"So your big plan is to sneak into a meeting and stab him in the back with this?" Ginny asked incredulously. She was standing across from Draco Malfoy in his workshop. Ginny had been quite impressed with the collection scattered the room. Draco was standing a few steps in front of her holding a slim silver dagger in between his fingers. Ginny's eyes ran down the length of the blade and over the intricately woven steel handle. Then finally rested on the jagged piece of pitch black lazurite embedded in the pommel. Ginny sighed and looked back at Draco with a raised eyebrow.

"Whats that look for Weasley?" Draco sneered as he sheathed the dagger gently. "It's a good plan."

"I mean its a plan. I wouldn't say it's a good one." Ginny scoffed as she crossed her arms. "You know you made it seem like you had this grand plan before. Harry might be right. You might just get yourself killed doing this." Draco snarled and was about to respond before Ginny cut him off. "I mean do you really think anyone could of just stabbed Voldemort in the back with a dagger?"

"This isn't Voldemort," Draco spat the name viciously. "This is a wack job whose taught himself a bit of Dark Magic. Once I integrate myself into his inner circle he'll never suspect me then it will be easy."

"Okay, assuming you're dealing with someone who is a complete idiot, then yeah it will work." Ginny took a step back and looked around the room again. She couldn't believe Draco had acquired all these objects. Some of them were broken and battered sitting on shelves looking worse for ware. Others though where in perfect condition polished into a shine. Some of them even seemed to glow with innate magic.

"Thats why your here." Draco said as he leaned back against a small ledge and crossed his arms. "On the off chance he isn't a complete idiot. I wish I had a better plan. I've gone through all the information both I and the aurors have. All I know is that he's performing ritual magic and he's hitting places filled with residual magic. If I could scout out all the places he could strike again I would, but I don't know where he could strike next.I wanted to bring you in just in case we are dealing with a real Dark Lord. If we are my plan is bust, and I'll probably need help."

"So you sent the other dagger over to Nott," Ginny said as she took a few steps back and leaned against a wall. "He's going to invite you to one of their parties...then what you just show up and play along?"

"For now yes." Draco said as he took a deep breath and looked down towards the ground. "My family has two distinct, but well deserved reputations. The magical community as a whole sees us as nasty dark wizards. The other side of that community sees us as traitors to the old ways." Draco reached up and ran his fingers through his beard gently. "Those reputations are well deserved, and I can use them both for this. It will take time but if I can integrate myself into that group I can start forming plans of attack. Those plans will be relayed to you, and you will be my backup."

"Why me?" Ginny asked raising an eyebrow. "I mean I'm a Weasley. You're a Malfoy, not really a match made in heaven."

"You're fierce." Draco said as he kicked himself off the ledge. "You fought against the Carrows in Hogwarts, fought in the final battle, and even dueled my father in the Department of Mysteries. I know you have the skill to take care of yourself. I know I can trust a Weasley to do the right thing. Plus as a bonus when Potter hears about this he'll be livid."

"So mostly to piss Harry off then." Ginny said with sneer that rivaled even Draco's.

"Did you just decide not to listen to the first few reasons." Draco stated as he crossed the room to a set of dark shelves on the far wall. "You may be a good fighter and a star quidditch player," Draco paused while he rummaged around a shelf moving items aside. "But you're still clearly, a woman. "

"Oy pig!" Ginny snapped as she stood up straight and glared at him.

"It's not my fault you all just hear what you want to." Draco said as he pulled a thin white sheet off one shelf and kept rummaging around. "I know I left a pair in here somewhere."

"Oh yeah and men never do that." Ginny said sarcastically as she rolled her eyes.

Draco ignored her as he moved a small box to the left on the shelf in front of him. Sitting behind the shelf sat a pair of hand mirrors. They where shimmering slightly in the small rays of light that slipped through the shadows. The hand mirrors where just small enough that one of them could rest gently in the palm of his hand. They were square shaped with thin handworked borders made of pure gold. The glass was pristine and polished to a brilliant shine. Draco reached in and picked them both up gently. "Found them."

"Found what?" Ginny snapped as she came closer to him. She was still irritated at Draco, and she was trying not to shout at him.

