A/N: I hope you like this story, I started it a while ago, when I was trying to challenge myself. It wasn't an easy concept to write, but I managed to write it just the same. I love the character Lorne, and was sad when I learned the actor died in real life. I again hope you like this story.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, or Angel.

One Year Ago

"He's different, he's not mortal?" The witch asked, staring at her mother confused, as they lounged on the sofa. "What is he a green headed Alien?" She stared at her mother, even more quizzically, when she heard the sudden intake of breath, "He's not-"

"Not exactly Alien," The older woman answered, as she removed a photo from her pocket, where there stood a younger version of her mother, with a guy with green skin, and small horns with his arm around her. "His name is Lorne, he was so kind to me, than when your grandmother learned about him. She made me return from university, and get in the family practice here, before I even knew I was pregnant."

"So not only was I born a witch, I am also part alien?" She stood to her feet, and walked over to the book shelf, "I guess I should be pleased, that I got your genes, but it does explain the tint of pink in my eyes. Was that why you had the doctor write a note, so the teachers in my primary school, would stop sending me home from school for pink eye?"

"Yes," The witch stared at the picture, and noticed a slight wave in his caramel hair, and sighed, "It explains why my hair is so crazy."

"Your hair is beautiful, girls would kill for long curls, and your hair color. In fact some woman do pay a lot of money, to have there hair colored that shade of brown," Ms. Granger explained, coming up to stand behind her daughter, and resting a hand on her shoulder, "I wanted you to know, that I told him about you, and what you were going to do to me before you go back to school. I understand it's for my own protection, and I love you for that, but please go to him if something does happen to me alright?"

"Mom, no one is going to know who you are, you'll be perfectly safe with aunt Jenny. I had Kingsley make you fake identification, and put you as deceased on my records to illness, so you'll be safe promise." She kissed her mothers cheek, and handed her the package, "I also promise to go to Lorne, if anything happens alright?"

The older woman smiled as she stood by the door, and blew her daughter a kiss, trying to hide the tears that threatened to leak, "I love you, and please be happy," she whispered as she walked to the waiting taxi.

Hermione stood in the doorway, not hearing what her mother said, after 'I love you', and smiled, "I'll miss you, mom." She turned, and shut the door, before going up to her room to prepare for the war against Voldemort.

The Present

Hermione stood in the entrance of the large building, which read 'Wolfram & Hart' in big letters, with her suitcase resting by her leg. She hummed to herself, something she did to calm her nerves, was happy, or feeling sad. She didn't noticed the small crowd around her, as she marched into the building, straight to the elevator. "Here I go."

Spike stared at the crowd outside the building, noticing how at peace they all seemed, and than at the brunette who just entered the building without noticing him. He quickly rushed into the elevator, before the doors closed, and smirked at the woman, "Aren't we the popular girl?"

Hermione stared at the vampire, already knowing that W&H were known for employing demons, and forced a polite smile, "I beg your pardon, Mr. -"

"Spike," He reached a hand out, for her to shake, actually showing surprise as she accepted the greeting, "Saw the crowd behind you, as you stood out side."

"My name is, Hermione Granger," She just shrugged her shoulders, as she placed her hand into her pockets, and faced forward again.

"'A Winters Tale'," The vampire looked down at the young woman, "Are you here to see a lawyer?"

"Merlin no, can't stand muggle lawyers, who mostly only help those with the most money. I am actually here to see, Lorne." The witch stared down at the small box tucked under her arm, which her mother wanted her to give to the demon, if something happened. "Do you know him?"

"He's an acquaintance of mine, but why would you want to see him, unless you need your aura read," Spike asked, staring at the young woman, who was now staring at him confused, "Does he know you're coming?"

"I didn't have anything to call him with, or any money for those pay phones, only knew where he would be with a tracking spell," Hermione answered, not hesitant since she'd already seen some demons, and knew the blonde was a vampire, "Can you please show me his office?"

"You're not going to hurt him, are you?" The blonde asked, as he pushed the stop button, before the doors opened, "Because if you are, love, there will be a fight."

She waved her wand as she glared at the vampire, causing the doors to open, and quickly stepped out. She turned to the vampire, "If I were really going to harm anyone here, I have ways I would be able to, without even being detected by even a vampire. He would have been dead, without any trace of me, so I would say I don't plan to kill him." She turned towards the direction, which a light gold trail showed, that she could only see since she cast it.

"Awe, so we have ourselves a witch," Spike mumbles as he headed towards Angel's office.

"Did you say a witch?" Wesley asked, as he walked beside the blonde, "Wiccan, or witch?"

"She has a wand," Spike answered, knowing that only true magic bloods, carried a wand for magic. He looked at the other man, "I could smell the raw magic on her, not like with Willow, who mostly smelled like an average girl."

"I wander what a witch would want with W&H?" Wesley played with his pen in his pocket, which was actually a wand, just with a charm on it, "That is interesting, did she say what she wanted?"

"Just something about Lorne," The vampire commented, plopping down on the leather sofa in the boss's office, knowing it drove the other vampire crazy, "We got ourselves a witch among us, Peaches." He smirked at the annoyed glare the dark haired vampire shot him. "Thought you'd like to know."

Wesley sighed as he sat in the armchair, "We should learn why she's here, should be interesting to learn about her education, and about the war they had in there world."

Lorne stared at the young woman, as she barely whispered out a tune to some old tv show, before standing to his feet, "Your future will bring you joy."

The woman smiled before running out of the office, just as another woman entered, with a familiar face. She had hair the same color as his, and her face reminded him of someone a long time ago, well not that long actually.

He smiled politely at the young woman, as he leaned back in his chair, and pointed to a small stage, "What brings you here darling?"

"I am Allison Granger's daughter," Answered the young woman, as she came face to face with her father, who was now staring at her with a look of surprise. She held the box to him, "She told me to give this to you, if something were to happen to her."

"What happened to Allison," Asked the demon, as he took the box from her hands, and pointed to a vacant seat, "Please sit down." He knew that he had a daughter, from them letter his once love sent him, but couldn't believe this beautiful young lady in front of him was his. "You're mother wrote about you years ago, but you're not what I imagined."

"My mother died in an automobile accident, along with my aunt Jenny," The witch answered, as she took the offered seat, and than looked at the demon, "I was surprised when I saw what my father looked like, so I understand your surprise that I am not green."

He smiled as he reached for her hand, and squeezed it in his hand, "You look just like your mother."

"I have your eyes though, at least that's what mom told me," Explained the witch, she summoned an empty glass, and filled it with water from her wand. Than brought it to her lips, not noticing the surprise on the demon's face, until she set her glass done, "Didn't mom tell you I am a witch?"

"She might had left that part out," The Pylean explained, as he stood to go to his vanity, and brought out a closed jewelry box, "When your mother wrote that I fathered a daughter, I went out and bought you a little something, in case I ever got the chance to meet you." He walked back to the young lady, and handed her the velvet box, "I think every girl should have a locket, to know where they came from," explained the demon, as he opened the box for her, "I understand if you-"

She removed the locket from the box, and opened it up to see a younger version of her mother, and a picture of the Pylean inside. She quickly stood to her feet, and wrapped her arms around her father, "I love this, thank you so much. They lost all the pictures I had of my mom, and I thought I would never see her picture again." She wiped the tears that were forming her eyes, as she took her seat again, "I promised my mom, that I would find you if something happened to her, so here I am."

"Here you are," Lorne smiled, as he reached for his daughters hand.

Every rainbow has it's pot of gold, and she was his...

A/N: Who should she end up with, Wes, or a character from Harry Potter?