Quick Note: Due to Technical Issues, I have had troubles uploading. The problem seems to be fixed. Sorry for the wait, I hope you enjoy!
BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP. Nick woke up in a flash and turned off his alarm. He looked at the clock, it read 6:40. Nick was very tempted to go back to sleep, dreaming about Judy. But he knew he had to get up. After about a couple minutes, Nick finally had the strength to get up from his cozy blankets. He then proceed to the bathroom to freshen up and to get ready for the day. After a nice, twenty minute hot shower, Nick combed his fur and pulled out a ZPD outfit from the closet. While he was putting on his shirt, he heard a familiar ding. Nick went over to his phone and looked at it, there was a text message from Judy.
"Hey Nick, I was wondering if you were free to grab some coffee before work?"
"Sure thing Carrots, do you want me to meet you there?" Nick replied.
"That will be perfect, I'll see you there in 20 minutes." Nick then put down his phone and finished getting ready. After brushing his teeth, Nick headed out of his apartment for the local coffee shop where him and Judy would regularly get coffee.
Judy woke up around 5:30 as usually. She got up got dressed and decided that a early morning Jog would be in order. While on her jog, Judy contemplated her thoughts. Judy was surprised that she had actually fulfilled her dream of being a cop. The fact that she had done what she had set out to do still kind of surprised her. She had stopped the Bell weather from destroying the city, got her job back, and was able to find someone that believed in her. Judy thought that when she asked Nick to be her partner, he would say no. But to her surprise, he had said yes. "Then I opened my big mouth and almost ruined everything." Judy was glad that Nick was able to forgive her and to help her solve the case. She was very giddy when Nick granulated from the Police Academy, "Man he looked so handsome and fit".
Judy returned from her Jog, she realized that she was in need a shower. After returning to her apartment, Judy stripped down and headed for the shower. While she was in there, a thought popped into her head
"Maybe I could ask Nick to hangout and get coffee before work" She considered it and decided that it wasn't a good Idea
"He could already be busy, you don't need to bug him" she heard her mind retort.
"But then again, he might not be busy, I should ask him, and if he says no, then well nothing." Her mind was settled.
After getting outside of the shower. Judy picked out her well pressed uniform and put it on. Once her uniform was secured, Judy picked up her phone and decided on how to word her message to Nick.
"Hey Nick, Umm how about your smashing hot figure and me go grab a coffee."
"Umm way way way way way to straight forward"Judy thought as she erased the message, blushing like crazy thinking about Nick and his smashing hot figure. Judy decided that she needed to be serious. After Judy's blush had gone away, she was able to compose a better response.
"Hey Nick, I was wondering if you were free to grab some coffee before work?" Judy looked at the message, it got to the point, doesn't mention his smashing hot figure, and simple.
"Hopefully he says yes" Judy thought as she pressed send.
Judy heard her phone ding, at first she was certain that he had said no. She was almost afraid to look her phone. Judy's worried expression faded immediately as she read the text.
"Sure thing Carrots, do you want me to meet you there?"
Judy was ecstatic, "YES!" she yelled as she jumped up and down. Once she was able to get back to her usual composure, she realized that Nick was waiting for a answer.
"That will be perfect, I'll see you there in 20 minutes." Judy hit send and set the phone down. She was beyond excited that Nick was able to get coffee with her. "Just play it cool, yeah. Oh my, I got to get going if I'm going to get there on time" Judy said to her empty apartment as she looked down at her watch. Judy grabbed her phone and headed out the door for the local coffee shop where Judy and Nick would regularly get coffee.
While Nick was on his way to the coffee shop, he contemplated on confronting Judy at the coffee shop. He eventually decided on against it because it was a public setting and this matter of him and Judy was private, very private.
Judy arrived not a minute too soon, panting and breathing heavily. Nick was casually waiting outside the entrance when she showed up.
"Hows my favorite bunny doing this fine morning?"
"Nick" pant pant "I'm the only bunny you know."
Nick chuckled and motioned Judy to follow him, "Come on, lets get our coffee and head to work."
Judy and Nick walked into the Coffee shop, Nick ordered a black coffee with creme, with a blueberry muffin. Judy ordered her usual decaf. Judy reached for her wallet in her purse, but Nick was faster. Before Judy could realize that Nick was going to pay, Nick paid and tipped the cashier. "Nick, you didn't have to do that, I could have paid" Judy wined, grateful that Nick was so sweet towards her. "Oh it's no problem Carrots, my pleasure." Nick and Judy didn't even make it to the ZPD when disaster struck.
