Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, Naruto Shippuden or any versions of it or the characters. All rights go the owners, writers and creators. All I own is the work itself.


A/N (Kinda unnecessary): I haven't gotten any questions about the whole 'Older Kakashi is saying Naruto is dead' thing yet, but I wanted to clear it up before I did. Basically, I don't believe Kakashi would let Naruto grow up like he did in canon (alone). So, I'm making him think that 'Naru-chan' is dead. But only for awhile, because I realize that Naruto is, frankly, loud and well-known. So in this story, Kakashi thinks Naruto is dead until he's about six or seven. (So he's out of the orphanage and into the academy already when he starts doing pranks and stuff for attention) During those six/seven years, Wolf was busy drowning himself in ANBU suicide missions, and Naruto was mostly quiet. Right now, if you look back, I said that Minato's been dead for three years already, so Kakashi is seventeen, Naruto is three, and there's still nine years to go until the show starts (when Kakashi is twenty-six and Naruto's twelve). And after Kakashi finds out Naruto is alive, he figures that Naru-chan's best off without him. So yeah... big spiel...

Oh yeah, also, the reason I think Kakashi (Wolf) has for slipping up a bunch is the fact that he doesn't really believe it yet, so he's just saying some of the things that he wants to say to his teammates inside...

And, I know this A/N is going on for ages, but I also wanna say that when I updated 4/5 days after publishing, that was something that may either occur once a blue moon, or maybe during summer, if I feel like writing. I write a lot, a lot, of stories, and 90% of them aren't published yet. But I'm not abandoning this, even if I lost inspiration, I'd wrap it up somehow, and maybe come back to it some other day.

I also really appreciate all your reviews; they always make me satisfied. :)

About maybe 3/4's of the way into this chapter, I started and finished reading this one story in one day - called Stormborn, by black. , about- well, it had a lot of things, amazing things... (one of the best things about it was that it was long, about 150k words, well, that and the no bashing and good writing and the r- spoilers, I'll stop now) Anyway, reading it, I was getting near the end and I had the sudden-ish thought of 'wow, my works are terrible compared to this'. So yeah. It's an amazing story, and I completely, totally, wholly, with all of me, recommend it (and no, that's not sarcasm, I seriously love it), but it did make me want to actually go back and edit this chapter before publishing it. Which I started to, sort of. Then I went 'Screw it' and published it anyway.

~ Enjoy ~

Minato chuckled in uncertainty as those words were spoken. "Look, Kashi-kun, lots of people who are around their teammates when they die think it's their fault. It's a psychological thing. But it's not your fault," he said in his calming voice that he had been told was quite soothing at times. But it didn't seem to be working on the older Kakashi.

He just went quiet. Even through the questioning of the team of four. When Pakkun returned and the younger Kakashi had him disappear in the trademark puff of smoke for summons, he was still quiet. Wolf knew he had let something slip, something he didn't want out slip. In his dreams, his nightmares he had thought up many things that could happen if miraculously, impossibly, his dead teammates came back. They always ended in their accusing words.

'You killed Rin, with that hand.'

'If you hadn't been there, Obito wouldn't have died, been crushed. You even took his eye.'

'If you had tried harder, tried at all, to get past the ANBU keeping you away, you could've saved Minato-sensei, and Kushina-nee, and little Naru-chan.'

'You're a disgrace. Whether Sakumo was one or not, he definitely produced one.'

In the back of his mind, he knew he was being cold, brushing the concerned questions aside. But the majority of his mind was taken up by the haunting possibility that it really was a dream, a fantasy.

As he completely ignored the questions of his ever-persistent dead Team, he busied himself with cleaning the mess he made in the clearing. There were eleven bodies, all killed in different ways. A slice to the gut, slice across the neck, stab in the heart, lungs, head, other, hidden, vital organs. All signs of an expert killer, a fact Wolf knew that Minato despised, and the genins were still comprehending.

