(A/N) the first part of this chapter is done from The Light's POV and it will be in italics)
In the beginning there was just me.
The Light. God. The Primordial Being. Yahweh. Yeshua. Jehovah. Elohim Etc.
You get the point.
Until I decided to create.
I created everything that was, everything that is and everything that ever will be.
The Angels were first.
My first seven sons, Michael, Lucifer, Gabriel, Raphael, Selaphiel, Usiel and Amitiel.
Heaven was created as our Home and I watched my sons grow up Happy and carefree, for many Millennia I created more lesser Angels, each one infused with grace with snippets of my omnipotent power. But there was an unintended side-effect. One that I had overlooked.
Demonic beings were created alongside them in order to balance the multiverse which I had created. They were disgusting and feral and wanted to destroy everything in sight. The greatest of these demons was Tenebris.
Tenebris was vile and putrid, a multi-limbed being made of veil and shadow. Followed wherever it went by a storm of Red Lightning where it would sow the seeds of corruption in various dimensions.
One of these dimensions, was Malum, where the Demogorgan species resided, it was one of the very first of the Demon species to inhabit the Multiverse and Tenebris easily bent their simple feralistic minds to It's superior will.
Malum became a dimension of eternal darkness, corruption was weaved through every single fibre of the dimension. So I sealed it away, protecting Heaven with a series of Light Barriers that even I believed to be unbreakable.
But like me Tenebris was a Primordial being which had an eternity's worth of patience. So it waited and waited and waited for the day that It would be strong enough to break through even the strongest of those barriers.
In the meantime I focused my energies somewhere else.
I created Earth.
And then I created them.
The Human Race.
Lucifer started to become Jealous of them as I paid more attention to my new creations than I did him and the Angels which came before them. Lucifer grew more and more rebellious by the day to the point where there were constant arguments between him and the other Archangels.
"It's bad enough we were forced to bow to them, but now Father has ordered us to love humans more than him? I simply cannot do it!" Lucifer said his eyes flashing Blue in anger.
"Calm yourself Lucifer" Michael gently chastised. Lucifer still seethed although the words from his Elder brother was seemingly calming him.
"I cannot sit idly by whilst those hairless apes…" Lucifer trailed off unable to finish his sentence before marching off away from his brother. Michael watched him go carefully.
"Don't do anything foolish, little brother"
After that Lucifer corrupted humanity in order to prove his point.
They fell from grace and by doing so they had gained their Soul.
I was absolutely wrathful. I nearly Smote Lucifer on principal but I stayed my hand and considered other possibilities.
Soon after that I gave the Archangels titles where they had Dominion over certain aspects of creation, Lucifer became the Archangel of Darkness. His eyes and halo were forever cursed with the colour red to remind him of his crime against the human race and remind him of his shame.
I made him the ruler of Hell where he would be in charge of Purifying souls that did not deserve damnation and torture of the ones who did. After all his crime cursed all Humans and so I put him in charge of dealing with the souls that he corrupted.
Over time his opinion changed and begrudgingly began to respect humans.
And by the time of the war against Tenebris on Earth his love for humans were fully developed and he launched himself into battle headfirst, ready to die for the Humans who he had once hated so very much.
In the meantime I spent time teaching Humanity and even Punishing hoping that these beautiful beings I had made would grow up and love one another as I had loved them.
But things only stayed the same.
And so I saw that I needed to step away and let them find their own way. Slowly but surely over time they became better, fighting less and less over the words in old books.
And then the war in Heaven waged by Tenebris began.
The Angels went from guardians to warriors over thousands of years as they fought and fought and fought.
Only two Angels managed to escape from Heaven whilst the rest remained.
Lucifer and Selaphiel.
Lucifer fled to Hell where he began experimenting with fusing Archangelic Grace to that of Serpents, creating winged Abominations that would eventually be known as Dragons. He would travel to and fro helping the fight in Heaven whilst maintaining Hell and looking for Me. Purified Souls would make their way to Heaven protected by light barriers that were fuelled by own grace. Tenebris would never have access to them, never.
Selaphiel wandered the Earth, exploring and re-consolidating his own power.
Until he met and fell in love with a human named Terry Ives.
Where he fathered a child.
A Nephilim.
Jane Ives.
El Hopper.
Half-Human and Half-Archangel. Her soul was fused with Angelic grace.
From the moment of her birth I watched as an invisible tether formed itself to Mike Wheeler. Soul-binding them from the moment of their birth. It was something so beautiful and so eternally powerful that I could feel it radiate across the entire Multiverse.
Both her and Mike's birth sent ripples of energy throughout creation.
Tenebris Felt their birth.
And it Trembled in fear.
