Title: Non-Compliant or Just How Angry Was He?

Characters: Harry P., others (pairings as they come, potential slash, just because)

MY Inspiration: Harry Potter (all media forms), ffnet story "Curse of Fate" by Mistress Nika (not complete), multiple Harry travels back-in-time fanfiction stories.

Disclaimer: This is my standard disclaimer; I don't own anything in regards to the sources of MYInspiration. All publically recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

All the characters, worlds, base concepts or general ideas are just a bit food for the writing bug. This story is pure fiction and is in no way meant to copy or reflect real life, events or people, should this happen then obviously it is pure coincidence.

Warning: See author profile for preferred pairing type.

NOTE: Initiated story in 2014-08. At this point I must stress that this is a WIP, but that the muse has left me for quite some time on this story. I've come back periodically, but could never conclude it to my satisfaction.

Author's Note: Superpower Harry story, back-in-time, type. No sequels projected. This story assumes that the readers have read at least the first four novels for this series or are at least familiar with the movies. However everything changes for this story anyway, not compliant with the last three HP novels. May have the Horcrux thing, but I don't know how far or for how long.

Author's Note II: All non-cannon character names, including many house-elf or NPC names come from a random name generator at the following site: www dot mithrilandmages dot com/ utilities/ MedievalNames dot php (remove the spaces and change the word dot). Not many names used in this story will be original to the author, but they will be unique, as the name generator selected from the mentioned web site were either under 'Medieval Names' or 'Modern Names' by gender and country.

Author's Note III: Story began in 2014 with severe editing throughout, still a WIP with an unknown timeframe or any actual conclusion. Read at your own risk for non-finished story.

Summary: Expect the following story type - A "What if", AU/AR and Char. Ooc, still magical world, see CH 1 for in-depth summary - Just how angry was he that his life was not his own, that his future had been irrevocably mapped out and that he was being forced into an unloved machination of a marriage. Well he was angry enough to do the ritual, cast the spell and let his body die on the floor of an unknown cavern in order to go back in time with all his magic, memories and to his much younger body. Yes, it's another HP time-travel and this time he's not going to be compliant or meek, he'll be somewhat powerful and quasi-dark, maybe. Expect some character bashing (not sure yet which ones though).

Speech Legend: (This is the standard by which I write my stories and therefore you will not see this repeated in future chapters)



(…Other Language, ex: goblin, elf, centaur, mermish, etc…)

(...Parseltongue & Stigizoot...)

Harry - James - Potter - Harry - James - Potter

CH 1

As always, an END to one thing is 'Just the Beginning' for another.

Harry - James - Potter - Harry - James - Potter

Oh, he could admit that in the very beginning he had been a very ignorant little pre-teen boy, who'd only wanted what most others his age already had. They had friends and at least one adult that they could trust with their physical and emotional safety. He could admit that he had wanted that so very badly too.

He could also admit that it had been partially his fault as well as the fault of his upbringing that he'd deliberately kept his grades down. He didn't want to outshine anyone at his new school and it had been deeply ingrained to never do better than his older cousin. As no one in the house that he'd been forced to live in would have wanted him to do better than his blood family's precious, pudgy, piggy looking son.

He could even admit that he'd allowed himself to be pushed and prodded along by others in the new and completely magical society that he'd found himself a part of. All of which was thanks to the weird genetics that had come from his parents and their magical ancestors. He'd seen the family or the magical genetic mapping that his mother had done for fun. There were many squibs and full magical humans in her family tree too, not that anyone had known anything about it.

The Wizarding World was a place of wonders. Full of magic and creatures that only seemed to have been dreamed up in the imaginations of very avid daydreamers and muggle fiction writers. Of course some of those writers could also have been squibs banished from the magical world, but their stories were fantastic and magical all the same.

'It's a place of opportunistic backstabbing money grubbers with plenty of people wearing false faces just to get at your money, your magic or both,' he'd thought as he traced another precise line in the cavern floor. It was a place that he'd been to once before where he'd fed his ancient looking Headmaster a potion that had been guaranteed to kill the man quickly and with great bodily torment. The old man been dying anyway, but the guilt of that action had carried over much of his teen years until the day he'd reviewed his family's vaults and their inventories.