Judy noticed a notification on her phone, she glanced down to look at it and not realizing that Nick had stopped in front of her drenched Nick in coffee. "OH MY GOD NICK I'M SORRY!" Instead of getting mad, like he was going to do. He decided that he should just play it cool, "You just love soaking me in coffee don't you." Nick said as he chuckled. Judy grabbed the napkins she had tucked in her pocket and started wiping Nick's shirt. The coffee just so happened to run down the front of his shirt as Judy's paw glided over Nick's nice chest like figure. Judy realized that Nick was staring at her with a smirk. Judy realized that her paw was dangerously close to Nick's lower extremities. Upon realizing this, she quickly pulled her paw away while trying to avoid the blush that was turning her ears pink and she was failing, miserably.
Nick noticed that worried expression on Judy's face. "Carrots, it's no big deal. I can take a quick shower at work before roll call."
"I know that, but you looked so good and now I have ruined your outfit."
Nick only heard "you looked so good" because his train of thought stopped after hearing those words.
"So you thought I looked good?" he said with a smirk
Judy then realized she had let that slip. "OH SWEET CHEESE AND CRACKERS!" Judy thought to herself. She had just told Nick that he "looked so good". Judy was hesitant to answer. She decided to play it cool.
"Well, of course. It looked like you had put a lot of effort into your outfit and I sadly ruined it."
"Like I said, it's no problem Judy, we are almost at the station anyway." Nick said with a smile, he just couldn't stay mad at Judy. Nick decided to be funny, he decided to pull Judy in for a hug, a nice sticky hug."Besides this is good payback"
"NICK!, LET ME GO!"Judy said as she tried to escape Nicks grasp. "I don't think so carrots, this is fun" Nick replyed as he tightened his grip. Judy realized that she was no match for his strength. But she realized a kick to certain area would get him to release her easily, however Judy had a different idea. She embraced Nick's Sticky hug as best as could. She could feel her fur and Nick's damp fur starting to stick together. She loved this feeling, Nick's embrace gave her a sense of security and belonging. Nick was surprised by the gesture, but played along. When Nick went to pull away, Judy only squeezed him harder. "Carrots, CAN'T BREATHE! CAN'T BREATHE" she heard Nick recant. Judy decided that Nick needed some air and she let go.
"Well Carrots, you sure give one heck of a hug. Thanks to you,(He Winked) we need to get to the station and shower."
Judy realized that they needed to get to the station if they were going to shower and make roll call on time.
"I'll race you there" Judy banted
"Oh your so on" Nick barked.
"Hey look at the mess on ground you made" Nick continued.
"Whaaat?" However when Judy looked back up to Nick to ask him what mess he was talking about, Nick was now about two blocks ahead of her.
"Hahahaha, sly bunny!" He Yelled.
"NICK!" She yelled back at him, running as hard as she could to catch up to him.
Judy was able to catch up to Nick, but was unable to beat him to the ZPD. She however was seconds from beating him. Both her and Nick raced through the door and headed for the showers. "I Win" Nick said, catching his breath. Judy was doing the same thing. "Yeah, cause you tricked me" "Well you were silly enough to fall for it." Nick replied smirking.
"I'll see you in a bit." Judy replied
"Okayyy, don't have fun without me." Nick replied with his casual smirk as he disappeared for the boys part of the ZPD Locker room.
Judy was glad that Nick was around the corner when Nick said that. She felt a major blush creeping onto her cheeks. She imagined for a second of Nick and her in the shower together. Judy brushed away the thought. "Judy, you can't be thinking of Nick like this. He is your friend and he has a girlfriend." She said to herself as she headed into the ZPD locker room to shower. After a second cold shower of the Day, Judy emerged fresh and squeaky clean. Nick emerged minutes later smelling so good. Judy loved his natural scent.
Judy and Nick headed for roll call and got their daily assignment of patrolling a rough neighborhood. While Judy was listening to bogo, she realized how close she was to Nick, like their sides were touching. After roll call, Judy and Nick headed were heading for the patrol car when Nick stopped. "Hey Judy, I forgot something in my locker, I will meet you at the cruiser."
"Do you want to meet me out front? Would that work best?
"Okay, Ill meet you out front." Nick replied
Judy and Nick parted their separate ways, Judy went to the police cruiser and Nick went back to his locker, to snag a certain carrot looking item. Once he grabbed said item, he stuffed it into his pocket. Where Judy wouldn't be able to see it. Nick raced out of the locker room and outside of the ZPD to meet Judy outside.
