Hope you enjoy this little Avatar parody by me! :D
Disclaimer: I don't own Avatar.
"This stinks!" Aang threw down the sticks in frustration. "We've been at this for two hours and we're getting nowhere!"
"What are we gonna do?" Katara asked worriedly.
Toph shrugged. "Looks like we're gonna have anything to cook our food or keep us warm through the night..."
"Not cool!" Sokka screamed. "We can't have a camp with no campfire! I won't go to sleep on a stomach full of cold food!"
The friends had set up camp outside a forest near a lake. In front of them was a pile of sticks. Aang had been rubbing a pair of them together for a long time, but they just wouldn't set alight. To be unable to make a campfire was very annoying.
"What can we do?" Aang asked.
"Perhaps I can be of assistance."
All gazes turned on the one in the group who had spoken up.
"You, Zuko?" Aang exclaimed.
"Sure! I'm a firebender, aren't I? I'll have that campfire lit in a tick!"
Sokka frowned. "Why didn't you suggest that earlier?!"
"Because it was fun to see you idiots struggle to get the campfire going without realising the solution has been with you all along."
Ignoring the outraged look Sokka was giving him, Zuko stepped forward towards the pile of wood. He raised his arms above his head, summoning some flames in his hands. He swirled them in the air a few times, then blasted them into torrents of fire right in front of him...
...only for them to miss the wood and hit Aang's robes, setting them ablaze.
"ARRRGGGHHH!" Aang screamed, running away as fast as he could and disappearing from sight. "Help! My clothes are on fire!"
"Now that's definitely not cool!" Toph commented.
"Is he gonna be alright?!" Katara asked.
"Oh, sure!" Zuko smirked, unconcerned. "He'll be fine once he dips himself in the lake."
"Lake?!" Sokka repeated. "I didn't see him running towards the lake, Zuko! I saw him running towards-"
Before Sokka could finish, everyone gasped as a glow of flames swept across the trees they were nearby. By running through them while his clothes were burning, Aang had started a forest fire.
"Uh, Katara..." Sokka said nervously. "Think it's time you put your waterbending into use to save this forest ... sis?"
Katara didn't hear her brother. She was already running as far away from the burning forest as she could, trying to save herself.
Sokka sighed. "It's times like this when I question why I wasn't the one gifted with water bending instead of that sister of mine."
"That's the last time we let a firebender help make a campfire for us!" Toph glared in Zuko's direction. "Who's the idiot now?!"
The end.