'Money grubbing old fart too, I'll show you who doesn't know his ass from his elbow in magical matters. I'll show them all that they can't take away someone's future because they believe that they're doing this for the good of their magical society. Public figure or not, I had equal rights to everyone else and they've trampled on them for the last time.'

Harry Potter, aged twenty-four and known as the 'Boy-Who-Lived and Conquered', had been drawing out an old magical ritual that he'd found and had secretly studied intensively. He had to do this, as the people in his life had been making future plans for him without consulting him.

Plans that he had no choice, but to follow or else he'd be denied access to his inborn magic and his family's money for breach of contract. He paused and remembered the day which had been sometime just after this twenty-first birthday where he'd been informed that he was legally and magically betrothed to be married to one Ginevra (Ginny) Molly Weasley.

That had been the shock of his life as he'd been planning to travel extensively after his post-secondary magical education that he'd taken in magical animal breeding and healing. He had wanted to see the magical world before deciding when to settle down and with whom. The 'whom' was the important part since he wasn't physically attracted to any female body, but to those of his own gender and oddly enough that didn't matter in their magical society. They had potions and legal blood adoptions rituals, but yet for him it mattered because he apparently wasn't allowed to be a 'normal wizard' in this society either.

It had been explained to him that marriages of convenience were needed in order to 'keep the magic in the family name' so-to-speak. He asked them the question, 'What about getting surrogates for that kind of stuff? Muggles do that all the time and I don't see why I shouldn't do the same? I know about full blood adoptions rituals too, why not do that? Those carry the same magical conditions as that of a child conceived naturally.'

That question and the reference to muggles had been met with confusion which had caused him to shake his head. He then had to reluctantly agree with his old and ex-friend Hermione about the backwards nature of their magical society. However the marriage contract had been signed and sealed without his knowledge, but with his wand signature which had caused him to wonder how that had happened for only half a second.

'I've lost track of my wand before and it's not like when shopping with Hagrid that he'd think about needed security for my trunk while at school,' he'd thought. 'It's not like I'd thought about it either. I'm an idiot and should have known that something was going to go wrong especially since they all believed me to be some kind of wunderkind celebrity. I should have studied locking spells at the very least before going to Hogwarts or else should have picked up a lot of different muggle locks to make it harder against those bloody thieves.'

He could freely admit that he'd been stupid in his belief about some of the people that had hung out with him. But he could never fathom the depths that someone would go through to keep him under their thumb and stupid or ignorant about his role in the magical society.

The old Headmaster of his magical school was indeed one of the major culprits that had resulted in him seeking out the only loophole in that infernal betrothal-obligatory marriage contract that required immediate action on his twenty-fifth year of birth or else. The old man had been the one to initiate the contract and to see that it had been witnessed properly by all appropriate magical beings.

Harry had scoured the vaults of his ancestors as the deadline to make those vows slowly approached along with increased nightmares of a shrewish wife. He'd rather have Voldemort nightmares than the ones he'd been plagued with for the past three years of his adult life.

He searched extensively through the Black Family vaults to which he'd been surprised to have learned that he was the full magical heir because of Sirius Black's Will and a surprising blood ritual that had been done when he'd been but a babe. It was a Will that he'd not witnessed, but which had been actioned on his behalf by a sketchy 'Magical Guardian' that he'd known nothing about until the death of Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, his old Hogwarts Headmaster, etc…the old meddler extraordinaire with numerous wizardly titles.

After having learned about several binding contracts that had influenced his life, he'd taken several self-taught accounting lessons in the muggle world in order to get a base understanding of his wizarding accounts. The courses had helped too little too late though, but they had helped.

The processes had been similar and so with a few magical spells that he'd learned on the fly, he was able to suss out the fact that a couple of his personal family vaults had been drained of their gold completely without his knowledge. He'd lost several heirloom pieces too and didn't that make him wonder about his father's precious invisibility cloak and where the old man had truly obtained it from.

'Gold paid to loads of people without my knowledge of it, some was appropriated for the school too,' Harry thought in anger, but he was careful in the strokes of the ritual marks. He had to be careful in this part or else nothing about the ritual would turn out as he'd hoped. His hopes were steadily rising with each mark, but were tempered by precious caution learned under fire. Therefore each stroke of the potion laden brush was controlled and precise.