I watched as the two grew up, Mike would sometimes feel emotions that were not his across the bond as did El, both feeling each other and not even knowing it at the time, years quietly went by. Until that one fateful night in 1983.
I watched invisible as the three boys stumbled upon El in the woods, Where both of them were immediately drawn to each other. Their eyes never leaving the other. I smiled as I watched their Soul's light up in joy upon meeting the other for the first time.
Mike had begun falling in Love that very moment.
El had begun falling in Love the moment she had been offered her new name.
Mike had lain in his bed wide awake as he thought about the girl with the shaved head downstairs lying in the blanket fort in his basement. Even without hair he thought she was pretty although he would never admit that. Although he would without realizing it when she would come out in the dress and wig.
Eleven had been laying within the blanket fort, for the first time in her life she was surrounded by warmth that wasn't superficial or fake. Her thoughts too had drifted to the boy with the stars upon his face. She smiled softly as the thoughts of the boy lulled her to a peaceful sleep.
And the rest was history.
The Light watched as Mike tumbled to the ground unmoving as Tenebris' power surged through him extinguishing the soul within until it was a mere flicker of what it once was.
And The Light turned away in sorrow.
The Demon/The Mind Flayer/Tenebris starred down at the petite figure below itself and took a hesitant step back as it saw her eyes were ablaze an icy blue burning with cold fury. Purple lightning was sparking in-between her fingers, allowing the power to flow through her, pure rage dictating her power, Lucifer's lesson on serenity and clarity had been completely discarded as her grace cried out for justice, for blood to be spilled, to avenge Michael Wheeler.
With a loud cry she unleashed several thick bolts of purple lightning towards her foe and the Mind flayer unleashed it's own tendrils of darkness like it did the last time the two of them had faced off. The bolts and the darkness tendrils collided in mid-air causing cackles of thunder as well as the sound being sucked out from the air.
Tears streaks stained her face as she pushed harder against the demon's almost nigh-omnipotent power. The Celestials could only watch in stunned awe at the titanic battle that was raging around them.
Lucifer had just managed to fight of the corruption that had been tearing against his grace, and he lifted his head to see El facing down the demon alone.
"You are alone girl!" it hissed at her. "Why continue to fight when everything you truly care about is lost?!" it growled at her.
"Shut up!" El shouted back. She could feel herself pushing the limits of the what power she had. Lightning continued to flow from her fingertips.
"It was easy, my essence flowed into him and destroyed his soul, how does it feel girl? Soon the world will be enveloped in Eternal Darkness !"
"SHUT UP!" she screamed, power exploded from within her causing a colossal shockwave spread from her and across the land, the mind flayer stumbled backwards, stunned by the sheer rawness of her power.
Zadkiel was still sat by Mike's body, there was truth to the Demon's words, the soul was being destroyed by the essence that had poisoned his system. But it was putting up the toughest of fights to stay within the body. Zadkiel felt his heart break knowing that Mike's soul was fighting to stay in existence and there were literally no options to save him, except maybe one.
Zadkiel closed his eyes knowing what he must do and having made peace with that.
Lucifer managed to stand up now and moved his way over to Mike's body and El watched them out of the corner of her eye as her attention was still focused upon the Demon that stood before her.
She lifted her hand and clenched her fist and was about to unleash her power when she felt footsteps behind her.
The Angels stood behind her. Their blades drawn as they starred up at the demon. They simultaneously raised their hands and let loose barrage after barrage of light waves towards the demon. Lucifer came to stand beside her.
"For Mike?" He asked quietly.
Her tear stained cheeks were clearly visible as she turned to look at him with icy determination.
"For Mike" she said finally, her head slowly turned to look at Mike before back to the weakened demon as it being assaulted by light wave after light wave.
She strode forward.
And clenched her fist once more and ripped one of the Demon's limbs from it's body. The howl it let out destroyed every piece of glass within a ten mile radius as it stumbled backwards as gaseous smoke poured from the severed Limb. The Demon screeched angrily as more tendrils flew forward where it forced its essence down their gullets and extinguished their grace. It was done playing. The demogorgan army had fled in fear ages ago.
El continued to rip limb after limb from the Demon, angrily and enraged, like pulling the legs from a spider as she sadistically caused it more pain by ripping limbs from it with her sheer Archangel grace. An earthquake erupted around them as the Demon fell to the floor finally ready to be destroyed.
El briskly walked up to it, her wings still fully ablaze as she glared down at the monster, her icy blue quite visible within the dark. She said nothing for several moments as her wings still drizzled with molten fire before spinning on the spot and slicing through it's faceless head.
