, running from the dragon that guarded the tower that held Princess Fiona, as Shrek found Fiona, who was appalled at his lack of romanticism and surprised he had not slain the dragon... they left after rescuing Donkey, and Fiona is thrilled to be rescued but is quickly disappointed when Shrek reveals he is an ogre.

"Poor Fiona... all she wants... is true love." Gwen said quietly.

"Like we have." Courtney said before the two held each other's hands and continued watching the movie.

"I'll be right back I gotta use the bathroom." Gwen said quietly to Courtney, Trent, and the kids.

"Okay." They said back to Gwen who stepped out of the theater room and went to the bathroom as he took off her skirt, and her wet diaper before she wiped herself before she placed on a dry Rearz Princess diaper.

"There ya go." Gwen said to herself before she put her skirt back on as she washed her hands and headed back to the theater room.

"I'm back, what did I miss?" Gwen said and asked quietly.

"Fiona beat the crap out of Robin Hood, as Shrek and Fiona have fallen in love." Courtney answered Gwen.

"Man! I love that part." Gwen said as Shrek, Donkey, and Fiona are almost at Duloc, Fiona took shelter in a windmill for the evening.

Donkey hears strange noises from within and investigates, finding Fiona transformed into an ogress. Fiona revealed that she was cursed during childhood to transform every night, and that only her true love's kiss will change her to "love's true form".

"Oooh." The kids said quietly.

"That's why she wanted true love, to break her curse." Courtney said quietly.

"Yup." Gwen said to Courtney before Shrek was about to enter the windmill with a flower but overheard Fiona and Donkey talking about Fiona situation but Shrek misheard her and believed Shrek is just an ogre.

"Ouch." Trent said quietly as Shrek believed it while Fiona plucked the petals off of a sunflower, deciding to tell Shrek about the curse and whether she loves him or not... as it goes on until sunrise as the final petal decides her to tell Shrek.

"It's good that Fiona is gonna tell Shrek." Maybelle said as Fiona was going to... but the sunrise changed her back while Shrek returned... with Lord Farquaad and his knights for Fiona.

"Aw man, he's here." The twins said quietly as Fiona accepted Farquaad's marriage proposal and requests they be married before nightfall, while Shrek angrily abandons Donkey and returns to his now-vacated swamp.

"He gots his swamp back but at what cost?" Gwen asked Courtney.

"He's not happy." Courtney answered Gwen.

"Nope... his hearts is hollow and is missing something." Trent said quietly.

"It's Fiona's love." The kids said as the song, "Hallelujah" plays, it shows scenes of Shrek and Fiona, missing each other by the second while it's also shows Donkey, upset about Shrek rejecting his friendship while the dragon who guarded the towers was beside him, then Shrek and Donkey reconcile, before they arrive at Duloc to stop the wedding which they do.

"He made it just in time!" The twins said as Shrek told Fiona that Farquaad doesn't love her, he's only marrying her so he can be king... and Shrek only said it because... he loves her as Farquaad learned the news and just laughed at him.

"Big jerk!" Maybelle said quietly as the sun sets, Fiona is turned into an Ogress, Dragon ate Farquaad alive before an execution could happen.

"Yeah!" Everyone cheered as Fiona and Shrek get married, then they go on their honeymoon to end the movie.

"Woohoo!" Everyone cheered as Gwen, Courtney, Trent, and the kids began to walk to their Lincoln Navigator.

"What did you think of the movie?" Courtney asked the kids.

"Awesome!" The kids answered Courtney.

"Was it funny?" Gwen asked.

"Of course!" The kids answered Gwen.

"Great that you guys loved it." Trent said to the kids.

"Can we go again another time?" Maybelle asked Courtney.

"Sure, sweetie." Courtney answered Maybelle but however, before they made it to their car... Courtney accidentally bumped into someone that she hadn't seen since High School.

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't see where I was-" Courtney said before she recognized who she bumped into as it was Britney... Britney Read who walked out of her debate teams biggest debate back in High school.

"Britney? Britney Read?" Courtney asked Britney.

"Hello Courtney, it's been a long time." Britney greeted Courtney.

