A/N: Okay. I know I said I was no longer adding to this story, but I really enjoy writing in this style. I'm fine, not overly emotional! I love reading poetry and I find a type of elegance when words flow like this.
So, that being said, I think I might use this story as a way of posting letters from characters to others during experiences? Let me know what you guys think.
This one is based off of Mimi as she revisits her first lover. A man who had cheated on her and broken her heart. She reflects on how he changed her and how her current lover is rebuilding her.
Your lips were lightening and our love was thunder. Loud and all at once, leaving only a storm in its pathway. I hope I'm the inspiration for your dreams, you're sure as hell the inspiration for my nightmares. Because of you, I lie in bed and wonder if it's even possible to love someone as hard as I loved you. Is it even fair to let someone else experience the feelings you stirred alive in me. My mind wanders to you at 1 am. And then I'm left with wonder of who you're with. I bet my name sounds like hers against your lips.
The moon is probably growing tired of my tears, Her light aching to wipe them away. You left me in a puddle of my own thoughts and I hope she was worth everything to you. The night I walked into our home… Our home… I thought you'd be asleep. You have a strange way of sleeping alone. You seem to not know how to do it.
A year ago. That's when I lost a piece of myself to you I hope you would always keep. You threw it away a month ago, leaving it in the gutter for strangers to pick up. You're the chapter I should have skipped. Time. That's what showed me your true colors. Time undressed the lies my eyes gazed over in the beginning, distracted by your charm and compliments.
I left you for a month. I should have stayed away. My friends warned me about you, the friends I am trying my best to let in again. They don't have enough rope to hold themselves as they scale the walls you forced me to build. During that month you filled the void I left with tight dresses and long hair. I hope they left it feeling emptier. I know they didn't.
He tells me to forget you, that he is different, his blonde hair is completely opposite of yours. I'm drawn to him like a sunset on the beach. I'm scared it's all glamor and it will only be nice to look at for a few minutes, the deep wind chill setting in after the beauty of it is gone. All because I fell for this before. The day we met, Sin stood over your shoulder, calling me over with the wave of his finger. Over his shoulder stands the Reaper. I hope he buries me with his love.
I loved you with a passion that I'm having trouble defining. I now realize it was more of a passion for fear and anger, nothing I would want back. My blood screams through my veins at the volume I once yearned for your call. You never called.
I'm with him now and I'm realizing what we had was never love. What we had was child's play, two people trying to fit together. But your edges were sharp and mine were smooth. Innocent and kind. Why did you bend my edges to meet yours. I'm afraid I'm too sharp for him.
He smoothes out my edges, understanding me when he knows I'm fearful. Repetition. People always claim that history repeats itself. I hope my history stays far in the past. You ruined me for my future lover. He holds my crumpled paper heart in his hands, slowly unfolding the corners. The creases still there after he smooths it out.
It's been a whole year without you, but you still cross my mind. My mind seems to remember you when my heart is aching. Hurt reminds me of you, love and happiness reminds me of him. He listens to my pain, his own mistakes lessons for us to grow together. You always blamed me for your mistakes, rock piles that crushed me.
I can't help but feel like his love will die out for me. It's starting to go dim, the bulb running out of energy. The bags under his eyes show me he's growing tired of my insecurities. I hate you for putting him through this. My confidence falters when my mind hears words you used to use against me, building my walls back up for him to fall below.
You broke me down to nothing, leaving emptiness in my heart. He began to fill me again with his words and actions, my tears are no longer from pain. I cry for joy and I cry for him. He'll never know what it was like to have all of me. I lost some of me when I was with you.
He told me I am good enough, that I shouldn't let the past dictate my future. I tell him I'm trying, but I still feel the tug of your fingers on the back of my mind, your nails digging deep within the creases of my thoughts, pulling me apart one by one until I'm forced to my knees with nothing else to do but weep.
I've realized I am capable of love. He helped me see that there is more happiness in the world that I have began to create without you. The blues of his eyes are the purest I've ever seen, not empty and cloudy like yours. He welcomes me in with open arms, his love hugging me like the warmth of the sun. I've found someone who loves me enough to not need outside sources. I'm his only one.
I never knew how it felt to be the one who receives as much as she gives. The way I love him, he loves me back harder. Your love was a storm, his love is blanket forts and endless kisses. Nights that should have been silent, but turned to my name in his throat, his name on my skin. I want him to say my name more.
His love has shown me that loving someone isn't about just saying it. Loving someone is growing with them, encouraging their dreams and becoming apart of them. My dreams are full of his face. His blonde hair and blue eyes serenade me to sleep, my thoughts no longer belong to you. I cry from disbelief. Shame on you for making me think love was hateful.
He brings me flowers just because. Not for a quick apology. He turned flowers from something I dreaded to something I hoped for. His bouquets decorate my life with color, not the greyscale you gifted me.
He painted on my heart, a canvas left blank from the amount of times you stripped me bare. He painted grace and reassurance. Words I thought I would never hear because I was good enough. He loved my insecurities more than my confidence. He built my insecurities up, leaving only confidence in their path.
I'm lying next to him. His chest rises and falls and I find myself being certain I'm the reason he smiles in his sleep. He's the reason I smile in general. He loves my brown hair, the hair you wanted me to dye. I could never dye my hair as dark as your soul. You started a fire within me, putting it out as your cool colors began to show. He lit it again, the flames burning brighter and hotter. It burns, but I hope the wildfire only grows. You were thunder on my sunny day. He's my oxygen.