Disclaimer: I own nothing Total Drama related, or the theme song. I just write FanFiction for fun. FreshTv has all rights towards Total Drama.

Heroes Vs. Villains

It has been one total year since Chris McLean, the host of the Total Drama reality show, had been arrested for dumping toxic waste.

Now, Chef Hatchet walked down the prison hallway with a manilla folder in his hand, following the prison guard. "I'm innocent I tell you! Innocent!" the psycho killer with a chainsaw and a hook shouted, eyeing Chef as he passed. Another inmate with his head bandaged and two colored eyes made a kissy face at the cook.

"The crusty cockroaches have a big lead over the soiled stink bugs!" a voice shouted as Chef's face grew increasingly concerned. "Cram it, McLean!" Came another voice, followed by a harsh laugh.

Chef reached the former host at his cell. He was on the other side of a glass door with a metal frame and a keypad where the handle would be. A picture of Camp Wawanakwa hung on the wall, opposite of the door, and a picture of a Gilded Chris Award hung next to it. Two bobbleheads of Chris and Chef could be seen in the corner of the cell.

"And Lightning slips past Duncan! The heat is on!" yells a crazed McLean, "yeah! Look at that! That's what I'm talkin' about!"

Chef approaches the cell, seeing a cockroach on the ground next to a beetle, being the 'contestants' he was narrating. The cook's shadow overcasts the two insects, and Chris scowls at his former co-host.

"Well, well, well, look who finally came to visit me after a whole year," Chris scowled, his hands on his hips.

"Come on, you finished your sentence for dumping toxic waste," Chef stated. "Whatever," Chris waved him off, "think I'll stay right here, got everything I need, including," he pulled out a cashew with Chef's face carved into it, "Chef 2.0. I made him from a cashew."

The manilla folder slipped through a grate in the door, and Chris looked at it, confused, and grabbed it while questioning, "what's this?"

"Yo contract. The producers green lit another season. So, you in?" Chef asked with an evil grin.

"It is ON!" the host smiled, his teeth twinkling.

Theme Song: I Wanna Be Famous

The opening theme began to play, with a light shooting upwards with a dollar tag attached to it. Another light swung down, visibly shining with being washed. A camera shot up out of a hole in the ground, knocking a roll of paper towels out of the way next to a spray bottle. Another camera came out of a tree, knocking soap and a brush away. The director claps the clapperboard. The camera zoomed past a red helicopter landing, with Chef piloting and Chris holding onto the million dollar briefcase.

Dear mom and dad I'm doin' fine...

The camera zoomed up and down the cliff, into the water below, where Heather and Sierra are tugging a chest back and forth. Eventually they drop it and Cameron along with several immunity idols and Mr. Coconut float out. Scott is swimming away from Fang in the background until a hook snaps onto his swimming trunks and launches him into the sky. Pan up and out of the water where B is in a motorized fishing boat and trying to lock onto Fang.

You guys are on my mind...

The camera zooms into the forest where Scott crashes into Courtney and smiles sheepishly at her while she looks downright annoyed. Zoom out to see Duncan laughing at the sight next to Gwen, who shows a little concern towards Courtney, and elbows Duncan in the ribs.

You asked me what I wanted to be and I think the answer is plain to see...

The camera zooms through the trees to see Trent in a canoe, playing a song to the other occupant, Dawn. The canoe suddenly goes over a waterfall.

I wanna be famous...

Dawn goes over the waterfall with the canoe while Trent falls into the outhouse confessional. The door opens and Heather falls to the ground.

I wanna live close to the sun...

The camera pans over to the two broken logs in front of the waterfall, where Dawn landed. Mike and Zoey show concern towards her and Dawn gasps, pointing at Mike.

Go pack your bags cause I already won...

Panning past the outhouse and zooming into the main lodge, the Robot has tied up a still feral Ezekiel, squirming around, and chucks the pot at him, knocking him unconscious.

Everything to prove, nothing in my way, I'll get there one day...

Zooming out of the mess hall and onto the dock where Jo and Lightning have set up a table and are arm wrestling.

Nananana nananana na na...

Panning past them, Lindsay is applying makeup with her handheld mirror. Sasquatchanakwa taps her shoulder and she turns around, allowing it to swipe her mirror. She shrugs and turns back to her mirror, but frowns in confusion when she notices it's gone.

I wanna be, I wanna be, I wanna be famous...

The camera cuts to seven forms of rafts in the water. On the left was Jo, Lightning, Ezekiel, and Gwen and Duncan. The right side included Lindsay, Mike, Zoey, and Courtney. All of them are holding a dueling stick.

