Once upon a time, during a time of supposed fear and uncertainty, the United Kingdom of Auradon banished all villains to a specially built prison, an island that none could escape from. The Isle of the Lost, as it was called, held all manners of people, from the big bad villains to minions and assistants, inside it's magical dome. This dome kept out the abundant magic and any signals from rapidly advancing technology, leaving them reliant on their own skills, which many had very few of.

Perhaps to the people of Auradon it was a perfect solution. Imprisoning the villains as punishment for their crimes, no guilt from an execution and with the bonus of keeping them safe and carefree and good. Or maybe they just didn't care enough to think of any potential difficulties of the situation. Who really cares about what happens to such bad people?

As the years passed, they slowly forgot what the fuss was ever about. The Island was working fine, Auradon was safe and doing extremely well, and nothing seemed to be wrong in the world. In a place of constant good weather, abundance of food and wealth, and true love it really must have seemed like it. Eventually it had been twenty years since the villains had been banished, and King Beasts declaration of eternal exile was holding strong, despite the kids that had been born on the Island.

It was pure chance that there existed a boy with enough care in his heart to be concerned about the kids, who grew up in a prison because of their parents faults. The fact that he was the son of Belle and Beast who had taught him about second chances was quite lucky for those kids. It was also advantageous that he was one of the few people able to actually do anything, what with him being the future king.

Ben looked out the window, observing Island and strengthening his resolve. It will be difficult, and might end badly, but no one said doing the right thing was easy. Even a quick glance at the infamous Isle of the Lost could tell you that it probably isn't the most pleasant place to grow up, what with it being a prison to all of the worst people in the land.

Despite what he may assume, the soon-to-be king wasn't aware of just how terrible The Isle of the Lost truly was. Sure, it was filled with terrible people who had terrible kids together, but that is only the beginning of the kids stories. Perhaps, in his efforts to help, he would begin to discover the amount of damage his people had put them through and try to change his kingdom for the better, or maybe he'll believe his own people first, believe in the righteousness of Auradon.

Either way the story goes, there are four kids stuck in the middle of it, and maybe, just for once, they'll decide the way the story will be written.

Disclaimer: I don't own Descendants or the book it was based on.

So this fic is going to be my attempt at taking a deeper and more serious look into how things could have worked on the Isle, and how the VKs are affected by their childhoods on the Island. Carlos is my favorite character, and so I'll probably focus on him a decent amount, but I still love the others and will try to make sure they're all covered equally.

Sorry the first chapter is so short! The other will be longer, I swear. I would love to hear any tips or criticism, since I don't write much, and I really need the help!