"These," Draco turned and held out his hands. Sitting in the palm of his hands where two mirrors. Ginny reached out and gently picked one up. The mirror was so thin she feared that if she tightened her grip anymore it would crack. Along the mirror was thin lines of very intricate gold work. As she held it closer to her face she could see small but precise rune work carved gently into the gold.

"What are they?"

"They're two way mirrors. Just picture my face and say my name, and my mirror will let me know you want to speak to me. Then we can talk to each other through them." Draco took a step forward and pointed at the runes. "You see most mirrors like this are enchanted, but these work via the runes. That means the enchantment will never wear out. They've also been spelled to be unbreakable and to stay clean. I found these in Florence in a muggle market actually. The seller didn't even know what he had." Draco stopped and smiled fondly at the memory. "I had to redo most of the rune work myself."

Ginny looked up and peered into Draco's eyes. His normally frosty blue-grey eyes had softened somewhat and he had a small smile on his face. Ginny had never seen him smile like that before. Not genuinely at least. It was always some kind of sneer, smirk, or snarl. Ginny swallowed hard and looked back at the mirrors.

"Took me weeks to redo them. Spent hours going over translations. They're one of the first things I ever restored." Draco sounded prideful, but not the way he usually did. His tone was softer almost gentle. Ginny looked back at him and just took it in for a moment.

"What are you staring at Weasley?" Ginny was pulled from her trance as Draco called out to her. "Have a thing for my pretty face?"

"Thats disgusting," Ginny said with snort. "Like anyone would ever consider you to be pretty."

"A few fair maidens have."

"Pansy doesn't count. She looks like a dog."

"Beauty is in eye of the beholder." Draco said with a smirk as he held his mirror up, and then slid it into his pocket. "This is how we'll communicate. If you miss my call so to speak the mirror will glow blue until you call back. Once I make contact with Nott, and get a location I'll reach out to you and we'll work on expanding the plan you don't like." Draco started to leave the room and Ginny followed behind him.

"Why are you doing all of this?" Ginny asked quietly as she descended the stairs behind him.

"Why are you?"

Harry was standing in the middle of a bright white void. Looking around he saw nothing at all. There weren't any walls, ceilings, or floors. It was just nothing. It was like he was floating in an empty room of light. Swallowing he took a hesitant step forward. It was solid. Harry started walking around the room cautiously. Was he dead? Was he dreaming? Harry screwed his eyes shut and tried to recall his most recent memories. He was at Hermione's house? Then? Nothing it slipped away like water through his fingers and faded away.

"Why did you kill me?" Harry turned so fast he thought he'd snap his neck. The voice was recognizable even after all these years. Ron was standing there a few paces from him. Wearing the same scruffy jeans and shirt he'd been wearing the day he died. His skin was paler than Harry had ever seen it. Making his freckles stand out like hot burning coals on his skin. His flaming red hair was long and unkept. Dark bags rested under his once shining blue eyes. Harry's eyes darted to his neck and he clenched his teeth. A think long dark purple bruise wrapped around the center of his neck.

"You killed yourself mate." Harry said softly as he took a step back. His hands where shaking, and his heart was starting to beat rapidly.

"Did I?" Ron asked as she started to walk towards Harry. "I didn't owl you everyday? I didn't beg you to come see me? I didn't stop coming down for dinner? Or coming to your office? I didn't come over at three in the morning begging for company? You didn't turn away and ignore all that?" Ron was still walking towards Harry his face neutral.

Harry could feel his breath starting to catch his chest. His legs started to feel numb, and his fingers were tingling.

"What about me?" Harry turned and saw Justin standing there bloody. His clothes had been ripped to shreds and large gaping wounds covered his torso. Like gaping red maws of death. "What's your excuse for that one? Did I go and get myself killed?"

"It was a mission. We knew the risks." Harry said in a breathy voice. The white room was starting to spin. Screwing his eyes closed he shook his head hard.

"You're right we did know the risks." Justin said as he took a step forward.

"Get back!"

"You ignored them. Sent me off without backup. Ignored every warning sent your way. You were too busy trying to play the hero, the tough guy. So high on potions you couldn't even hear your own instincts shouting at you!" Justin's face was screwed up in anger as he shouted at Harry.

