Chapter 1

The Visit

An old, worn-out white sheet wrapped around a woman's body fluttered in the harsh January wind. Magnolia was covered in pure white snow although it had stopped snowing about three hours ago. Most of the people had retired early due to safety reason of driving on icy roads. It was a little before dawn. The few people awake at this time were wrapped in layers of clothes and huddling close to one another to conserve body warmth.

But the woman in white sheet didn't seem to mind the cold. The sheet only came to about half her thighs, exposing the rest of her pale long thighs to the harsh winter but she wasn't even shivering. Her cognac colored eyes were staring straight up the still dark sky with a soft smile on her unpainted lips.

Still, nobody noticed the strange woman standing in the dark alley way. Her long slim fingers gripped the edge of the sheet and she let out a laugh. Her musical laugh too quiet to be heard even on a deserted street.

"Whoa, lady. What the hell are you doing dressed like that in this weather? Aren't you worried your lady parts are gonna freeze?"

The woman turned to where the voice came from. The streetlight from a faraway street wasn't bright enough for her to see more than three silhouettes of unmistakable male forms who were stationed no more than five feet away from her.

She blinked.

The shadows moved closer until she could see the lust in their dark eyes as they ran over her figure only covered in a single sheet. It wasn't everyday they were treated with a sight of beautiful woman barely dressed in the middle of the street. Beneath just moonlight, she looked ethereal with her wheat-blonde hair tumbling down her shoulder.

"You lost, darling? If you're looking for a place to stay, we can give you a roof over your head and a hot meal for one night. For a price of course."

The man in red beanie leered at her. His yellowed teeth barely visible between bushy brown beards, his dark eyes never leaving her breasts with only a thin sheet barely concealing the nipples, hard from the cold.

Instead of cowering and shrieking for help, the woman's smile grew even wider. She still hadn't spoken a single word. Another man in torn denim jacket stepped forward when he thought of her silence as a sign of submission.

"Can't speak, huh? It's fine. I hate screamers anyway."

She tilted her head as if in confusion. Her eyes were focused on something behind the two man. Not even sparing two beefy men a glance, her bare feet made their way past them before they could even grab her but she didn't go far. She stopped before the third man. He was smaller than his other companions and was looking down at his feet uncomfortably the whole time.

The blonde spoke for the first time.

"What's wrong? You look upset."

The man looked up in surprise at being spoken. Angelic face starring at him was so beautiful that he nearly hyperventilated. However, instead of having an asthma attack like he had expected, what he had thinking about the whole week came tumbling out of his surprised mouth.

"I hate that I'm just a lackey for these thugs. I never wanted this life but I'm not strong enough to go against them."

Pale pink lips pursed in thought and turned to glare at the other two shocked males before facing him again, her cognac eyes softening in either empathy or pity but he didn't care. No one had even asked him once how his life had been since he had joined the local street gang as a mean of self-protection. Everyone treated him like dirt, especially these two scumbags and he was sick of it. Now, this angel appeared to be concern about his wellbeing.

"You poor thing. So, what do you really want to do?"

"I want to kill them."

He was horrified by his own too-quiet whisper but the girl didn't even flinch. She rubbed his rough cheek in affection and leaned until her mouth was right next to his ear.

"What's stopping you?"

The man grabbed the small pistol, hidden in the back waistband of his jean- which he had stolen from their last corner shop robbery- and pushed the girl out of the way. The other two man stepped back quickly and put their hands up to placate the gun wielding man. He didn't resemble the meek, timid underling they were used to anymore. His eyes were cold and he looked ready to pull the trigger on anyone without any hesitation.

The girl hopped on the covered tin barrel and looked at the interaction with half amusement and half curiosity. Her strange color eyes full of mischief.

The moment before the man could pull the trigger, she felt a familiar pull at her chest and she sighed in regret. Not for starting this incident but because she got interrupted and she didn't have to turn around to know by whom.

"You know you have an impeccable timing."

A beautiful woman with long blood-red hair growled in irritation as a reply. Unlike the blonde, she was wearing jeans with a simple white t-shirt. The only thing that seemed out of place about this woman was a set of large white feathered wing on her back. Within a second, the magnificent wings were folded and vanished into thin air.

