So, how are Clyde's "not dates" with Tweek and Craig gonna go? I don't know, why don't you read the chapter and find out?

Also, I apologize that it's taking longer to post new chapters for all of my stories. I'm working this summer, and I have a lot of stories to get through. Getting kind of stressed out with everything, but I'll survive. Anyway, new chapter.

Chapter Five – Like a Wrecking Ball

Clyde's POV

Craig was casually leaning against his locker waiting for me when I approached him. He looked half-asleep for some reason and he barely looked up when I greeted him.

"My last class was so boring," he said to answer the question that I didn't ask.

"So, you ready to go see the movie?" I asked him.

"You know, most dates usually are at night," he replied and I couldn't help but roll my eyes at him.

"I told you, it's not a date," I growled at him.

"If you say so," he said, shrugging nonchalantly. I let out an annoyed sigh and led the way out of the building. We started walking down the street in silence, which I decided to break.

"What was your last class?" asked him.

"Chemistry," Craig groaned. "My teacher just reads from the text book with this really low, boring drawl to his voice. It's a nightmare."

"I'm lucky," I replied. "My last class is study hall, so I get to just laze around and goof off for the last half hour of school." Craig grumbled something incomprehensible and didn't reply. Our last class was pretty much the only class we didn't have together, so I was lucky enough to see my best friend for most of the day.

I had considered asking Craig if he wanted to get dinner before the movie, but I didn't need to make him continue to think this was any more date-like than it already was. So instead, I led the way down the street towards the movie theatre. It was surprisingly not crowded when we got there, and at first, I thought we would have free reign of the place. But then we got inside, and it was filled with kids from class and adult comic book nerds.

"Looks like everyone else had the same idea as us," Craig said nonchalantly.

I pressed closer to his side and didn't say anything. I never really liked crowds. They made me uncomfortable for some reason. I just hoped that it wouldn't this crowded when I came here with Tweek tomorrow. I also had to remember to act surprised about anything I saw today so Tweek wouldn't know that I had come here with Craig.

The voice of Token echoed in my head, annoyingly pointing out to me about how much trouble I was going through for this plan. I angrily shook my head to rid myself of it. Token usually knew what he was talking about, but he was wrong about this!

"Let's try and get seats near the front," Craig said suddenly in my ear, nearly making me jump. "There will be less of people's heads to block our view."

"Good idea," I replied.

We quickly made our way over to the snack bar and ordered food, then booked it towards the theater. I wanted to ask Craig about his fight with Tweek, to get a gauge of just how bad their break up was, but it was kind of hard to do when watching a movie together. I figured I'd let them cool off before I brought up the subject, and I needed to make sure they wouldn't snap at me when I finally did bring it up.

Besides, Craig was way more interested in watching the movie than he was talking to me, and soon I could think of nothing else but the movie. It was amazing, to say the least. The ending made us both want more. We were super pumped.

"That was amazing!" I said when we left the movie theater about two hours later. "I can't believe how awesome that movie was!"

"It was pretty cool," Craig agreed in his most interested voice (which was only slightly different from his disinterested voice). "Thanks for inviting me along."

"Hey, what are friends for?" I replied. For some reason, I could have sworn that he had blushed just now, but then I told myself that I was just imagining things. Because this was definitely not a date.

"You want to come to my house and play video games or something?" Craig asked suddenly as we started down the street. I hesitated. It wasn't that I was against going to Craig's house. He just didn't realize how much I was avoiding my own place at the moment. I actually welcomed any excuse not to go home at the moment, but was there some sort of different motive for Craig inviting me to his house? No, of course not! Friends hung out all the time, and we had been friends since pre-school.

"Sure," I replied. "We could play Marvel vs Capcom!"

"Haven't you had enough Marvel for one day?" Craig asked, giving me a look.

"No," was all I replied with.

He let out a sigh and led the way back towards his house. His home was empty when we got there, which was good, because Tricia liked to bug us by asking stupid questions even when she knew the answers to them. And if Tweek's dad was devastated by the news of their break up, I didn't want to know how Craig's parents had taken it.

We played Marvel vs Capcom for a while before getting bored of it and switching over to Call of Duty instead. Then Craig's parents got home and made us come to dinner. We didn't stop playing video games until around two in the morning, at which point Craig invited me to stay the night, which I was hoping for. I really didn't want to go home at this point.

