(This chapter has been updated. It now includes descriptions of Pre-existing characters as well as some information I forgot to add in on the first pass that will be important to later chapters. I also fixed up some grammar and dialogue. The first few chapters of this story didn't receive a proper editing session, so I'm doing that now. All current chapters will be updated before chapter 6, "Game Day," is posted.)
Hey Guys! I decided to write this and my X-Men rewrite at the same time because I've been wanting to start this one for ages but I wanted to finish Sapphire first, but I was losing motivation for Sapphire and I really wanted to at least start this so I can work on whichever when I have the time.
I really wanted to take some time to redesign Robyn, both her outfit and herself as a character. She'll still be the same character, I just feel like now she'll be more practical and realistic.
Her story arc will be the same and at the end of the story her powers will be the same too, but in the beginning she is going to be quite different power wise, she'll still be the same, or as close as I can get her where I can still be proud of her.
I'm also going to be writing this story in the third person, which personally I believe I am way better at than first person, so that alone should make it better I hope.
Another thing, I don't like how everyone's superhero name is "Blah Blah Girl" or "Blah Blah Boy", so in an attempt to make it a bit more "grown up", I'm going to be doing a few name changes:
Saturn Girl: Saturn
Lightning Lad: Lightning
Bouncing Boy: Bounce
Triplicate Girl: Triplicate
Phantom Girl: Phantom
I didn't change them too much, again I just didn't like "Boy" and "Girl". Other names will change as needed, and I'll always try to keep them close to the originals.
I'm also going to write everyone as around 17-20 give or take a few characters who may fall above or below this.
As with Sapphire, let me know you guys think! I love reading the comments and I'm so excited to be coming back to Robyn The Queen of Thieves.
She sat with her legs crossed, knees held close to her body to avoid the loose wires sparking around her. She reached an armored hand up to her goggles, turning a dial on the top to brighten her view of the dark space.
"Come on…" she mumbled to herself. "Almost got it." She cut one last wire, the small blade at the end of her fingertip slowly slipping back into her armored glove. "Alright…" she wrapped her hand around the small control panel and pulled. "Come oooon." She let out a satisfied grunt as it was pulled from the wall. Her goggles auto focused on the device in front of her, allowing her to inspect its condition. "Alright. Not bad." she tucked it into the small brown bag at her side, scooping up a few loose wires and tossing them in as well.
She carefully stood, her upper torso leaving the artificial gravity bubble she'd set around her as she worked. Her tangled raven hair flew past her face to dangle above her head. She raised her right arm and the screen on her armor hummed to life. She pressed a few buttons and the gravity warp attached to the floor deactivated and reattached itself to her boot. Luckily, her boots were magnetized, so she didn't fall the 50 feet to the ground below.
She reached out with both hands and held onto a large metal pipe in the wall in front of her. With a loud clang, she wedged her boots into the corner and turned off their magnetization. The climb down from this spot was never fun. She always had to either flip herself right side up and climb down, or just risk climbing upside down. This time she opted to flip herself right side up first, as last time she just climbed she had used nearly all the battery life in her boots and gloves keeping herself in place and she'd nearly been caught. Scaling the wall itself was tricky as well. She couldn't always find a foothold, but the more she came back, the more places there were for her to get her footing where she had pulled things from the wall.
Finally, she made it to the bottom of her self made tunnel. She let her feet dangle and turned on the magnetic field around her boots, swinging them up to the domed ceiling. There was a quiet thud. That was her cue to let go with her hands. Her body swung down and her feet fell flat against the ceiling with another thud. She bent towards the ceiling and pulled a scrap of metal from where she'd left it. There was a small device where it had been which had kept it from falling to the floor below. She held the metal against the hole she'd climbed out of and pointed at it with her right index finger. A small flame leapt from her fingertip and began to weld the metal back into its original place.
She barely had time to finish when she heard voices headed towards her. She swore under her breath and looked around for a place to hide. She put her hands on the ceiling and crawled until she was behind the large console in the center of the room. From where she was sitting, all she could see was a glowing symbol. Three circles arranged in an upside down triangle. The sight made her face scrunch up in an unsightly expression. She hated what that symbol meant.