"You wouldn't of even survived long enough to join the Aurors if it wasn't for me!" Harry shouted back his fists clenched. His hands and legs where starting to go numb. "I saved you both! multiple times! When is it enough!"

"You think you saved them?" The voice came from behind Harry like a soft whisper.

The words seemed to caress his ears gently. Stumbling Harry turned around and emerald found scarlet. Voldemort's paper thin lips curled into a cruel smile. His slit like nostrils flared as he seemed to chuckle softly.

"I saved them all. I killed you!"

"Killed me? You lucked into it. If you hadn't disarmed young Malfoy at his manor then you'd be dead right now. You really think you could of matched me? Even without the Elder Wand I was and still am superior to you." Voldemort's cruel smile faded as his face contorted darkly. His lips curled up, "you live by chance!" Voldemort darted forward, as quick as smoke. He wrapped his long spider like fingers around Harry's chin, and shouted. "You saved no one! You stumbled blindly into your victory like a fool! Once I return I will reign hellfire down on you! I will burn everything you love to the ground! No more Horcrux, no more Dumbledore, no more Snape, and no more friends! Nothing and no one to protect you! Your next death will be your last Potter. You will watch gasping for air. Drowning in your own blood, as I take the life of everyone you have left."

"Argh," Harry shot up his chest heaving. The room was spinning around muted colors blended together blurring everything. Harry could feel his heart firing away in chest like a machine gun. Harry turned and tried to get out of bed. Harry tried to stand, and collapsed to his knees onto the floor. Harry's legs were numb and tingling.

"Harry," The voice was muffled, and Harry couldn't tell where it was coming from. Harry was heaving trying to catch his breath. It seemed like no matter how hard he tried, Harry couldn't catch his breath.

"I can't breath," he gasped out at the muffled voice. "Potion, I need my potion."

"No more potion," the voice said softly.

"Hermione. Please." Harry gasped, finally realising it was Hermione's voice.

Hermione kneeled down next to Harry. Hermione reached out and gently took his face in her hands. "Just listen to my voice and breath Harry," she said softly. She pressed her forehead against his despite the sweat. "Just breathe with me Harry." Hermione took a deep breath, and held it in, then released it slowly. "Come on, just breath with me," she whispered again.

Harry inhaled deeply, and held it in, then when released it slowly. Harry quickly fell in sync with Hermione's breathing. By the fifth breath the world was starting to come into focus. Opening his eyes Harry leaned back, pulling away from Hermione. Looking around, Harry started to remember where he was. He was in Hermione's guest room. It was a dull room with cream colored walls, and plush off white carpet. Everything about the room was plain. His eyes shifted back towards Hermione. She was fully dressed in an ankle length black skirt and white blouse. Her forehead was covered in his sweat. Lifting his hand he waved it gently, and the sweat disappeared.

"Thank you," he mumbled sat down stretched his legs out. His hands pressed into the soft off-white carpet, supporting him. A thick layer of sweat clung to his bare torso. The sweat gave his pale white skin and unhealthy looking shean. The only light in the room was breaking through around the edges of the curtains. Hermione sat down on the carpet in front of him. She was looking at him with the same concern she always did. Harry resisted the urge to snap at her.

"What were you dreaming of?" Hermione asked. She turned her face away from Harry's, but her eyes stayed glued to his.

"You know, dead people, just the usual." Harry replied back as he turned his head up to look at the ceiling. "I didn't break anything did I?" Harry asked as he continued to stare up. He didn't want to see her face. He didn't want to see that disgusting look of pity. The look someone gave someone else when they couldn't even control themselves.

"No," she replied softly tearing her eyes away from his face. Hermione stared at the wall for a few moments. They had descended into an uncomfortable silence. Neither of them knew what to say to the other. Hermione knew that if she said the wrong the thing to Harry right now, he'd snap at her. He was deeply ashamed of his panic attacks, and what they had done to him.

Harry clenched is teeth, and moved to stand up. "We need to figure out what that ritual is." Harry reached over, and held his hand out to Hermione. Hermione took his hand, and let Harry gently pull her to her feet. She was slightly surprised he had the strength to do it. "I'm going to Hogwarts. If anyone knows what that ritual is its them."