I wanna be, I wanna be, I wanna be famous...

Jo and Lindsay clash, and Jo shoves Lindsay back with no problem. Lightning and Mike clash, and he easily pushes Mike back. Ezekiel and Zoey clash equally, though Ezekiel is snarling the entire time. Gwen and Duncan clash with Courtney, her dueling stick is on fire. The camera zooms into the fire, changing the scene to dark. Mike and Zoey are at the center of the campfire pit, both of them holding hands and looking at each other lovingly. Sierra rises behind them and takes a photo, ruining the moment. The camera zooms out to show all sixteen contestants, as well as the Robot next to Heather, the season's logo flashes.

(Whistles in tune)

The camera fades in on Camp Wawanakwa. Chris McLean is standing at the center of the still damaged dock.

"Welcome to Total Drama All-Stars!" Chris announced, starting his narration, "after my involuntary year long 'vacation', I really need to be in a familiar environment," he continued, putting air quotes around the word 'vacation', and pointing at himself before bringing his hands together, "surrounded by the people I love...to hurt," he added the last part, laughing evilly, "it's a condition of my parole, except for the hurt part, eh, that's all McLean," he stifled back laughter, pointing at himself.

The host started down to the edge of the dock where the silver Drama Machine was holding the million dollar briefcase. It watched as Chris walked down the dock, narrating, "so, I'm bringing back sixteen TD All-Stars to battle it out in the most dangerous, death-defying competition, ever!" he narrated, putting an expression on the word 'ever'.

The Robot opened the briefcase, lifting it into the air to show the camera the bills inside. The whirr of helicopter blades could be heard as they blew away a small amount of the bills.

"And here they are now!" Chris announced, pointing to a military helicopter that flew above the water by several feet. "From Revenge of the Island," he continued, "say hello to Multiple Mike!"

The door opened, revealing a nervous looking Mike as he stared down at the water below. A dark muscular arm suddenly pushed him out of the helicopter as Chris continued narrating, "AKA, Chester," Mike gasped, turning personalities into Chester, "Svetlana," he gasped again, changing into Svetlana as they fell, "Vito," Mike gasps again, his hair slicking back to signify his change into Vito, "and, Manitoba!" Mike gasps, seemingly turning to normal when his yell of "crikey!" gave him away as the Australian personality.

"Mike's crush, pushover, turned powerhouse, Zoey!"

Zoey gasps on the helicopter for her boyfriend's concern, and dives after him, "Mike!"

"Athletic, non-supporter, Lightning!"

Lightning, still with his white hair, shuffled to the door and looked out, "you call that a dive? Watch this, sha-AUGH!" he got into position, only to be kicked out by a black combat boot before he could finish his sentence.

"Thoughtful silent guy, B!"

B walked to the door, his hands in his coat pockets, and jumped out.

"Bubble boy, brainiac, Cameron!"

Chef appeared in the doorway with the nerdy bubble boy in his grip, holding him by his hoodie.

"This is highly illogical!" Cameron yelled as he was tossed out of the helicopter.

"Aura reading, beetle whisperer, Dawn!"

Chef appeared at the doorway again, holding Dawn by her sweater collar. She looks at Chef, with concern in her voice, "you felt unloved as a child, you poor soul."

Chef's eyes go wide under his shades, and quickly drops Dawn into the water below before going back for the next contestant.

"Challenge throwing, dirt farmer, Scott!"

Said dirt farmer was clinging to Chef's leg as he tried to shake him off. Eventually he just grabbed him by the head, and tosses him out instead, letting him fall, screaming.

"Bossy bruiser, Jo! Who dominated until her underling turned on her," Chris narrated, laughing at the fact that someone like Jo was bested by someone like Cameron last season.

Chef attempted to shove Jo out of the helicopter, to which she put her foot against the door frame, keeping herself from being launched out. She successfully pushed Chef back and pointed at Chris on the dock, "You're a dead man, McLean!" Chef suddenly body slams her, knocking her into the water below.

The host chuckles at Jo's fall before turning back to the camera, "and, from our original cast," he smiled, "cranky, know-it-all, CIT, Courtney!"

The military cook held Courtney up by her leg, upside down above the water. She pointed at Chef, "this is not in my contraaaaacccctt!" She yelled as Chef dropped her before she could finish.

"Courtney's bestie, turned boyfriend stealer, Gwen!"

Chef reapproached the door frame with Gwen slung over his shoulder, and threw her out.

"He wasn't her boyfriend at the tiiiiiiime!" Gwen shouted mid-air.

"Broody bad boy, Duncan!"

"Bring it on!" Duncan shouted, crossing his arms and hardly looking like he cared as he fell.

