I don't own Rune Factory. I wish I did! Currently playing through the game again. I'm at the Floating Castle. I just officially started dating Dylas. I think this will be a short story instead of a one shot. What are your thoughts so far guys? Let me know in a review or a message! I don't want to follow Dylas's scenes exactly. I like putting my own original content on things.
It seemed as Frey had discovered Dylas's weakness. Though, it was without meaning to. Arthur had sent the young waiter to her house to collect some documents that she had to work on for the Capital. Frey was surprised that Dylas had even agreed to do Arthur's errands. Normally, the guy kept to himself.
Frey was in the kitchen of her part of the stone castle in the middle of the town. She had just gotten her 'crafting room' up to par. A full kitchen lined the back wall with various appliances. There was a workstation where she created potions and medicines, a crafting table, and even a forge in the back corner. To Frey, her quarters were coming along nicely- even resembling some sort of cozy home. Not that Frey would remember anything before coming on to Selphia anyways.
Spot & Bess were producing plenty of milk these warm summer days. So, Frey figured she would use the extra to cook some milk porridge. She really needed to start eating breakfast in the morning anyways- or rather a more variety of nutrients. She knew she couldn't leave on fish and the random herbs that sometimes grew in the fields.
There was a slight knock on one of the doors in the main room. "It's open!" Frey shouted in response.
The door opened revealing the blue haired butler she'd come to know. "Morning Princess," Vishnal chirped cheerfully. "I wanted to make sure you were awake."
Frey smiled. "You don't have to keep calling me Princess. Or waking me up for that matter," Frey insisted.
Vishnal shrugged. "It's the only time I see you anymore," he stated in a small tone.
Frey's smile dropped. "I'm sorry," she apologized wringing her hands together. "I guess I have been working too hard."
Vishnal shrugged again. Smiling wider. "Come on now. Every Warrior Princess needs a day off every once in a while. You should spend some time with everyone. I hear there's a massive dinner at Porcoline's Kitchen tonight for Porco's birthday. You should come!"
Frey smiled. "Yeah, alright." She agreed. She stirred the milk porridge in the pot absentmindedly before pouring it into a couple of bowls- snapping lids on some of them and throwing them into her endless bag. The coffee was done brewing and she poured her and Vishnal a cup easily. "What are your plans today?" She asked.
Vishnal smiled. "Clorica and I have etiquette training all day."
"Sounds super entertaining," Frey deadpanned.
"I like being able to help others this way. I could never be the main story of a movie," he shook his head wildly. "I can't imagine being in the spotlight all of the time like you are. What if I mess up?" He questioned.
Frey looked up from her caffeine mixture. "Come now Vishnal, don't say that," she said in a small voice. "You'd make a great role in a movie," she encouraged. She glanced at the clock above her oven and sighed. "I have to see to the farm." She pulled on a light cardigan over her tank top. "Close the door when you leave?" She requested, and entered the fields.
As she weeded and water the crops the dinner tonight was on her mind. Perhaps she should have a break tonight. The dinner was for Leon, who Frey had recently rescued.
The Dragon Priest seemed very strange. Frey wasn't really sure how to describe him yet. And it was a perfect opportunity to get to know the final guardian. He seemed shocked after all that she was willing to risk her life to save his. But, she was willing to do that for Venti and the other Guardians. He would learn in time.
Frey took her time in the fields. And started chatting with Clorica for a while when she came to grab her daily shipment. It was lunchtime when Frey managed to pull herself away from the farming and crafting duties she managed to find herself in. And to top it off, she was holding a brand new set of dual blades she had just crafted. She was just starting to find some gold in the ores she was coming across and she happened to have enough for new blades. And these were gorgeous. Frey had to try them out. So, after scooping some bamboo rice hastily in her mouth, she exited through the front door and made her way towards Selphia Plains, where she fully intended on testing these fine new weapons.
Well, that is until one of the tourists interrupted her daydreaming self.
"Ahh! Yoo! Hey there! Hi!" A guy called out to her, waving frantically.
Frey raised an eyebrow at the tourist. It was common for them to manage to find the Warrior Princess and take up some of her time, but this one seemed, very excited. He raced up to her side and shook her hand excitedly.
"You're the Warrior Princess Babe, aren't you?" He seemed positively delighted. Frey was about to answer, but she didn't have enough time. "Can you point a bro out in the right direction?"
Frey smiled and pulled her hand away from the visitor to run a hand through her hair. "Alright, what are you looking for?"
"Check it: I'm looking for a place where the most bodacious babes in town go to chill, you know?" the tourist questioned.
Frey had to blink a moment at that, but she continued with her answer anyways "Well, there's the restaurant just across the way."
"Right on!" The tourist punched his fist in the air in excitement. "So, you wanna hang? I'm payin'," he offered.
Frey smiled politely. "Thanks, but I can't."
"Aw, c'mon babe! What's the matter? I just wanna hang," he moved in closer to Frey.
The light haired girl, not used to guy's advances took a step back. But she was shocked when he ignored that step and closed the distance between them again, even placing a hand on her arm.
"H-hey," Frey frowned at the touch and at herself for stammering slightly.
But, at this moment Dylas walked across the bridge and sped walked to the pair. He crossed his hands over his chest. "What do you think you're doing?" He questioned.
The tourist ripped his attention away from Frey and on the blue haired man that now stood against the town gate. "Hey! What's your deal?" He questioned angrily.
Frey forced a smile to appear on his face at her friend. "Oh, hey Dylas…" but the tourist interrupted her greeting.
"You wanna fight, brah? You're gonna regret it if you don't get lost!"
Dylas watched the tourist completely uninterested for a split second, but then turned his attention back to Frey. "Frey, didn't you hear me? What are you doing?"