"Oh my god! Courtney, was she your old partner from the debate team?" Gwen said before she asked Courtney.

"Yeah..." Courtney answered Gwen.

"The one that walked out during your big debate?" Gwen asked Courtney.

"Yes." Courtney answered Gwen.

"I only walked out because I believed we didn't stand a chance in winning, that's all... no offense." Britney said to Courtney.

"Go to the car you guys I'll be along in a minute." Courtney said to Gwen, Trent, and the kids who went into the car.

"Britney, you said that you walked out that I wasn't a team player... well you were right about that, but you were wrong about our school not having a chance we had a great chance... anyway I want to say sorry for not being a team player back in High School." Courtney sincerely apologized to Britney who crossed her arms and had an arrogant look on her face.

"Not good enough, not only you weren't a team player you were such a know it all bitch." Britney said to Courtney.

"What?! Britney... I was young and I was just too competitive." Courtney asked before she started to explain herself as she continued.

"But I changed a lot over the years! I'm not who I was in the past, I'm-" Courtney said before Britney interrupted.

"Oh yeah, like you mean you have become one of those pervy, weird, perverted diaper wearing freaks!" Britney said to Courtney.

"I am not a pervy, weird, perverted freak!" Courtney shouted at Britney.

"Yes you are! You're a perverted, freaky, diaper wearing pedophile who should never and I mean never ever be around kids at all! In fact, you shouldn't even have a family at all!" Britney said to Courtney as Gwen and Trent saw the two yelling so she and Trent stepped out to help Courtney as Maybelle was concerned.

"Mom, where are you and Daddy going?" Maybelle asked.

"Your mom and I are going to chat with Britney and with your mother... don't worry we'll be right back." Trent answered Maybelle.

"Okay." Maybelle said to Trent.

"Be careful mommy and Daddy." The twins said to Gwen and Trent.

"We will." Gwen and Trent said before they stepped out.

"Courtney, what's wrong?" Gwen asked Courtney.

"Britney is insulting me for doing the AB/DL lifestyle and for making horrible and false accusations." Courtney answered Gwen.

"What?!" Gwen asked before she looked straight at Britney with death eyes.

"Britney, first off we didn't get to introduce each other I'm Gwen White, Courtney's wife and this is Trent... the father of our kids.

"You're her wife?" Britney asked Gwen who only nodded.

"Then you must be retarded! Why you marry someone like her?! She's a total bitch! A control freak, thinks she's always the boss of everyone!" Britney screamed and ranted in front of Gwen's face.

"That was the old her! She changed for the better!" Gwen said to Britney.

"What's better? She's still the same total bitch I know! Except she's now a diaper wearing freak!" Britney asked and screamed at Gwen once again.

"HEY! She is not a control freak! She is the greatest person in my life and so what if she wears diaper?! She wears them... so do I!" Gwen said to Britney.

"That makes you a freak as well! Even more of a freak because you are a goth!" Britney said to Gwen.

"My wife, mind you is not a freak so you leave her alone." Courtney said before Britney looks at Trent.

"Who is this guy?" Britney asked.

"Trent." Courtney and Gwen answered Britney.

"My name is Trent, I'm the father of the kids, and I have loved every minute of it even though I'm an AB/DL also being a dad changed everything for me." Trent said to Britney.

"You're still wearing diapers... why don't you invite some little boys and rape them like Michael Jackson did." Britney said to Trent.


"Yes you are! The three of you are nothing but, perverted, freakish, disgusting, horrible, diaper loving, whining little pieces of shit that doesn't deserve to be around anyone and don't even deserve to live at all!" Britney ranted at Courtney, Gwen, and Trent as Maybelle heard muffled loud voices coming from outside.

"I'll be right back." Maybelle said to Lita.

"Maybelle, what are you doing?!" Lita asked Maybelle.

"Someone has to stop that meanie from hurting our parents feelings, and it should be me." Maybelle said before she got out as Lita followed her as Courtney, Gwen, Trent, and Britney stopped and looked at Maybelle and Lita.

"Maybelle... Lita... what's wrong?" Courtney asked them.

"We heard you shouting." Maybelle answered Courtney before she looked at Britney.