"Musician with a crazy number nine obsession, Trent!"

"It was just my lucky numbeeeerrrrrrr!" Trent defended as he fell through the air.

"Devious diva, Heather!"

"I hate Chriiiiiisssss!" Heather declared as she fell through the air, her hair back to it's normal length and tied into a ponytail.

"Lovable lame-brain, Lindsay!"

Lindsay fell through the air, flapping her hands as if she were flying, "I'm flying!" she announced happily before realizing what was going on. She stopped flapping and started screaming.

"Superfan, Sierra, Total Drama's number one stalker!" He quickly catches himself, "uh, blogger!"

"For Cody!" Sierra announced on the helicopter, and jumped, her hair was now grown back to a short length. The contestants already in the water scattered as Sierra cannonballed, creating a massive splash.

The host continued with a malicious grin, "and, feral freakshow, Ezekiel!"

Chef held the animal-like teenager by the hood, cuts and scrapes along his arms, sweat visible on his green tank top, and rips on his jeans and tank top. Ezekiel now had a metal collar on him for unknown reasons. Chef quickly dropped him while the contestants in the water gasped. "What?" Lightning asked, later then the others. The feral teenager splashed into the water, causing the others to quickly swim away.

Chris sighed and smiled, "man, it's great to be back."

The contestants washed up on the shore of the island while the sadistic host approached them, or in the Robot's case, wheeled over to them, "greetings, old friends," Chris smiled.

Heather coughed up a starfish and tossed it over her shoulder, "I am NOT your friend!"

Lindsay walked over and hugged Heather's head, "aw, somebody misses her honey-bunny."

"Who? Alejandro? As if!" the queen of mean promptly shoved Lindsay off her and to the sand before continuing, "I'm glad he isn't back, that handsome jerk."

Courtney walked over to Chris, visibly annoyed, "you're gonna pay for my dry cleaning!"

"No I'm not," the host taunted before pulling out a huge stack of papers, "New contracts, 'member?"

Confessional: Courtney

"Same old Chris, same old disgusting island," she flicked a fly with her finger, splattering it against the wall. "What was I thinking?"

"In fact, we've got a lot of big changes for this season!" Chris announced. "For one, the island is now, 100%, toxic waste free!" The contestants, specifically the Revenge of the Island contestants, sighed in relief.

"That's a relief," Zoey smiled, looking at Mike and Cameron, who smiled back.

"Getting back to me now," the host frowned at Zoey. "I've upgraded your accommodations."

The Robot wheeled over a flat screen as Chris walked over next to it.

"This year, the losers still have to sleep in the crappy old cabins…" the contestants all groan. "But", he continued, "but, the winners get to stay in the all new, eco-friendly, McLean Spa Hotel!" As he spoke the TV camera zoomed out to show said spa hotel, "complete with butler, hot tub, and twenty-four hours masseuse."

Hearing this, Mike, Cameron, Scott, and Heather cheer.

"And in honor of your All-Star status," he continued, "I'm dividing you into teams based on your past performances. Heroes, versus Villains."

Confessional: Heather

"Obviously, I'll be on the Villains team," she bragged, "and I'll be running it by lunch!"

Confessional: Gwen

She sighed, "Heroes versus Villains? Guess Duncan and I won't be on the same team...unless Chris considers Duncan a Hero." She snickers. "Yeah right."

"Heather, Duncan, Courtney, Lightning, Ezekiel, Jo, Scott, and Gwen," the host narrated as the Robot wheeled Gwen over and dropped her beside Duncan, "from now on, you are the Villainous Vultures!"

"Sha-team!" Lightning cheered.

Ezekiel just snarled at the name.

"What!?" Gwen asked, shocked and confused. "Why am I on the Villains team!?"

"Because you stole my boyfriend and became the new Heather!" Courtney angrily replied.

"Yeah, what she said," Chris agreed, jabbing his thumb in Courtney's direction.

"But I have a better question," Courtney stated, looking at Chris, "why am I on the Villains team?"

Chris frowned at her, glaring. "Suing my show, nearly killing Owen, Tyler, Cody, and DJ, do I need to elaborate?"

Courtney huffed, crossed her arms, and looked away.

"But I've done so many good things," Gwen continued complaining about the team she was chosen for, "I'm not a Villain, I'm nice!"

Duncan put his hand on her shoulder, "Being bad is cool, and now we're on the same team together, so that's good, right?"

"I guess," Gwen mumbled, making Duncan frown.

Confessional: Duncan

"Aw man, I only came back for Gwen! She better not sulk the whole time, or I might as well be dating Courtney!"