Younger Kakashi, however, had this resigned air about him, that only Wolf could sense, considering they were the same person - even if there were a few years between them, years that changed Kakashi in what many said was an unhealthy way. Inside, he knew that it was true, and that his teammates and Minato-sensei wouldn't have wanted him to be like this, far too reckless on the verge of suicidal. But if the path he was going down let him see them in the afterlife sooner, then he would gladly walk it.

Both of them did all this in silence, Wolf more so.

In fact, he didn't say anything until he went to slip of the top half of his bloodied ANBU gear, to a have a quick swim in the nearby pool to get the blood, dirt, and grime off. Minato and the younger Kakashi accompanied him, while Obito and Rin hung back in the now mostly clean clearing, not that far away, opting out of bathing until they got somewhere with warmer water, preferably Konoha.

Minato watched the older Kakashi peeled off his sticky, red-stained gear, complete with drying, crumbling blood. As Wolf unwrapped the bandages that covered his left eye, the two present time-travelers got a good look at the reason that it was covered in the first place. A long scar stretched down in face, starting from just above his left eyebrow and going below his mask. Thin but deep looking, the two knew that his eye couldn't have survived.

The loss of an eye was a big thing for a ninja, changing vision for them so much that usually they retired when injured like that. Kakashi not only still being a ninja with only one eye, but also an ANBU capable of going on many solo suicide missions and not dying, though it seemed not for his lack of trying, told of his skill.

Eyes shifting from his face to the torso, Minato's face crumbled. Littered with many scars of varying sizes, it seemed that Wolf had not gotten through the war untouched.

"Where'd you get that?" the younger Kakashi said, gesturing to something on Wolf's back, where Minato couldn't see.

"The big black and red one?"

"Yeah," Kakashi confirmed.

Wolf shifted on his feet, eyes flickering downwards for a moment, uncertain, "I'd rather not say."

The younger Kakashi shrugged and went back to taking his own shirt off, but Minato frowned, saddened. He really though he was making progress on Kakashi, slowly but surely, as the silver-haired chuunin opened up to more and more people. His entire team dying - and how strange does that sound, considering the blond ninja himself was on that team - really seemed to take a toll on him, not that he didn't think it would. Minato couldn't imagine how it would affect him, losing almost all his precious people a second time, and believing it was his fault.

As Wolf turned around to enter the cold water, Minato finally saw the scar that caught Kakashi's attention. Big and ugly, it covered a large portion of the teen's bare back. Starting from just above his right shoulder bone, which was jutting out in a way that spoke of malnourishment in the past, trailing all the way down to mid-back on the other side of the spine, and least a few inches wide. It looked like a burn of some sort, maybe electrical if Minato had to guess, going by the small, almost invisible veins of raised skin creeping out of the main part.

He felt nauseous. This Kakashi was cold and hot as blue fire, and oh so very unfamiliar.

The forest was gaining its usual noise once again - the birds tweeting, the leaves rustling, the mice scurrying - as the five Konoha ninja leapt through the leaves, heading towards Konoha quickly. Minato and Wolf had taken the lead, with the three younger ninja close behind them, not daring to speak as if it was against some law. Earlier, after a million and one questions aimed at Wolf from the four time-travelers were left unanswered, they came to the disheartening conclusion that the older, silver-haired ANBU wouldn't be talking anytime soon.

Wolf himself had barely said a word, and when he did speak, he spoke in a detached tone, distancing himself from his old team. "This way," Wolf directed.

"But this way's faster, isn't it?"

"No, Namikaze-san."

Minato sighed. The blond ninja had attempted to get the older Kakashi to call him Minato-sensei, or even just Minato-san, but to no avail. "Alright, Kakashi."


Minato simply sighed again, and turned in the direction that Wolf was going. It didn't seem he was doing anything, acting like this Kakashi was his Kakashi. Truthfully, he didn't believe that Kakashi could ever be that brutal, however cold he may seem. He realized the reason why Wolf was like this was most likely because his three teammates died, and inside, he swore that he would change things. But he knew that that was unlikely, because since the older Kakashi showed no memory of this incident. Taking that into account, there were two options, either this was an alternate dimension, and they couldn't change this Kakashi's fate, or their memories would be erased at the end of their little adventure.

