A/N: Did anyone else read into Deeks' and Kensi's conversations during 3x22 ("Neighborhood Watch"), and determine that they totally let their undercover methods get a little too real? (If you catch my drift). Probably reaching a bit, but I don't care. I wanted to write this one.

Disclaimer: The first several lines of dialogue are borrowed from the show. The rest is of my own creation. Though believe me, I receive no benefits or gains from this work of fan fiction beyond the accolades of readers like you.

Rating: M, for the explicit level of detail you've come to expect from me.

Kensi sat a little nervously at the ornate antique desk next to Deeks and across from Hetty. Her partner was way more comfortable in these sorts of situations, and she considered it likely that he was more used to being in trouble than she was.

"Why do I feel like I've been called into the principal's office?" Deeks asked after another moment of awkward silence.

"Have you done something wrong?" Hetty asked in response, staring him down.

Deeks cocked his head and drawled out, "Well, that could be a trick question."

Kensi rolled her eyes as she tried to make up for his juvenile way of dodging questions. For good measure, she added, "No, we've done nothing wrong."

"Not that we know of," he interjected. "Have we?"

Kensi turned to glare at him for a moment in what she hoped was her usual, exasperated way. She couldn't believe he was trying so hard to give them away and let on what had actually happened between them, and what she was certain would never happen again. But then, this was Deeks' method; this was how he always acted. If he was on his best behavior, the rest of the team— and Hetty for sure, would see right through it.

"Well then," Hetty continued, seeming to ignore his comments for the time being. "When two agents are forced to live together, undercover, as man and wife. It's only natural that the situation could bring about… unfamiliar feelings and emotions."

Deeks had frozen and schooled his features, but Kensi had grown visibly uncomfortable. With a nervous laugh she replied, "You don't think that… We're… I mean that he and I are… Heh heh… HA! Not in a million years!"

Even as she forced out a laugh, she was afraid that she protested too much. Deeks picked up on it too, and helpfully tried to do some damage control with his characteristic playful sarcasm. "Okay, that's enough. You don't have to insult your husband!"

Hetty cut off their bickering and went on, "I'm simply saying that such an intimate assignment can impact the judgement of even the most professional of agents."

Professional. Right.

Twelve-ish hours earlier…

"And maybe tonight you won't steal all the covers, dearest?" Kensi called out across the bedroom as she finished tossing aside the fancy decorative pillows on the master bed of their borrowed cover house.

"I can't promise that. But you could always cuddle closer, my sweet," Deeks responded with a cartoonishly affectionate, lopsided grin.

It was all she could do to not sock him right there. But while she was ninety nine percent sure there was no surveillance equipment in the house, their instructions were to remain in character for the entirety of their residence in the gated neighborhood. After all, one of their neighbors was a Russian sleeper, and could be listening in or watching them through their windows even now.

In the days they'd pretended to be a young married couple, living it up while they house sat for her "uncle", the Colonel, the pair had fallen into a comfortable routine with each other. Which made Kensi rather uncomfortable.

"Perhaps, sugar bear," Deeks went on as he pulled out the conservative pajamas he'd been sleeping in, "I wouldn't need to roll to the edge of the bed with the covers if my wifey didn't do snow angels in her sleep all night."

She turned the lights off and walked to the window to close the blinds, but she spotted something that made her pause: a woman a few houses up the street looking through a telescope. But not at the stars, nor the skyline. Kensi couldn't be certain, but it sure looked like it was pointed right at their bedroom window.

"Oh, you have got to be kidding me," she muttered as she instead fiddled with the lock. She left the blinds open though. Kensi was still in and out of case mode, and had an idea to help sell their cover… Assuming their observer didn't realize that she'd been spotted.

"No, really!" Deeks answered, unaware of what she had seen. She hoped he'd pick up on the need to show a little affection once she approached him… but not too much.

She walked several steps over to him and ran her hands up his chest, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. He caught on quickly and brought his own hands to her waist, but his face still looked surprised. Good thing his back was to the window.

She pressed her cheek to his so she could speak softly into his ear, on the off chance there was a laser microphone pointed at them as well. Whispering, she told him, "A couple houses down. A woman is looking right at us through a telescope."

"Could you tell who it was?" Deeks asked with concern in a low whisper. He'd fallen right into character again and had brushed a strand of her hair from her face when he spoke. That simple touch, and the way he was looking at her almost made Kensi lose her train of thought.