"I want you to know madam that whatever my mother did in the past is in the past and she should not be judged by her past, she loves my mom, and if you can't understand that I'm sorry but you can leave us alone." Maybelle said to Britney

"Yeah! You big doo-doo head!" Lita said to Britney before they got back in the car and re-entered their seats as Gwen and Trent followed suit.

"Will someone please shut those cunts up?! They are such little shits!" Britney said to Courtney who gasped before she got close to Britney.


"DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT?!" Courtney asked Britney.

"Get out and don't come near me or my family ever again." Courtney said with a lot of coldness in her voice.

"I wouldn't dare be around your freak show of a family. Oh... and by the way... I bet your mother would be so disappointed about this... she would of have a heart attack just by knowing of this, you pedophilic freak of a puta!" Britney kept spewing out insults until Courtney gave her a hard punch across the face knocking her down to the ground.

"Courtney!" Gwen shouted before she exited out of the car and held her wife's hand.

"C'mon, let's get back into the car Courtney." Gwen said to Courtney.

"Never mention my mother at all! Britney Morgan Read! Never!" Courtney shouted before she and Gwen breathed in and out a bit before they got back into the car as this time Gwen was in the driver seat while Courtney was in the passenger seat next to Gwen as Maybelle was worried.

"Are you okay mother?" Maybelle asked her mother who was still breathing in and out.

"Mother needs... to relax sweetie... please?" Courtney answered before Maybelle and the twins held their mothers hand softly for 35 seconds before Courtney felt better.

"Maybelle, that was a very dangerous thing that you did, I know you were trying to defend your mother but you could have gotten hurt... we will discuss this when we get home." Gwen said to Maybelle.

"Yes ma'am." Maybelle said to Gwen as everyone returned home as Trent took Alex to his room for a nap.

"Lita, Maybelle... your mother and I need to speak with you both. Brady, you can head to your room... this doesn't concern you." Gwen said to Lita, Maybelle, and Brady.

"Yes ma'am." Brady said before he headed to his room with Trent.

"Dad?" Brady asked Trent.

"What is it son." Trent responded back.

"Did I do anything wrong? Plus are they going to be punished?" Brady asked him.

"No, you are fine... and your sisters are going to be fine." Trent answered Brady.

"Cool." Brady said before Courtney and Gwen began to talk to Maybelle and Lita.

"Lita, Maybelle, what you two did was really, really, really dangerous! You two could have gotten hurt and we didn't want that to happen at all!" Gwen said to Lita and Maybelle.

"I didn't want to go out there, I didn't even want Maybelle to go, she insisted on going to defend you guys." Lita said to Gwen and Courtney.

"We know but still-" Gwen said before she was cut off by Courtney.

"You two did what you believed was right... you were defending me when she was insulting me, your mom, and your father! You wanted to defend us." Courtney said to the daughters.

"You don't wanna know what that woman said about you." Gwen said to Lita and Maybelle.

"Okay." They said back to Gwen and Courtney.

"I truly appreciate what you said, thank you for defending us." Courtney said to them.

"Hey, you're welcome mother you would do it for us." Maybelle said to Courtney as Gwen cleared her throat.

"However, as I was saying... we are gonna let you to off with a warning this time because of what happened but if anything like that happens again, you'll be grounded for three days Maybelle, and Lita you will be grounded as well for three days... understand?" Gwen said before she asked them.

"Yes madams." Maybelle and Lita answered them.

"Good, now we'll call you when dinner's ready." Gwen said to them.

"We'll be having Dominos Pizza tonight so think of what you want and we'll ask in a half hour." Courtney said to them.

"Okay." Maybelle and Lita said back before they leave as Gwen and Courtney think about what happened as well.

"You okay, Courtney?" Gwen asked Courtney who quickly hugged Gwen tightly and slowly began to tear up.

"No!" Courtney answered Gwen.

"She mentioned my sick mother... she mentioned my poor sick mother! How dare she?!" Courtney shouted and asked Gwen.

"I don't know why would Britney Read mention your mom, it could be possible that she still doesn't like you for what happened in the past." Gwen answered Courtney who was still crying.

