BeChloeIsLegit Note to Readers: This story is written in collaboration with Thelonewolf06. She started the story (titled "Mascot") and has allowed me to adopt it to continue it (hence, the title "Mascot-Redux"). There are some minor changes to take it in a little bit of a different direction (all with Thelonewolf06's permission of course).
A couple of quick points to make: In this story, the Bellas house was already a thing so all the Bellas live together (even Aubrey). Beca was a Sophomore and she and Chloe had been a couple since they met.
We hope you enjoy it.
"No, Chloe," Aubrey said firmly, looking at the scruffy German Shepherd sitting at Chloe's feet.
"But, Bree, she's cute and homeless," Chloe said cooing at the dog. "We should adopt her."
"He's scruffy and dirty," Aubrey said. "And, I don't know how, but that dog looks too alternative for us."
"First of all, he is a she" Chloe said. "She's a girl. Second, all she needs is a bath and maybe a haircut. Third, when I went to the pet shop the plaid collar suited her the best."
"Oh, so you've already decided we are keeping HER then?," Aubrey said glaring at the dog skeptically and she swears the dog was glaring right back at her.
"Yes, she can be the Bellas new mascot," Chloe said. "We can get her a Bellas scarf to go around her neck and-"
"Chloe, have you even asked everyone else what they think of this?," Aubrey said grasping for a reason for the dog not to stay. "We do live in a shared household."
"We can have a vote on it tonight," Chloe said.
Chloe was confident the vote would go her way. Aubrey was hoping for a different outcome. Once all the Bellas were home, Chloe clapped her hands to get everyone's attention.
"So," Chloe said. "I have something very important that we need to vote on today."
"What is it, ginger?," Fat Amy called out.
"Well, Amy, I have an important person for all of you to meet," Chloe said walking over to the door and opening it.
"Have you found yourself a girlfriend, Chloe?," Stacie asked suggestively.
"You know I could never," Chloe started and then took a deep breath and let it out. "As I was going to say, I'd like you all to meet the new Bellas mascot."
Chloe was waving her hands around for dramatic effect as the dog came slinking through the door. None of Chloe's dramatics was necessary because as soon as they caught sight of the dog the Bellas all squealed with excitement.
"Can I pet her?," Emily asked.
She was excitedly bouncing up and down in her seat, doing everything she could to keep from jumping and smothering the navy eyed dog with affection.
"You can after the vote," Chloe said patiently.
"What's the vote about?," Stacie asked. "We're keeping. . ."
"Her," Chloe added helpfully.
"Yeah, the dog has style and she is rocking that collar," CR said.
"So, it's settled," Chloe said. "We're voting yes to keep our new mascot?"
"Yes," all the Bellas chorus in harmony.
"Wait," Aubrey spoke for the first time. "You can't sing ahh in harmony on three, but you can sing yes without practice?"
"Um," Emily says raising her hand, ignoring Aubrey. "What's her name?"
"Since she now belongs to all of us," Chloe said nervously knowing there would be some arguing. "I thought we could name her together."
"Amy Junior," Amy immediately says.
"How about Bella," CR suggests. "You know, cause she's the Bellas mascot."
"Won't that get confusing?," Jessica asked quietly.
"How about Bee?," Emily suggests. "Like B for Bellas."
The Bellas all nodded their heads in agreement but it was a bark from the dog herself that finalized the decision to call her Bee.
"Okay, ladies," Chloe said cheerfully. "Bee it is."
Aubrey left to go to her room, not that anyone noticed. The rest of the Bellas were too busy showering Bee with affection. Bee accepted the attention with aloofness, acting as if she wasn't enjoying it. That was until Chloe scratched a certain spot behind her ear and her tail betrayed her enjoyment.
The next morning, Aubrey glared at the dog sitting in her usual spot. Aubrey growled but Bee didn't even look up as she was quite content where she was.
"Chloe!," Aubrey yelled. "The mutt is in my spot!"
"Her name is Bee, Bree," Chloe said. "You don't like it when people call you Audrey."
"That's because that's not my name," Aubrey said in frustration.
"Well, 'mutt' isn't Bee's name so she won't respond to it," Chloe said.