"You sure you want to do that?" Hermione asked as she straightened her skirt out. "We can check through the books at Grimmauld Place. Not to mention the library down in the DoM."

"I've read every book in the Black Library. I don't remember every single one of them, but I'd remember a ritual like this. If we scour all the books we have access to, and turn up nothing we've wasted our time. Let's start at the end, and work our way back." Harry pulled on the same pair of pants he'd worn the day before. "I'm going outside." He said shortly he walked past Hermione, not even bothering to grab a shirt.

"Are you sure you should go see them?" Hermione asked. They both could hear the subtext in the question. Was Harry sure he wanted to go see them after this morning. Hermione had followed Harry out of the room, which was right across from hers.

"Its for the best." Harry said shortly as he made his down the stairs, and into the hallway. Harry, knew Hermione had the right to be concerned. That didn't stop him from resenting the question though. Harry made his way into the kitchen and walked over to the table. Reaching for a pen he grabbed a piece of scrap paper, and started scribbling down a list.

"What are you doing?" Hermione asked as she leaned over his shoulder, and looked at the list. Whiskey, pants, shirts, underwear, socks… it was a list of items Harry needed. As well as what looked like a grocery list.

"Well you don't have anything here." Harry said as he finished the list, and tossed the pen back on the table. "I need my clothes and some decent whiskey. Not to mention you don't have any food." Harry stood back up, and with a flick of his wrist his wand shot out from the invisible holster on his arm. It was a standard issued auror wand holster. It stuck to the inside of the arm, and couldn't be summoned or removed without the right code phrase. It was also invisible to all, but the wearer. Harry moved his wand in a quick circle and tapped the paper with the tip. The paper burst into flame, and disappeared. "Kreacher and Winky will take care of everything." Harry said as he flicked his wand, and shot back into the holster.

"You've relied on them a lot over the last few years haven't you?" Hermione asked softly. There was a time when she was sure Harry would kill Kreacher the first chance he got. Now it seemed Harry needed him for almost everything.

"They wear clothes, and have their own floor in the house." Harry said defensively. "I let them buy themselves whatever they want."

"That's not what I meant Harry. It just seems like you've gotten close with them." Hermione knew now wasn't the right to lecture him on house-elf rights.

"Yeah I guess." Harry said back as he made his way out back. Harry propped the door open with another a wave of his hand. Stepping out onto the stone pathway Harry felt the morning sun beating down on his skin. Harry closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. With a sigh he reached into his pants pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. Harry slid one between his lips, and lit it with a snap of his fingers.

"Where did you go this morning?" Harry asked as he took a deep drag off his cigarette.

"Did I wake you up?" Hermione asked as she leaned up against the side of the house next to Harry.

"No, but your already fully dressed, and its only about 8. Which means you got up around 5 or 6 to get ready. You wouldn't just sit around for three hours you'd go to work. Since your here, and not at work, you went somewhere."

"I remember when I was the clever one." Hermione chucked softly as she looked away. She was staring through her open back door her eyes fixated on the kitchen.

"You're still going then?" It was rhetorical question. Harry took another drag from his smoke, and looked back into the yard. The dark comforting void was gone now. The rest of the world was illuminated by the light. It was no longer comforting and safe. Now it was open and bright. Life was happening all around, and anything could happen now. It was unsettling. Harry was trying to resist the urge to crawl back to Grimmauld Place and take his potions.

"Molly said she invited you to dinner this Sunday." Hermione said softly. "I told her you where staying with me for a while. She asked if we were coming." Harry said nothing he just stared out into the yard. Not for the first time did Hermione wish she could get inside Harry's head. It was so hard to tell what he was thinking and feeling sometimes. Some things never changed. "Do you want to go?"

"Do you?" Harry snapped back looking at her. "Do you want to sit there with his whole family and eat dinner together? After what we did?"

"They don't blame us Harry."

"They should."

"Ginny will be there. Maybe you two can talk about things." Hermione didn't know why she said that. A part of her was curious to see how Harry felt about Ginny still. She knew Ginny still had feelings for Harry even if she denied it.

