Chris stands proudly in front of the Dock of Shame.

"Yo! Chris Mclean here bringing you the soon to be hottest reality television show! We've asked twenty six teenagers to compete against each other for ONE MILLION DOLLARS!" Chris said

The camera then switches over to Chris at the campfire

"I'll split them up into two teams, those teams will do challenges where a winner and loser is crowned. The losing team will come here, where the safe will receive delicious marshmallows while the eliminated receives a boat trip home!" Chris said


"Here they can vent out frustration and talk trash about their fellow competitors." Chris exclaimed

"Meet our contestants after the commercial break on TOTAL DRAMA ISLAND!" Chris said


"Since there's twenty six contestants, two of them have to share a yacht here! HAHA! Anyways please welcome our first two contestants B and Dawn!"

" A yacht arrives with B and Dawn"

"Yo B, what's up?" Chris asked

B being the mute he is, says nothing but gives a thumbs up to indicate he's good.

"You don't talk much do you?" Chris asked with interest

"Of course he doesn't, it's all over his aura." Dawn said, butting into Chris' one sided conversation

"And you must be Dawn?" Chris asked

"Yes!" Dawn exclaimed

"Well you two can stand over there... for now." Chris said

B and Dawn grabbed their luggage and headed over to the far end of the dock

"Our next pair of contestants are Dave and Beardo!" Chris said

" A yacht arrives with Beardo and Dave"

"Oh thank god!" Dave said practically running out of the yacht

"What's the matter with you?" Chris asked

"I had to listen to this guy beatbox all the way here, PLEASE tell me we aren't going to be on the same team." Dave asked in desperation

" I can neither confirm or deny that" Chris said

" Fine well at least those two don't look weird" Dave said pointing at B and Dawn

" Oh Dave, it's terrible that your germ phobia had caused you to be wary of other people" Dawn said

" I'm not a germaphobe!, I just like things clean is all." Dave said with slight anger in his voice

Beardo not buying Dave's lie makes a Family Feud noise.

" Screw you, Human Beatbox" Dave said as he grabbed his stuff and headed to the others

Beardo frowned and walked over there as well

" Our next pair of contestants are Brick and Jo!" Chris says

Right on time a yacht arrives with Brick and Jo, The two walk off the yacht and Brick starts doing push ups.

" Come on maggot, my grandma has better form than you!" Jo yelled

" Sir yes sir" Brick says as he continues to do push ups.

" What's up with those two?" Dave asked

" Jo and Brick made a bet on the yacht, Brick lost and now he has to do a thousand push ups" Dawn said answering Dave's question


" How does she know all this stuff?"


" Is she a mole, like working for Chris or something?!"


" Well Brickhouse you can do your push ups over there" Chris said pointing to the rest of the cast.

" Sir yes sir!" Brick said running to the far edge continues to do his push ups.

" Our next pair of contestants are Amy and Samey who are sisters!" Chris said

Amy and Samey's yacht arrives. Samey's about to walk but Amy pushes her out the way.

" Hello everyone! I'm Amy and this is my sister, Samey!" Amy says in a cheerful voice

" Uh... It's Sammy not Samey" Samey whispers to Chris.

" Well according to your contract your Samey, so that's what you'll be called" Chris says to Samey

Samey sighs and walks down to the dock

" Hey everyone, I'm sorry you all have to deal with my sister. I promise she won't make it past the first episode" Amy said with pride in her voice


" I'm not one to butt in to people's business, but I don't think sisters should treat each other like that"


" Our next pair of contestants are Sam and Lightning" Chris said

A yacht arrives with Sam and Lightning

" First one on the dock! Sha-bam!" Lightning says while flexing his muscles

" Sorry to burst your bubble, but we already arrived here" Dave said sarcastically

" SHA-WHAT?!" Lightning yells

While this is all happening Sam is still on the yacht playing with his gameguy

" Hey!, I specifically said no electronics!" Chris says before snatching his game

" Wait at least let me save!" Sam asks, begging Chris.

" No" Chris says in a douchebag voice as he turns off his gameguy.


