RWBY belongs to Rooster Teeth and was created by Monty Oum, may he rest in peace. Doom (2016) was published Bethesda Softworks and developed by id software.
Beta Reader:The Unknown Plague
Ozpin was standing at the window in his office looking at Vale while taking the occasionally sip off his tea. Tomorrow was initiation for the arriving 1st years and everything had been set up the day before. However earlier he had to meet with Ruby Rose, whom Glynda had caught trying to prevent a Dust robbery. Of course Glynda wished to discipline the girl but Ozpin chose to let Ruby into Beacon.
She was skilled and had potential but Ozpin was focused on her silver eyes. She would be a valuable part of his plans if she proved capable facing Grimm. Glynda of course questioned him for his reasons for letting her in early but Ozpin kept his cool and of course was silent.
Right now he was in the process of thinking and waiting. For the most part he was waiting for Qrow to give a report. Of course his reports were rare as he went into places were the scroll signals were weak. As he thought and thought he suddenly felt something. He did not understand what he felt but whatever it was it felt.. hateful. Nothing but anger, rage, and bloodlust. It was only then that he realized that he was not feeling this physically but mentally.
Then his vision was covered in darkness, pure darkness. Then came seven words, the voice that spoke them sounded… inhuman.
Rip and tear. Until it is done.
Then the darkness was broken by glowing red lines. Before Ozpin a red symbol was slowly appearing. When it seemed like it was complete there was a deathly ear piercing scream that came from nowhere.
Ozpin opened his eyes to see his window. He took a breath and felt as if he had not breathed in ages before sitting back into his chair. He looked around and saw that everything was normal, but whatever he felt was etched into his mind.
In all his years of reincarnation this had never happened, he has never felt a presence like this before. It made the Grimm feel less like a threat. But the red symbol that he saw felt different, felt… worse.
He turned his chair around so that he was instead facing his desk and he sat up straight. Ozpin blinked and he saw the symbol again in the darkness of his eyes. He sighed rubbed his eyes, whatever the symbol represented Ozpin felt that it was important.
His mind went to why he saw the symbol. Maybe it was the gods that had abandoned Remnant giving him a warning. Whatever it was he knew he wouldn't learn anything unless he started to look. So he called Glynda on his scroll and asked for… fairy tales.
Ozpins search had been fruitless. He stayed up most of that night looking and reading. After awhile he asked Oobleck to bring him books on the discoveries of ancient ruins found throughout Remnant. He even drew a picture of the symbol he saw and showed it to Oobleck but Ooblecks search had come up empty. No matter how much he looked, no matter what he looked at, fairy tales, history, even his own memories, everything came up empty.
He was so tired that Glynda had to give the welcoming speech to the arriving students. Whenever Ozpin tried to stop he just couldn't. In all his years on Remnant he had never felt as stressed as he is now. Something told him, some inner part of him, that the symbol was important. In what way he could not say. Just that it was important. It was the night before initiation and he was still searching. His desk was littered with papers and books. The paper with the symbol was at the center of the desk, it had its own little space.
Then the elevator door opened and Ozpin looked up to see Glynda step out with a scroll tablet in her hands. She had a worried look on her face.
"Ozpin…" She began but stopped as she began surveying his desk. She looked like she wanted to say something but stopped for a moment. She began talking again a second later.
"Something is… wrong in the Emerald Forest." She said.
"Care to elaborate?" Ozpin said as he took a refreshing drink of his tea. It was only then that he realized how tired he was. And hungry.
"Well the Grimm have… vanished."
Ozpin stood up, placing his hands on his desk.
"Vanished? As in they have been driven out?"
"No, our cameras in the forest showed the Grimm all heading toward a particular area of the forest. We tried to see where exactly but our cameras seemed to be destroyed or deactivated."
Ozpin pondered on this. Grimm could be killed off but they always came back. His eyes went to the symbol on his desk and he wondered if it, or what it represented, had anything to do with this. It could be possible but then again that could just be desperation for a answer. He looked back up at Glynda and spoke.
"Your saying the Grimm have all vanished in the Emerald Forest."
"Yes, well most of them. Cameras still show a fair number of Grimm in the forest." Ozpin didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing.
"I see... Are any huntsman or huntresses in the Forest?"
"Not that I am aware of." Glynda said and Ozpin had no doubt of Glyndas word. But before Ozpin could ask any more questions Glynda spoke again. "I want to know if this news will postpone the initiation tomorrow." She didn't ask, she demanded. Ozpin had to mentally debate on what he should do. If they postponed the initiation than a number of things would get complicated, if they didn't then there was no telling what could happen. Ozpin was normally one for bending rules and taking risks at times. But whatever was out there could potentially be very dangerous.
After a moment of thinking Ozpin made a choice.
"No we will proceed with the initiation. But with some changes. Put maps on the students Scrolls with directions on how to get to the ruins where the artifacts are. Then early in the morning send Port and Oobleck out to the area where the Grimm seem to be converging. But have them be cautious. Whatever is out there could be very dangerous if it made Grimm "vanish"."
"As you say, I will make the preparations immediately." With that Glynda turned, walked back into the elevator, and closed the doors. Ozpin heard the elevator go down.
He sighed and took another sip of his tea. He looked at the Scroll tablet on his desk, well half of it. The rest was covered under papers. He fished it out and turned it on. He went to the Emerald Forest security cameras and started to go through them. It was night so they were in night vision. At one point he came across the cameras that Glynda spoke of. The ones that were either destroyed or inactive. Nothing but static. He considered rewinding the footage but his attention was shifted when a proximity sensor went off on a camera that was still active.
He shifted to it just as the camera hit the ground and caused a spider web like crack to appear on screen. Ozpin watched intently as the tree the camera was attached to seemed to get picked up and the growls of what he could only assume was a Ursa were heard. The tree was suddenly swung and slammed into what he could only guess was the Grimm. There was static and the camera image switched between static and the cracked, but still viewable, lens of the camera.
Through the cracked lens he could see the Ursa, its head and some of its body to be precise. It seemed to be struggling and trying to crawl away. Then a green armored foot stomped on the head of the Ursa. Based on its position the owner of the foot was behind the Ursas' head. But the camera was stuck so Ozpin couldn't see anything but the one foot. The other leg seemed to be behind the Ursas head.
Ozpin heard the sound of a gun loading, shotgun of some sort. Then the barrels of a double barrel shotgun were pressed against the side of the Ursa, a second later it went off. Leaving a torn apart head, its body started to dissipate and Ozpin thought he would be able to see who did this if the smoke clears.
But then the armored foot came through the smoke toward the camera smashing it. Static followed afterward and Ozpin sat back wondering what was coming next.
Authors Notes
Got that done. Had this idea in mind for a few days now and plus the ending of Doom (2016) made it easy to make this. As for those who are following me and may be asking where is the next chapter of Fragmented Memories, it is not done yet. Mainly becuase I got both lazy and distracted
But that story is next on my update list.
Until next time!