"Mike, Zoey, Cameron, Trent, B, Lindsay, Dawn, and Sierra," the Robot wheeled Sierra over, skidding to a stop. "You're the Heroic Hamsters!"

"Awwww," Dawn smiled.

"Pardon me but, how are hamsters heroic?" Cameron asked, his finger outstretched.

"It was that or the 'Heroic Hippos'!"

"Oh," he lowered his arm slowly.

"Wait minute, why do we get an animal and they get all normal people!?" Jo complained while Ezekiel growled.

"It was either him or Noah, and Noah didn't wanna come back to do reality TV, so, that left him. I mean, I didn't want him back, but I needed someone."

"Why not Alejandro?" Trent asked.

"Meh, I don't know where he is," the host waved him off.

"This year's challenges all nod to classics from the past, but, with harsh new twists to make this season the toughest Total Drama season, EVER! Your first challenge?" He turned to the Robot, which started a recording of the challenge. "Find the key to the spa hotel, and, you'll do it in a homage to Total Drama's first ever challenge.

"Cliff diving into water, infested with ravenous sharks!" Hearing this, Scott gulps.

Confessional: Scott

"Okay," he started, curled up with his legs to his chest, "so maybe I have a phobia of sh-sharks. Can you blame me?"

Confessional: Dawn

"Poor Scott," she shook her head. "I sense his aura has changed from the way it was before. But now I sense a terrible evil within someone else that may doom us all!"

"Once you dive into the water," Chris began, narrating as a intern was kicked by Chef off the cliff and into the water, " try to avoid the sharks long enough to snag a key, and choose wisely, only one of the suckers is the real deal," he narrated as the camera panned across the key options.

"Assuming you love long enough to reach dry land," he continued as the sharks high-five and the intern, with several scratches all over his body, flops into a yellow carriage, "a teammate will drive you to the hotel in one of the baby carriages on season 3's 'Race Through Central Park'," he walked over to a jeep and jumped in, "first team to unlock the spa door wins, and, someone from team loser WILL be going home tonight. Meet me at the base of the cliff on fifteen minutes, chop-chop," he clapped his hands for emphasis and sat down, allowing the intern to drive off.

"Wait! Shouldn't we change into our swimsuits or something first!?" Mike called after Chris.

"Sorry, no time!" was the reply.

The two teams walked through the forest, with the Heroes pulling ahead a bit.

"So, Sierra, what brought you back?" Cameron asked, trying to strike up conversation.

"I wanna win for Cody, we would've won last time if I didn't accidentally blow up the plane," she rubbed her arm sheepishly.

"Oh yeah," the bubble boy replied awkwardly, "well, your hair grew back nicely."

"Thanks! It's tough to be apart from my man, but it's too dangerous for him here. And I'm sure I can handle it long enough to win the million!" She stated confidently.

Confessional: Sierra

"I miss my Cody-bear, so much!" She sobbed into her hands.

Trent walked alone, thinking how Gwen would do on the Villains team. He was worried for his friend.

"She'll be fine, you know," a petite blonde reassured him.

"Huh?" He looked down at Dawn, who was looking ahead.

"Gwen. You're worried for your friend. Don't worry, Trenton, I can see people's auras, and yours shows no sign of attraction towards her anymore."

"Uh, thanks?"

"You're welcome."

With that, the moonchild walked ahead of Trent, leaving him confused.

Confessional: Trent

"I'm not really sure what happened while I wasn't competing this last year, especially with these new guys."

Heather grabbed Jo by the shoulder and stopped her, allowing herself in front of her. "Excuse me!" She said, snobbily.

"Watch it, Old Heather," Jo retorted.

"You watch it, newbie."

"Guys, just because Chris labeled us Villains doesn't mean we have to act like villains! We're a team! We should work together as a team!" Gwen scolded, only earning sarcastic responses from the rest of the team.

Confessional: Heather

She scoffs. "No way is that gonna happen. I-

Confessional: Jo

"Don't trust-"

Confessional: Duncan

He points at the camera. "Anyone-"

Confessional: Scott

"On this-"

Confessional: Ezekiel

The former prairie-boy just growls at the camera.

Confessional: Lightning


Confessional: Courtney

"Especially those two timing backstabbers wannabe-"

Confessional: Gwen

"I think that went well."

The screen splits into all eight of the Villains with fire behind them as they laugh evilly, except Gwen.

Courtney glares at Gwen from in front of her. Gwen sighs and looks to Duncan, "Courtney keeps glaring at me like she's trying to set me on fire."

"Relax, babe, I'll give her a glare back for ya," he turns and glares at Courtney, who just crosses her arms and looks forward.

