Danny awoke to the sound of three voices, one male and two female from what he could tell with his eyes closed and his mind dazed, "Is he dead?" the male voice asked

He heard a light smack, "What kind of a stupid question is that? Of course he's dead!" one of the females answered

"Ember, don't hit my boyfriend!" the third voice spoke up, "But yeah Johnny, that was a really stupid question"

Danny felt the presence of someone moving toward him, "Hey dipstick, you awake?"

He opened his eyes to find he was face to face with a beautiful girl with pale skin and blue hair that seemed to be made of fire, she was dressed in black leather and had a guitar on her back, clearly a fan of rock music if her aesthetic was any indication. In his dazed state, the boy said the first thing that came to mind "Are you an angel?"

Her eyes widened and she blushed at his question. "Aww, that is so sweet" the other girl said before turning to her boyfriend "See Johnny? That's how you talk to a lady", the greasy looking biker simply rolled his eyes in response.

As Danny started to wake up a little more he took note of his surroundings, he was laying on a small island that seemed to be floating in a void of green, and his surroundings weren't the only thing that was different, he looked down to see that his clothes had all turned black except for the once red design on his shirt which was now glowing bright green, it looked pretty cool but it was still very strange, however, his attention was taken away from his new wardrobe when he noticed a lock of hair in his peripheral vision, he held it in front of his eyes and examined it in confusion "What?"

The girl with green hair and a red leather jacket pulled out a compact mirror, "I said the same thing when it happened to me" she said with a sad smile as she handed it to the boy

Danny opened the mirror and examined his features, his hair had turned snowy white, his eyes now glowed green, and as subtle as it was he noticed that his skin was slightly more tan, "What the heck happened to me?"

The three teenagers in front of him all gave each other wary looks, Ember was the first to try and speak up "Well, you see…"

"You died and now you're a ghost" Johnny stated bluntly

"JOHNNY!" both girls scolded

"What? He was gonna figure it out anyway"

Danny zoned out as the three teens began arguing, he started to remember everything that happened before he got here, his parents lab, the portal, the green flash, the quarter-second of agony that felt like an eternity, "I'm dead?"

The group stopped their bickering and turned back to the boy, "Listen man, I'm really sorry" Johnny tried to console

"I'm dead" he repeated

"It's really not so bad once you get used to it" Ember said trying to comfort the boy

"I'm dead", he now had tears in his eyes, "Oh my god" he held his face in his hands as he started to cry, "I'm just fourteen, I'm too young to die" he said between sobs

Danny felt a hand rest on his shoulder, he looked over to see it belonged to Ember, "If it makes you feel any better, I was only sixteen when I died"

Johnny was the next one to speak up "I was nineteen, and Kitty was seventeen" he said, gesturing to his girlfriend, "Sometimes life's just a bitch that comes too fast"

Kitty nodded, "We all know what you're going through, we've all been there too"

"You can hang with us if you want" Ember offered, "At least until you're a little more adjusted to the Ghost Zone"

Danny smiled at the girl "Thanks, I'd like that. I'm Danny by the way, Danny Fenton"

"I'm Ember McLain"

"Johnny 13"

"You can just call me Kitty"

After introductions were over, Johnny started laughing to himself "Danny Fenton, kind of sounds like Danny Phantom" he joked

The girls both glared at him before Danny started laughing himself "Danny Phantom, I like it" he looked at the mirror one more time before his hand turned intangible and he dropped it, causing it to crack "Oh crap, sorry Kitty"

She smiled at him "Don't worry about it, we all went through the exact same thing, you'll learn to control it pretty quickly"

"Any other surprises I should worry about?" he asked

"Well, you are floating about a foot off the ground right now" Johnny pointed out

Danny looked down to confirm that he was indeed floating, "Awesome" he said with a large grin before losing his balance and falling on his ass causing the rest of the group to laugh

"Come on" Ember said while offering him a hand "Let's show you around", Danny smiled as he took it before Ember pulled the guitar off her back and placed it on the air, letting it hover before she jumped on, "Try to keep up, Johnny" the rocker said as she sped off with Danny