" Does he know how long it took to complete that level?!


Sam sighs grabs his stuff and walks off the yacht.

Lightning scoffs


" Only sha-losers waste their time with video games, I hope that couch potato isn't on my team"


" Our next pair of contestants are Rodney and Jasmine"

A yacht arrives with Rodney and Jasmine

" Can we get a doctor here?, I think something's wrong with him" Jasmine asks with concern pointing to Rodney

" He seems fine" Chris said

" He's been mumbling nonsense since we were on the yacht" Jasmine said

" I ... like... chocolate... dolphins!" Rodney mumbles

" See?" Jasmine asked

" Yeah that is kinda weird, Chef get this guy to the infirmary" Chris demanded

"sighs" " I don't get paid enough for this" Chef says under his breath as he drags Rodney to the infirmary

" A yacht drops off Dakota and Cameron"

" I'm here paparazzi!" Dakota says as she poses for the camera

Several middle aged men come out of the bushes and start taking pictures of Dakota

" Quit it!, This is Total Drama not the Red Carpet" Chris says to the paparazzi

" Dude you don't know how much we get paid to take pictures of this chick" The Paparazzi Man said

" I don't care, CHEF" Chris yells

Chef comes running and smashes one of the cameras

" BEAT IT!" Chef screamed

The paparazzi got the message and left

" Aw, I wanted my followers to be updated!" Dakota whined

" Zip it, As long as your apart of this show you do what I say, got it?" Chris asked the blonde

"Yes sir" Dakota said sarcastically


" I think Chris is just jealous, that I will be more famous than him one day"

" Just you watch"


" Um Chris, You forgot to introduce me." Cameron said

" My bad your just a forgettable person. This is Bubble Boy Cameron everyone!" Chris said to the cast

" What does he mean by Bubble Boy?" Dave asks

"Oh up until now I've been in a plastic bubble" Cameron says

There's a bit of awkward silence until the next boat arrives with Max and Scarlett

Scarlett takes some time to analyze her fellow contestants. While Max quickly grabs his stuff and heads to the end of the dock, he grabs a book and starts scribbling stuff down

" If I may ask, what are you writing in that book?" Scarlett asks Max

" You may not ask, go away" Max said


" Max intrigues me, I may need him later down the road"


A yacht arrives with Mike and Staci

" Oh my gosh it's really Chris Mclean, you know before we had hair gel our ancestors used spit to clean their hair" Staci said

" How fascinating" Chris says sarcastically, "Go bug someone else" Chris said.

" Try dealing with her the whole ride here" Mike said, sounding tired

" I feel your pain dude" Chris said

" Hey everyone! Did you know I'm related to the person who made peanut butter?" Staci asks

" I highly doubt your related to George Washington Carver" Dave said

" But I am!, Don't we look similar?" Staci says with a smile


" I think I found someone more annoying than Samey"


A yacht arrives with Shawn and Sky. Shawn jumps off the yacht and tries to swim away but the sharks catch him and brought him to Chris.

" Nice try, you signed a contract your my property" Chris stated

"You gotta get me out of here man, she's a zombie!" Shawn yelled pointing at Sky

" Uh.. I'm not a zombie... I just got... seasick-" Before Sky finishes her sentence she vomits over the dock

"Ew..." Dave said

Shawn runs to the dock and tastes the vomit. Everyone else reels in disgust.

"Crikey!" Jasmine said

" Hm. Not zombie flavored she's in the clear!" Shawn said

"And your CLEAR-ly delusional" Jo said

Another yacht arrives with Zoey and Anne Maria

" Gross! I am having ma designer shoes in vomit!" Anne Maria said

" I'll clean it for you" Zoey said getting out a napkin and wiping it up

" Thanks?" Anne Maria said

"Your welcome!" Zoey said

A yacht arrives with Sugar and Ella

" Note: Whatever I italicize is singing"

" Hello everyone! I hope we have lots of fun!" Ella sings

" Shut yer pie hole!" Sugar yelled

"Sorry" Ella said

" Someone wake up at the wrong side of the bed, Sugar?" Chris asked

" No, just having to listen to little miss songbird chirp has been driving me bonkers!" Sugar said