"Doesn't matter. Me and Ginny are over for good. I don't have anything to say to her." Harry said as he took one final drag from his cigarette.

A small part of Hermione was relieved to hear that. She frowned to herself, and looked down at the ground. 'Why do I feel relieved?' She asked herself. 'If Harry and Ginny did get back together it would be a good thing for him.' Hermione shook her head trying to clear her mind. 'She didn't deserve him anyway.' That last intrusive thought flew through her mind, and before she could question it further she was interrupted.

With a small pop Kreacher appeared before them. He was dressed up in a tiny black suit. "Master, I've brought your clothes and Whiskey. The clothes are in your room, and the Whiskey is in the kitchen." Kreacher bowed low to and straightened up as much as he could."Winky will bring the groceries when she's finished getting them."

"Thanks." Harry said shortly as he tossed his cigarette aside. It disappeared before it hit the ground. "I'll send for you if I need anything else. In the meantime you two just keep Grimmauld Place up."

"Of course, Master." Kreacher said before bowing down one last time. With a small pop he disappeared once again.

"You should get to work." Harry said as he walked towards the kitchen. "I'm gonna clean up, and run some errands. You should make sure Neville meets with his team today. Have him get some people out there patrolling those areas."

"What errands are you running?" Hermione asked following Harry back into the house.

"It doesn't matter." Harry said shortly. He made his way over to the kitchen table where a crystal decanter had been set down. It was filled with whiskey. Pulling out the stopper Harry took the decanter and took two large drinks from it.

"Its 8:30 in the morning." Hermione said in a defeated tone. She knew it was useless to say anything.

"Its this or the potion." Harry said as he cleared his throat and set the decanter down. Harry placed the stopper back in. "Have a good day at work."

"Shouldn't you be at work?" Susan asked as she looked down at Neville. He was laying on his back in bed. Susan was laying on her side propping herself up with her elbow. Her head was resting gently in her were in Susan's small cottage on the outskirts of Hogsmeade.

"Why would I be at work when you're here?" Neville asked with a small smile. Reaching up he gently ran his fingers through her auburn hair. Leaning forward Neville kissed her gently. As he pulled away he snaked his arms around her back, and pulled her on top of him. Susan let out a loud laugh as she slipped, and fell on top of him. "I mean I guess I could do this with Seamus, but I think Kent might get angry."

"Is that so?" Susan asked as she crossed her arms on Neville's chest. She rested her chin on her arms, and smirked at him. "Maybe all three of you can have go." Neville scrunched up his face. "Yeah that's what I thought." Susan rolled off Neville letting the blanket fall off of her. She stood up, and looked down at him. "Get to work you have a killer to catch."

Neville watched as she sauntered off towards the bathroom, and couldn't help but admire her naked body. Neville quickly sprang out of bed, and followed her into the bathroom. Neville grabbed her by the waist and and lifted her up. She let out a small screen as he carried her into the shower.

"Maybe after our shower." Neville said huskily as he closed the curtain quickly. Leaning over he kissed her passionately, and turned on the tap. Magically heated water sprayed down over them causing Susan to jump as it hit her skin.

"Prat," she whispered as she pulled away from him. "You got my hair wet."

"Sorry," Neville said unconvincingly as he kissed her again. "You were the one who wanted me to get to work. I couldn't wait for you to get done in here."

"I was going to the bathroom to pee," She said breathily breaking the kiss again.

"Can't afford to waste any time," Neville replied back. Neville pulled her closer to himself and laid a trail of kisses down her jaw line. "I have a killer to catch."

"Morning Seamus," Dean said as he entered their kitchen. He was dressed in a pair of slacks, and button down blue shirt. "Morning Kent."

"Morning Dean," Kent said with a small smile. He was tall man with dark hair, and bright blue eyes. He and Seamus where sitting at the table eating eggs and bacon. Kent was already dressed in a pair of navy blue dress robes. Seamus as always was in a pair of sweats and a t-shirt. "There's some for you on the stove." He said motioning towards the stove.

"Oy those were for me." Seamus said breaking his silence. "My second helping."