The blonde didn't comment about the odd occurrence. Her eyes were still on the three men who remained still as a statue. In fact, everything around them seemed to be frozen in time. A water drop that descended from defrosted snow on the building rooftop suspend in its mid-fall in front of her. The panic look on the two larger men and slightly manic expression on the gun-wielding man remained unchanged as well.

"You've been on Earthland for less than three minutes and you're already starting trouble?"

The blonde giggle in delight and stood from her seat. She finally turned around to face the red head and winked.

"Oh come on now. It's been more than two decades since the last time I've been here. Let me have my fun for a bit."

The second woman scowled at the nonchalance words and stepped closer to the smaller woman. She threw a simple cream-color wrap trench coat that she had been carrying at barely-dressed woman.

"No. You're here for a reason and I'll not let you manipulate humans' minds for your sick and twisted pleasure. Now, wear this so, you don't look like a deranged runaway from asylum."

The blonde pressed her hand on her chest in mock defense.

"Moi? Please. I didn't even do anything. All I did was ask him what he wanted. And I only asked because he was releasing such dark energy and it intrigued me."

She dropped the sheet to the ground and put on the warm coat.

"Humans are so… delightful. As much as I would like to take credit for their corruption, it's all their doing. As you know, I've been very busy these days."

The red-head's hazel eyes grew harder. She looked like she was trying very hard not to throttle the other woman.

"You know that your aura is too much for humans to handle. The slightest invoke could make them fly off the handle. So, don't even think about using your power on Earthland. Especially against or on humans. It's against the rule to use our power to purposely hurt a human. I'll come check on you regularly."

The blonde exhaled dramatically and strode to where the smallest man was still standing and rested her head on his shoulder.

"Great. Now, I have a baby sitter. This is not my first trip to Earthland, you know."

"Then, you should know how to behave. This is a business trip. Now, let's go. I'm sure your followers are searching for you right now."

With a pout, she straightened up and took the gun from the man's grip and slipped it in her coat's pocket. His lifted hand still remained frozen in air, now with no purpose.

"I might need one of these."

She walked back to where the red head was standing and wrapped her arms around her waist. The taller woman raised her eyebrow at the action.

"What're you doing?"

The blonde snuggled deeper between her ample bosoms.

"Aren't you gonna fly us there? I figured that would be faster. Plus, it's starting to get cold, sister dear."

Not even bothering to point out the she could very well fly herself, the red head just unfurled her wings and flew up the Magnolia's sky with the blonde wrapped around her.

As soon as they were out of sight, time started again. The three men blinked at each other.

"What just happened?"

All three of them scratched their heads in confusion. They couldn't even remember what they were doing in the back alley in the first place.

"Whatever. Let's get out here."

A Few Days Ago

The large hall was extravagant to say the least. Every furniture was made of dark wood and red velvet and the entire floor was covered with exquisite Persian rug. Long black curtains were drawn across tall windows. Beautiful painting of sky full of stars took up all the ceiling place and it was hard to tell it apart from the real sky on Earthland. But of course, the actual sky in this realm wasn't anything like that in the painting. At the end of the room was a large, empty throne. It was made of pure gold with black cushion and on the handles consist of dragon ornaments on each side.

A woman dressed in brown leather armor corset and dark jeans paced across the room impatiently, murmuring something beneath her breath the whole time.

"Welcome to my paradise, sister. To what do I owe this pleasure?"

The woman whipped her head around to the soft, teasing voice and found that the throne was now occupied by a blonde woman in red mini dress. The bright red dress complimented her porcelain skin. Her golden yellow eyes sparkled as she took in her visitor.

"Tell me this isn't true, Lucy. Did three souls really escape? How did you let this happen?!"

The blonde groaned and dropped her head in her palm.

"This again. It was just an accident. We took care of the one responsible for the prison break already. Let's just say punishment fits the crime." She finished the sentence with a wink.

The red head walked closer to the throne.

"How about the souls? Aren't they still roaming around Earthland as we speak?"

