The reception, like the ceremony before it, was a reflection of the couple being joined. Simple, beautiful, honest, and without pretense. Well, the woman at least. Jester was still a bit over the top, but thankfully he'd been taken firmly in hand by his now-wife; and the party was without jugglers, a mariachi band, a boy's choir, or any sort of petting zoo.

At least, thus far.

Though Pepper would have really enjoyed a mariachi band.

Pepper leaned back to watch the happy couple. Bunny was whispering something in Jester's ear and his face (thankfully free of that horrendous beard) was a bright, tomato red. He had a glazed look about him - yup, Pepper was thankful for her distance from the head table - no doubt Bunny had him firmly in hand.

Theirs was a sweet love story: after learning Bunny was a brilliant event planner, Gunther's aunts had all but adopted her. A few months later she'd met Jester through Jane, and - Pepper bit the inside of her cheek to prevent herself from giggling, but who would chide her for smiling at a wedding? - he'd won her over with an inspired rendition of The Eight Nights of Bunnukkah.

It seemed silly, and maybe it was, but their connection was so real, so tangible, Pepper couldn't help but feel the slightest bit jealous.

They were adorable, really. They were so completely entranced with one another that the entirety of the party could have stood up and left and they wouldn't even have noticed.

Some of them had, actually, much to Pepper's annoyance. She had been without a date and - after some teasing suggestions she hire an escort - had come alone. She had hoped to spend the evening chatting with her best friend - work had been rather busy of late and their paths didn't cross nearly enough - but they'd been there less than an hour before Jane had pulled a rose from the centerpiece and presented it to Gunther with a smirk.

It was cute, they were cute - even if that adorableness bordered on disgusting at times - but Pepper was in no mood to deal with the press. They had better not get caught doing… whatever it was they were doing.

Social media was such a pain in her ass.

Thank God at least the reception was at the Kippernium, and so one would assume that they'd make it up to the top-floor suite before completely throwing inhibition to the wind… but then again, this was Jane and Gunther.

Oh God, please don't do anything stupid, you two.

Like a couple of high school kids they were, sometimes. Especially when formalwear was involved. And roses. Fucking roses.

Resolved to stick around for at least another half hour, although without any real hope that her friend would return, Pepper took a sip of her drink and let her eyes wander. Bunny had transformed the hotel's garden into an ethereal vision of twinkling fairy lights, gorgeous flowing swags of white fabric, flower garlands and quaint candle chandeliers.

It was a veritable lover's paradise.

Too bad Pepper was without a lover.

After the prerequisite half hour, during which Jane and Gunther remained conspicuously absent - jerks - Pepper reached for her purse. She pushed away from the table, stood up, and had just started to turn when when, smack! She hit an unyielding wall.

The impact sent her sprawling - face first and ass in the air - onto the grass, and she let loose a strikingly unladylike string of curses.

She'd just started to push herself back up when a large pair of hands - accompanied by a deep, rumbling apology - caught her under her arms and hauled her bodily to her feet. Once righted, Pepper brushed off the front of her dress and turned around. She didn't look up right away - she wanted to be quite sure her decolletage had not escaped the dubious confines of her top.

"- all right?" The wall was asking. "Miss? Are you hurt?"

Pepper mumbled a response - she was not hurt, but she was a bit miffed. Satisfied her breasts hadn't made a break for it, and there weren't any bits of grass still clinging to her front, Pepper looked up into the most beautiful brown eyes she had ever seen.

All her mind supplied was an inelegant Holy SHIT. Pepper was just grateful she hadn't said it out loud.

Except, based on the amusement twinkling in his eyes, maybe she had.

"I apologise - please forgive me - I was reading the names on the table, trying to find my cousin, and I was not watching where I was going."

"Um… it's okay, I don't seem any worse for wear - though you could say my pride has taken a nosedive."

"Are you sure you are not injured?"

"Thank you, but I'm fine. Really. Um. Fine." Pepper could feel herself blushing.

He smiled down at her and Pepper, breath catching slightly in her throat, found that her desire to go home had vanished quite completely.

"Who's your cousin?" She asked, making a concerted effort to rally. She suddenly wanted very much to keep this conversation going. "Maybe I can help you find her?"

"Him," he corrected. "We're not related by blood. His cousin Lavinia is my sister-in-law. Perhaps you know him? Gunther Breech."

Inwardly, Pepper did a little dance. She knew plenty of the other guests, but how lucky was this?

"I do, actually - and this is his table - but he and his wife have stepped out for a bit. They should be back shortly," she lied smoothly - there was almost no chance the couple would be returning. "You are welcome to wait here if you like."

"You don't mind?"

Hell no, she didn't mind.

"Not at all - I'd appreciate the company. Though I may ask you to dance at some point - recompense for knocking me bodily into the grass."

He laughed and pulled out her chair, tucking it neatly behind her as she sat. "Of course - and you are?"

"Verbena Salter. But you can call me Pepper."

"Noah Brighton Ried the third."

"You mean there are more of you out there?" Dear fucking God, what was wrong with her?

But he just flashed her that jaw-dropping smile again, appearing genuinely delighted by her terminally awkward attempts at flirting. "Fortunately no," he said, raising her hand and brushing the back of it gently with his lips. "Just me."

"Well, Just Noah... tell me about yourself."

A/N: And you there you have it folks! There is a companion story for The Sellsword, written by Kyra4, for the Janther Week prompt "Saudade". Keep an eye out for it!