'How dare he do that to people that had respected him from what I'd been repeatedly told about my parents. They had respected him, hadn't they? Although I sincerely doubt they'd have accepted fraudulent acts for the greater good of the Wizarding World since I know exactly where that money went… flashy custom charmed robes anyone. Charm them yourself you old coot. You didn't have to plunk down my money for those or any other item replacements that Hogwarts had required over the years…anonymous donations my arse! Those were MY VAULTS and it was MY MONEY!'

The young wizard muttered as he continued to make the markings of the ritual that he'd found in the Potter and Black Family Vaults. He'd made sure of his plans. He'd checked his accounts and all paperwork. He'd found out exactly when the Headmaster had declared himself to be the magical guardian of the Boy-Who-Lived. All legalities had been completed by the time he'd turned nine years of age. So he had to ensure that he went back a bit further to prevent all of it.

Luckily the goblins that ran Gringotts Bank recognized a person's maturity based on the age of their magic and not their physical age. They had their own spells and rituals that they used to ensure that a person was magically mature enough to take control of their own finances. This was especially important with families that have large estates and perhaps too many 'cousins' that can contest the outcome of an inheritance.

These rules and bank regulations were in place due to potential accidents of magic. It theoretically prevented opportunists from taking advantage of the unprepared de-aged or over-aged witch or wizard. It prevented those from thinking that someone in their dotage was senile or those that looked physically younger than adult from being thought 'too young' to do any real adult type work.

The goblins were canny and had their own spells and rituals. All of which had been backed by the Ministry of Magic's Laws related to how finances would work in the Wizarding World. That was about one of the only good things that came out of the goblin wars. The goblins controlled how magical money or estates were allowed to be managed from within their banks. Along with a combined standard of magical legislation, no one could change their methods unless goblins were once again invited to vote and affect changes to magical law that pertained to how the magical banks were run.

'This will help me if the age of my magic comes back with me which it's supposed to with this ritual. I'll deal with the Dursleys and the rest of those traitors before they can earn that awful title. At the very least I'll already know how to take care of myself and being magically mature means that I'll be able to do magic without having to attend any damned magical school. Although I know what I'm going to do while waiting to attend one.' He paused to grin at the following thought, 'Maybe I'll attempt to pass one particular O.W.L. before I receive my Hogwarts letter in order to prevent me from having to take Snape's class, maybe do the N.E.W.T.s for it too,' Harry thought grinning hard as he drew the final line. 'I was never that incompetent in that class or in any class. I just let them think so, but that's all over with now.'

He prepared a magical signature dependent leather case, complete with paperwork that would set him free from the Dursleys rule and from requiring any other type of legal guardian, muggle or magical. He'd done his homework well in this matter and was quite prepared to set up a shell corporation or business type thing to be in charge of his money and education, to which he'd actually be the one in charge of everything anyway. As the temporary ward of such a business or 'family' he could effectively leave the Dursleys and do whatever he liked.

'No school letter addressed to me to the bloody 'Cupboard Under the Stairs' thank you very much,' he'd added several rare books to the case. Books that he'd collected after his time at Hogwarts and the whole Voldemort fiasco. He added books of common spells that the average magical child should have learnt at home before continuing with their completely magical education in a magical school.

He also ensured that he carried all the ritual books including the one where he found this particular ritual. 'Can't leave that one behind as I can't have anyone following me back in time after all this work; that'd just be a waste of everything I've set up to change my circumstances especially if someone took it into their minds to do the same thing.'

The leather case was shrunk and attached to thick magical chain around his neck. The chain and case became invisible with the hissed words (…Complete conceal…). It had several standard and non-standard magical protections that he'd placed on it in order to prevent theft, accidental loss or any other thing that would damage it or its contents. Plus it was reliant on his magical signature. It could only be revealed by him and no one else. So even if his wand was stolen anytime in his new future, he could still access its contents.

The man looked to the corner where his bonded house-elf, Dobby looked on with tears in his eyes and twisting his ears from upset. The little magical creature had extracted a magical promise from him to free the house-elf in order to be permitted the choice to re-bond to his precious 'Master Harry Potter Sir'.