"You've already had seconds this morning," Kent said with a small smirk.

"You two...are perfect for eachother." Dean said softly as he poured himself a cup of tea. "You going to behave today Seamus?"

"Yeah, if Anthony doesn't act like such a cunt."

"Something happen at the office yesterday?" Kent asked as he reached over and plucked a piece of bacon from his plate.

"Just some cunt at the office. Talking about things he doesn't understand." Seamus said as he shoved a fork full of fried eggs into his mouth.

"Well don't worry about it dear. Just ignore him." Kent said as he stood up, and stretched. "Well I better get going. Those curses aren't going to break themselves." Leaning down he gave Seamus a quick kiss before waving at Dean.

"Have a good one Kent." Dean said as he raised his mug towards him. After taking another sip of his tea Dean looked down at his watch. "Come one Seamus. It's about time for us to go."

"Go on without me. Gotta shower still." Seamus said as he reached over and took a piece of bacon Kent left on his plate.

"One of these days Neville is gonna fire you." Dean sighed as he finished his tea. Reaching over the stove he picked up a few pieces of bacon and started walking out. "See you at the office." Seamus heard Dean walk out into the living room, and then there was the tell tale wosh of Floo.

Harry was standing in front of a worn down door. The sun was climbing higher into the sky as the morning dragged on. Harry was at the Market Estate in Islington. Reaching up with his fist clenched he banged on the door a few times. After a few moments of silence he reached up and banged on it again.

"Who the fuck is it!" A loud voice shouted. There was what sounded like loud stomping noises and a few clicks and the door swung open. Standing in the doorway with a nasty look on her face was Jessica. She pressed her hand to the door frame and leaned forward. Her dark hair was a mess, and she was dressed in a pair of boy shorts and a ratty tank top. "You're a right prat you know. I just got to sleep." Jessica's face relaxed a bit, and she let out a loud yawn. "What are you doing here anyway. I thought you'd decided to go out and figure your life out."

Harry walked past her ducking under her arm. "I need to talk." He said shortly as he ducked into her small flat. It was tiny with a small cramped kitchen and living room. There was a small battered loveseat in the living room along with an old TV. Not much else could fit in to the room. Even if she wanted to add more.

"Well by all means just come right the fuck in then." Jessica said with a scoff as she shut the door. "You're cute, mysterious, and just the right amount of arsehole. So I usually give you a break. Just cause we've had a couple of good nights though doesn't mean you can just show up here. Especially when I'm sleeping."

"Merlin do you ever stop complaining about things?" Harry asked as he made his way into her kitchen. The kitchen was about three steps wide and four steps long. Harry had a lot of things wrong with him, but claustrophobia surprisingly wasn't one of them. Though to his surprise even he felt uncomfortable tight in the kitchen.

"Merlin?" Jessica asked pulling a face. "What the fuck does that mean? And anyway who the fuck are you? Coming in here waking me up rummaging around my kitchen. You have some balls on you to do all this and then complain about me complaining about you..complaining..whatever you get the point!"

Harry ignored her and reached into the top set of cabinets over the kitchen sink. Reaching in he pulled out a half empty bottle of whisky. Turning the bottle over he looked over the label and wrinkled his nose. "I figured you'd have something better than this cheap garbage." Harry turned around and started looking for glasses.

"We're not all rich." Jessica said as she leaned against the cabinets and shot Harry a dark look. "Give me a cigarette." She said shortly as she leaned her head back against her wall.

Harry pulled a few whiskey glasses from the shelf set them down on the linoleum counter. Reaching into his jean pockets he pulled out his pack and tossed them over to her without looking.

Jessica pulled the pack open and pressed her lips to the tip of one of the cigarettes. She gently grabbed the end of the filter with her teeth and pulled it out. She threw the pack on the counter and started to reach for a lighter. Without looking back Harry snapped his fingers, and the end of the cigarette burst to life.

"Here you go," Harry said as he turned around and handed her a glass of whiskey. Harry tipped the glass to lips and finished off in two large sips. Turning back around he grabbed the stem of the bottle and poured himself another glass.

"A little early for all that isn't it?" Jessica raised her eyebrow at the man standing in the kitchen. "I thought you were getting your shit together."