"But how?! I've made amends with everyone on Total Drama, I've made amends with everyone at my law firm, I've made amends with everyone at my school for being such a-" Courtney said before Gwen cut her off.

"Stop! Stop right there, you are not a bitch, Britney Read is wrong... she is dead ass wrong!" Gwen said to Courtney.

"But I punched her and that was wrong of me to do." Courtney said to Gwen.

"Maybe so, she shouldn't have called us those horrible things, and she shouldn't have ever dare insult and call our amazing children little shits or cunts!" Gwen said back to Courtney.

"Totes." Courtney said before she and Gwen hugged.

"Now calm down and relax, we don't want our kids to see you sad, okay?" Gwen said before she asked.

"Alright then." Courtney answered Gwen before she wiped away her tears.

"So, what should we do now?" Courtney asked.

"Let's ask the kids if they're ready to tell us what pizza they want." Gwen answered Courtney.

"Okay then..." Courtney said to Gwen as they got out of bed and go to the living room where Maybelle, Brady, Lita, and Alex were as they were playing with Trent.

"Hey kids." Gwen said to the kids.

"Are you ready to tell us what pizza you want?" Courtney asked the kids.

"Yeah! Half cheese and half pepperoni!" The kids answered Courtney.

"Okay then." Courtney said to them.

"We'll order it up right now." Gwen said before she and Courtney ordered Domino's Pizza.

"Yeah we want two large hand-tossed pizzas half cheese and half pepperoni... okay, thank you." Courtney said said before she hung up.

"The pizza will be here in about 25 minutes

"Alright." The kids said back.

"Kids listen up, your mom, myself, and your father want to share some thoughts about what happened." Courtney said to the kids.

"Okay." The kids said to Gwen and Courtney.

"What happened between your mother and Britney Read, was a bit scary... as it resulted in Courtney doing something very mean Britney because she made fun of our family." Trent said to the kids.

"Dad... what Mother did was awesome, she was fighting back." Brady said to Trent.

"That is what I want to talk about." Courtney said to the kids before she began to explain herself.

"What I did was absolutely wrong! I got too mad and angry and I couldn't control myself and I punched her. Now, I did it for a reason but I should not have done that at all! And you four shouldn't do the same thing either... the point is... violence is never ever ever ever the answer! At all... angry actions and angry words do not make things better, they only make things worse, so kids the best thing to do is to walk away from the situation before it gets worse." Courtney said to the kids.

"I completely agree with your mother." Gwen said to the kids.

"Your mom and mother are absolutely right." Trent said to the kids as well.

"Okay then." The kids said to their parents.

"But... what if we run into Ms. Read again?" Maybelle asked.

"If we do see her again, we just walk pass her and ignore anything she says to us... okay?" Gwen answered before she asked them.

"Okay." The kids answered.

"Good... now... please come here." Courtney said to the kids walked up to their mother as she then hugged them tightly.

"You four are the greatest thing to ever happen in my life besides marrying your mom." Courtney said to the kids.

"Thank you." The kids said to Courtney.

"You're welcome..." Courtney said before Gwen and Trent joined in on the hug.

"Thank you... for being with me... all of you." Courtney said to Gwen, Trent, and the kids as the doorbell rang and that meant pizza was here.

"Pizza's here." Courtney said to everyone.

"Pizza! Woohoo!" The kids shouted and cheered.

"Hehehe." Gwen chuckled.

"I'll go get it." Trent said before he opened the door revealing a 17 year old pizza delivery boy.

"Hey there, two large hand tossed pizzas, half cheese and half pepperoni... that'll be $32.03." The delivery boy said to Trent.

"Cool... I got it." Trent said before he handed him $45 dollars.

"Keep the change." Trent said to the young man.

"Thank you very much." The young man said back.

"Anytime, thanks for the pizza." Trent said to the young delivery boy.

"No problem, enjoy." The delivery boy said before he left.

"Dinner's here." Trent said as everyone grabbed several slices while Courtney cut slices into small pieces for Alex.

"Thank you go, Alex." Courtney said to Alex.

"Thank you." Alex said to Courtney.

"No problem, sweetie." Courtney said before everyone began eating pizza.

"Mmmm! This pizza is amazing." The kids said.