" Don't worry well almost done" Chris said

The last yacht arrives with Scott and Leonard

Scott faces his other contestants

"If you don't want to get hurt stay out of my way" Scott said

"Right back at ya pit stain" Jo said

" Greetings, I apologize for the behavior of my fellow warrior Scott." Leonard said

" Were not fellow warriors or whatever shit your talking about" Scott said

" Well that should be the last of the yachts" Chris said

" Just an observation, but wouldn't it be cheaper to rent one yacht and place all of us on it instead of buying thirteen yachts." Scarlett said

" Don't worry the budget for the show is huge, no way were gonna run out of cash" Chris said

Chef comes and whispers something in Chris' ear

" Okay... we are now on a tight budget" Chris said


" Our host really needs to think about what he's doing before he spends all the money and there is no million dollars"


" I'd like to welcome all twenty six of you to TOTAL DRAMA ISLAND!" Chris said

" If you don't mind I wanna remember this moment with a picture, mind standing over there?" Chris said

All twenty six contestants gathered at the dock and posed for a picture. Chris gets out his IPhone X

" One... Two... - Wait lense wasn't on." Chris said

Mostly everyone groans

"One... Two... Wait I just got a text from Chef! LOL" Chris said

Now everyone groans

" One... Two... Three!" Chris says as he presses a button on his phone that causes the dock to explode. All the contestants are now in the lake

" First rule of show biz, expect the unexpected." Chris said.

" Meet me at the campfire so I can split you into teams" Chris said

~ The Campfire~

Everyone gathers at the campfire waiting for Chris

" How is he late to the own thing he asked us to meet at?" Dave asked

"Sorry had to get my daily coffee in. Anyways if I call your name stand over to the right" Chris said

" Sam, Leonard, Dave, Scott, Brick, Shawn, Dawn, Dakota, Jo, Staci, Sky, Sugar, and Ella!" Chris said

" From now on you'll be known as the Screaming Gophers!" Chris said

Chris tosses Sam a green flag

" Sweet" Sam said

" The rest of you. Mike, Cameron, Lightning, B, Rodney, Max, Beardo, Jasmine, Amy, Samey, Anne Maria, Scarlett, and Zoey!" Chris said

" You are now the Killer Bass!" Chris said

Chris tosses Jasmine a red flag

"Excuse me but, Bass aren't even dangerous" Jasmine said

"If you want I can call you the Killer Unicorns" Chris asked

" Nope! Killer Bass it is" Jasmine said

" Good, now unpack your bags and head to the Mess Hall. Chef's making Sloppy Joes." Chris said

" But I'm a vegan" Dawn said

" Well go eat a plant or something" Chris said before walking away

~ Mess Hall~ The contestants are eating lunch at their respective teams

" The meat isn't even cooked!, What kind of sloppy joe is this?" Mike asks

" Not only that but I've found a new species of mold under my bread!" Cameron said

" Quit your whining and eat the damn food" Chef said

" You wouldn't happen to have something for a vegan?" Dawn asks

Chef goes outside grabs a clump of dirt and puts it on a plate

" Bon Appetite" Chef said


" I know the show is on a tight budget, but they could've at least offered me a salad."


" You kids enjoying lunch?" Chris said

" NO!" Everyone said

"Well too bad, meet me at the Wawanakwa Diving Cliff for your first challenge" Chris said

" What do you think he wants us to do up on a cliff" Zoey asked

" It's our first challenge, it can't be that bad" Mike said

~ Wawanakwa Diving Cliff~

All the contestants in their bathing suits gather at the cliff

" Jump off this cliff" Chris demanded

"..." Awkward silence

"Well I stand corrected" Mike said

Well that was the first chapter! Hope you enjoyed it!. If you did follow and favorite if you like it so much. As for the schedule of posting episodes I'll try and post every so often but don't expect a new chapter every day.

Note: I know Topher isn't here, Not a mistake it's just because of plot. See in my fanfic he's an intern working for Chris who won't join till later on. :)