"Uh, hello? Courtney? Hey?" Duncan asked, rubbing his neck and looking confused.

Confessional: Duncan

"I'm used to having girls yell at me, even punch me. But blank me? That's...that's just wrong." He realizes what he said. "I mean," he fakes a scoff, "whatever."

The teams arrive on the sand at the base of the cliff. "Greetings All-Stars!" Chris announced, flying in with his jetpack. The sand blew into the teams' faces, making then cough. The host lands in between a red carriage and a yellow carriage.

"Here are your carriages," he explained, "blood red for the Villainous Vultures and, purest gold for the Heroic Hamsters," he gestured to the two carriages. "You have thirty seconds to pick your carriages drivers, starting...now!"

"I'll drive!" Scott gripped the handlebars of the carriage.

"No, I'll drive!" Jo did the same as Scott, causing them to glare at each other.

"Sha-please," Lightning started, walking up to them and pointing at Jo. "You're the slowest go-kart driver ever"

"But I'm also the shopping racing circuit champion!" Jo claimed, pointing at herself.

Confessional: Jo

"No I'm not." She smirks, "I just said that because-"

Confessional: Lightning

"Gotta respect championship status, Jo drives."

"Aw c'mon!" Scott whined as Lightning carried him away.

"But, Jo," Gwen started, walking over to said contestant. "Wouldn't you make a better diver since you're so athletic?"

"Nobody tells me what to do, Goth Ball. And don't even try to kiss me."

Gwen gasps, "What?"

Confessional: Gwen

"After three seasons of kindness, I'm reduced to 'evil kisser status'!? For the last time, Duncan and Courtney were over before he and I started. You can't steal a boyfriend if the boy is free!"

"Ten seconds!" Chris warned the Heroes, who have yet to pick a driver.

"You can do it," Cameron said to Zoey.

"Maybe you should do it," Zoey pointed to Mike.

B raised his hand, but Dawn was the only one to take notice of it.

"B would like to be our driver."

B walked over to the yellow carriage, which was across from the red carriage, which Jo was using.

"Okay, everyone but Jo and B, up the cliff you go."

All of the contestants make it to the top of the cliff. Lightning skid to a stop in front of the already waiting Chris. "Sha-first!" He cheered as he stopped. He looked back at the rest of the contestants making it up the cliff.

Mike, Zoey, and Scott peek over the top of the cliff, the familiar grey shark, Fang, waved at them from down below. Scott yelped in fear. "Fang!" They all shouted in unison.

"Who?" Gwen peeked over as well.

"Who's the best key spotter, and, who's dead in the shark infested water? Find out when we return on Total! Drama! All-Stars!

Commercial break.

After the break, the teams were lined up in the order they would jump. "Places, people! It's diving time!" the host announced.

The Heroes order was Dawn, Sierra, Lindsay, Mike, Zoey, Trent, and Cameron. The Villains order was Lightning, Courtney, Duncan, Gwen, Scott, Heather, and Ezekiel at the back.

Scott grabbed Heather's shoulders and moved her in front of him. "A-a-after you, I-I insist," he stuttered.

"One diver per team at a time," Chris told them, holding his air horn. "The next diver has to wait until their team's carriage returns. Ready. Set." He blew the air horn, marking the beginning of the challenge.

Lightning cheered as he made his jump, "Lightning strikes!" He jumped off the cliff, followed by Dawn.

Fang opened his mouth as Lightning neared. Suddenly, just as Lightning reached Fang, the jock punched him in the nose, sending the two of them underwater. Dawn splashed down seconds later in lotus position. Lightning emerged seconds later with a key in his hand, and spat out water. "Sha-score!"

The jock jumped into the red carriage. "Yes! So long, suckers!" Jo taunted B, who was using his pocket knife and a screwdriver on something in the carriage.

"And the Villains take the lead!" Chris announced.

Dawn swam past the sharks, who were helping a hurt Fang. "Oh that poor ocean dweller! I swear that I will not let this crime go unheeded." She reached the shore with her key and noticed that B was done with the carriage.

Dawn climbed onto the carriage, and B stood on a wooden platform he added next to the wheels. He had moved the wheels further down to the wooden platform he stood on. He turned the handlebars as if he were starting up a motorcycle, and the carriage sped off.

Meanwhile, Jo was running with Lightning in the red carriage.

"Listen, you don't like me, and I, REALLY don't like you."

"What's not to like?" He kisses his bicep.

"You're kidding, right?" She asked, eyebrow raised. "Point is, we're the strongest members of our team. Agree to stay out of each other's way until the teams merge?"

