This is just a little story focusing on a Ghost and Guardian. I'm doing this story as if My guardian in the game was the main guardian from the storyline of Destiny 2. Please don't post any comments that would give hate on it not being your guardian or what not. It's just a story. I hope you enjoy it.

"How can that be?" Nate asked. "I thought that sort of thing was not possible for Ghost's."

Ikora smiled and turned to look back out to the city. "It's actually not that uncommon. You aren't the first Ghost to come to me with the same problem."


"Yes," her eyes lingered on the city. "Every one of them that came to me felt the same way you did. They felt something was wrong with them. But you are correct in one thing Nate. Your light prevents you from having system malfunctions. I have never met a Ghost that had a malfunctioning system. So, there is nothing for you to worry about. Feelings are normal."

Nate took in the information for a moment. "So, what do I do now?"

"Well," Ikora's eyes went down to him. "You need to do several things. You need to find out if these feelings are real. How you do that is watch for these patterns. Consistency, do these feelings happen daily and frequently throughout the day? If they don't, it may not be real love. Watch your Guardian as well, watch how she treats you. Sometimes the way she treats you can cause feelings, but she needs to treat you the right way, or your feelings are not a healthy relationship."

"So, see if she treats me like a pet or person?"

"Yes, your feelings are more genuine if she treats you like a person. If she treats you like a pet, then it's probably not the best thing for you right now. Finally, treat everything normally. If you act like something is wrong, then that can actually do more damage than repair. So, enjoy your time with your Guardian, don't treat this as if it an end. Treat it like a beginning." She finished.

"How many of the other Ghosts followed your guidance?" He asked.

She smiled at him again. "All of them."

"And how many found the answers they wanted?"

"All of them."

His eye squinted a bit at his next question. "Where those answers positive?"

Ikora's eyes were soft, "I'll let you figure that out for yourself, Nate. You might want to return to your Guardian. You don't want her to worry."

Nate floated up in the air and nodded at her. "Thank you, Ikora."

"My pleasure."

Nate left the area and made his way to Diana's room. Though he knew why he felt he did around Diana, he still had many questions, and he didn't think Ikora would tell him the answers. It was something he would have to learn himself. Patience, he knew patience. He had to have it when he searched for Diana.

He entered the Tower and went up to where he shared a living area with his Guardian. The Ghost felt peace when he stopped in front of the door. He enjoyed this time home with Diana. It was relaxing.

I wonder what she's doing right now? He thought as he phased into the apartment-like area. She may be watching television, or eating, or reading. She loves to read.

After entering the main living area, he saw the television on. The main menu played over and over for his favorite movie. Oh Brother Where Art Thou. It may have been centuries old, seeing it was made at the very beginning of the twenty-first century, but it was a classic that Nate would always laugh at.

He moved over to look for Diana. He found her on the couch, laying across it in her relaxed style, leaving a space for him to rest by her. She was sleeping. By the looks of it, she knew he was struggling with something, and she wanted to help in any way she could. Meaning she put on his favorite movie and was ready to enjoy the evening with him.

But after everything that happened, she fell asleep before he got there. But the effort was not lost to Nate. It left a deep impression on him. That same feeling of warmth and joy entered his being.

Floating down, we rested on the pillow next to her, by her head. Rubbing against her, he relaxed to rest as well. His Guardian shifted and her hand instinctively pulled him to her chest, where she held him close. A smile played on her lips as she felt the little Ghost next to her.

It felt like home.