"We don't even know her real name," Aubrey said. "It could be 'alt dog' for all we know."
Aubrey was irritated that Chloe had made a valid point on why Bee wouldn't listen to her.
"What makes her 'alternative', Aubrey?," Chloe asked in confusion.
"How can you not see it?," Aubrey says. "The plaid collar. The hole in her ear. She even looks like she's wearing eyeliner."
"It's not her fault she has a hole in her ear, Aubrey," Chloe said. "Maybe someone did it to her in her old home."
Chloe gently scratched Bee behind the ear much to the dog's enjoyment.
"Fine!," Aubrey exclaimed. "I'll just sit in my room on my own then. Some friend you turned out to be."
Aubrey stormed off, slamming the door to her room.
"Don't worry, Bee," Chloe whispered. "She will like you eventually. She just doesn't like change."
Giving Bee one last pat on the head, Chloe wandered off, missing the look of contemplation in Bee's eyes.
The next day at Bellas practice, the girls weren't very focused.
"Okay were going to try this again without any distractions," Aubrey said as she momentarily stared off into space before her mask came back up.
"Aubrey," Chloe said nervously as she stood with the Bellas. "We, um, we've been meaning to ask you something."
"What is it Chloe?," Aubrey asked. "And, make it quick. This group needs a lot of work if we expect to win."
"Well, um, could we maybe change the set list?," Chloe asked and was quick to add. "Not that it isn't great now. But, maybe we could make it more modern or mix it up just like Be-"
"The set list is fine, Chloe," Aubrey interrupted. "We are not straying from tradition."
Bee, who had curled up up under the piano as soon as Chloe let her in, laid there looking bored while quietly observing them. That was until "I Saw the Sign" started. Bee began howling, almost as if she was in pain, causing several of the Bellas to jump in surprise. Emily tripped over her own feet from the sudden howling.
"In my country, that dog would be shot," Flo mumbled under her breath.
As soon as Bee noticed the singing had stopped, she did too.
"Chloe!," Aubrey said frustrated at the interruption. "If we are going to allow that thing to be in here during rehearsal, make sure it is kept quiet."
"Looks like Bee doesn't like signs," Amy snickered.
"Let's try this again," Aubrey said bringing focus back to rehearsal.
But when they started again so did the howling. This happened three more times until Aubrey gave up storming out, calling back that "Bee is banned from future rehearsals." As soon as Aubrey was out of earshot, the Bellas started cheering, thankful that they had escaped rehearsal that day.
As they left, they each gave Bee a pat on the head or a scratch behind the ear. Emily even produced a treat from her bag to give to her. Chloe, however, looked troubled and sat down with her head in her hands. Bee gently put her head in Chloe's lap.
"What can I do, Bee?," Chloe asked as she pet the dog's head. "You're a dog and even you hate the set list. And, even if Aubrey said we could change it, we have nothing to change it to."
Chloe sat there in silence, just thinking about what they could do.
"Oh well," Chloe said with a sigh. "Let's go home, Bee. Thank you for listening. You know you're a good listener. Just like someone I used to know."
Chloe walked to the door with a sad smile on her face. She expected Bee to follow her home like she had before, but as soon as Bee got outside she took off ignoring Chloe's cries for her to come back.
The Bellas were shocked to find out that Bee had run off. Chloe was especially saddened to lose yet another friend who had been with them for such a short time. They were sitting around the Bellas living room when they heard scratching at the door. The Bellas perked up hoping this meant that Bee had come back.
Chloe ran to the door and flung it open. Bee came trotting in and Chloe fell to her knees and grabbed her in a hug. The rest of the Bellas ran over and greeted Bee as well. Bee took all the affection and then dropped what she had been holding in her mouth on the floor in front of Chloe.
"What's this, Bee?," Chloe asked reaching down and picking up a USB thumb drive.
Bee just sat down, looking as smug as a dog can, with an almost smirk crossing her muzzle. Chloe plugged the USB drive into her laptop and clicked on the sound file it contained. Instantly the opening notes of "Just the Way You Are" started. The Bellas looked confused until "Just a Dream" started and both songs blended really well. They started tapping their feet and humming along. None of them noticed that Bee's tail was wagging in time to the beat of the song. When the song finished, all the Bellas stood looking at each other in confusion.