The sudden stop of Wolf forced Minato out of his pondering, also halting the younger three ninja behind them. "What is it?" Rin asked shyly.

"Is there something wrong?" Obito added, curious.

No one noticed the pained look flash through Wolf's eyes before he turned to Kakashi and simply commanded, "Smell."

Rin and Obito exchanged glances, Rin's more confused and Obito's more annoyed, as the two-eyed Kakashi lifted his nose into the air and sniffed, letting his mouth fall open a little after a moment. A minute passed, and Kakashi stopped scenting the air, "Ninja incoming."

"That's it?" Wolf snorted in slightly in contempt, before further elaborating. "Iwa ninja, fourteen of them, mostly chuunin level chakra with a jounin or two, currently... two minutes away, heading straight to us."

Obito panicked. Loudly.

Rin's voice was frantic, "Fourteen?! Chuunin and Jounin?"

Minato's eyes hardened, and he knew there was no getting out of the way, they were too close. They'd have to confront them, an ambush would be their best bet. "I know what you're thinking. An ambush. You're right," Wolf began, "I'll do the ambush, you stay out of the way."


"Namikaze-san... Minato-sensei," Wolf continued, knowing his argument was logical, "No one can know you somehow have traveled back in time. If one of them got away, seeing the Yellow Flash fight... And you know those two wouldn't be any good, and two Hatakes, looking so similar... They'd all just get in my way. Trust me, it'll be over quick. Very quick..."

Minato barely caught the last muttered sentence over Obito's panicking, and briefly wondered what Wolf meant. Too soon, he could hear the Iwa ninja approaching. Hurrying his three students up into a tree, among the leaves, they still had a decent view of the older Kakashi, wolf mask firmly in place, silver hair jutting out. After a second, he reached into his ANBU gear and pulled out a tattered piece of bright blue cloth. Bending down slightly to place in on a branch near the ground, the older Kakashi looked skyward for a moment, then sighed audibly and shook his head before jumping away into the nearby trees, in the opposite direction of Team MInato.

The Iwa ninja were racing swiftly on the ground, only looking slightly winded and pumping chakra into their feet every once in a while to gain speed. "Hey, what's this?" one of the ninja crouched down next to the strip of beat-up looking cloth.

Another shrugged and soon, the entire group was gathered around the piece of cloth. Even Obito thought that was rather amatuer of them. Suddenly, the birds that were chirping quietly got joined by many others, and soon it sounded like hundreds of birds were tweeting madly. The Iwa ninja glanced around cautiously, confused, while the four hidden in the trees did the same, all of eighteen of the ninja wondering what in the world was making that noise.

The chirping gradually increased, more and more, until it had the ninja on the ground spinning around in circles attempting to spot whatever was making the noise, while the ones in trees figured it, in some way, was part of Wolf's plan. One of the chuunin ninja on the ground spoke up in a terrified voice as his head stilled in realization, "Wait, this- this isn't th- the White Lightning."

Another scoffed in badly hidden fear, "No, it's the White Demon. That's what heard."

"I heard Copy Ninja."

"There- there are lots of rumours. Only thing consistent is the lightning, the white hair, so similar to the White Fan-"

A red and black blur topped with silver sped by him and for a moment, it looked as if that was all it had done. Then the body of the chuunin collapsed, blood gushing from the hole in his side. The hidden team in the trees gapped, and group on the forest ground panicked.

The lightning quick blur returned, this time catching more ninja in it's deadly range, the enemy ninja falling to the ground like flies swatted by a cat.

Only after the forest floor was running red and the blur had stopped, did the team in the trees come down.

So, sorry again for the giant wait between chapters, and the shortness.

And I'd love to have suggestions for when they'll travel to next! If you couldn't tell - I'm not sure if it's clear or not - Team Minato will be travel to different times randomly. So next time could be anytime in any of their lives. (Not just Kakashi, but I'm gonna probably end up making him be involved in most of them, unless they're before his time.)

So yeah, thanks to all who reviewed, favourited, followed, etc, or simply just read!