"Cool. But then it's every champ for himself, starting with number one, and that's me," he claimed, pointing at himself.

"Yeah, yeah," she rolled her eyes.

They reached the spa hotel and Lightning hopped out, putting the key onto the lock, but it wouldn't budge.

"C'mon, key. Get in the lock!"

"It doesn't fit, cause it's the wrong key, Brightening."

Just as they started to leave, B and Dawn arrived on the motorized carriage. Dawn put her key in, but the lock wouldn't budge. She frowned and jumped into the carriage again. B started it up again, and they took off.

"B," Dawn looked up at her friend. "I must apologize for voting you off last season. Scott's lies must have clouded my better judgement."

B just shrugged in response, but Dawn knew what he meant. "Thank you for accepting me."

"C'mon, c'mon!" Duncan yelled at the ground below from atop the cliff.

Sierra walked over to them, oblivious to their annoyance. "You know, a lot of my blog readers were mad about you guys hooking up. But I get it. Love is love, just like me and my Cody-wody."

"Yeah, we're just like you guys," Gwen sarcastically remarked.

Courtney growled as they said all of this. She spotted Jo returning, but so did B. She quickly ran to the ledge and jumped off, screaming.

"For Cody!" Sierra jumped off the cliff. "Yeehaw!" She screamed as she fell down the side of the cliff until she splashed into the water below. Mike and Zoey looked at each other with concern, peeking over the side of the cliff.

"Woah. Think she's okay?" Mike asked her.

Down in the water, Sierra punched one of the sharks, and kicked the other's nose. She emerged a moment later, holding a key in her hand that was shaped suspiciously like Cody.

"I found one that looks like Cody!" She cheered.

She cheered as she jumped into the carriage that Dawn was in moments ago. A crack was heard, followed by several sparks flying out of the yellow carriage. B tried to start up the motor, hesitantly, but it sputters, more sparks flying out. He glares at Sierra.

"Oopsies," she winces with a fake smile, realizing what she did.

The red carriage moved across the grass as Jo pushed it. She was attempting to 'persuade' Courtney to allow her to be the team leader.

"Listen up, Psycho in Training. I'm in charge. Get in my way and you'll wish you were never born."

Courtney just scoffs at this. "Are you kidding me? YOU? No thanks, I was a CIT, I should be the one leading this team!"

Before Jo could retort, she realized they arrived at the spa hotel. Courtney leaped out of the carriage and tried the door. She growled and threw the key to the ground. "Dammit! Wrong key!"

As they left, B arrived, clearly out of breath. Sierra tried her key, she frowned at her outcome. "Aww, Cody-key too small! Back we go!"

The super-fan leapt back into the carriage, allowing B to push them back.

B arrived back at the beach with Sierra, noticing that the Villains haven't left yet.

"There's Jo!" Duncan pointed at his team's carriage. He turned to Gwen. "How 'bout a kiss for luck?" He puckered his lips. Gwen shrugged and placed a kiss on his lips. He smiled at her and ran to the edge of the cliff, and jumped off.

Lindsay jumped off moments later, screaming the entire time before she hit the water. Duncan swiped a key off the ground and noticed Fang swimming towards him. He quickly swam up, successfully dodging the attack and jumps into Jo's carriage.

Lindsay emerged a few seconds later and walked over to B. "I got my key!" She handed B the key and started walking away until B stopped her, lifted her up, and put her in the carriage, and began to push it.

"Listen, Short Pants. I'm in charge. Get in my way and I'll make your life a walking nightmare," Jo told Duncan, attempting a similar threaten to what she told Courtney previously.

"Ha! I don't wanna be in charge, but feel free to knock yourself out trying."

"...Really?" Jo asked, eyebrow raised.

Once they arrived at the spa hotel, Duncan entered the key into the lock and tried to turn it. He frowned and turned back to Jo. "No go, it's a dud."

"Way to pick the wrong key, Dud-can!

"Ha! Good one!"


Confessional: Jo

"Wow, somebody who finally appreciates my killer zingers!"

B arrives, pushing Lindsay to the spa hotel. She climbs out and he hands her the key. She looks at the hotel and walks to the door and attempts to unlock it. She frowns and tries to twist the key harder into the lock, only for it to snap off. She looks at the broken key, then at B.

"Sorry, P, but my key didn't work. Maybe they left a window open!" She exclaimed, clapping her hands. B grabbed her by the arm and tossed her back into the carriage, and ran off with her in it.

"There they are!" Zoey exclaimed from the top of the cliff as they saw B and Lindsay roll up. She quickly turned to Mike, who was stretching, and pecked him on the cheek. "Good luck," she whispered.