Johnny and Kitty held back and watched them fly away, "How much you wanna bet they'll be banging by the end of the month?" Johnny asked

"Month? Fifty bucks says they'll be together by next week" Kitty wagered

"You're on" Johnny agreed, sealing the deal with a handshake before pulling his girlfriend into a kiss

The two got on Johnny's bike and caught up with Ember who was showing Danny around the Zone, telling him everything he needed to know, "Over there is Walker's prison" she said gesturing to the island "Stay away from there if you don't want to get locked up for a thousand years because you broke one of his stupid rules", she pointed toward another island in the distance "That's Skulkers island, stay away from him if you don't like being used for target practice"

As she gave him the tour, a cardboard box floated in front of them and burst open to reveal a blue ghost wearing a beanie and overalls "I AM THE BOX GHOST!" he exclaimed

Ember shot him with a blast of energy from her hand causing him to be launched into the distance, "Just try to avoid that guy at all costs"

"Why? Is he dangerous?" Danny questioned

"Nope, he's just really annoying" she answered simply

"Okay, so is there anywhere I can go without being incarcerated, assaulted, or annoyed?" the boy asked

"Yeah, my place and Johnny's place. At least until you've got more control over your powers"

"How long's that gonna take?"

"Well you're off to a pretty good start, considering you've been flying without my help for the past few minutes" she answered with a grin

Only now did Danny notice that Ember was no longer holding his hand, and although he was pretty happy with himself for learning to fly, he'd be lying if he said he didn't miss her touch, the boy was starting to get the sneaking suspicion that he might be developing a crush on the sexy ghost rocker. "So, where to next?"

"My place" Johnny said with a smirk, "We're gonna give you a real Ghost Zone welcome. You ever get wasted?"

"I'm fourteen" Danny answered plainly

Johnny just looked at him with a confused expression "So?"

Kitty rolled her eyes "Not everyone becomes a raging alcoholic at age twelve"

The biker shrugged "Maybe they should. Let's go!" he exclaimed as his motorcycle roared off into the distance

Ember rolled her eyes with a grin, "Come on" she said as she grabbed Danny's hand again and speeding off in the same direction

As soon as the group arrived at Kitty and Johnny's realm, the rebellious motorcyclist pulled out a few beers for everyone, Danny read the label on the can he was handed and laughed at the stupid pun name "Pabst BOO Ribbon?"

"Yeah, the guy that makes it thinks he's hilarious" Kitty said as she opened her can and took a drink

Danny shrugged and did the same, scowling at the taste of the beverage "God, how do you drink this stuff?"

Johnny smirked "You get used to it" he said before taking a drink of his own, "So, how'd you die anyway?"

Danny's eyes widened and the girls both spit out their drinks in shock at the blunt statement, "Jesus Christ! You don't just ask somebody that!" Ember shouted

"Yeah, what the hell is wrong with you?!" Kitty added

"Hey, I'm just curious" the biker defended, "Hell, I'll tell you how I died first if you want"

"Alright" Danny agreed

Johnny took a second to recall the events as best as he could "Okay, so it was 1977, me and Kitty were in our senior year of high school-"

"Wait, I thought you were nineteen when you died" Danny interrupted

Kitty laughed, "It was his third senior year"

"Freaking school didn't know how to teach me" Johnny said with a grimace before resuming the story, "Anyway, there was this weird nerdy kid that had a crush on Kitty and he wanted to ask her to prom, but he couldn't because I would've kicked his ass. Turns out he was a freaking psycho, he built a bomb and set it off in the gym on prom night, killing us both"

Danny realized he'd heard this story before "By any chance did you two go to Casper high?" he asked

"Yeah" Kitty answered, "how'd you know?"

"That's where I go… used to go, there's a memorial in the gym for the victims of the 77 bombing, there were two deaths and six injuries"

"Does it say anything about the asshole that did it?" Johnny asked

Danny shook his head "No, but one of my teachers told me he's spending the rest of his life in prison"

Johnny scowled "What I'd give to have just five minutes alone with that bastard" he shook his head "Whatever. So how about you, how'd you get here?"

