"Well aren't you full of surprises?" Steve tells him laughing as Stiles throws himself down on the couch his breath a little heavy, it's been four hours of training and he's kept up pretty well so far.
"What are you talking about?" Stiles manages to gasp out before he downs his bottle of water.
"You, I didn't know you could fight already" Steve tells him sitting on the couch as well by Stiles feet.
"Oh yeah" Stiles mumbles taking another drink of water to think of an excuse, cause he can't exactly tell Steve he had to learn to save his life from the supernatural.
"My friend and her dad taught me how to fight, I got beat up at a high school lacrosse match by the other team and she taught me how to fight a bit and when she died her dad decided to teach me more as well, I think it was his way of dealing with her death it kept him busy" Stiles shrugs it was close to the truth without mentioning the fact that he had a huge part in her death even if he was possessed.
"Oh well you kept up with Daisy pretty well, beat everyone on the shooting range, I even think you may have given Daisy a black eye as well" Steve smirks.
"I feel so bad about having to hit her, but she told me to not hold back and she has sprained my hand pretty good and I'm pretty sure she's bruised my whole body, she got so pissed at me she actually used her powers on me, I've probably got a shit ton of splintered bones inside" Stiles laughs rolling his eyes when Steve calls him a drama queen.
"I'm starving" Stiles moans then sniffs himself once he gets a whiff of his stench "Smelly as well I think I need a shower" Stiles mumbles.
"I could cook us something?" Steve suggests.
"I have a better idea, why don't we head out to one of those fancy restaurants, I've never been too because I wanted to keep a low profile and get a massive steak or something? Tony isn't back yet and all of their phones are turned off so he's probably coercing them into something illegal or at best immoral" Stiles suggests beaming when Steve nods.
"Well I'll go down to my floor and get showered and dressed then I don't know if I own anything fancy though, I may have to finally look into the wardrobe Pepper bought me when I first moved into the tower" Steve smiles standing and walking over to the elevator disappearing from view in seconds.
Stiles laughs making his way up to his room before putting the shower on scalding and letting it take away the aches and pains from his body.
Dodging the paparrazi was hard, harder than he expected it to be, they don't give a fuck about personal space getting up in your face shouting all sorts of questions to either get a rise out of someone or get some gossip for whatever two-bit magazine or paper they're all working for.
Thank god Steve was there like the white night he always is pushing the paparazzi back making sure they don't get to him and make him lash out or something the last thing that Stark family needs so soon after Stiles big reveal is for them to be involved in another scandal 'Stiles Stark Problem Child' would probably be the headline on ever newspaper if he lashes out.
"Well that was eventful" Steve sighs as they rush into the restaurant thank god Steve doesn't drive like a grandad because the paparazzi were right on their heels and got out as soon as they parked the car.
The restaurant was high class and for some reason they bent over backwards to ensure they got the best table away from any and all prying eyes, they got complimentary champagne and he was even called Mr. Stark, the whole thing was surreal.
"I still can't get used to people trying to bend over backwards for me, it's so surreal like literally people found out who I was a day ago and people know my name the waiter asked for a picture with me I mean what even is life?" Stiles mumbles rolling his eyes.
"Trust me it gets worse I know what it's like I went through all that when I came out the ice and people found out I was still alive" Steve tells him smiling to the waiter as he brings them some complimentary garlic bread.
"I just wish people would get a life, how is watching some celebrity buy a hotdog on a street corner exciting for them?" Stiles huffs practically stuffing his face with the cheesy goodness.
"Let's talk about happier things shall we? Like what else can you do?" Steve asks him.
"What?" He replies frowning at the soldier.
"You've got a genius IQ so much so that you've been accepted into the greatest medical school in the United States if not the world, you've got a good grasp at fighting, you can beat actual secret agents at shooting guns big and small, why do I get the feeling that your trying to hide who you really are beside the dorky persona that you want everyone to see you as?" Steve asks and Stiles face falls a little nobody's ever cared enough to look past his sarcasm and sense of humor before it's always been the best mask he could ever wear.
"Werewolves" Stiles blurts out his eyes widening how could he be so stupid, what is it about Steve that makes him want to tell the older man everything? He's not known him that long but he feels a connection like he's known him for a long, long time.
"How do you know about werewolves?" Steve hisses leaning in so nobody would overhear them his own eyes widen as he takes in Stiles white as a sheet face.