A door slid open and she could finally hear who was talking.
"Are you sure we need his help?" said a voice she immediately recognized. The woman on the ceiling rolled her eyes and pulled a face that could only mean: You have got to be kidding me. She tapped a button on her goggles and a light blue dome surrounded the top of her head. "It seems a little desperate, don't you think? We'll have more luck trying to get another member of the Legion here in time than finding him."
"I know what I'm doing, Saturn." said Brainiac 5. The girl would know that electronic voice anywhere. She saw a bit of his artificial blonde hair peek behind the console and she inched herself further around the ceiling high computer. If he looked in her direction, his scanners would pick her up instantly. "Finding him will not be as hard as you are thinking. But we need to go quickly. I told Bounce to meet us in my lab." She heard Saturn sigh.
"Alright then, let's get going." they made there way (painfully slowly) to the door at the other end of the room. As soon as the psychic/cyborg duo were out of the room the girl let she shield around her head fall and ran across the ceiling to a window on the other side of the room. She slowly pushed it open and climbed onto the wall outside, her boots clicking to the metal. She pulled herself out and picked up a small device stuck on the wall next to the window and clicked it back into place on her belt. There was a quiet humming sound which signaled the rooms alarm system was rebooting. She closed the window quickly and turned off the magnetic fields on her gloves.
She tapped the wall next to the window, and her Glider turned off its camouflage. She pulled it off the wall and it extended to its full length, igniting its engines and hovering just in front of her feet. She stepped onto it as easily as if she were walking on solid ground. Another tap on her goggles and a full helmet materialized around her head. She leaned forward and the Glider set off in the direction of her home.
She slowly fell into the flow of air traffic. Flying over the city was always fun for her, seeing everyone on the ground look like bugs. She had to be sure she was well cloaked whenever she took the public route home though, it was faster, but riskier. Fortunately today she made it home without incident. It was about an hours journey from the city, which was unfortunate, because she needed to drop off her new parts, calibrate her cameras, and head immediately back into the city. Today was a busy day.
Her home was a crashed aircraft, its model was about 200 years old. For some reason, this area had been completely left alone by the city. For now. She'd had to flee quite a few times from construction crews expanding New Metropolis. Her current home was right next to a cliff however, a rocky one at that, so she'd guessed that they had no interest in moving this way yet. She angled her Glider down until it started to kick up little rocks off the ground and hopped off. The Glider deactivated and set clicked itself onto a little charging pad hidden in the ground. She stepped inside the aircraft and set her bag on the makeshift table next to the door.
She pushed her goggles up to rest on top of her head, something she only did when she was alone, and inspected the control panel she'd stolen from the Legion's headquarters. She crouched next to a mound of wires and buttons beside a large screen against the far wall, and began replacing the control panel. Once all the wires were in place she lifted it up and welded it to the wall. She pushed a few buttons then turned and activated the large screen. It was blue and fuzzy, but after a few moments different cameras began popping up on the screen that showed different rooms of the Legions base. A triumphant grin spread across her face.
"Success." She pushed a few more buttons and one camera in particular filled the whole screen. A few more buttons and staticy audio began echoing through her one room home. She let it play while she gathered what she needed for her next trip. She took off her gloves, boots, goggles, and belt, and let them recharge while she got ready.
She opened her hand-made cooler and pulled out a pop. She took a large swallow of it, set it on the lid of the cooler, and grabbed her bag. She took the wire scrap she grabbed and tossed it onto the table. Movement on the monitor caught her eye.
One member of the Legion, Triplicate, a girl with the ability to duplicate herself, had grabbed a large tarp and used her "twins" to hang it up across the lounge. Usually she was dressed in a white, orange, and purple outfit. The colors separated however, when she separated into her respective selves.
"Voila!" she exclaimed as the text Welcome Superman flickered across the banner. The raven haired girl snorted. Was that who they'd gone to get? Superman?