"You ready?" Judy asked as Nick climbed into the cruiser.
"As ready as I will ever be." Nick replied.
Judy's patrol with Nick was going good as usual, nothing much than sitting in the car, monitoring the Neighborhood for suspected drug activity. That was until Nick's stomach made a noise that made Judy almost giggle. "Nick are you hungry?"
"You know me too well Carrots. Can we get something to eat." Nick asked, rubbing his belly.
Nick and Judy decided to get something to eat. Both hadn't eaten since breakfast and were pretty hungry. They both decided on a fast food joint and would eat in the cruiser. After grabbing their meals, Judy and Nick got in, locked the cruiser and started eating their meals. Judy thought of a way to strike up some conversation."Hey Nick, are you sure your girlfriend won't mind you hanging out with me tonight? Cause if she does, its no big deal."
Nick had realized he hadn't told Judy yet that had gotten dumped.
"No no, she won't mind a bit. I uh kinda don't have a girlfriend anymore..." Nick said quietly.
"WHATTTTT!?" Judy said as she spitted out her drink.
"Yeah she broke up with me" Nick said, finishing the last bit of his burger and pretending to be sad. His plan was working
"OH NICK I'M SO SORRY" Judy said as she got up from her seat and sat in his lap. Nick couldn't understand what was happening as Judy gave him a hug, a big strong hug. Nick liked seeing this side of Judy. Nick returned the hug and the both of them just sat there, in each others embrace. Judy silently was jumping for Joy. She hated Nick looking so sad, but she was glad that it hadn't worked out.
"Well he is single, I could tell him" Judy thought "and risk everything we have. Plus he probably wouldn't want a relationship right now. I got to time this right."
"Do you want to talk about it?" She asked him.
"Not much to talk about anyway, she dumped me and quite frankly i'm glad that she did." Nick knew it was now or never. "I'm glad because I realized that I liked someone else."
"Oh..." Judy said as she broke the hug and returned to her seat. "Well i'm screwed, Nick just told me he likes someone else, I'm so glad I didn't ask Nick" she quietly thought. However things were about to take a drastic turn.
"Hey Judy? Can I ask you something?"
"Of course Nick, you can ask me anything"
"Well, um, you would say that we make really good friends right?"
"Of course slick, the bestest of friends."
"So you trust me right, you would tell me anything?"
"Of course Nick! Your the best partner I could ever ask for, I trust you with my life."
"Well see that's the thing, I don't believe you."
"What the? What do you mean you don't believe me?"
"I'm saying that you aren't telling me the whole truth, your hiding something."
Judy was starting to get nervous and somewhat scared, she had not a clue what Nick was talking about.
"Nick I have nothing to hide! I'm not hiding anything."
Nick reached into his pocket and pulled out the pen. He knew this was a long shot, but he needed Judy to see how stupid she was being.
"Wait is that my carrot pen?" Judy asked, curious as to why Nick would have it.
"Judy, the other day I over heard something you say, something that I probably wasn't suppose to hear. "
Judy looked at Nick like he had grown a second head. "What the heck is he talking about?" Judy thought. "OH NO! NO NO NO NO NO, that surly can't be what he is talking about", her mind thinking about her chat with Clawhauser.
"and that is!?" Judy said, scared to death of what could be recorded on that pen.
"Let me jog your memory." Nick said as he pressed the button and that's when Judy's world came to a screeching halt.
Well that's the end. I'll see you in the next chapter... JUST KIDDING! :) Hope you enjoy part 2!
"Its because I'm in love with him" the carrot said. Judy eyes grew wide, and then before Nick could even blink. Judy screamed and bolted out of the police cruiser.
"OHH MY GOD, OHH MY GOD! I HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE." Judy thought as she raced down the street, a fox hot on her tail. Judy was crying, and running as hard as she could. "Well my friendship with Nick is over, he hates me and now... I'm truly alone." She found a empty abandoned building about 7 blocks from the police cruiser. Judy raced inside and found an empty room. She got inside, locked the door, and backed herself as far as possible away from the door. Judy cried her heart out, she let it all pour out. "Well now that my friendship with Nick is destroyed, considering he knows how you feel towards him. I guess the feeling isn't mutual." that thought made Judy cry even harder and hyperventilate because in her mind, she had just lost the only true friend she had.
