Hello Friend

By sorrowXdarkness


Synopsis: Marco and Star agreed to see other people after Star and Tom became engaged. It was difficult, but both realized that being close as they were, could prove fatal to the stability of the kingdom of Mewni and everyone involved with it. Despite living with the Butterflies for some time now, Marco decided it was time to move once more.

Luckily for him, he became good friends with Kelly who was in fact looking for a roommate. How convenient, right?


"And you're sure it's alright with you?" Asked Marco.

"For the hundredth time, yes Marco." Kelly said, plopping herself down on a purple stuffed beanie bag. Her apartment ironically was not as clustered and disorganized as the chamber in her hair. She sighed before looking toward the human boy as he placed his bag down on the spare bed. "Do you have something against living with me?" Asked the teenage girl, flipping her hair so that it couldn't get in the way.

"No. It's just that… this is my first time living with someone in close quarters. At least in Star's castle, it has other people living there. Here, it would be just you and me." Marco said, placing emphasis between 'you' and 'me'.

"I don't see what's the big deal is. You're my friend, Marco. I know you wouldn't hurt me. Besides, we have our own separate rooms." Kelly reminded, looking around at the bland room. To tell the truth, Kelly's apartment was actually a mess before she cleaned it. When she heard Marco was planning to leave the Butterfly's residence, she quickly took action. Thanks to a friend that works at a pocket dimension storage unit, she was able to clean her apartment in record time. Well, except for her room, but she wasn't planning to show him her room right off the bat.

"I guess that's true." Marco then took a seat down on the soft mattress. It felt strange to be away from both his family and Star. For a moment, he actually felt alone. Then he felt a touch from a hand on top of his own before looking at the owner.

"Hey, you'll be fine. We'll be fine. After all, we got each other's backs."

Marco gave Kelly a small smile before nodding.

"Good, because it's your turn to make dinner." Kelly abruptly said before lifting herself up from the soft seat.

"Hey!" Marco said with much mirth through his tone. "Have a heart, will you? I just go here."

"Too bad, roomie. My belly comes before my heart." Kelly said, squeezing her stomach to prove her point.

Both of them shared some quick laughter before leaving his now designated room. On his way to close his door, Marco gave one last look at his new place and smile.

Author's Notes:

This will be a mini-series between Marco and Kelly living and spending time together. More to follow shortly. -sorrowXdarkness