"Never thought I'd agree with you, Pinky." she said to herself. "But 'desperate' is right." a small chime in the corner alerted her that her equipment had finished charging. She clasped her belt back around her hips, and her bag to that, then put on her armored gloves and boots, before sliding her goggles back over her eyes. She took a quick glance in the mirror before she left.
Her appearance always took her by surprise when she considered where she'd come from. She had long, tangled black hair that covered most of her ears. Her eyes were hidden behind dark tinted mechanical goggles she'd made herself along with her elbow length gloves and boots. She wore a high neck, sleeveless black top, a short sleeved, cropped brown jacket and torn jean shorts. She'd had the shorts for forever. They didn't start out as shorts, but whenever they'd get too short or two small, she'd cut them shorter so it didn't look awkward and resize the sides so they'd fit. They now barely reached mid-thigh and had several different patterns of cloth along the seams.
She had also 'acquired' a pair of dark brown tights last year, when the length of her shorts had made her a bit uncomfortable. They now had several holes and tears in them, which she actually liked. It made her feel intimidating in a sort of rough and experienced way, and she appreciated it due to her lack of naturally intimidating qualities. Humans had grown steadily taller over the years, the shortest women usually sitting at around 5'8" but she was only able to meet 5'8" with a bit of help from the heels of her boots.
A sudden, bright flash of light on her monitor reminded her to turn it off before she left. She walked outside and stepped back onto her Glider. It whirred to life and she slowly rose into the air, taking off towards the city again. Her target this time: The Technology of Earth Museum. She'd stolen from the building quite a few times. They always had just what she was looking for, something old enough to not pop up on scanners, but new enough to still knew their security system like she knew her own eyes. Even when they upgraded, the director would always made the dumb decision of talking about it on the news. Its like they thought people like her didn't watch the news. Shoe couldn't help but laugh at the thought.
She'd even managed to earn herself a nickname a few years ago. The Queen of Thieves. A little dramatic, she thought, but amusing nonetheless. She never sold to anyone, so even other criminals had no idea who she was. There was only a handful of people who had ever actually interacted with her in the last few years and she sincerely doubted any of them remembered her. The hour commute to 'work' passed and she finally landed on the roof of the temporarily closed museum. They had just acquired some new relics and had closed so they could market a GRAND RE-OPENING, as they often did.
Oddly though, they hadn't announced what was being brought in this time, and she wanted a little 'private tour'. She attached a small triangular device to the roof and waited for a green light to flicker on before slowly starting to carve a hole in the ceiling using a small lazer from her right glove. She set the scrap off to the side and activated night vision on her goggles. They never had the lights off like this during the day… She poked her head in through the hole, her hair falling past her head, and scanned the room. All clear. She quietly flipped through the hole and into the room, landing in a crouch. She began to make her way towards the hall, growing nervous when the screen on her goggles went fuzzy for a moment. Suddenly a warning triggered on her goggles and the words "SYSTEM MALFUNCTION" were spoken in a gravely mechanical voice in her ear.
She quickly turned and tried to jump back through the hole in the ceiling. A hot surge of electricity ran through her whole body and a scream tore itself from her throat. She stumbled. In a last attempt at a fight, she tried to turn around to see who had caught her, but her eyes closed before she could see. She felt herself falling, but she never felt herself hit the floor.
She woke up, groggy and dizzy before she'd even opened her eyes. She noticed the bed first. It had been years since she'd slept on anything other than her own worn, thin mattress, and as relaxed as it should have made her body in any other situation, it only made her heart race now. She peaked an eye open and immediately closed it, wincing at the painful stark white room.
"It's ok, we aren't going to hurt you." Said a woman's voice. She couldn't place it right now, all she could focus on was that she didn't have her goggles.
"We-What?" the woman seemed confused.
"Goggles. Now."