She recovered quickly and answered, speaking quietly into his neck, "Brett Turner's house. But I think it's his… who is she, his wife? Fiancé? Polina… G-something, I think her name is."

Kensi kicked herself inwardly at her inability to recall many details about them. But it was Deeks who reminded her why.

"We don't know much about them yet," he said. "Think they're actually spying on us?"

His face was dangerously close to hers, and his arms held her tighter to his chest.

"Maybe. Maybe not," she said to him as he nuzzled his chin against her neck. She had to try real hard to keep herself from enjoying his touch. "But we have to assume they are."

"Or maybe," he whispered against her cheek. "They're just voyeurs."

"And you're what?" she asked, taking his hand to keep it from wandering further. "An exhibitionist?"

"You know me," he chuckled. "I like to show off when I'm good at something."

Despite herself, Kensi laughed genuinely at that. And with her movement, she felt it: a hardness between his legs prodding against her hips. Her body tensed and she swallowed hard. Deeks seemed to be aware of it and cleared his throat in embarrassment. But as he tried to step away from her, she continued to hold her arms around his shoulders, keeping him in place.

"K— Melissa?" he stuttered through a cracking voice.

"Justin," she answered him steadily.

He held her gaze, unable to let go of her waist. Kensi glanced at the window again, doing some quick geometry in her head. She was fairly certain the bed wasn't visible in their observer's line of sight. But she knew she must be crazy for considering doing this.

Kensi couldn't say exactly what had come over her. Perhaps it was how tired she was. Perhaps it was that she hadn't gotten a good workout in since starting this assignment, and she was feeling antsy. Perhaps feeling him against her had reminded her of how long it had been since last she'd last had a man. Or maybe spending all this time with him these past few days— being affectionate and flirty with him more so than usual, had lowered her already weakened defenses against him. There was even a part of her that was trying to convince herself that what she was doing was all just to help sell their cover.

Whatever the truth was, her resolve was quickly rising. She knew the risks of what she was about to do and what it could mean for their partnership. But she also knew the chances of her being rejected were slim to none. And in that moment, she just didn't care about the future.

Deeks still looked at her in the darkness, but she couldn't make out the expression on his features. He stepped towards the bed and started to say, "Well… Good ni—"

He was cut off when she dropped a hand to his hips, and felt around until she quickly encountered his stiffening cock beneath his pants pointing almost straight up. Deeks sucked in a quick breath and his whole body flinched at the unexpected contact.

"Um, what are you—?" he tried to ask before she cut him off by attacking his mouth with hers and lightly nibbling his lips. Deeks took a moment to recover, then leaned into her embrace and responded with enthusiasm.

She traced the line of his jaw and down his neck with her lips and fisted his shirt in her hands. Returning her mouth to his cheek, she whispered harshly into his ear, "Shut up. They could still be listening."

The words sounded somewhere between paranoid and lame even to her. But she was grasping at straws in her efforts to prevent him from talking some sense into her.

"Okay, but do you think this is a good idea?" he whispered between her devouring kisses.

Quite simply she replied, "No."

"So, don't you think—?"

"No. And I don't want to think. Shut up!" she commanded, forcefully pushing him down on the bed.

She clambered in after him and draped her body over his. She could stop now. They were out of sight of the window. But the truth she was still denying her head was that she didn't want to stop.

Their kisses were messy and fierce, and she spent more time nipping at the corner of his jaw and mouthing at the skin of his neck than she did caressing his lips. Their hands wandered over each other's bodies aggressively, and in short order they had mostly removed their clothes.

Deeks still seemed unsure, because there were a couple of places his hands avoided. Kensi tried to encourage him by pressing her breasts against his bare chest and grinding on his thigh, her hip rubbing against his growing arousal. But everywhere they did touch sent a jolt through her core or a shiver across her skin. There was very little that was passionate about their actions, but she had never been quite so on fire for someone, and she could tell that he was equally affected by her.

Then, quite suddenly, Deeks fled from their bed entirely. She tried to see what he was doing in the dim light shining through the window, but could only hear him rummaging through his pants tucked away in the closet. While she waited impatiently for him to return, she laid on her back and dropped a hand between her legs to encourage her bundle of nerves to emerge. Her fingers opened her folds and spread the wetness gathered there between them.

He finally returned and knelt on the bed between her legs. She could just make out the silhouette of him rolling a condom on his thick cock. She placed a hand on his hip and another on his stomach as he leaned forward and pressed his forehead to hers. She couldn't quite make out the expression on his face. It might have been nervousness, or it could have been tenderness.