The next day was a Saturday, so I was able to hang out at Craig's house for just a bit longer. We ate breakfast, and then watched TV for a while. I knew I had to leave at some point, after all, I was supposed to meet up with Tweek, but I hadn't really thought of a good excuse for leaving yet. Oh, the dilemma. Thankfully, Craig saved me.

"Do you think your dad might be getting worried about you by now?" he asked me around noontime. I jumped and turned to him.

"Um, yeah, probably," I replied. "I should probably get going then. Don't want him thinking I've been kidnapped, or something." He would never think that, but it was all I got. "See ya later, Craig."

"Thanks for hanging out with me, Clyde," he said earnestly, catching me off guard. He looked at me seriously. "With all the stuff I've been going through with Tweek, it's nice to know that I still have you as a friend. I really mean it." I blinked in surprise at him.

"Th-Thanks, Craig," I replied, rubbing the back of my head.

I left wondering what the hell was up with Craig's sudden mood swing, and why it seemed to bother me so much.

Tweek only seemed to be slightly interested in the movie when I went to meet him. For some reason, he had a hard time looking me in the eye while we walked towards the movie theatre, and he was twitching harder than usual.

"Have you seen the other Avenger movies yet?" I asked, trying to make conversation. He twitched before replying.

"I've seen the first one," he replied. "When it first came to theatres, Craig insisted on taking me with him. I liked it, but we just never got around to seeing the second one together." He let out a sigh. "And now we never will see it together."

"I'm sure you'll make up some day," I told him, putting a hand on his shoulder. He angrily shrugged it off.

"That's not going to happen," he growled. "Craig's an asshole! I'll never forgive him, and he's never going to stop being unreasonable." I blinked in surprise at him.

"Don't you miss him even a little bit?" I reasoned.

"Just drop it, Clyde," Tweek snarled. From the tone in his voice, I was more than happy to just let it go. For now, at least.

"Whatever," I said instead. "Let's just focus on the movie. All you need to know is that there are a bunch of new characters, and they all had their own movies. Except Vision and Scarlet Witch. They were in the second movie. And some of the Avengers are fighting because of some sort of bullshit."

"Ok," Tweek replied, perfectly cheerful again.

The theatre was far less crowded than it was the day before, but still relatively filled with people. Tweek started twitching even more than he normally did because of the crowds, and I put a protective arm around him. Almost immediately, I could feel his breathing start to quicken, but he stopped panicking.

Tweek was a lot more emotional during the movie than Craig was. Craig had just looked faintly amused through the entire movie. Tweek cried at all the sad parts, and cheered at the exciting parts and all around being quite adorable.

"I have no idea what was happening most of the time," Tweek said as we exited roughly two hours later. "But I still enjoyed it anyway."

"Yeah, I could tell," I laughed at his excitement. We talked about the movie all the way on our walk towards Tweak Bros Coffee. Since I had seen the movie twice now, I explained any parts he didn't understand under the guise of having seen all of the other Marvel movies.

"Thanks for inviting me to the movies with you," Tweek said when we reached the coffee shop. "I'm sure you would have rather gone with Craig, so I'm glad you went with me."

"No problem," I replied. "I'm sure you would have done the same for me." There was no mistaking it. Tweek definitely blushed that time. I had no idea why.

"Um, I should probably go then," he mumbled. "My parents will probably want me to help them with the shop. I don't like to do it, but you know. See you later." Then he turned and disappeared into his parent's shop before I could reply.

I stared after him with a hint of fear. I didn't want to go home. Not yet. I hadn't been home for almost two days, and when I thought about how my dad would react, I shuddered just thinking about it. But I had to face the music sometime.

I pulled out my phone and texted my sister. Maybe there was a chance that no one would be home and I could just pretend I had been there the entire time. Thankfully, she texted me back shortly after, stating that she was home, but dad wasn't. He hadn't been home since the night before. Perfect. I put my phone back in my pocket and hurried home, wondering when this nightmare would finally end. Because I had a feeling there was something Tweek and Craig weren't telling me, and whatever it was, it was the key to bringing them back together.

I'm sorry this chapter is rather short, considering how long it took me to write it, but I've been super busy and I didn't have a lot of ideas for this chapter. Plus, I have a lot on my mind and plate at the moment. I'm not stopping any of my fan fictions, I'm just saying you'll have to wait a while in between chapters.

Anyway, the next chapter we'll be getting someone else's point of view. You want to guess who it is? I'll give you a hint: it's Token. What's up with Tweek and Craig? Why are they acting so weird? Find out next time on South Park Z, a Cold Day in Hell.