"Where did it come from?," Stacy wondered out loud.
"Maybe someone's boyfriend sent it as a romantic gesture," Emily suggested jumping up and down slightly at the thought of someone being that romantic.
"I don't know about anyone else," CR said thoughtfully. "But I don't know anyone talented enough to produce something as good as that."
"Maybe we could use it for our set list," Chloe said hopefully, looking at Aubrey who had so far been observing everyone else.
"No, absolutely not, Chloe," Aubrey said. "It might be a prank by the Trebles to get us disqualified."
"You really think they would do something like that?," Jessica asked.
"They're the Trebles, Jessica," Aubrey said. "They will stop at nothing to take us down. Plus, they haven't done anything in awhile. I have a feeling they are planning something big."
"Don't worry, Em" Chloe said trying to reassure the young girl, who was looking quite distressed by this information.
"Yeah, Legacy," Fat Amy jumped in. "It will most likely be against Chloe or Aubrey since they're the Captains. Or me, because I like to antagonize Bumper."
Amy then winked creepily at Emily who looked even more distressed than before.
"Okay, on that note," Aubrey said getting the Bellas attention. "We're done. I believe we all have some studying to do. Get to it or we can go rehearse some more."
All of the Bellas disappeared quickly not wanting to be called into extra rehearsal. The only ones left were Emily and Bee. Emily quietly got her homework out taking advantage of the quiet. Bee curled up next to her on the sofa, looking strangely disappointed before she went to sleep.
Bee opened her eyes when she a muffled scream. Her head came up and she saw Emily being dragged out by maroon clad figures. Bee jumped up and followed the group getting outside in time to see them toss Emily in the pool and run away high-fiving each other and snickering. Bee started to go after them when she realized that Emily was struggling to get to the surface. Bee instantly jumped into the pool. She grabbed onto Emily's shirt and dragged her limp form to the steps of the pool and laid her so that her torso was out of the water.
Bee sensed that Emily wasn't breathing and started barking and howling an ear splitting howl to get the Bellas attention. All the Bellas ran out to see what was going on and saw Emily laying face down on the edge of the pool. CR and Stacie quickly pulled her all the way out of the water and laid her on her back. Flo started CPR trying to revive Emily while Chloe dragged Bee away to give Flo space. It wasn't long before Emily coughed up the water she had swallowed. The Bellas gave a collective sigh of relief and patted Flo on the back. Once Emily was coherent and breathing sufficiently, the questions started.
"Who did this to you?!," Chloe asked face red with anger.
Chloe rarely got mad, but when she did none of the Bellas wanted her anger directed at them.
"It was the Trebles," Emily said with a shaky breath.
"What?!," Aubrey growled, but even she didn't match the sound of Bee's growling.
Bee then took off towards the Trebles house with Chloe running after her. She didn't want to stop her; she just wanted to prevent Bee from getting into trouble or hurt. The Trebles were laughing and slapping each other's backs for a prank well done. That was until a feral dog burst in through the back door making several of the Trebles scream. Chloe was right behind Bee and grabbed at her, taking hold of Bee's collar.
"What is the meaning of this?," Bumper asked after he had stopped screaming.
"Your little prank today almost killed Emily," Chloe said glaring at the Trebles.
"Look, Chloe, I'm sure we didn't do whatever you think we did," Jesse said holding his hands up.
"Cut the nice guy act, Jesse," Chloe spat out. "Nobody's buying it."
Bee clearly didn't trust Jesse and stood between him and Chloe. Bee started growling louder as Jesse got closer.
"Look, why don't you call off the mutt and we can work this out," Bumper said in an arrogant tone.
"I don't think so, Bumper," Aubrey said from where she was standing near the door. "You broke into the Bellas house, you kidnapped Emily, you threw Emily into the pool causing her to almost drown. I think we have enough to have you all kicked out of Barden and have the Trebles disbanded. But, unlike you, the Bellas are going to win Nationals fair and square. We're not going to have it handed to us because of problems another team is having. So, here's what's going to happen. We won't call the police, but you're going to apologize to Emily and then leave the Bellas alone."