He held himself steady above her, and it was Kensi who had to actually reach between them and guide his cock to the right place. He groaned and she let out a sharp breath as he pushed into her slowly, the tight walls of her pussy stretching to let him in. Deeks planted an elbow on either side of her torso, and she wrapped her arms around his midsection. He rocked gently back and forth, easing a little deeper into her each time until he was all the way in.

Deeks set a tempo that was slow, yet let him draw out entirely with each thrust. Every time he pushed back in there was slightly less resistance from her inner muscles. The satisfaction she felt at being filled up so completely was beginning to be superseded by a heated anticipation; a low hum that was building in her core and amplified as the friction from his movements grew stronger.

She busied her mouth with his neck and shoulders, occasionally bringing them to his chin or cheek or even his lips. But when her face drew close with his, he met her gaze. Even in the darkness she could see a reverence in his eyes as he looked at her, and it scared her. So when she got the chance, Kensi pushed on his shoulders until he shifted off of her. Then she rolled to her stomach and crawled up on her hands and knees.

Deeks knelt behind her and quickly brought them together again. Kensi rocked back into him, meeting each of his thrusts. With her movements she urged him to go deeper, and from this angle, he filled her to depths she wasn't sure she'd ever felt before. Loud moans were starting to escape her. The part of her brain that was yet capable of thought was still in shock that this was actually happening; that she had let it happen— no, she had made it happen. This went against every bit of her better judgement, and yet she was so enthralled with every second of it.

Deeks' grunts also grew louder with his exertion. His hips and thighs crashed into hers harder and faster by the minute, and he gripped her butt so tightly that she was certain there would be ten red marks visible when they finished. But as with everything that evening, she just didn't care. All she could think about is how close she was to bliss; how he was managing to hit the right spot over and over again; how hard she had to focus on not calling his name as she careened towards the edge of what promised to be a powerful orgasm.

She lowered herself to her elbows and buried her face in a pillow. Both out of the exhaustion in her tiring muscles, and in an effort to gain just a little more friction against her clit from his thrusts. That seemed to do the trick.

Her legs started to tremble and her voice practically whined as she moaned through her sharp breaths. Bursts of pleasure coursed through the flesh and muscles between her legs and all along her body. Her inner walls fluttered and all she could do was clench her fists, curl her toes, and wait in ecstasy until the heavenly feeling subsided.

Deeks had bent over and was covering her body with his. He continued to roll his hips and slam into her repeatedly with speed for another minute. Finally, he grunted a little louder and she could feel his body shake before he stilled and came to rest on top of her.

She let him lay there for a few seconds, occasionally kissing the skin on her back while they caught their breath. It was comforting. But when his arm came to wrap around her shoulders, she pushed him off. Gathering and quickly putting on her sleepwear in the darkness, she headed to the bathroom.

When Kensi had returned, Deeks had also dressed and tidied the bed a bit. Without meeting his gaze in the low light shining from the bathroom night light, she walked past him and climbed into bed. He joined her shortly after under the covers. Kensi wondered if he would try to cuddle with her. And she tried to decide if she would let him. But she never had to make her mind up. He seemed to sense her inner conflict, and kept his distance. But then he prodded her in the shoulder a couple of times, and she reluctantly rolled over to face him.

"Hey, Kens?" he whispered.

"Justin," she hissed back. Of course he wanted to talk. This is exactly what she wanted to avoid. Talking. With annoyance, she asked, "What?"

Her body tensed as he reached over to brush some stray hair from her face. With his eyebrows raised, he said, "That was… I…" He paused and sighed sadly before asking, "One more good night kiss?"

She leaned in until her face was inches from his. Smiling devilishly she replied in barely a whisper, "Nope. This is never happening again."

"Never? Not even a peck?" he whispered back in disappointment, but with a grin on his face. "We are married, you know."

Kensi sighed. Continuing to whisper, she answered, "I'll do what I have to for our jobs. But what just happened… It was a fluke. I got caught up in the moment." For good measure she added, "But I won't ever be kissing you again unless I have no other choice."

Kensi then rolled away from him and hunkered under the blankets. She was anxious about what had just happened, more physically content than she'd been in a while, and unwilling to admit how conflicted she really was. In the dark stillness of the bedroom, she heard him speak one more time.

"Yeah, okay. Goodnight, Princess."

A/N: There will be a chapter 2. I'm not yet sure how it will start… or end. But if you know me at all, you can guess what will happen in the middle.