Nick had lost sight of Judy, she had bolted so fast that he was only able to see where she was going. He kept yelling "JUDY!, JUDY, WHERE ARE YOU, I JUST WANNA TALK!" Nick fine tuned his ears and listened carefully, he heard crying in the distance, and he figured that was Judy. When Nick came around the corner, he noticed an empty building with crying coming inside it. Nick carefully made his way into the building and followed the noise. He eventually came to a door and he knocked, the crying went away.
"JUDY!? Are you in there? I need to talk to you"
"GO AWAY!" Judy hissed through the crying and the tears.
Nick heaved his strength to barge through the locked door, Judy's head was in her knees and since she was crying so loudly, she didn't hear Nick come in.
Nick thought seeing Finnick die in front of him would be the worst thing he would ever see in his life. Well he was wrong, seeing Judy in such a horrible state sent a horrible shudder through his bones. Nick quietly walked up to Judy, speaking in a soft voice, letting her know that he was there. "It's okay Judy, im not mad at all, can we just talk?"
Nick sat down right next to Judy, who was still crying. Nick reached his arm around her and pulled her into a hug. Judy feebley tried to push him away, but failed.
"Judy... Lets talk about this okay."
"Please don't hate me Nick. I don't want to loose your friendship, can we still be friends?,?" Judy replied, through a mouthful of sobs.
"Hate you? Why on earth would I hate you?" he said as he hugged her tighter and soothed her head. "It's okay Judy, It's okay, its okay." he kept repeating.
"Well you now know how I feel towards you, and its obvious that were only friends, I thought that you would be mad." Judy replied
"Of course not, Why would I be mad at you for admitting your feelings? And who says the feeling isn't mutual?" Nick asked, in a soft and guiene tone. Judy couldn't believe what she was hearing. Did Nick like her? Love her? Only wanted her and Him to be friends? The suspense was killing her.
"Sooo, does that mean you like meeee? Judy asked, scared to death of his answer.
"No, I don't like you, I love you, you silly rabbit" Nick said as he looked into her beautiful eyes. Judy couldn't believe what she had heard. Nick had not only known that Judy was in love with him, but confessed his feelings toward her. All of a sudden she saw Nick with his eyes closed lean towards her. "THIS IS REALLY HAPPENING!, THIS IS REALLY HAPPENING! HE IS GOING TO KISS ME!" Judy exclaimed in her head. Judy and Nick were about to close the distance until Nick's phone rang.
Nick, looked frustrated turned off his phone without looking at it and shoved it back into his pocket. "Okay, lets try that again" he said smirking. Judy giggled and closed her eyes, Nick did the same, and finally, their muzzle's met.
All of Judy's worry, frustration, and jealousy vanished as soon as her lips met Nick's. His lips were very soft as she pulled him closer. Nick's tongue rubbed against Judy's teeth and she was ecstatic, she had dreams of this happening and boy, the real thing felt a hundred times better than any dream. Judy opened her mouth as his tongue roamed her mouth and her tongue roamed his.
After about 10 minutes of making out, Nick was the one to break from the passionate kissing session. Judy was a little bummed about Nick cutting it short, but was content about Nick liking her nonetheless.
"so your not jealous anymore?" Nick asked with a smirk on his face.
"No, not anymore" Judy said as she snuck a quick kiss on the cheeks.
"Well we probably better be getting back to work "Nick said.
"Yeah, we probably better. Judy replied as Nick helped her off the ground.
She Noticed that Nick's paw didn't let go of hers. Judy liked that, she gripped his paw, glad that Nick was finally hers. Her and fox returned to the police cruiuser to finish their shifts, occasionally sneaking kisses. "Hey, Nick?"
"Yes Judy?"
"Umm, I was wondering, after work, umm would you maybe want to come over to my house tonight, for dinner?"
"Of Course Judy, But its only kissing okay, I'm not ready for what your suggesting..."
"NICK!" Judy said, punching his arm and blushing like crazy.
"What? I know you love me, and you know I love you. I'm just not ready for that." Nick replied as him and Judy started to finish their shift.
Once they were finished. Judy parked the cruiser and her and Nick walked out of the station. "Hey carrots, I'll see you later tonight" He said as he kissed her on the nose."Okay slick, I'll see you later tonight" Judy said blushing as her and Nick parted ways to head for their respective houses. Both Nick in Judy were in love.
And that is the end. Sorry, fanfiction has been giving me issues lately. Sorry it took so long for a upload. Until the next chapter! Cheers