Mike started babbling incoherent phrases, walking backwards and accidentally bumping into Gwen, sending both of them off the cliff. They both splashed into the water below. Gwen emerged first, spluttering. The two normal sharks rose up, growling at her.

"Woah! Nice sharks!" She tried to defend herself. She turned around to see that Mike had emerged as well, only he was on top of Fang, who was smiling evilly down at Gwen. She gasps.

"Gwen!" Duncan exclaims in fear and panic.

Suddenly, a rock flies in from the top of the cliff, nailing Fang's nose.

"Sorry!" Zoey apologized, spinning the medallion that Mike gave to her in her hand. She hit Fang in the nose again, and then the other two sharks.

"Woah!" Heather commented, impressed by Zoey.

"Cool!" Trent nodded.

Cameron crossed his arms, he too looking impressed, while Lightning just rolled his eyes, his hands on his hips.

"Well after all the times he saved me, I owe him one."

Back on the ground, Gwen and Mike are running towards their respected carriages.

"Hurry!" The goth girl told Jo as she jumped in.

"You think I don't know that!?" She replied as she started off.

"Hey, Mitch!" Lindsay exclaimed as Mike got to them. She jumped off the carriage, allowing Mike on.

Back at the house, Gwen tires her key, but it won't fit. She panics and quickly switches to the other lock, which won't turn. She groans and takes the key out. "Crap!" She turns and jumps back into Jo's carriage.

"How hard is it to pick the right key?"

"Guess you should've been a diver, huh?" Gwen remarked.

B arrives at that moment with Mike. He looks completely out of breath as Mike jumps out and tries his key. He returns moments later.

"No, back we go."

The silent genius turns the carriage around and runs back to the cliff. Back at the cliff, Trent and Heather are standing at the edge. The musician jumps off.

"Finally," Heather spoke, referencing to her turn, jumped off right after. She screamed as they splashed into the water below. Just as Trent hit the water, Fang and the other sharks dragged him under as Heather landed more close to the cliff side.

She grabbed her key and jumped into the Villain carriage, blowing a raspberry towards Trent as they took off. "Sucker!"

Trent groans as he emerges from the water, his face in scratches. Back at the spa hotel, Jo and Heather have arrived. "I haven't been this tired since I ran that septathlon," the jockette spoke tiredly.

"It doesn't fit! C'mon, let's go!" Heather jumped into the Villain carriage and Jo pulled her off back to the cliff.

B arrives at that moment, he picks up Trent and runs to the door with him so he can use his key.

Confessional: B

B just wipes his brow, breathing heavily from all the running.

"It's your turn, man." Duncan told Scott as he clung to a giant rock with Lightning trying to pull him off.

"No! You can't make me!"

"Oh yes I can!" Lightning replied, tugging on him harder.

"Here comes B!" Cameron shouted. Mike gave Zoey a thumbs-up. "Good luck! Not that you'll need it!" He told her. Zoey smiled at him and dived off the cliff.

"You have to dive! It's you or Ezekiel, and I don't know if Ezekiel even knows what the challenge is!"

At that moment, Ezekiel growls at Duncan and runs on all fours to the edge of the cliff.

"Oh-" Duncan began.

"-crap!" Lightning finished.

Ezekiel leapt off the cliff and dived for Fang. Fang smiled evilly as he noticed a shadow coming towards the water. He looked up, believing it was Scott, but was crashed into by the feral homeschooler, sending both of them underwater.

The metal collar around his neck suddenly zapped him, Fang, and the other sharks. After a few seconds, the collar exploded, sending Fang at Zoey, who was paddling towards the shore, which sent her flying onto B's carriage. The motor from the carriage sparked, lighting it on fire, and turning it to ash in seconds! Chris flew down in his jetpack.

"THAT was awesome!" He laughed.

"Um, Chris, what do we do about this?" Zoey asked, pointing at the burnt carriage. B started to sweat with nervousness.

"Ah, don't worry. B just has to carry his teammates to the spa hotel instead."

Zoey slowly turned to B with an apologetic look on her face, Sorry, B."

B shook his head, and offered to pick her up. As he did this, the feral homeschooler washed up in the sand. He groaned and rubbed his head, after a moment, he opened his eyes and looked around.

"The island?" He asked. The other contestants gasped.

"D-did he just…" Sierra trailed off.

"He did. It's a miracle! Ezekiel is normal again!" Dawn smiled.

"What happened to the plane, eh?" Ezekiel asked, confused, looking around.

Confessional: Ezekiel

"So, World Tour was two years ago, eh." He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. "There's a lot of missing pieces, but one thing I don't get is how I SURVIVED FALLING INTO A VOLCANO!?"