"I need to scan your eyes for a concussion." that voice she recognized. "You could have-"
"Well Brainiac 5, you should have fucking thought about that before you had your friend zap me, huh?" realizing where she was only made her angrier. "Goggles." she repeated, holding out her left hand and covering her eyes with her right arm. "They can perform a self-scan to check for concussions as long as they work, but I refuse to cooperate until I have them back so give! Me! My! Goggles! Now!" she could feel everyone in the room had been put off by her outburst, but regardless, someone set her goggles in her open hand. She quickly pulled them over her eyes, ignoring her hair tangling around the cord around her head, and let out a shaky sigh as she got her first proper glance at her environment. She wasn't at all surprised by who she saw. Saturn, about 19 she assumed, tall with blond hair, bright pink eyes, and a skin tight pink and white uniform to match. Bounce, 17 if she remembered correctly. He was a larger guy with a dark blue suit, yellow visor, and a mess of black hair sticking over them. Lightning, 20, cocky redhead with biceps much smaller than he said they were, a lightning shaped scar over his right eye, and a black and white suit with yellow lightning patterns on his shoulders and yellow boots. And finally, her least favorite, Brainiac 5. He was only 16 if she remembered correctly, with a purple and black mechanical body, pinkish purple eyes and chin length blonde hair (to this day she couldn't tell whether it was organic or artificial). There was one, however, that she didn't recognise. She could only assume that they'd been successful in their hunt for Superman. He was… smaller than she thought he'd be, and had very dorkish glasses. Her goggles flicked to life. The shock from Lightning had definitely messed them up a bit, but, aside from being a little slow, they seemed to be working fine.
"Preform self-scan." she said calmly. "Give auditory report." the goggles hummed for a moment.
"No immediate concern." the goggles spoke in a gravely, barely understandable voice. She could see the cyborg flinch at the audio quality.
"This is the Queen of Thieves?" Lightning said, crossing his arms. His voice sounded like an angry squirrel in her ear.
"Disappointed, Spark Plug?" she mused in response.
"We just wanted to talk to you, Qu-... do you have anything else we can call you?" Saturn asked. "Queen of Thieves seems a little formal." She girl chuckled
"Yeah, I didn't pick it." she ran a hand through her hair. She had to think for a moment. "Robyn." she could see the cyborg searching through his memory at the sound of her name.
"Robyn," Saturn repeated. "The Legion is in danger, and we think you would be able to help us, we just need-"
"And I would want to help you, why?" Robyn chuckled. "You just electrocuted and kidnapped me while I was trying to work."
"Work?" Lightning laughed.
"It's the Emerald Empress." Brainiac said finally. Whatever comment Robyn was thinking up for Lightning was quickly forgotten.
"So it's true," Bounce mumbled. "You do have a history with her."
"Yeah, you could say that." Robyn clenched her jaw.
"Please, Robyn." Saturn took a step towards her. "We'd be in your debt." Robyn bit her lip.
"Fine." she said suddenly. "I'll help, but just so I get to pound her pretty face into putty. And if I don't get to pound her pretty face into putty I'm going to be pissed." the whole group looked relieved, if somewhat worried. "I'll need my things back." Saturn nodded and with a wave of her hand, all of Robyn's things were placed on the cot next to her. She reached over and began putting it all back on. "How much time do we have?" she asked as all her equipment hummed to life.
"Honestly?" Lightning chided. "About forty minutes." Robyn nodded.
"I assume the buildings defenses are set to maximum?" she asked.
"Naturally." Brainiac responded. "They have been all day." Robyn winced visibly.
"Set them higher." she said. "If I can get through them the Fatal Five sure can." Brainiac looked shocked.
"When did you get through?" Robyn chuckled.
"Literally three hours ago." She crossed her arms. Brainiac looked like his entire world had been destroyed. He was about to say something but shut his mouth and instead mumbled something along the lines of I'll go set them higher. They all moved to the control room where Triplicate and Phantom were trying to contact other Legionnaires. Phantom was a tall girl with long black hair, a black and white uniform and a long cape.
"I've sent a code red to every Legionnaire." Phantom said.
"And?" Lightning encouraged.
"Shrinking Violet's undercover." said one of the triplets. "Colossus is still on Brawl." Said another.
"What about Cosmic?" he asked.
"At the outpost, he would never make it in time." Saturn said worriedly.
"We're it, Sparky." said the third triplet.
"What can I do?" The man Robyn assumed was Superman said.
