13 year old, Harry Potter was being seated on the chair of the court in front of the entire wizengamot. He had been arrested in offense of speaking Parcel tongue and using it to supposedly opening the chamber of secrets ad then lure a girl into it and using her to attack muggle born students.the Weasleys had lodged the complaint against him. Every single one of them was there except Ginny. Harry was hurt to a extent that he now did not care what happened to him. He only hoped that Ginny would come and say the truth. He did not understand why Ron would agree to this. He was there all the time when he rescued Ginny.

Fudge called people conserned for their statements.

"Ronald Billus Weasley step on the platform"

The youngest Weasley boy stepped on the platform and looked at Harry with cold eyes.Harry just kept his head down.

"Would you please explain what all happened in the Chamber of Secrets, Mr. Weasley?" the Minister asked.

"I was coming back to the Gryffindor common room after visiting Hermione when I heard something. I went closer and saw Harry standing near Ginny and saying something to her. The next thing I know Ginny called a huge basilisk and petrified Mrs. Norris and was writing on the wall with her blood. Harry quietly stepped out of the room leaving Ginny alone. I started to keep my distance fromfrom him then and there and followed as he went to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom and opened the chamber."Ron paused to give a dramatic impact and then said."Then he came out and was acting as if he saved Ginny."he said

Fudge nodded and then said

"Hermione Jean Granger please come onto the platform"

Hermione came onto the platform with a determined look in her eyes.

"Kindly explain your side of the story"

"I was in the library searching for any clues on Slytherin's monster when I heard something behind me. I looked into the mirror in front of me and saw Harry. He said that he would not allow me to ruin his plan and started talking in parceltongue and there was a basilisk and then everything went black"she said

"I never even though that my supposed best friend would do such a thing" she sobbed, which sounded true to everyone but Harry.

After calling a few more students, who all gave negative statements, Fudge banged the gavel.He looked around the court and said

"Seeing that all statements have been against Harry Potter we therefore conclude this trial with the vote of decision of what should be done to Mr. Potter"

Everyone nodded their agreement.

"Those in favor of Mr. Potter being guilty raise their hands" he said and more than half of the court raised their hands.

"Those in favor of Mr. Potter be NG innocent raise their hands"

Few people raised their hands.

"So seeing as the decision is Mr. Potter being guilty, I hereby declare that he should be sent to Azkaban for 12 years-"

"Wait!" came a voice and everyone turned around, including Harry, whose eyes widened as he saw who it was.