This is just a little story focusing on a Ghost and Guardian. I'm doing this story as if My guardian in the game was the main guardian from the storyline of Destiny 2. Please don't post any comments that would give hate on it not being your guardian or what not. It's just a story. I hope you enjoy it.

The ghost bot floated the short distance away from his guardian. They had just returned to the tower from Mercury. Finding Osiris and preventing a world ending conflict had granted the two a deserved rest. But the little ghost was struggling with a different problem. He watched as his human guardian was eventually joined by another guardian. They were talking, and she seemed to be enjoying herself. He let out a sigh.

"Hey Nate." a female robotic voice called to him.

His eye glanced to the other ghost floating towards him. "Hi Jessie."

"Great job on Mercury. You and your guardian are really doing amazing stuff. Finding the light after Gaul took it, fighting and defeating him, now you found Osiris and prevented the looming apocalypse. Maybe she will become the next Hunter Vanguard." She sounded excited.

"Maybe." He replied somberly. It's true what Diana did was amazing. He had witnessed almost all of it. The only time he had missed was when Sagira had controlled his body for a time. And that's what was bothering him. He was jealous.

"You don't sound that enthusiastic, Nate." Jessie noted. "Is something wrong?"

"I honestly didn't take much part on Mercury." He explained. "Osiris's ghost, Sagira, was in control of my body for the majority of the time."

Jessie tilted slightly. "Oh, so you're sad that you missed the action?"

"No." He paused. "Well, yes and no. Diana is my guardian. I promised I would be with her till the very end. But I broke that promise. I just don't want to share my guardian."

Nate's altitude dropped until he was resting on a railing. Jessie dropped down so she was in front of him.

"Nate," she responded. "That's understandable for any ghost. We each have a very special bond with our guardians. I can understand why you would be jealous. Especially because of everything that has happened. But it will be hard to not share her, she's in high demand because of her skills and achievements."

"I know that."

Jessie kept eye contact with him. "Well, maybe you should talk to her a bit about it. She would listen to you and help you with any concerns."

"Hey, Nate!" His guardian called to him. "We need to go. Erik asked us to join his fire team for a strike Zavala needed him to do."

"Told ya." Jessie whispered to him before returning to her own guardian.

Nate didn't move. "We just finished on Mercury, can't we get a bit of rest before going anywhere?"

Diana's face showed sympathy. Holding out her hand, she waited for her blue and gold ghost to fly to her. He didn't move at first, but reluctantly he got off the rail and floated to her hand. Dropping down, he rested in her palm.

"You coming?' Erik called to Diana.

"Yes," she turned her head. "We will follow you in a separate ship. Nessus right?"

He nodded then walked away, hailing his ship to pick him up. Diana did the same and was soon brought into the ship with her ghost. They made their way to Nessus, silence taking root in the pilot seat. Nate didn't know what to say. He stayed floating above her right shoulder, a further distance than usual. He felt a hand rest on his side and pull him down, so he was resting on Diana's shoulder.

"What's eating at you?" She asked, keeping her eyes on the sky. He remained silent. "Nate, you've been like this since we got back from Mercury. What's wrong?"

The ghost composed his thoughts. "Do you think you will ever get tired of this?" Her eyebrow cocked as she took a glance at him. "Do you think you will ever want to just stop and die one last time, me never to revive you again? Do you think you will ever get tired of fighting?"

She didn't answer immediately, but when she did it was thoughtful. "When you do something for a while, everyone can get tired of it. It can even be your favorite thing, but you may need a break. I am tired of the fighting, the running, the pain. But do you want to know why I keep doing it?" She looked at him with a gentle smile. "Because my family is always close by to help me. The Vanguard are always here to help and support us when they can. I have Erik and Bunny, two very close friends. And I have you. None of this would happen if it wasn't for you. You are my little light, though I know you don't like that name, but you always lead me out of the dark.

"In terms of getting tired and dying. Well, right now I don't see that happening real soon. I love my life too much to want to die. There are too many important people that I would disappoint if I just gave up and died. Maybe someday in the future I will die in battle and you won't be able to bring me back, we will just have to accept fate. But right now, my life means too much to me to just give up. I'm not going anywhere Nate. I promise."

Those words truly touched Nate. Its what he needed to hear. He still didn't know why he felt like he did. Maybe he needed to get his systems checked to see if there was some sort of bug or disconnected circuit. Though those situations are not normal for a ghost powered by the same light as the Traveler. Right then he was happy to be with his guardian.

"Hey," Erik's voice came through the com systems. "Bunny is meeting us there. I figured a Warlock would be perfect to help the fire team. Now we have a hunter, titan and warlock."

"Sounds great!" Diana replied. "I'm glad we didn't interrupt her like we did with our last strike. She was in the middle of a mission from Ikora."

"Yeah, she was ticked that we almost gave away her hiding spot from the Fallen." He laughed. "Did you get my coordinates?"

"Yeah, I'll be there in a few minutes." She replied. "Talk to you soon."


As they slowed in front of Nessus, Nate had a foreboding feeling. Something wasn't right. He didn't know what, but something bad was going to happen.

Well, he thought. Diana promised nothing would happen to her. She's careful, we should be fine.