Lucy glared at the woman whose red hair was known to compliment her fiery personality perfectly.

"Would you chill, Erza? I've got my people keeping eyes on any rouge souls. What do want me to do? Shit happens sometimes."

Erza started pacing again in front of the throne while Lucy got more comfortable in her seat.

"This is your responsibility, Lucy. You can't make your underlings take care of such big problems. The escaped souls will weak a havoc on Earthland soon and you know it. Stop slacking off and take care of this yourself."

The bright yellow eyes glinted briefly with anger but it went away as quickly as it came.

"I have a job here as the ruler, Erza. It's not like I can leave and go as I please. Why do you care so much?"

Erza said nothing but gritted her teeth in silence. Lucy's lips lifted into a smirk and she stood up from her throne.

"It's father, isn't it? He's worried about his little humans getting hurt because of his useless daughter's mistake."

"He doesn't think you're useless."

Lucy ignored Erza's softly murmured defense and stalked towards her, slowly circling her like a hunter would to a prey.

"Oh Erza, Erza. Still a daddy's little girl, I see. Some things never change. Why do you care so much about what he thinks? It's not like he ever talks to us. You only know about his orders through Elfman. He's the only person he talks to."

The red head bit her lips and looked down at her leather boots, her whole body tensed like a crouched tiger before going for a kill. Still, Lucy didn't stop. She leaned against the wall and deliberately continued her goading.

"Why try? He's never gonna care. It's useless to bend over backward to get his approval, sis. Or do you enjoy following his every order like a good soldier?"

In a blink of an eye, Erza unsheathed her dagger and went for the infuriating blonde but instead of getting to the soft flesh, it hit the sliver metal, which suddenly appeared, with a clang. Hazel eyes clashed with cold cerulean blue ones.

Lucy, still hadn't moved from her spot, clicked her tongue and smirked even wider.

"That temper of yours, Erza. It's unbecoming of an angel. Not to mention, for the top tier one. Better go to those anger management classes."

Erza slowly drew back and sheathed her dagger in a holster around her waist. Her opponent was still in a battle stance, her silver double bladed scythe still in front of her in case Erza made a move again; the long curved blade facing Erza gleamed wickedly as if the weapon itself was thirsty for blood.

"Pathetic. Aren't you ever going to fight your own battle without your guard dog having to come to your rescue?"

The gorgeous blue-haired woman curled up her upper lip in a snarl and made a move to take a step forward but a soft yet firm hand on her shoulder stopped her.

"Now, now. Let's all play nice. Erza, you know Juvia is my right hand man. That means I can't live without her. Isn't that right, my mermaid?"

The hand on Juvia's shoulder slid across her shoulder across her full breasts until it reached on her stomach, caressing all the flesh it had come across along the way. Lucy's other hand pushed at Juvia's weapon subtly and the right hand woman took the hint and brought the scythe to her side.

Now that her front was wide open, Lucy stepped between her arms and pulled the blue-haired woman's head down for a deep kiss. The permanent frown between her dark blue eyebrows went away as she returned the passionate kiss from the smaller blonde.

Juvia's hands gripped at Lucy's luscious hips when the blonde slid her tongue between her parted lips and rubbed against her own motionless one. Juvia moaned softly into Lucy's mouth before she returned the favor by sucking the blonde's tongue.

"Every-damn-time! Please remember that you have an audience."

With a nip on Juvia's bottom lip, Lucy drew back with a smirk on her slightly fuller lips. Juvia glared at the red head and pulled Lucy even deeper into her body.

"Juvia knows. Juvia finds it hotter when there's an audience. It would have been better if it had been someone else other than Erza-san but oh well."

Lucy laughed but didn't move away from the embrace. Erza blushed and looked away from the two lovers. It was no secret among the two out of three universes that Juvia warmed Lucy's bed occasionally.

Lucy's empire embraced all the basic instincts that ever existed. After all, demons weren't known for holding in their drives for other people's convenience and their leader, Lucy, was the most reckless and ruthless angel that had been ever created even before she had fallen. She could snap someone's neck with the most innocent smile on her face if she wanted.