"Thank you for everything Dobby," Harry said as he sat in the centre of the ritual pentagram. "Please vanish all the markings and the blood. Also once I'm gone please destroy my wand." He received a tearful nod. He then waited for the right time, for the stars to align and then he placed his hand over his heart and hissed. (…Sectumsempra…)

A large slash cut him through his chest. Blood spurted out and hit the ritual lines as he'd intended. There was no need for chanting in this ritual as it had only required concentrated thoughts during the placement of the markings. Those specialized thoughts had to explain to the ambient magic of the chamber and the Earth's inherent magic why a person needed to go back in time to reverse the current course of a person's magical life.

Luckily for Harry all that inherent magic had been very receptive!

Harry - James - Potter

Meanwhile elsewhere a red-headed woman dressed in traditional white waited. Her hair had been styled just so and her veil contained just the right amount of tiny pink and white diamonds to ensure that everyone would know that her marital match was a good and very wealthy one.

She'd waited her whole life for this moment and had waited patiently for this day to come after it had been revealed to her chosen nearly four years ago. She knew that she'd be getting everything that she'd ever wanted because this was the day that she'd marry the man of her dreams quite literally. He was the man of every girl's dream by now as everyone knew that he was the most magically powerful man in their world.

She smirked and then adjusted her lightly painted lips to a simple pleased smile of nervous anticipation. She stepped out of the private room and made her way down to the entrance area as she waited for her cue to enter the room and walk down the aisle beside her father to meet her soon-to-be husband and magically bonded partner. It was a common tradition in both the magical and muggle worlds by now.

She waited for several minutes, checked her delicately custom-crafted watch that was contained complex magic to make it look like anything she wanted, such as a beautiful bracelet today, and then entered the room with her brow frowning. "Father," she called out softly. "Is everyone ready?"

"Yes my dear," the man said. "But the groom's not out yet."

The woman sighed and said, "I'll just go and see if he's ready. You know he's public shy."

She was secretly irked that she had to walk through the place where everyone was sitting waiting for the marriage ritual to begin; in order to get to her betrothed's preparation room. As soon as she stepped into the hall full of people they had all looked at her with pleased smiles although most looked envious which was something that secretly delighted her.

There was one exception, a small creature, semi-hidden in the shadow of a column had down right scowl. She seemed to ignore all expressions and was magically unaware of the hidden creature.

A small owl flew into the chapel and had dropped a light blue envelope into her hands. Lifting her hands to accept it was Hogwarts habit, ingrained to nearly accept any kind of letter or parcel dropping from a specific height.

"Now's not the time for this," she muttered to the unknown post owl that flew away from her without taking the letter back.

However that letter was very much like a howler, but in this instance as soon as the envelope touched her hands it turned an ominous black with ghostly gray-white writing. She blanched at the sight of it and so did nearly every person in the room except for the pencil-nosed, golf-ball eyed creature that had scowled at her from the shadows.

The face of that creature positively beamed with dark glee at his master's last, most definitely Marauder-like, dark and morbid prank. For it was a prank, make no mistake, and it was one of a very supernatural nature, but he'd also known that someone would laugh gleefully at the final results anyway which is the purpose of a prank well done.

She gulped and knew that she had to open it because it would be infinitely worse to leave such a thing unopened. It couldn't be banished, burned or left unheard. It was just that kind of magical letter. It was almost like a howler except howlers could be gotten rid of before being forced to listen to any kind of howling rant.

Her shaking hands opened the letter and everyone in the room became witnesses to the immediate loss of her precious childhood dream. The release of the seal activated the charms and spells that allowed the writer to speak without fear that the letter would be destroyed or remain unread.

The man that had written the letter had been right in thinking that some people were laughing maliciously at the young lady's current predicament. It was indeed, a very good prank.

Harry - James - Potter

Dear Miss Weasley, (the voice was bland and harsh, but it was a voice recognized by many as belonging to their beloved young war hero since the wizarding radio had aired some of his interviews)

By the time you're reading this or rather by the time you're listening to this, you're probably dressed in virginal white. A colour that I find quite unsuited to you based on your highly promiscuous ways. It's frankly hypocritical of you and an affront to true brides marrying for love whereas you only wanted to marry for money.