Danny thought for a minute about how he'd explain the unbelievable tale, "Well… it's kind of a weird story. My parents are paranormal researchers, ghost hunters, and they build all this crazy technology for hunting and studying ghosts" Danny explained "They'd just finished their newest project, a portal that connects the human world to the Ghost Zone"

"Woah, did it work?" Ember asked

Danny shook his head "No, they were pretty bummed out about it too. Later that night, my friends Tucker and Sam wanted to see it so we went down to the lab to check it out, Sam convinced me to go look inside and see if I could find what was wrong with it… I tripped on a loose cable and accidentally hit the on-switch while I was still inside. There was a flash of green light and I felt like I was getting burned alive. The next thing I remember is waking up to you guys"

As Danny wrapped up his story he noticed that the rest of the group was watching him intently, hanging on to every word he said of the incredible story, "That's gotta be the coolest story ever" Johnny said

"Yeah, it sounds like some kind of superhero origin" Kitty added

The group spent the next few hours talking, hanging out, and having fun, Ember even played a few songs on her guitar, mostly classic rock covers. They decided to end the party once Kitty and Johnny were passed out drunk, "Come on, let's go back to my place" Ember said as she got up from the couch

Danny did the same, stumbling as he did, he was taken by surprise when Ember grabbed his hand and pulled him toward her "Uh, Em-" the boy was interrupted when a swirl of blue fire surrounded them and quickly died down to reveal that their location had changed to what looked like a small apartment with posters of rock bands all over the walls

The rocker smirked at the look of confusion on the boy's face "Teleportation, it's faster than flying but takes up way more energy" she explained

"Cool" Danny said in amazement "Will I be able to do that?"

She smiled at him "Babypop, there's gonna be a lot of cool things you'll be able to do, and I'm gonna show you how"

The boy gave her a smile in return before realizing something she'd said "Babypop?"

"Like it? I just came up with it" Ember said with a smirk, "Anyway since I'm not the kind of girl to share a bed with someone I just met, you can crash on the pullout couch" she said as she grabbed a pillow and a few blankets from the closet

"Thanks Ember, I really appreciate this"

"Don't mention it" she said as she handed him the bedding, "So what do you think of the afterlife so far?"

"I'm just glad I found you guys, I feel like this would way worse if I was dealing with it alone. Still, I am gonna miss being human" as these words left his mouth, two silver rings appeared around his body and separated vertically, changing his appearance as they did, a moment later Danny's clothes were back to their normal light colors, his eyes were once again blue, and his hair had reverted to its natural shade of black

Ember stared at the boy in confusion, taken by complete surprise from what she'd just witnessed "What the hell just happened?!"

Danny looked at himself in a mirror on the wall, just as confused "I- I'm back to normal?"

"What do you mean back to normal?! I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!"

"I AM! I mean, I think I am"

The girl walked up to him and grabbed his forearm, finding his pulse, it was slow, "Your pulse is half the speed it should be, but it's there"

"So, what? I'm only half dead?" he asked

"I don't know, try changing back"

"How? I don't think it's just as easy as thinking about it and saying some magic words like 'I'm going ghost'" as Danny said this, the transformation happened again and switched him back to his ghost form, "Or maybe it is"

Ember just continued to look at the boy, not knowing how to deal with the situation at hand, "Dude… that is amazing"

A/N: Why am I starting another story when I have three more I still haven't finished? That's so unprofessional!

Anyway, I had this thought "What if when Danny activated the portal he ended up on the other side?", I'd imagine that quite a few things would be different, he'd probably learn to control his powers faster with the help of a few new friends, he probably wouldn't become a superhero without Sam's influence, and maybe he'd even become somewhat of a villain over time, who knows.

I feel like this concept has the potential for some really creative stories. What do you guys think? Let me know with a review, and give the story a follow if you want to see more.