"I agree, I love eating cheese and pepperoni pizzas from dominos." Gwen said as well.

"I agree, they are the best at making pizza." Trent said to Gwen in agreement.

"Totes." Courtney said to Trent in agreement as the family all continued eating pizzas together until they were all full.

"Oh my gosh, I am so full." Maybelle said to everyone.

"Us too." The twins said as well.

"Too much... pizza, haha." Alex said before he lightly chuckled.

"Alex, that was too much... wanna nap honey?" Courtney asked Alex.

"Yes mama." Alex answered Courtney who took him to his room and put him down for a nap.

"You kids wanna play?" Gwen asked.

"Yes, ma'am." The other kids answered Gwen.

"Okay then, you guys can play." Gwen said to the kids.

"Okay, thank you for the pizza." Maybelle and the twins said to Gwen.

"Anytime." Gwen said to the kids who went into the living room while Courtney returned to the dining room with Gwen and Trent.

"So Courtney, you feeling okay?" Trent asked Courtney.

"Well Trent, I'm feeling a bit better, besides I need to do what's right and forgive her if I see her again." Courtney answered him.

"That's a good idea." Trent said to Courtney.

"Totes." Gwen said in agreement.

"I just hope she... forgives me for what happened when we were in the debate team." Courtney said to Gwen.

"I hope she will as well, princess." Gwen said to Courtney.

"Yeah." Courtney said to Gwen as time went by as the kids were now in bed, sleeping as Trent was in the bedroom with Courtney and Gwen as he was wearing his sleep shirt and diaper.

"Alright ladies, I'm gonna head to bed." Trent said to Gwen and Courtney.

"Goodnight Trent." Gwen and Courtney said to Trent.

"Goodnight ladies." Trent said before he left.

"Trent does look cute in his diaper doesn't he Courtney?" Gwen asked Courtney.

"Yeah, he does look cute. But you're cuter in your diapey..." Courtney answered Gwen causing her to blush.

"Aw, stop! You're more cuter than I am in your diapey, Princess." Gwen said to Courtney who then blushed back.

"Thankies, that makes me feel better." Courtney said to Gwen before they kissed.

"Wanna know what would make you feel even more better?" Gwen asked Courtney.

"What?" Courtney asked Gwen in response.

"Having diapey sex with me." Gwen answered Courtney who was hesitant at first.

"I don't know." Courtney said to Gwen.

"C'mon, it'll make you feel a lot better." Gwen said to Courtney.

"Are you sure?" Courtney asked Gwen.

"Princess, I am sure... I know what happened today was a bit bad but... you need to forget what she said, and relax. I promise you, you'll feel better, okay?" Gwen answered before she asked Courtney who sighed.

"Okies, and you're right... I need to forget what she said, relax, and make love to you because I love you so much Gwen."

"I love you too, Courtney." Gwen said before they started kissing each other passionately as they fell onto their bed.

"Mmmmmmm!" The two moaned before it turned into a full blown makeout session.

"MMMMMMMMMM...!" The two passionately moaned while they kept at it.

"MMMMMMMMMMMM! I WUV YOU SO MUCH!" The two moaned and said before they continued their makeout session while they started rubbing each other diapered bodies.

"Mmmmmm...! Ahhhh...! This feels so great!" They moaned and shouted before Gwen then started to pleasure Courtney's diapered pussy.

"Ohhh, Gwenny! Mmmmm!" Courtney moaned and shouted while Gwen rubbed and fingered Courtney's diapered area hard.

"Mmmm, so soft and wet... me likey!" Gwen said while she and Courtney kept kissing while Gwen was still rubbing her area with her hand as Courtney was feeling more turned on with every touch of Gwen's hand.

"Mmmmm! Oh, Gwenny! Yes, keep going! Rub my diapey pussy hawder!" Courtney moaned, and shouted with absolute delight.

"Mmm, gladly, Princess!" Gwen softly moaned and said before she went harder and harder with her pussy fingering turning Courtney on even more.

"Ohhhh...! Goo goo gaa gaa gii gii! This feels so wonderful on my diapey pussy!" Courtney moaned and cooed to Gwen who was loving it.

