A/N: Ha! Frozen is in KH III. It will be set during the movie, unlike this.

I wonder if Sora's there for the same reason he is in this story? I mean, it's already been shown that string Roxas back is one of his goals, so...

Did anyone else notice Larxene mention Elsa(or she, is the word she used) might be one of the seven lights?

Well then…

Published: 6/11/2018

Warnings: Spoiler for a certain trailer every single fucking one of you has already watched :p

Chapter 4

A Good Boy

Standing atop a hill overlooking a complete and utter smoldering wreckage, a blond woman felt like cackling.

Larxene had never been one to deny her baser urges, so that was exactly what she did. Oh! This was great! This was wonderful!

Ah, good Sora. Always such a wonderful puppet!

Larxene produced a special enhanced cell phone. Moogles. Ask them to make it, and they will, regardless of the side you're on. That's capitalism in a nutshell. Makes the world spin.

Her ally picked up on the fourth ring.

"Hello? Larxene? I thought I told you to use this number for emergencies only. What in earth could the Ice Queen have done to warrant a call?" Saix's annoying baritone echoed from the speaker.

"Oh, Isa, Isa, Isa. You have no idea. You just won't believe who's wandering out here, all alone in the cold! And what a wonderful present he left for us too!"

Larxene looked up. Perched atop a hill, it gave her a perfect view. A perfect view of a shattered spacecraft, its pieces embedded all over the snow, and a single solitary trail of footsteps leading away.

Larxene had lucked out, really. If she'd found this wreckage only minutes later, she was sure those footprints would have been wiped utterly clean. As it was, she recognized those ridiculously clown sized prints.

"I told you not to call me that, Larxene." Saix emphasized. Larxene rolled her glowing orange eyes. "And what do you mean? Who have you found? You failed to convert the Ice Queen to our side, if you fail to remember. All t took were a few sweet words from her… What was it again? Sister?"

Larxene did not need to be reminded. The Ice Queen might oppose them, for now, but Larxene was sure they'd convert her in the end. Love, friendship, sisterhood?

Larxene knew all too well that such things shatter and fade, breaking into nothing, as they should.

So, Larxene ignored the latter part of Saix's words, and instead giggled.

"Little Sora took the baiiiit. Little Sora came all alone. Little Sora brought us a nice little Gummi Ship, crashing it all over the mountain side! Isn't Little Sora wonderful!?"

Larxene clapped her hands together, mirth shining in her eyes.

Silence echoed on the other side of the line. Then, Larxene jumped, nearly flinging the phone away in shock as Saix barked a laugh.

Saix and laughing did not belong in the same sentence.

"You're right, 'Little Sora' is a wonder. Yes… Yes, this will be a wonderful opportunity to at last regain what is lost."

Larxene grinned.

"... You mean?"

"Our Thirteenth Brother shall join us soon."

Larxene tossed her head back and laughed.

Ah. What a wonderful, happy happy day.

Meanwhile, Sora and Jack continued to trail along the mountain. Sora personally was enjoying it. If traveling to other worlds had taught him anything, it was that sightseeing was the best.

At the rate they were going, they'd probably reach Arrendale pretty soon. Hell, they could see the place. One big thriving city among all the snow.

Arms crossed behind his head, a relaxed smile on his face, Sora turned towards his companion.

"Hey, Jack?"

Jack turned, looking towards Sora.


"Do you know anything about the Rock Trolls that supposedly live here?" Sora asked.

Those little gnomes were literally Sora's goal, after all. Well, goal if they could deliver what Merlin said they could.

Memory magic.. The very idea made Sora's skin crawl. He really did not want to lose another year of his life, thank you very much. Still, though…

If this is what it took to save Roxas and Xion, then… Then, it was worth it. It would be worth every bit.

Jack's face scrunched in confusion.

"Rock Trolls? What are they?"

Ah. So Jack didn't know. Sora supposed that meant it would be up to him to explain, then.

"They're these small little rice crispy looking guys," Sora mimed what he thought was a good description of rocks died together by a toddler with his hands. Jack's expression did not agree. "Anyways, that isn't important." Sora waved off. "They can apparently manipulate people's memories. They can draw them out, seal it into stones and what not."

Jack suddenly came to a grinding halt. If Sora hadn't been paying attention, he'd of strolled right past the other. Pausing, Sora looked back.

"Er, Jack? You okay?"

Jack's face had gone entirely blank. Blank, as frozen as the icy tundra around them. The grip the Sprite had on his staff tightened, to the point Sora feared the wood would splinter apart.

"Hey, Jack?" Sora took a step.

Jack finally met his gaze. Had Sora been any other, he'd have flinched at the coldness in them. As it was, Sora had faced and dealt with worse.


"These… Memory manipulator. Why are you looking for them?" Jack demanded.

Sora's eyebrows arched at the tone. Well. It sounded like Jack had some history with the whole memory magic thing then, even if he had no idea what the Rock Trolls were.

Well, Sora supposed there'd be no harm in being honest. He saw no point in lying, so he decided to go with the truth.

"I… Lost a year. Memory magic." Sora explained. Jack flinched at that, face instantly going apologetic. "Which, honestly, I kinda don't mind cause apparently I was put under for it, but… Waking me up too a price. See, I couldn't wake up because my memories were somewhere else. With someone else. Someone important. To wake me… They…" Sora face twisted in pain, and he looked away.

Roxas… Roxas had been full of so much pain. So much anguish. It was practically brimming from him, boiling outwards. It had hurt. It had hurt so much.

Sora could still feel it, in the back of his head. In his heart, thrumming outwards.

Jack eyes had gone wide.

"They… Were put to sleep in your place." Jack guessed.

Sora shook his head. "Yeah. And no. He… Well, he's here." Sora lifted a hand, placing it across his own heart, the palm splaying across. "He's here, inside me. He's in my heart. We kinda fused."

Jack's expression went from sympathetic to downright bewildered. Sora sighed. Ah well. This is what he had gotten himself into by deciding to be honest. Might as well roll with it, then.

Sora motioned Jack to sit before proceeding to tell the other the details, not leaving a bit out.

Within the confines of Sora's heart, a single blue eye snapped open.