Here is the position swap that no one asked for.

We all know about the Reverse Crush AU. I'm giving it a new perspective. The show mainly shows us Marinette's crush with Adrien and the misadventures she goes through to show him her love. So I decided to put Adrien into the equation instead of Marinette.

For instance, what if Adrien took Marinette's phone after leaving an embarrassing confession of love on it? Let's see how this plays out now.


When someone looked at Adrien Agreste, they would think he had it all; wealth, fame, and top grades. But there was one major problem. Adrien was in love; indisputably and hopelessly in love. And he wasn't just in love with any girl. He was head-over-heels for the beautiful, talented, and adorably clumsy Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Of course, any girl in their right mind would jump at the chance if they knew the gorgeous teen model had a crush on them. And that's where the problem laid. Marinette wasn't aware of Adrien's crush on her, and chances are she would never find out.

"I hate this," Adrien groaned miserably, slumped in his desk chair. "If I can't ask a photo of Marinette out, how could I possibly do it with the real deal?!" He looked to his kwami, who was munching on a piece of brie. "I could use some support here."

"Why?" Plagg inquired, still stuffing his face, even when he laughed at his Chosen's sad love life. "I'm having a great time watching you go, 'H-hey Ma-Marinette, will you blah, gee, duh, gah.' Hahahaha!"

"Glad to see my misery brings you joy," the blonde sarcastically remarked, despite knowing how right Plagg was. Every time he even looked at Marinette, his face would instantly flush, his palms would get sweaty, and his tongue would freeze up. It was hopeless.

"Okay, okay. I'm done," the god of misfortune said, snickering. "Here's a suggestion. Don't look at her." He floated over to the table in front of Adrien's television and sat on a specific object. "It's why you have this, isn't it?"

"Plagg, you're a genius!" Adrien exclaimed, jumping out of his seat and going for the device. Why didn't he think of it before? He could call her! That way, he didn't have to look at her and maybe he'd have a better time actually saying something coherent. "But, wait, I don't have her number... But I know someone who does!" He pressed the correct digits and held the cell phone to his ear.

"Okay, bro," Nino said, holding a notepad in his hand, "As your wingman, I wrote down a few things you could try and it'll still sound like you. For a model, you sure are bad at improv, my dude."

"I know, I know," Adrien shamefully agreed, taking the notepad. His phone was in his other hand with Marinette's number punched in, courtesy of Nino. "But what if something goes wrong?"

"Too late now," the DJ replied, swiftly pressing the call button and backing away from the blast zone.

"Nino!" Adrien yelled, fumbling with the phone in his hands as it rang. "I'm not ready."

Jinxes seemed to love him today, because as soon as he said that, a voice rang out from the phone. "Hey, it's Marinette," his crush's voicemail said, "I can't get to you right now, so leave a message and I'll get back to you. Thanks!"

Once the traditional beep played, Adrien held the phone up to his ear, hoping to channel his inner Chat Noir. "Hey M-Marinette!" No! Stuttering was a bad sign! "O-Or rather Marinette's voicemail, but y-you already knew that, right?" What is coming out of your mouth right now?! "ANYWAY, this is Adrien. You know, Adrien Agreste who sit in front of you in class; that Adrien." Wow. Smooth work, Casanova. "I-I have s-s-something to ask you, sooo...callmelaterseeyoubye!" He hurriedly finished that last bit before chucking the phone onto his couch. Well, that went about as well as a kick to the face. Adrien sighed, running his fingers through his hair.

Nino didn't respond, just raised an eyebrow, wondering what just transpiring in front of him.

"Well, what did you expect me to say?" Adrien complained. "'Hey Princess, this is Adrien. I'd ask you out on a date, but I have such a massive crush on you that the only way I can talk to you without my brain short-circuiting is through a phone!' If that doesn't say romance, I don't know what does."

"If you'd like to hear your message again…" the automated voice said, causing Adrien to panic.

"No no no no no!" He dove for the phone he'd thrown onto his couch out of panic, clutching it for dear life as his shaky hands tried to press 2 so the message would be deleted. When he managed to press a button, the blonde sighed in relief. "Phew." His mini panic attack slowly came down.

"Message sent." And it was back at full force. He softly banged his head on the plush couch cushions, groaning in agony.

Nino, the one who had tricked him into calling Marinette in the first place, placed a comforting hand on Adrien's shoulder. "Well," he began, trying to show sympathy, "I'm sure this isn't as bad as you think, dude."

He lifted his head to side-eye his DJ friend. "It recorded our entire conversation. And I called her 'Princess' so blatantly. It's bad." With that, he dropped his head back down.