The tourist didn't seem to like being ignored. Frey was still reeling at the fact someone actually spoke like he did- using the word 'brah' and everything. "Hey! Are you even listening to me?" He exclaimed.
Frey glanced at the tourist before turning her attention to Dylas, placing a hand on her hip. "Um, well…he kinda asked me if I wanted to have tea with him," Frey answered. "Sort of," she added on.
Dylas narrowed his eyes. "Uh huh."
The tourist was not happy with this turn of conversation. "Quit ignoring me, horse-face!" And Frey immediately cringed at that insult.
Dylas ripped his gaze off of Frey and glared at the newcomer. "What was that?" He yelled angrily.
The tourist seemed surprised that his comment got Dylas's attention, because he didn't say anything.
"Loud mouthed jerk, aren't you?" Dylas questioned, a sneer forming on his lips. "So who was it you were calling 'horse-face' again? Well?" He yelled inching closer and closer to the tourist.
The tourist took a step back. "Uh… I- I didn't say that."
But, Dylas wouldn't have it. "Get lost! And make it quick, or else…" he trailed off. He clenched his fists together and Frey saw a fiery resolve burning in his gaze. "I'll punt both you and Doug into next week!"
The tourist wasn't happy with this response. "Who's Doug?" He screeched. "Ugh, whatever! I'll let you off easy today, brah! She isn't worth it. I'm out! Peace!" And with that, the tourist scurried away. Dylas didn't move until he was far down the cobblestone path.
"Um," Frey interrupted the silence. "Thanks brah," she beamed up at Dylas. And she saw him twitch slightly in annoyance.
"Whatever. He was just bothering me. That is all," he responded in a softer, but still tense tone. "That was partly your fault too you know. You've got 'sucker' written all over you."
Frey raised her eyebrows at that. She was wearing her normal dungeon clothes. A pair or leggings and a tank top with protective armor around her chest. Her long mint colored hair was pulled into a ponytail and she had her blades sheathed. One was across her back and the main one at her right hip. "Um-" but she stopped after that. She wasn't exactly sure how to respond to that.
"So start being a little more cautious, okay? There are jerks like that everywhere. And they like going after people as pretty and cute as you are."
Frey blinked a couple of times "Huh?" Dylas's eyes widened as he realized what he just said. A flush instantly covered his cheeks.
"W-well this isn't necessarily my own opinion!" He exclaimed turning his head and covering his mouth with his hand. "So don't get too excited!" He exclaimed. And he rushed away.
Frey paused as she watched Dylas race away. It seemed like he'd take the quickest place possible, anything to get away from her. "Dylas!" She called. "Wait a minute!" She finally caught up to him standing in front of Carnations. "Get the wrong idea about what?" She questioned.
"Sh-shut up and quit bugging me!" He snapped before retreating even further.
Frey smirked. She turned away from the direction Dylas ran off to. She really did want to test out her new blades. She again headed in the direction of the Plains. She glanced over her shoulder one last time, and was surprised to see Dylas watching her. She tossed his a bright smile before walking through the square and across the bridge.
Porcoline's Kitchen that night was definitely busy. It seemed as though the whole town was here to celebrate Leon and his arrival.
Frey found herself sandwiched between Vishnal and Amber. The pair were having separate conversations with other members of the village. Vishnal, Doug, and Kiel were chatting about a spell that Kiel had mastered recently. And Amber and Lumie were talking about a Detective novel that they both were reading. Everyone was in a happy mood.
Meg was playing her harp- a joyful tune that Lin Fa and Xiao Pa were shaking their arms and swaying to. When the rapid arm movement stopped they clutched each other as if their lives depended on it. Which it probably did as a fall was due to happen soon.
Nancy and Jones were slow dancing in one of the corners. They were watching the excitement and occasionally whispering something to the other.
Blossom and Volkanon were sipping a red wine and chatting about upcoming town events.
Meg changed the tune from the happy one to a slow, romantic one and pairs started dancing. Frey was incredibly surprised when Kiel asked Amber to dance. The first guardian blushed, but nodded in response. Frey couldn't help but smile at this pairing. She looked away after a moment only to catch Dylas's eye. She hadn't realized he was watching her.
She smiled and got up from the table and casually approached him. "Hey," she started.
"Hey." Dylas responded in a flat tone.
Frey touched his arm that was crossed his front of his chest, like usual. "You should dance with me," she commented easily, sliding her hand between his two arms and pulling him. His arms uncrossed and his stumbled forward slightly.
"Why would I do that?" He snapped. "Let go," he stated in a gentler voice.
Frey's smile fell slightly. But she shrugged it off. "You look like you could use some fun," she just answered. She reached for him again, and he didn't pull away.
She reached up and placed her arms loosely around his neck. "You do know how to dance right?" She questioned with an innocent tilt of her head.
"Of course I do!" Dylas immediately responded. He hestitantly reached around Frey and gripped her upper waist and held her as far away as possible.
Frey couldn't help but giggle. "Come on, brah. Loosen up a little," she teased and tugged on a lock of his hair.
Dylas didn't say anything, but his arms relaxed ever so slightly. His hands even fell a little lower on her back.
The pair danced like that for a moment, until Meg's song ended, and the villagers clapped. The tourist band was going to take the floor now. A faster swing dance song exploded from their instruments.
Dylas seemed unsure of what to do, so he backed away.
"Hey Frey," Leon commented approaching the two. Leon's icy blue eyes looked at Dylas. "Dance with me," he requested.
Frey shot Dylas a smile and shrugged. "Sure," she answered and was whisked away. That was when Dylas decided that Leon would be a problem.