B carried Zoey up the stairs of the spa hotel. She put the key into one of the two locks and twisted, opening the door. "I did it? I did it!" Zoey cheered. She hopped on the ground, cheering as B collapsed to the floor in exhaustion.

"The door is open! The Heroic Hamsters win!" Chris announced, flying in on his jetpack.

That night, all eight of the Villains sat down on the stumps in the ground while the Heroes sat in a booth on the wall opposite of Chris and Chef, who were standing by the barrel, it had a peanut logo on it with a red outline.

"Welcome to the first elimination ceremony! How do ya like the new peanut gallery? Ah? Now the winners can watch their opponents give someone the boot before heading back to the to the spa hotel for a deluxe dinner!"

The Heroes cheered at the sound of a 'deluxe dinner'.

"Before we start, I need one winner to volunteer for a special reward!"

Mike turns to Zoey, "Maybe you should do it? I mean you won the challenge for us so…"

"Aww, that's so sweet of you, Mike." She turns to the others. "What about you guys?"

"I'm cool with it," Trent stated. B nodded.

"Yeah, you deserve a reward, Zoey!" Cameron smiled.

"Wait, what are we talking about?" Lindsay asked.

"Zoey! Come here please," Chris told her, annoyed.

She smiled and walked over to Chris. "Now, your reward is: spending the night in exile on Boney Island with all the hungry wild animals!" The Revenge of the Island Heroes gasp.

"W-wait! I'll volunteer instead!" Mike said quickly, trying to stop his girlfriend from being exiled.

"Nope, too late." He turned to Zoey, "on the bright side, a McLean Invincibility Statue is hidden somewhere on the island! Find it, and your golden." He smiles, and scratches his chin. "One of my interns put it there for me. Hm, wonder where he went."

"Be careful, Zoey!" Mike called out as she left with Chef.

"I will! See you tomorrow, okay?" Zoey replied, boarding the Boat of Losers with Chef.

The host continued with the actual ceremony: "This year, you get to vote by placing an 'X' on the eight by ten photo of the person you want to eliminate! Now, get voting," Chris frowned, jabbing his thumb over his shoulder.

Confessional: Jo

She looked at a photo of Lightning, shrugged, and drew an 'X' over his face.

Confessional: Lightning

He crossed out Jo's photo with a smug smile.

Confessional: Scott

He crossed out a photo without revealing the person on it.

Confessional: Heather

She crosses out a photo of Gwen, and glares at the camera.

Confessional: Duncan

"You're bothering Gwen." He stated, crossing out Courtney's photo.

Confessional: Courtney

She glares at Gwen's picture and draws an 'X' over it.

Confessional: Gwen

She looks at Courtney's photo, and bites her lip.

Confessional: Ezekiel

He looks at his own photo, glares, and crosses it out.

"The votes are in." Chris announced. The Robot wheeled over with a plate of marshmallows and handed them over to Chris. "The following people are safe: Heather, Duncan, and Scott." He announced, throwing all three of them marshmallows.

"The rest of you have gotten at least one vote, which means Jo and Lightning are safe." The two catch their marshmallows and send each other silent glares. "The next marshmallow goes to…" He looked over Gwen, Courtney, and Ezekiel. "Courtney."

Courtney caught her marshmallow, and smirked at Gwen while Duncan held his breath.

"Gwen, some people don't like you as much as you thought, and Ezekiel, you have a reputation for not surviving the first elimination ceremony. And the loser is…"

Gwen glanced at Ezekiel, who looked completely calm unlike his other two eliminations. She mouthed 'sorry' to him, to which he shrugged and smiled.

"Ezekiel!" He threw the final marshmallow to Gwen. Courtney growls as Duncan lets out a sigh of relief.

"It was a close one. A three to two to one to one to one vote."

"I don't have to ride that catapult, do I?" Ezekiel asked nervously.

"Nope! This year we have a brand new elimination device!" The host replied, trying to keep himself from laughing.

The Villains stood in front of a giant toilet with Ezekiel in the bowl.

"Behold! The Flush of Shame! Patent pending."

All the Villains were disgusted by the new elimination device to get sent home.

"See you all, eh. There's no way I'm coming back to this show agai-" the homeschooler was cut off when Chris pressed a button, spinning him around the bowl until he was actually flushed, sending water all over the dock and over the contestants, minus Chris, who raised an umbrella at the right moment.

The Villains shivered in disgust at the water over them. Chris laughs and turns to the camera. "Who will be flushed into the history books next? Find out when we return on Total! Drama! All-Stars!"