"And if we don't?," Jesse asked in a cocky tone having dropped the act.
"If you don't," Aubrey said with a smug smile. "I'll have Bee here rip out your vocal chords and then we'll turn you into the police."
Bee gave a strong growl to back up Aubrey's words. Several of the trebles gulped loudly and clutched their throats. Some of them just scoffed, until Bee snarled at them. She had drool dripping from her mouth, which made a very intimidating site, and convinced the Trebles that Aubrey was serious.
"Well, now that is cleared up," Aubrey said with another smug smile. "We'll just be going."
Aubrey gently took hold of Bee's collar and led her from the Treble house. Chloe trailed behind in slight shock. Once they got back to the yard of the Bella house, Aubrey crouched in front of Bee and gently scratched under her chin.
"Thank you, Bee," Aubrey said. "I think I judged you wrong. You are just as protective of the Bellas as I am and that is admirable."
She stood up and brushed herself off. She quickly left Bee and hurried into the house.
"Wow, Bee," Chloe whispered. "You managed to get Aubrey to like you. Better yet, you got her to respect you. By the way, that display in front of the Trebles was pretty badass."
Chloe winked at Bee and headed into the house with Bee trotting after her with her tail wagging.
The Bellas were sitting around the living room. Emily had changed her clothes and Stacie was holding her in her arms, comforting her.
"We have to do something," Stacie said.
"Yeah, get revenge," CR said.
This was the first thing Aubrey and Chloe heard when they got back to the to the house.
"Bear traps," Amy said loudly.
"We can't retaliate," Aubrey said interrupting. "I wouldn't put it past Bumper and Jesse to turn this around on us and get us disqualified."
"I hate Jesse," Stacie said angrily. "I have ever since what he did to-" Stacie's voice trailed off when she saw Chloe's devastated face.
"What did he do?" Emily asked looking at each of the Bellas suddenly sad faces.
Flo was also confused as she and Emily had just joined the Bellas and didn't know what they were talking about.
"It was all my fault," Aubrey said with a heavy sigh laced with sadness.
"No it wasn't, Bree," Chloe said firmly. "It was all of us. None of us stood up for her that night and we should have."
"Sooo, what actually happened?," Flo asked cautiously.
"We kind of turned on a really good friend," Aubrey said sadly. "She changed the set to help us but it threw us off. The last thing I said to her was that she wasn't a Bella."
"What does Jesse have to do with that?," Emily asked quietly.
"He was one of Beca's best friends," Aubrey said. "He got really angry at her changing the set for some reason. He started yelling at her backstage and none of us tried to stop him. None of us tried to defend her. I even remember thinking she deserved to be yelled at. So she ran away because her so called friends had just allowed it all to happen."
"Well didn't she also abandon you guys?," Flo asked. "I mean she isn't here now."
"She isn't here now because she was murdered on the way home from the competition, that we drove her way from," Aubrey said quietly.
"What did Jesse say to her?," Emily asked.
"We don't really know," Stacie said. "We kept our distance from them. At one point she looked over at us and then just turned and walked away."
"We were told that as she was walking home she saw two men fighting," Aubrey said. "She tried to break it up, but, for some reason, both guys turned their anger on her. She didn't stand a chance against the two of them."
Aubrey finished her story quietly with tears in her eyes. She as barely holding back the sobs that were threatening to come out.
"Stop blaming yourself, Bree," Chloe said through her tears. "She had always wanted to go to L.A. to produce music. But her father wouldn't let her. He wanted her to go to college first. He made a deal with her that she had to attend for one year and join a club. And then if after the year she still wanted to go, he'd help her. If she hadn't been forced to be here, she would have been in L.A. So, we can blame her father. Or, we can blame the bus system that wasn't running that late so she was forced to walk back to the hotel. Or, we can blame-"
Chloe let out a sob and Aubrey pulled her into a hug.
"What was her name?," Emily asked quietly looking around at the Bellas.
All the Bellas had tears running down their faces. Chloe tears were falling hard and fast.
"Her name," Chloe said through her tears. "Was Beca Mitchell and I loved her more than anything. And I didn't do anything to stop her from walking away that night. I'll have to live with that for the rest of my life."