Nino only shook his head. "She was gonna find out someday, somehow, dude. Maybe it's better that she knows now."

Adrien shot up from his position and clutched his best friend's shoulders. "I can't let her hear that message!" the model yelled in panic. "I gotta do something!"

"Chill dude. If Marinette's cell went to voicemail, that means she's not around it. She must be busy or something."

"That's it!" Adrien yelled in realization and ran to a sliding closet that he had installed in his wall some time ago. Nino gaped as his friend opened it up, revealing a little shrine with a framed photo of Marinette as the centerpiece. He grabbed a binder and took it out, flipping through the pages until he found one labelled "Wednesday" at the top. "Here we go! Marinette has her advanced design class after school every Wednesday! She thinks the credits will look good on her resumé when applying for design schools and jobs." Adrien looked up at Nino expectantly, but frowned when he saw the DJ with his jaw slackened. "What?"

"Nothing," Nino quickly responded, shaking his head, "Nothing at all." He just made a mental note never to question how invested Adrien could get with something and maybe help him tone down the whole stalker vibe if his plans to get Marinette did succeed.

Adrien and Nino headed out of the mansion with the former giving the Gorilla an excuse on why he needed to go back to the school. His plan was to sneak through the halls, find Marinette's locker, retrieve her phone, and promptly delete his voicemail so she'll never have to hear it. As they were coming near the school, Adrien gasped when he looked out the window. Across the street, in the park, a large crowd gathered. It was the statue unveiling! Adrien facepalming, having forgotten all about it.

"Oh yeah!" Nino piped up, looking out the window as well. "I forgot Ladybug and Chat Noir were getting their statue today! I gotta go check it out and film them! Alya will for sure be there! But…" The car had stopped at that moment, indicating they were at the school.

"It's okay," the blonde interrupted, patting his friend's shoulder. "You go on ahead. I can do this mission in 5 minutes tops."

"If you're sure."

With those words, Adrien and Nino went their separate ways. Nino headed across the road to the park to see the unveiling. Growing more nervous, Adrien ran into the school and to the lockers while ducking at every classroom window to make sure no one saw him. With no one around as he finally made it to the lockers, his kwami decided to pop out, laughing his tiny butt off.

"That was one embarrassing message," Plagg snickered. "Imagine her face when she hears it!"

"She's not going to hear it," Adrien retorted. "I'll grab her phone, delete the message, and go to the statue ceremony; easy as pie."

"Yeah, but how do you know which locker is hers? Do you even know her combination?"

"I can call her phone to find it. And I have a kwami who will unlock her locker from the inside," then came the bribe, "if he wants twice his usual amount of camembert this week."

"Deal!" Plagg cried with enthusiasm, zipping through the lockers as Adrien called Marinette's number to hear it ring. "Here!" He phased through the locker and promptly opened it, so his chosen could access it.

"Bingo!" The model was a little hesitant to invade Marinette's lovely decorated locker—he didn't see the Chat Noir poster taped at the back since some of her textbooks covered his view—but that quickly flew out the window when Plagg mocked him with the question, "Whatcha waiting for, 'Princess~?'" Remembering his embarrassing message, he began digging until he found it, her ringtone of Jagged Stone's latest song playing to indicate a call.

As he pressed the power button, his shoulders sagged. He had forgotten it was password protected. Going through all the important dates in her life that he knew, Adrien tried different combinations of numbers from her birthday, her parents' birthdays, graduation dates, even the day she won her first fashion contest. Nothing worked. He groaned, ready to give up, until the sound of footsteps sent him into panic mode. With his brain shut off and his impulse kicking in, Adrien quickly closed Marinette's locker and made a break for it.

Okay, he didn't mean to do it. He sat at his computer chair, promptly staring down the device on his desk. He couldn't believe he just stole Marinette's phone. But there it was, staring back at him as if saying he was a terrible person, which kinda felt like the case. Not only had he missed the statue unveiling, but he also took the love of his life's phone.

"Oh god," Adrien groaned, resting his face in his hands, his elbows on the desk. "This just went from bad to worse." He tried to steady out his breathing and calm down, forcing his imagination not to run wild at this point. But as he was doing that, the phone started going off, making him jump and causing his chair to fall back. "Ow…"

Marinette was calling her phone. She was trying to find it. She was going to find out he stole it! He stole her phone, from her locker! No amount of excuses could justify why he basically broke in to her locker and swiped her cell phone! She'd never talk to him again. If that happened, he'd wholeheartedly die. He'd never get to see her smile at him, see her nose wrinkle when she laughed around him, admire those cute freckles from up close, or bathe in her bakery scent when he was near her. Worst of all, at this rate, his dream would never come true—the dream where he asks her out to a movie or lunch, they get married and have 3 kids and a pet hamster (she loves those cute little guys), live in a moderate house with two floors on a quiet street, and spend the rest of his life wrapped each other's love and happiness. It would be a disaster. The phone stopped ringing while he was panicking, leaving the room in silence.