My money to be precise and more than likely the title of Lady Potter.

Yes, I know all about your boy-toys since you've always talked about them. You'd never once considered that others may have been reporting your supposedly unknown infidelity to me. I guess I should inform everyone in the room now to the real truth about our situation.

WE WERE NEVER A COUPLE!(The letter had screamed this out loud and the sound of it echoed in the building.)

I'm quite certain that you've gathered all your friends and family to watch what you probably hoped would be the Wizarding World's 'Wedding of the Century'. I bet you've even invited news reporters and had hidden them among the throng of those salivating for a piece of the whole pompous affair. A sure fact of which I'd not be surprised about either, despite my continually repeated requests for them to keep their distance. I sincerely do hope they're enjoying this particularly juicy scoop because it's the last one that those vultures will ever get from me.

Let me express a bit more sarcasm here and say, 'Gee I wonder how they knew where I'd be whenever I tried to venture out in public? I thought I was with family who knew I preferred to keep my personal life private.'

Unfortunately for you, all those magically binding contracts had contained one tiny little loophole that was missed by all magical witnesses and confirmed to me by a very reliable magical authority. Just a tiny thing and yet…well it was loophole that I was quite delighted to find and to which I'd studied extensively and have now employed. So please do not expect me to be there for this marital farce.

Oh and by the way you needn't worry about my money. I've ensured that my Wills for all families under the Ancient and Noble House of Potter and the Ancient and Noble House of Black have been properly taken care of. They are in perfect working order. They have been approved by the highest ranking goblin of Gringotts and have been appropriately witnessed by my own trusted magical parties.

You see my personal Will states in every legally binding way, that all monies, properties, etcetera… will never be managed by you or anyone directly or indirectly related to you, no matter who was responsible for my death.

Therefore I've decided to exercise the only official 'out clause' of our contract and have chosen to end my life today.

My future life with the only prospect of being married to you has been an absolute and quite literally nightmarish thought. Now that I'm exercising the only out-clause at my disposal, all of my newly re-written and magically notarized Wills will be stridently enforced.

So by the time you're listening to this letter, please know that I am truly dead, in the great beyond, off to my next great adventure, etc… and I will fortunately not be there to marry you today or ever!

May you live an unholy life as full of strife as your greedy mother and may your mother's youngest son suffer the same fate as I'm quite certain that he'd been the one to steal my wand in order to finalize the magically authorizing signatures found in that infernal betrothal contract.

Toodles Bitch!

Harry James Potter,

Boy-Who-Lived & Conquered


Happy Days! (…sudden insane laughter followed by lengthy silence…)

(…then in a growling, snarling, extremely angry tone…) Died! July 31st, 2004

Harry - James – Potter

The letter then copied itself and was magically distributed to all of the guests in attendance. The woman in question one Ginevra (Ginny) Molly Weasley collapsed to the floor screaming loudly in denial, a fit of tears and sudden, ugly twisted anger.

She then raged at having been thwarted of her marriage and time to shine. She released a whirlwind of destructive magic which had forced many in attendance to use their own to bind her before she killed someone. Her father looked to his wife with a disappointed expression before he used family magic to bind his daughter to him under very old Patriarch and Head of Family control spells.

Harry - James – Potter

In the end, the above future for the girl didn't really matter as this story is about the Boy-Who-Lived doing some actual living. He was no longer following the above future as set out by magical contracts and the machinations of the greedy.

His twenty-four year old soul had already been delivered back to his past, to a life that would hopefully follow a very different track.

Harry - James - Potter - Harry - James - Potter


NOTE: This idea started as a one-off, what-if story idea of Ginny standing at the Alter and receiving a letter that said that Harry would not be there to marry her for whatever reason. Unfortunately the story grew and drastically changed.

However I would love to see other authors take up that mantle and come up with their own versions for a "Stood Up at the Alter" story idea. Don't care if it's one of the main characters or any minor ones, the stories for this kind of tale are limitless.

Now onto the next chapter of another potentially lengthy what-if, back-in-time story.