She starred down at the monster. She raised her hand and allowed fire to flow from her fingertips encasing the monster within holy fire allowing the body before to burn. As it burned the storm of red lightning above her began to evaporate, it's form being eviscerated.
The Celestials watched in Awe as through the portal the demons corruption was becoming undone, finally being able to see their home after so many long years.
She looked over to Mike and saw Zadkiel was still beside him, a hand placed upon his head and his eyes closed.
Zadkiel opened his eyes and watched the broken girl walk to him where she fell to her knee's as tears took over as she shook without control. Hopper stood behind her and looked on mournfully. He too was close to shedding tears. Another person whom he cared about was now dead or near death. Lucifer came over to crouch next to Zadkiel.
"His soul is nearly gone" Zadkiel said quietly to Lucifer.
Lucifer looked to El and saw her soul was aflame In pain and grief as did Zadkiel.
They could do nothing as she wept her soul to everyone around her. Where she could feel his soul was now just nothing but emptiness and it was killing her. She could not live forever without Mike. Mike was her strength and her sole reason for wanting to be alive and now he was gone.
Zadkiel sighed and looked at Lucifer with a look and Lucifer's eyes widened
"No… No! Zadkiel you cannot be thinking that!" he hissed.
But he paid Lucifer no heed as he turned his attention to El.
"I can save him" he said quietly.
El's head snapped up to look at the Angel, trying to control her emotion.
"It's risky but I can try something that might work" Zadkiel said slowly looking at Lucifer again.
"Zadkiel if you do this you know what this means" Lucifer said quietly.
Zadkiel nodded, ready for the last task that he was ever to undertake.
"I know" he said, El looked at him shaking her head. He smiled softly.
"Jane it would be my honour" Zadkiel said softly, He let a blade fall from his sleeve and grasped it tightly. Before handing it to Lucifer. Lucifer took it hesitantly, his own eyes brimming with tears.
"It's okay brother, I want this" Zadkiel said nodding at him.
Lucifer swiftly allowed the tip of the blade to slice Zadkiel's throat, beneath there could be seen the blue gaseous form of his grace and Lucifer used his hand to softly guide it from the host and down into Mike's open mouth.
As the grace flew down Mike's open mouth it sought out Mike's soul, it's semi-sentience being drawn to it like a moth to the flame, Mike's soul was heavily damaged as the Demon's corruption sought to destroy it to the point that it would not even enter Heaven.
The grace immediately surrounded what was left and fought off the infection as it fused itself into Mike's soul, repairing it, healing it, curing it. It then moved through out his body seeking out the damage that was caused and repairing it as it allowed itself to fuse into every molecule and fibre of his body.
Zadkiel's body fell the ground. He was dead with his grace gone, his body was now just an empty shell. Mike's body begun to glow and Lucifer allowed his wings to fly up protectively around him and El as there was a grace filled explosion as the last bits of the Demon's infection was eviscerated from him forever.
Lucifer lowered his wings as the light faded and tall that was left was Mike who lay upon the floor and Lucifer smiled seeing that the grace transference was a success, El carefully opened her eyes where she crawled over to her soul mate.
She cradled his head above her arms, placing a soft kiss upon his lips. There was a moment silence as the Heaven's opened up and rain began to splatter against everything around them including them.
"El…?" a voice whispered.
"Mike?" her voice quivered in hope.
There were many legends about Angels.
Fantastic tales and stories about Heaven's mighty warriors that were the guardians of the Human race. But there was one legend that remained consistent throughout every year that passed upon the Planet Earth.
Winged beings would be spotted atop the tallest of buildings watching over humanity, all across the world. The moment they were seen they were gone in the blink of an eye. Sometimes people would find themselves being saved by People who would appear out of nowhere and seemingly completing impossible feats before vanishing as quickly as they came.
But there was always one tale that spread to every corner of the globe.
There was two winged beings who would stand hand in hand.
One Pair of Wings would be made of Blue Lightning with a mop of black ebony hair atop his head and the other would have wings of fire dripping with molten fire and sometimes their wings would be solid with beautiful bright feathers that would reflect the Sunlight itself.
And they would always be together.
But Whenever people tried to get a closer look there was a rustle of wings and a rush of wind.
Those that did get closer than the others would only ever manage to see was The Shadow of a Thousand Feathers.
(A/N) so here we are at Journey's end. It's been fantastic and a privilege to write this story for all of you. I may do a sequel but I need a good bit of inspiration first lol
This has been my longest ever story, I'm not sure if it lived up to the legacy of Beauty of Annihilation but I did my best and thank you to everyone who supported me and followed me to the end. I have a new idea I'll be working on so look out for new stories from me in the future! As one journey ends another must begin.
As always guys review! And until next time, peace!