"Totes, I hope you're loving it, Princess." Gwen said in agreement before she hoped that Courtney was loving it..

"Oh yes I am, Gwenny! Keep going!" Courtney begged Gwen to keep going which she did as she went harder and harder until it was time.

"Gonna Cumsies! Gonna cumsies Gwenny!" Courtney shouted at Gwen.

"Great, cumsies all over my hand!" Gwen said back.

"Ohhhhh, okies then!" Courtney moaned and screamed as Gwen went harder and harder until Courtney climaxed hard all over her hand.

"OHHHHHHH!" Courtney moaned and screamed during the climax as Gwen licked it all up and swallowed it.

"Mmmm...! Yummy." Gwen moaned and said to Courtney.

"Thankies." Courtney said before she pinned Gwen.

"Now... it's my turn." Courtney said before she started rubbing Gwen's diapered pussy softly while she kissed Gwen once more.

"Mmmmmm...!" They moaned during their kiss.

"Ohhh Courtney... Yes! Mmm, keep going!" Gwen moaned and said to Courtney.

"Oh I will, Gwenny!" Courtney said as she did keep it going, rubbing and slowly fingering Gwen's area like she did to her earlier.

"Mmmm, you like that don't you?" Courtney moaned and asked Gwen.

"Mmmm...! Yes, yes I do!" Gwen answered Courtney.

"Good!" Courtney said before she started fingering Gwen's area super hard.

"Ohhh Courtney! Keep going, finger me hawder!" Gwen moaned and begged Courtney to keep going.

"If I do... please coo for me?" Courtney said before she asked.

"Okies! Mmm, goo goo ga ga gi! Finger me hawder, Princess Courtney! Finger me even hawder please!" Gwen did what Courtney asked.

"Of course!" Courtney said to Gwen as she went harder and harder until it was time.

"Gonna cumsies, Gonna cumsies, I'm gonna cumsies so hawd, Princess!"

"Good, give me your warm and yummy milky!" Courtney said while she kept going until it was finally time.

"HERE IT COMES...! AHHHHHHHHHH...!" Gwen shouted as she climaxed hard all over Courtney's hand before she licked it up like a lollipop.

"Mmmmm... so very sweet!" Courtney said to Gwen.

"Thankies." Gwen said to Courtney.

"You wanna scissor to finish off?" Courtney asked Gwen.

"Oh yes, please." Gwen answered Courtney before they get ready.

"Gwen, can I say something before we start?" Courtney asked Gwen.

"Of course." Gwen answered Courtney.

"Thankies, having diapey sex with you has made me feel so much better." Courtney said to Gwen.

"Aw, you're very welcome. Now, you ready?" Gwen said before she asked.

"Yes I am." Courtney answered Gwen.

"Good." Gwen said before the two started scissoring each other hard as they were enjoying it very much.

"Ohhhh...!" The two moaned with pure delight.

"This feels so amazing." Gwen said to Courtney.

"Totes, mmm! This feels amazing as it is so amazing!" Courtney said in agreement, moaned, and spoke some more.

"Totes!" Gwen shouted in agreement as she and Courtney kept going even harder.

"Ohhhh! You're doing so amazing, Princess!" Gwen moaned before she complimented her wife's performance.

"Thankies, MMMM! So are you, Gwenny!" Courtney said before she moaned and did the same thing.

"I wuv you so much Gwenny!" Courtney said to Gwen.

"I wuv you too Princess!" Gwen said back as they keep at it until it was time but they decided to coo to each other.

"Goo goo gaa gaa gi, I'm gonna cumsies soon!" Gwen cooed and said to Courtney which turned her on.

"Goo goo gaa gaa gi, me too! I'm gonna cumsies too!" Courtney said to Gwen as they were scissoring like crazy until the moment arrived.

"COURTNEY!" Gwen screamed out her wife's name.

"GWENNY!" Courtney screamed out her wife's name as well before the final climax arrived.

"OHHHHHHHH!" Gwen and Courtney moaned while the two climax super hard all over each other's diapers as they soon kissed each other.

"Mmmmmmmmm!" The two moaned during their kiss as they were on top of each other.