"If you're smart, you'll go back home." Lightning walked towards Superman.
"I'm here, I want to help!" he exclaimed. "I have super powers!"
"You've never used them!"
"I have used them!"
"Not like this you haven't." Lightning said.
"Well of course he hasn't, but I'm sure he can figure it out, there's only so much you can do with heat vision and I'm sure hurting shit is at least four of them." Robyn said walking between the pair. "Now if you two are done," She pointed to the monitor displaying the courtyard. "We have company." Everyone stared at the monitor for a moment, watching the group grow steadily closer. There was Validus, the Giant, probably fifty feet tall, walking on all fours with his brain visible through a clear dome. Robyn shivered. That had always creeped her out Mano, the man who could destroy with just a touch. Therok, half man and half machine. The persuader, who carried his large ax menacingly over his shoulder. And Her. The Emerald Empress. Robyns jaw started to hurt by how stiffly she was holding herself.
"Come on." Phantom said. "If we don't go out, they'll come in." everyone seemed to walk out of the room at the same time. They all stood in the courtyard, looking into the large dust cloud, watching for the Fatal Five. Phantom started to float above the rest of the group, and Robyn kicked her Glider to life and crouched as she hovered above the others. Through the smoke filling the city the Fatal Five took a step into the courtyard where everyone could finally see them. The Emerald Empress glared down at them, almost bored.
"This is it?" she said over the screams and sirens. "I would have expected a bigger turnout from the Legion of Superheroes." she nearly spat the last words onto the concrete. Everyone stood in a ready position.
"There's five of them and ten of us." Bounce lowered his visor. "No problem, right Clark?" as if on cue, their supposed Superman took off, leaving only a puff of dust where he had been standing. "Uh… We may have a problem." Robyn glared at the Empress. She couldn't care less about any one else there, all she cared about was making the Empress's life hell, if only for a few minutes.
"Activate combat mode." she growled under her breath. Her equimnet whirred violently, layers sliding out and revealing several hidden miniature laser cannons she'd designed herself to lay flat against the inside of her gloves. Small energy fields also appeared around her hands and feet.
"Hm." the Empress scoffed. "It seems you're a little short handed this time."
"Bring it on, Green Queen." Lightning said. "We put you away once, we'll do it again."
"Take 'em down, boys." the Empress raised her hand and signaled the entire group to charge.
"Whatever you do, don't look directly into that eye!" Saturn yelled to the the group before they sprung into action. Robyn wanted to focus all her energy on the Empress but she was pulled away by Validus, literally. He plucked her from her glider and tossed her to the ground. When she was finally able to look up her Glider had been crush to bits. She growled and slammed her hand on the ground in frustration, the energy field around it causing the concrete to crack and splinter. She ran at Validus and jumped, with the help of her boots, several feet in the air and was able to land a solid punch on Validus's knee, causing him to howell in pain and fall to the ground.
She was taken down almost immediately after by a large shock of energy from Therok. It sent shockwaves through her equipment which in turn sent shockwaves through her whole body, causing her to fall to the ground. She was able to roll onto her back despite the tremors traveling through her body. Her eyes were wide and she worked to move any part of her body in vain. She could feel something pressed between her shoulder blades. Whatever it was was keeping her from moving. Robyn grit her teeth and tried to move her arm to grab it but all the movement did was cause another surge of electricity to shoot through her body. Soon the Legionnaires started to fall around her, until the only ones left were Saturn and herself, though she was hardly helpful at this point.
Robyn took a deep breath and tried to move in time with the tremors traveling through her body to avoid the shock. It worked surprisingly well for about fifteen seconds. Her movement must have caught the attention of the Empress, because she left her Eye to work on Saturn and floating down to her.
"My my," she sang. "Well here's a face I never thought I'd see again."
"Sc-screw y-you, S-S-Sarya." Robyn spat at the ground in front of her. The Empress chuckled and Robyn was lifted off the ground by Persuader the sudden movement sending another wave of electricity through her. "Now, now, play nice." She smirked. "You wouldn't wan-"
Just then, a crash echoed through the courtyard. Everyone who still could turned to look at whatever had caused it. Superman pulled himself, coughing, from the crash sight, now in uniform. Because apparently making sure everyone looked professional was more important than actually winning.
