A Crack

( Hinata's point of view)

"Not that I'm complaining but, why did you suddenly come to my apartment and have sex with me?" Sasuke asks. I turn my body to him and cover myself with his sheets. They smell just like him, I smile. To forget. "To let out my frustration." He chuckles. "Glad I can be of service."

"Sasuke, were you ever angry about the fact that Itachi will become CEO one day and not you?" I ask.

"When I was younger. But when I grew up I realized how much of a shit job that was and decided I didn't want it even if I had been born first. Why? Is Hanabi mad at you because you're the heiress?"

"No... Actually, my father took the title of 'heiress' from me today."

"Oh shit... I'm sorry."

"It's alright. I saw it coming. Besides, it is a shit job. It's a weight off my shoulders... That's not what I'm angry about."

"What are you angry about?"

"He wants to hand the title over to Hanabi. Neji deserves it not her. I need to find a way to make sure Neji gets it but I don't know how..."

"Don't all the shareholders have to vote on a choice like that?"


"Well, there is your answer."

I turn to him confused. "What do you mean?"

"I'm sure they are smart enough to see Neji is a more capable leader."

I shake my head, "He is but... A lot of the shareholders are corrupt. They know Neji won't agree with decisions that are morally incorrect. And Hanabi will."

"I don't know your sister well but from what I read in the tabloids. Hanabi is a wildcard. You don't know what she might do next. And that is a shareholders biggest nightmare. They want someone they can predict. Someone who you can easily manipulate and Hanabi is neither of those. You have to remind them of that."

"How would I do that?"

"If I were you I wouldn't do anything. She's bound to do something all on her own that the tabloids will be all over. What you have to focus on is finding a crack."

"A crack?"

"In any group of people, there is always someone who wants to go against the majority. Find the crack and you might uncover more than you could imagine."

"But there is no crack. They all always agree with whatever my father wants."

"For all, YOU know. Trust me there always is a crack. And once you find it, all you need to do is pick at it. And watch as it extends in your favor."

"I don't know Sasuke... None of them ever liked me very much... I doubt they are even going to look at me now that I'm not the heiress."

"You should use the fact that he took your title from you to your advantage."


"Sympathy Hinata. You practice all your life and pushed your self to the limit to one day be a good CEO and one day your father takes it all from you to give it to your bratty little sister... It helps that you have this naive innocence about you."

I playfully smack his arm. "Do you think it could actually work?"

"You won't know till you try." I bury my head in his chest. I feel it vibrate as he chuckles. "What is it?" I whisper. "I never thought I would be in bed with my families biggest rivals daughter. And giving her advice on how to ruin her father's plans." I giggle. "Funny how life works out" I whisper and shut my eyes as sleep overtakes me.


I awake the next morning in a hurry as I feel my dinner begin to come up. I run to the bathroom and throw up. I hate morning sickness. Soon I feel someone hold back my hair and pat me gently on my back.

"Are you alright?" Sasuke asks worriedly. "I'm fine. Just something I ate" I lie. "Do you want me to get you some water?" he asks. "Yes please."

After a couple of moments, I begin to feel better. It seems to have passed. I lean on the toilet with my arm as a barrier. I watch as he begins to walk back into the bathroom. The only light is coming from the bathroom as he walks back from the large dark living area.

Is he limping? Did he hurt his leg? It isn't till he walks into the light and I get a closer do I notice. How did I never see it before? On his left leg, right at his knee, his leg is cut off. In its place is a plastic prosthetic one.

He walks closer to me and hands me a glass of water. "Your leg" I whisper. He looks down embarrassedly and rubs his neck. "It doesn't creep you out, does it? I'll go put on some pants if it does," he whispers. I stand up and shake my head. "It doesn't creep me out at all. I'm just surprised."

He doesn't look at me. I hug him. I feel him tense. "You should never feel embarrassed around me Sasuke. If anything I should be the one who's embarrassed. You did just see me throw up." He chuckles and wraps his arms around me. "Your so odd Hyuga..."


(Sasuke's point of view)

After Hinata gets cleaned up we go out for breakfast together and part ways. She has to go to research on the Hyuga shareholders and I have to get to work.

I walk into work happy, for once. Itachi, unfortunately, notices as soon as he sees me. I hurriedly walk to my office but he chases after me. "Go away Itachi" I sneer as I walk into my office. He ignores me and leans against my desk.

"Not until you tell me what's got you so happy."

I glare at him, "its nothing." He smiles and pinches my cheeks. I smack his hand away. "Even your glare isn't as scary as it usually is. Something has got you happy."

"I said its nothing Itachi."

"Does it have to with the unnamed mystery girl your seeing?"

"Don't you have some work to do?"

He laughs, "It does, doesn't it?"

"Itachi," I say in a threatening tone.

"Fine. Fine, I won't pry... Did you hear the good news?"

"What good news?"

"Haishi denounced his eldest daughter as heiress."

I already know. "Why is that good news?"

"Hanabi Hyuga running Hyuga enterprises? She is going to run that company into the ground. At least the oldest one is smart, timid and shy but smart. Hanabi is someone who makes enemies just by walking into a room."

I chuckle, "That is true." Maybe Hinata can use that as leverage also.

"Are you sure you don't wanna tell you big brother about the special girl in your life?"

I feel myself blush. I pick up a random stack of paper and begin to swat at him with it until I lead him outside the door and shut it. "When will you let me in little brother!" she yells out dramatically from the other side.

"Go away Itachi!" I yell. I hear him laugh and walk away. I sigh and walk back to my desk and begin my work. I'm in the middle of typing out an important document when Karin, my secretary, buzzes me.

"What is it?"

"Suigetsu is on line one."

"Tell him I'll call him back later."

"I think you should take it Sasuke, he sounded serious." I immediately stop typing. Suigetsu is never serious about anything. I pick up the phone.


"Hey, Sasuke..."

"What's wrong Suigetsu."

"It's Jugo..."

My heart begins to beat rapidly. "What happened?" I ask already knowing what he's going to say.

"He passed away last night. I just got the call. I'm sorry"


So what did you guys think? I know it probably would have made more sense for him to be missing his arm but it will make more sense for his leg later in the story. Anway, I hope you liked it! And a special thank you to Splaaash-attack, hinata00, Jiang-sama, nanitaa, neashia92, and one guest review! Thank you for the reviews! :) They mean a lot to me!