Erza cleared her throat awkwardly and tried her best not to stare at Juvia's hand that was lightly caressing Lucy's slim waist. Erza turned around and rubbed at the blue pentagram tattoo on her bare left arm.

"Anyway, take care of this, Lucy. Go to Earthland if you have to. I don't care."

"What? Aren't you going to give your twin sister a kiss goodbye at least?"

Erza stiffened but instead of going for another fight, she stood still.

"Bite me, Lucifer."

With that, she disappeared from her spot with the snap of her finger.

Lucy shook her head and withdrew from Juvia's arms.

"Feisty little thing, isn't she? Such an enigma. Too much emotions and courage to be a mere mild-mannered angel. When I rebelled against father, I really wished she had joined us."

Juvia, who had never liked Erza in the first place just shrugged her shoulder in response since she had nothing nice to say about the self-righteous red head.

The tall wooden door swing inward and a man with dark golden skin and cherry pink hair walked in with a wide smile on his cute, friendly face.

"I just sensed Erza's aura. Where's she?"

Lucy giggled and took her seat back on the throne and Juvia, without having to ask, stood at her spot beside it.

"You just missed her, Natsu. She left a few seconds ago."

Natsu groaned and slumped against the door. He had rushed in as soon as he had detected Erza's aura.

"Ah shit. I was hoping that I could get a rematch with her this time."

"Always looking for a fight, hot-head?"

The second man came in through the door was achingly handsome with messy ink black hair and wearing only a pair jeans. His pale, strong chest was on display for everyone's viewing pleasure. Gray was a loyal, talented soldier and very famous among demons but he only had eyes for one person.

"Huh? You have something to say, asshole?"

Lucy sneaked a peek at the blue-haired woman at her side. She looked relax but her left hand was clenched into a tight fist. Lucy softly rubbed her thumb on Juvia's knuckles and felt the tension gradually left under her fingertip. Satisfied that Juvia felt more in control of her emotion, she withdrew her hand and placed her attention back to the arguing couple.

As the fight grew even louder, Lucy finally had enough and clearly her throat loudly. Both males stopped immediately and faced Lucy guiltily.

"Now boys, I get that you think of this as your foreplay but some of us can't handle that much sexual tension in one room."

Natsu opened his mouth to retort but Gray subtly pinched Natsu's bared arms and hoped he would hold his tongue. It's a publicly known fact that after Juvia, Natsu was her favorite and Lucy was, ironically enough, laid back most of the time. But Lucy's temper was unpredictable and notoriously famous among angels and demons. No one was sure what might piss Lucy off. They hadn't seen their Queen's anger in a century and he liked to keep it that way. The last time Lucy had a fit, all the demons had to flee to Earthland as a cover, except Juvia. When they came back, half the manor had been burnt down.

Everyone tried to watch what they said around Lucy, especially because they knew her patience had been stretched nearly to the limit by the prison break.

Natsu glared at Gray but stayed quiet.

Lucy rolled her eyes. It's cute that the demons cared enough to not piss her off but all the walking on eggshells was starting to get old.


Another demon appeared out of thin air. Her trademark silver blonde hair was tied up to appeared-messy-but-it-took-half-an-hour-to-do bun. She was overdressed compared to other occupants in her long, flowy black dress. Her warm baby-blue eyes scanned the rest of the room before settling on Lucy's golden ones.

"You called?"

Lucy nodded and her right hand lightly traced the dragon ornament on the chair handle.

"I did. I need you to watch over Hell for me. I'm going to Earthland for unforeseeable future."

She could feel the four pairs of shocked eyes on her. She rarely made her visit to Earthland these days but the duty called for her presence.

"And I'm taking Gray, Natsu and Juvia with me."

A/N: I know I haven't updated all my other stories for a whole year and I'm soo sorry! But I'm having a writer's block and am hoping that writing a new one might help. Maybe. But please let me know if you want me to continue this story because I might abandon this new one if there's not enough favourites or reviews. I really do hope you enjoy this because it's really fun for me to write. Take care, my babies!