"Oh t-that's very-very reassuring." Robyn said through the tremors. The Empress glared at her before floating up to her position above her group. Her eye turned from Saturn and moved to her side, and Robyn was unceremoniously thrown to the floor. 'Oh come on!' she screamed in her head.
"Let them go, Empress." Superman tried to sound intimidating.
"Love the cape," The Empress chided. "Very 21st century."
"Last chance." Superman said in a low voice.
"You're braver than you look." She responded slowly. "But I'm afraid you're too late. Teach him some manners." The Fatal Five rushed at him. If Robyn hadn't been in her own situation she would have felt bad for the guy, having all of the Five focusing their energy on him. She started moving with the tremors once again, trying to make her way to the remnants of her Glider, where she was hoping to leverage something against the device on her back and rip it off.
The voice in her head made her pause.
"Look at Clark," Saturn's voice echoed. Robyn repressed a shiver and continued her crawl towards what was left of her Glider. "If he's not going to give up, we can't either! You have to fight it!" the trance on everyone seemed to break just as Superman somehow dealt a massive blow to the Fatal Five. Robyn was almost to her Glider when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked up as Brainiac 5 moved in front of her, trying to deactivate the device on her back. Robyn looked behind him and saw Persuader running up.
"B-Be-Behin-Be-" She tried to warn him.
"What?" Persuader was almost behind him now. She felt the device release her back and in an instant she had her weapon aimed past Brainiacs shoulder and shot Persuader in the chest. He fell with a heavy thud. She took a deep breath and lowered her weapon. When she looked at Brainiac his eyes were wide and he had his own weapon ready to fire. She chuckled. Kid had reflexes.
"Behind you." She finished. Triplicate and Phantom seemed to have taken over Persuader, so Robyn took a moment to recover from the fourth electrical shock she'd received that day. When she was finally able to stand again she looked around for anyone who needed help. . Brainiac had started to chase Therok in his battle mode (Robyn wondered why he didn't open with that), but Therok was managing to stay just out of range. Robyn shot a wire from her wrist that tangled itself in Theroks mismatched legs, sending him tumbling to the ground. When Lightning cheered she looked back, realizing the fight had pretty much finished. The Empress was frozen, and Mano and the Validus were unconscious. As soon as Persuader and Therok were thrown into the pile all five disappeared, almost immediately, in a flash of green.
"Where'd they go?" Superman sounded completely dumbfounded.
"Teleported." Brainiac explained. "They could be anywhere in the galaxy at this point." Robyn felt a bit of anger surge in her at the thought of the Sarya escaping. "But I think they got the message." Robyn trudged over to her glider. She sighed as everyone started to walk back inside. Several wires shot from both of her gloves and she started to drag the pieces back towards her home.
"Where are you going?" Brainiac asked. She looked over at him.
"I'm going home." She said without stopping.
"Robyn, you've been electrocuted several times today, you have got to be exhausted." He flew in front of her. "Just… Stay at the tower tonight, I can help you fix your Glider." she thought about it for a moment before turning around and dragging her Glider into the building.
"Fine, but I don't want you tracking me home tomorrow."
Once inside the lounge Robyn set the biggest pieces of her Glider up on the table and began her repairs.
"Do you guys always have this much fun?" Superman asked.
"Pretty much." Phantom chuckled as she hovered above him.
"I guess we'll take you home now." Brainiac sighed.
"Hold on a sec," Superman said, walking over to Brainiac. "You said you can take me back to the same moment I left, right?" Brainiac nodded and the rest of the group looked at Superman excitedly. "You know, I didn't really get a chance to see New Metropolis."
"And you didn't really get a chance to try out all your powers." Saturn added. Brainiac smiled.
"Maybe I should stay a little while longer." Superman shrugged.
