Disclaimer: I, KatieK101, do not own Warriors.

Five Truths About Breezepelt


He is born alongside two other kits. They are both she-kits. Crowfeather names them Birdkit and Lightningkit, in honor of the only two she-cats he will ever love.

They both die three nights later.

Crowfeather never looks at Breezepelt the same he looked at his sisters.


He decides he is in love with Heathertail when they are kits and she is the first cat to beat him in a race.


Thistleclaw is the first Dark Forest cat he meets.

He is only eight moons old. He refuses to train with him.

The next time they meet, Breezepelt is a warrior with three half-Clan, half-siblings. This time he agrees to take Thistleclaw's help.


Either he has a good day or a bad day. There is no inbetween.

He does not see in shades of gray.

One day Sunstrike asks him if he thinks he is a good cat or a bad cat. She is met with silence.


When he finds out what the Dark Forest are planning, he drags Heathertail to the edge of the territory and asks her to run away with him. He wants to tell her why, but right as he inhales a breath to gather his nerve, she says no.

She thinks that he is about to ask her to be his mate.

No, Breezepelt. I told you that I could never love you.

We're just friends, Breezepelt. Just accept that.

He lets her believe that. He never tries to tell her the truth.

Who would you like to see next chapter?

This is more of a pre-Dark Forest Battle Breezepelt. I would definitely love to do an after-DFB Breezepelt because Breezepelt is my boi. And on that note: to those of you following Dawn Frost, you know I just announced that my next fic is going to be a Graypool-centric. About that... how do you feel about a Breezepelt!redemption fic? *nervous laughter* Because I think that's going to be a thing. Vote for which fic you'd rather read on the poll on my profile!

Five Truths (5T) is going to be more of a side project for me. There are SO MANY characters in the fandom that seldom receive any attention, and while I would love to write a fic for every single one of them, I obviously can't. So this is the best alternative I can think of; every chapter will be a different character with five different facts. These 'truths' may be canon, but for the most part... nah. Anyway, I'm really excited for it and I hope y'all are too!

~ Katie