"I wuv you so much." They said to each other before they kissed deeply again.

"I need to pee." Gwen said to Courtney.

"Me too." Courtney said to Gwen before they sat down, relaxed and starting peeing in their diapers.

"Ohhhhh...! Ahhhh...!" The two sighed and moaned as they kept peeing until their diapers were full.

"Let me change your diapey, Princess." Gwen said to Courtney.

"Okies." Courtney said before she laid down as Gwen removed her wet diaper.

"Any requests?" Gwen asked Courtney.

"Surprise me." Courtney answered before Gwen got up and went into the drawer and pulled out the Tykables Unicorn diaper.

"How about the Tykables Unicorn?" Gwen asked Courtney who saw it and was impressed right away.

"Oooh! They look perfect, yes!" Courtney answered Gwen.

"Awesome!" Gwen said back,

"Where did you get them?" Courtney asked Gwen.

"I got them diaper shopping yesterday." Gwen said to Courtney.

"Aw Gwenny! They look so beautiful!" Courtney said to Gwen.

"Well lay down so I can put them on you." Gwen said to Courtney.

"Okies." Courtney said before she laid down as Gwen wiped and powdered her area then she placed on the diaper.

"So... any thoughts on the diapey Courtney?" Gwen asked Courtney.

"I... love them! They feel even more amazing and softer than ever!" Courtney answered Gwen.

"I'm glad you love them." Gwen said to Courtney.

"Thankies Gwenny! These diapeys are making me feel even more better." Courtney said to Gwen.

"You're welcome." Gwen said back.

"What diapey do you want?" Courtney asked Gwen.

"How about... my Rearz Rebel." Gwen answered Courtney.

"Sure." Courtney said before she took off Gwen's wet diaper before she grabbed her Rearz Rebels diaper as Courtney wiped and powdered her area before she placed it on her.

"That feels always better." Gwen said to Courtney.

"Good, anyway how do I look?" Courtney said before she asked.

"You look even gorgeous than ever before." Gwen answered Courtney.

"Thankies." Courtney said to Gwen before they kissed.

"I have another idea before we go to bed so we can both relax." Gwen said to Courtney.

"Okies." Courtney said to Gwen.

"How about we use some CBD Oil?" Gwen asked Courtney.

"Oh, Okies then... sounds good!" Courtney answered Gwen.

"Perfect." Gwen said to

"You wanna vape it or use a bong?" Gwen asked Courtney.

"Vape it." Courtney answered Gwen.

"Awesome." Gwen said before she got out two vape pens that were filled with a lot of CBD oil.

"I got an awesome flavor for us." Gwen said to Courtney.

"What did you get?" Courtney asked Gwen.

"Royal Treatment... it's a cool name for a really strong kind of CBD oil.

"Oooh... sounds awesome." Courtney said to Gwen.

"It is awesome! So... ready?" Gwen said before she asked.

"Yep." Courtney answered Gwen as they inhale a bunch of CBD Oil but not too much to run out as they inhaled enough to enter their bloodstreams before they blew it out slowly like dragons.

"Ahhh... that feels so good." The two sighed and said in relaxation before they put their vape pens away as they were feeling fifty percent sleepy and fifty percent loopy.

"You getting sleepy, Princess?" Gwen asked Courtney.

"Yes, and you Gwenny?" Courtney answered Gwen.

"Yes I am." Gwen answered Courtney.

"Feeling loopy?" Courtney asked Gwen.

"Yeah..." Gwen said as they decided to go to sleep as they climbed into bed.

"Gwenny... when are we gonna tell the kids about my mother having cancer?" Courtney asked Gwen.

"How about in a few more days." Gwen answered Courtney.

"Okies." Courtney said to Gwen before they grabbed their pacifier necklaces.

"Goodnight, Princess." Gwen said to Courtney.

"Goodnight, Gwenny... I love you." Courtney said to Gwen.

"I love you too." Gwen said before they kissed as Courtney grabbed her sleep mask and put it on over her eyes before Gwen turned off the lights as they put the pacifier part of their pacifier necklaces in their mouths and fell asleep on top of each other in a hugging position with cute yet sexy smiles on their faces.