"Well, as long as you're here," Brainiac grabbed a small box a drawer at the side of the room. "You'll be needing these." Robyn recognized that box and immediately tensed up. Superman put on the ring and belt, becoming an official member of the Legion of Superheroes. They all turned to Robyn. Her glare was hidden behind her goggles. Saturn walked up to her and set an identical box on the table in front of her.
"The offer stands for you too, Robyn." She said. "You really helped us today. It's yours if you want it. You wouldn't-"
"'I wouldn't' what?" Robyn stood, and everyone took a step back. "Wouldn't have to be a thief? I wouldn't have to steal my heating? I wouldn't have to live in a crashed ship and sleep on something that used to be a mattress?" the room had grown silent. "For the record, I didn't want to do it. I had to. I doubt any of you remember, but you're the reason I have to do all of that in the first place."
"What do you-" Saturn started.
"Robyn Talvra," Brainiac interrupted. Robyn turned to him. "I thought you seemed familiar. You auditioned for the Legion about five years ago." realization flashed across the faces of all the Legionnaires.
"At least one of you remembers." she sighed and slouched back onto the couch. "In your defense, I was thirteen, and I did completely botch my audition, but it didn't make my life any easier."
"What happened to you?" Triplicate asked. "That lead to-"
"The Queen of Thieves?" Robyn chuckled. "Lets just say, I was a little kid, on a planet I'd only been on for a few weeks. I didn't have any job skills, I didn't have any social skills. No one would hire me and I couldn't afford to get off the planet. I had no money so I had to steal food… I think the it started with a ham sandwich… by the time I could have gotten a job I was in too deep with others and I had to lay low."
"How did you get so good with technology?" Phantom sat down next to Robyn.
"My…" Robyn paused. "My father taught me… But it's always been a… natural talent of mine." there was silence for a moment. "But that still doesn't mean-"
"Robyn," Saturn said. "It's been several years, no one in the city will recognize you, we didn't even recognize you. You'd be safe here. Your criminal record could be wiped, you could start over. Have an actual home."
"Who says I want that from you?" Robyn asked quietly. Everyone in the room stayed quiet. A minute passed and Robyn sighed. "I reserve the right to change my mind about this whenever I want." The room itself seemed to smile at the release of tension, and Phantom even flung her arms around Robyn in a hug. "Ok, ok, no touchy." Phantom quickly let go. Robyn rolled her eyes and slowly opened the box, feeling everyone smiling at her. It made her feel weird. She didn't like them anymore than she had for the last five years, but having somewhere she could hide… of having people who might actually be able to help her... a real bed… It was too much to look past.
A few hours had passed since then. The rest of the group had gone on patrol, and Robyn decided to test her new flight ring by traveling back to her aircraft to move some of her things to her new room. She stumbled across the ground as she landed in front of the crashed aircraft. The flight ring would take some getting used to. She stepped inside and took a quick look around. The large case she'd borrowed clunked to the floor. She tossed in the few clothes she owned, her recharge pad, her thin blanket and pillow. She grabbed a few drinks and snacks from her cooler too.
"Seems like everything I'll need." the case seemed empty despite all that was in it. The Legion had seriously overestimated how much she would actually own. She threw a few spare parts i as well before glancing to her mirror.
Her heart was hammering in her chest as she remembered. She only ever saw them when she had to move, and she had been hoping she wouldn't have to see them again any time soon. Still, they called to her, she couldn't leave them behind. She walked over to her mirror and pulled it from the wall, letting it fall to the floor where it shattered. Then she used the tools in her glove to carve a hole in the wall. Inside was a small, outdated knife, stained with a strange dark green substance, and a photograph set face down. Her shaky hand reached inside and raised the picture. She'd covered it up with thick paper ages ago, but she knew what was inside.
She chucked the items into the suitcase and slammed it shut before dragging it outside and heading on her way home. No. Not home. She would never be home. This was just another hiding place.
Whelp, that's it. I did it. I started another one. Honestly I think this is a million times better than the original, but please let me know what you think in the comments! I hope you are all just as excited as me to see Robyn return! I have a bit more of her story fleshed out and I have a lot more of her character decided on.
I really hope you enjoy this first chapter, and let me know if you want to see more!
Thank you! Love you guys!