Chapter 13 PREVIEW

here's a scene from the next chapter. I'm sorry I haven't updated yet. I want to do the finale right so I'm taking my time getting everything just perfect!

Recommended Song: The Winner Takes It All by ABBA

"You saw him."

Cristina startled, nearly falling out of her chair. Owen hadn't talked to her in days ever since he found out about her and Shane. She spun around in her chair. He was standing in the doorway, looking deeply troubled. The lines on his forehead were deep, which told her that he thought about having this conversation for a long time. Lost sleep over it.

"Excuse me?"

"You saw him." Owen spit. He seemed physically repulsed by the very words. "You saw Burke."

"Yeah. He was at the talk I gave in Zurich." Cristina responded casually.

"How could you-" He grabbed his hair out of sheer frustration "Meredith said there was even a job offer. To work for him."

"No." Cristina said quickly. "Not work for him. To take over for him."

"So what? Are you going to do it?" Owen demanded. Cristina flinched. It wasn't like him to be so angry right out of the gate- even after all the fights they had. She was about to shout her response when she saw his eyes. Fear.

"As I recall you were the one who encouraged me to expand my horizons." She crossed her arms.

"I didn't mean move and… with him." Owen glowered.

"He has a wife and kids. Two kids actually. James and Isabel, i think they're called." Cristina said standing in the small office. The idea still hurt her. She never loved Burke but she wanted to be him. And the fact that her mentor, her idol got to have kids… the fact that he was giving up his job to make them happy; it was never something Cristina could have done. And in a way Burke was right, she was beyond him now. She was beyond Owen. "He wants his happily ever after so he's quitting his practice to be with them full time."

"He knows how to manipulate you, knows what you want, how to get you to say yes to this."

"Owen!" Cristina threw her hands up. "Burke has nothing to do with this. Can't you see that? I can't stay here." Her voice broke. She realized she was shaking. She tried to still herself, reel her emotions back in. It wasn't fair to either of them to expose those. "This isn't about some award. I finally know what I want. I have the opportunity to make a huge difference on hundreds of- Are you even listening?"

Owen was just shaking his head. She knew her words were falling on deaf ears.

"It's not manipulation." Cristina insisted. "Owen, I want you to support me. Out of everyone, I thought you'd support me." She wanted to add: I supported you when you dated Emma, when you wanted to have a family. This is my dream.

Why can't you support me?

He bolted from the room without so much as a goodbye. That hurt Cristina right to her core, but she didn't have the strength to run after him. Not anymore.

A/N: More to come... Just wanted to give you guys a taste of what I'm working on. Working up to the finale :'(