"Wait you know about them?" Stiles asks his defenses raising a little "Does shield know about them?" Stiles asks.
"I had a friend in New York when I was eleven his name was Marcus Hale, his family moved to California a few months after we became friends but one day he was really irritated and I said something to piss him off and he just shifted, fangs claws bright yellow/gold eyes the lot" Steve tells him.
"Marcus Hale?" Stiles asks he actually bursts out laughing because this world is so small.
"What?" Steve asks confused.
"He was related to a friend of mine before he burnt to death in a fire" Stiles tells him and he could have kicked himself the way he said it was so nonchalant and Steve winces he should have been more sensitive.
"How do you know about werewolves?" Steve asks again.
"Promise this stays between us?" Stiles asks.
"Promise" Steve nods.
Stiles believes him so he launches into the whole Teen Wolf Scott story, everything that's happened to them, to him.
"So you were possessed?" Steve asks he looks like he wants to reach over and make sure Stiles is okay.
"Yeah" Stiles tells him looking down.
"Why do I feel like you're leaving something out?" Steve questions pressing the subject.
"I'm not" Stiles denies "I've told you everything about the werewolf drama back home and what's happened to me" Stiles shrugs.
"Your acting shifty refusing eye contact common sign of withholding the truth Stiles" Steve tells him.
"I haven't even told Scott, or my father" Stiles tells him.
"You don't have to tell me, it might help though" Steve tells him.
"Remember the nogitsune?" Stiles asks.
"Pretty hard to forget your friend being possessed by a demonic fox, especially since you told me literally five minutes ago" Steve tells him and his sarcasm is rubbing off on the older man.
"Well when he died I felt a surge of power or something so much so that I actually passed out, everyone including me thought it was because he was draining my life force but then a few weeks later I started exhibiting these weird side effects" Stiles tells him.
"What sort of side effects?" Steve questions.
"Like enhanced senses, enhanced strength" Stiles tells him.
"How enhanced?" Steve asks his eyebrows raising.
"Like werewolf level advanced, I have accelerated healing as well, I was attacked by some chimera called Donovan and he injured my back it took a few days to heal but the amount of skin he took off should have took weeks" Stiles tells him.
"Have you told anyone about this? About what it might mean to have this fox's powers?" Steve asks.
"I talked to the vet you know the druid guy? He said it's uncommon but not unheard of for the hose of the nogitsune to have the creatures abilities, he told me to not worry about it and the nogitsune can't inhabit my body again cause the link was severed or something, so I just went on like the defenseless human I was, nobody knows I can punch through walls and heal straight away" Stiles shrugs.
"Sorry" Steve tells him.
"What are you sorry for?" Stiles frowns.
"I asked for the serum that turned me into this you didn't ask for the abilities what you kids have gone through it rough, I thought the avengers had it bad battling hydra but you guys have been dealing with vicious people every single day from hunters to other supernatural creatures how have you dealt with that for so long? If I was in your position when I was seventeen and I had your money I'd have been on the first plane out of that place" Steve tells him truthfully grabbing his hand and giving it a small squeeze, he leaves his hand their holding Stiles hand.
"I wouldn't leave my friends" Stiles shrugs.
"That's what makes you so different to Tony and Howard" Steve laughs.
"What do you mean?" Stiles asks laughing.
"Howard and Tony look out for themselves first they put themselves before everyone else and only once their needs have been taken care of then they look to see if other people might need help" Steve tells him.
"Guess that's why I want to be a doctor" Stiles laughs "Make up for my family fucking up so many people's lives the things they've did, building weapons and all that someone has to be the good one" Stiles laughs finishing the rest of his soup that was places on the table halfway through the supernatural conversation.
"You won't tell anyone will you?" Stiles asks frowning "I don't want anyone finding out about the supernatural yet" Stiles tells him.
"It's not my secret to tell" Steve tells him a reassuring smile lighting up his face.
"Let's change the subject then and order the main I am starving, pouring your heart out does that to me" Stiles laughs.
"You're always hungry" Steve calls him out.
"True but now I have the money to buy the biggest steak on the menu" Stiles snorts.
"You've always had the money" Steve reminds him.
"True" Stiles shrugs.
Pretty soon more champagne and food is being served all in all it's a good night, Stiles shoulders feel less burdened now that he's told his secret he actually manages to have fun with Steve doesn't hurt that he's great to look at.
And if they fight over the bill like a married couple then that's between them.