"Geez," his kwami complained, "stop freaking out. You can slip the phone back somehow and she'll probably never know."

"Yeah…yeah! You're right! Maybe this could be the push I need to ask her out." It wasn't perfectly aligned with his dream goals, but if he had a chance to strike a conversation, he'd take it. All he needed to do was return the phone with no evidence that he ever took it and things would turn out okay!

Adrien turned on the television, hoping it would take his mind off things for a while, but the news that came on sent his head spinning. According to the news, Chat Noir stole the Mona Lisa. But Adrien was standing right there, in his room, obviously not dressed as Chat Noir. Someone was impersonating his alter ego! And they weren't doing a very good job at it either.

"Plagg, claws out!"

Chat Noir had once again saved Paris with the help of Ladybug. Apparently, the guy that was akumatized was Theo Barbot, the sculptor of the Ladybug and Chat Noir statue in the park. He believed Chat and Ladybug were a thing and, being in love with Ladybug, grew jealous of Chat Noir. This lead to his akumatization as he went after Chat to get Ladybug to love him. Honestly, Adrien had no clue where Theo got the idea that him and Ladybug were an item. His heart was already set on the amazing Marinette Dupain-Cheng, so he held no romantic feelings for Ladybug. He joked around, but nothing too serious that would insinuate he was attracted to the red clad hero.

The blonde model sat on his white couch, Nino sitting right next to him. He called Nino, hoping he knew Marinette's password somehow. Surprisingly, he did. But he refused to tell. A moment of hesitation overtook him. If he didn't erase the message, Marinette would learn how he felt about her. That wasn't all bad. Sure he faced possible rejection, but he couldn't force out the right words when he tried to flirt with her. That always led to a big jumbled mess of pure babble. Maybe voicemail was the best way for him to confess. But…it was best she didn't hear it. He wants to be her friend first and if she grew to love him back, then he'd be more than happy to take her out on dates. Adrien sighed and pressed 2 on the phone, the message's deletion confirmed by the automated voice.

"I'm gonna returned this," Adrien resolved, "I'll tell her I found it and maybe I can ask her to go to a café or something."

Nino smiled and patted his friend's back. "That's the spirit, my dude!"

They returned to school just before lunch break ended, taking their usual seats in front of Marinette and Alya. The phone felt heavy in his pocket, Adrien's courage slowly draining with each passing minute. It wasn't until a couple minutes before the bell rang before he took Marinette's phone and swiftly placed it back in her bag. But when he did so, her bag toppled over, startled Marinette. The blonde immediately panicked and faced the front of the room, stiff as a board.

"What the…?" he heard Marinette softly whisper, probably reaching over to grab her back. "My phone! I thought I checked my bag a thousand times already!"

"Maybe you had it in a different compartment than you usually do or something," he heard Alya suggest.

"Yeah, maybe. I can be pretty scatterbrained." Marinette's giggle was so cute.

"Hey, girl! How about we go see a movie and get smoothies after? Help you destress and all that."

That day, Nino proved to be the best wingman ever. Because he turned back to the girls and asked, "Mind if two more dudes join the party?"

"I don't see why not," Alya answered.

Adrien turned around to see Marinette smiling brightly at him, causing his heart to soar and prompting a happy dance in his brain. He overreacted for nothing. And he silently promised himself not to try and take her phone again.

I was inspired again. It happens a lot. But I think this turned out well. I might do more using the Gamer episode and maybe the La Befona episode. I might even use the Volpina episode but with Lila trying to get close to Marinette for popularity sake. Who knows?

For clarity sake, this story has the idea that Theo confessed to Ladybug, but Ladybug, in love with Chat Noir, tried to gently reject his persistence by saying she and Chat Noir were a thing. This caused Theo to get jealous of Chat Noir and when he's akumatized, he tries to put Chat in a poor light so Ladybug won't be attracted to him anymore.

I won't be doing the Dark Cupid episode since I already used that as inspiration in Chapter 2 of I'll Love You Whenever.

Reviews are more than welcome! I love to hear your thoughts. Also, there's a poll on my profile that I'd really like the MLB fandom's opinion of. That would be a big help to me.