"What do you think this is?" Harry asked lifting the glass. "This is me trying."

"And failing," Jessica replied as she turned against the cabinet and kicked herself up. Harry reached over and grabbed his cigarettes and followed her into the slightly larger living room.

"I'm trying to get off some the...the medications I was on." Harry had almost said potions before correcting himself.

"Well as the woman whos not your sober coach, I think you're supposed to quit drinking when you get sober." Jessica said as she threw herself down on her battered loveseat. "What do I know though? I'm just a barkeep."

"It's not that easy." Harry said as he drew out a cigarette and stuck it between his lips. "It's harder than I thought it would be. It's….its been years since I've felt anything like this. Its like every end of my nerves is burning and itching. I need this." Harry said lifting his glass.

"Well that's life. It sucks and then its over." Jessica raised her glass. "Welcome to the party luv." Jessica took a drink and shot a look back at Harry who was now sitting next to her. "What are you here for? I mean what can I possibly give you besides the obvious that would make you feel any better." Jessica let out a short laugh at her own dirty joke before taking another drink.

"Thank you for the offer, but I don't see how herpes would make my life any better right now."

"Oy you prick!" Jessica lifted up her foot and kicked Harry roughly in the side. He let out a shout and grabbed his ribs. "I told you I had a cold."

"I don't know what the bloody hell I'm doing." Harry said softly not bothering to comment on Jessica's last statement. He looked down at his glass and gently rolled it around. He watched as the amber liquid swirled around the sides of the glass. "Thats a lie...I know exactly what I'm doing." Harry finished his drink and set his glass down on the rickety table in front of him. "I thought it would be easy, but when I left this morning to go do it I lost my nerve and came here."

"Well...what is it you were doing? Going to do? I'm already lost."

"I need answers and I need them as soon as possible. I could waste days looking for them...or I can go to someone who will probably have them. Someone I haven't seen in a very long time, and I-I don't know how I feel about him."

"Was he like your boyfriend?" Jessica asked with a sly smile.

"No...He was my mentor." Harry swallowed hard and looked and set his eyes on a small crack in the the off white wall in front of him. "He wanted me to die...He set me up...Told me that I could do something...that I was the only one who could do it. The truth was though during the whole time I knew him, he was setting me up to die but hoping I'd survive. I won't say he didn't care if I lived or died….but he cared about the greater good more." Harry let out a sarcastic chuckle and looked back at Jessica who was frowning at him. "Funny how some people change but they don't really change, you know what I mean?"

"Not really...I'm guessing it's an army thing?"

"Yeah it was...we had an enemy team...and my commanding officer told me I had to be the one to lead the fight...but really he was setting me up to die so someone else could attack later." Harry said looking away from her. Not for the first time Harry debated about just telling her the truth.

"You know, you make me feel better about my life." Jessica said as she leaned back into the couch. "The shit you say sometimes." She shook her head and looked at him. "I don't know if you're lying or not half the time but either way you're a way bigger mess than I am."

"Very true," Harry said letting out a laugh. "I can't argue with that." Harry sniffed and ran his hand over his chin.

"You know all this is your choice. You can do whatever the hell you want. That's the only benefit to being an adult. We have bills, and jobs, and chores, and family obligations, and dozens of other things we have to deal with. It sucks. Dealing with shit. Especially the hard shit. This sounds like it might be part of the hard shit." Jessica leaned back against the arm of the love seat and looked at Harry. "You don't have to though. You can stay right here with me. Maybe have a roll in the sack and head out to the pub later. Then you could go home, or to France, or back here to my place again. Doesn't matter." Jessica took a deep breath and finished her drink. "The real question isn't do you want to go see this mentor of yours. It's really more about what kind of person do you want to be? Do you want to stay here and say fuck all that other shit and do whatever you want? Or do you want to go there and look him in the eye and show him that you don't give a shit? Show him that what he did doesn't affect you and that you could give a fuck less about him."

"I fucking hate you." Harry said roughly as he finished his cigarette and stuffed it out in the ashtray on the table next to his glass.

"Don't act like you didn't come here to hear exactly that."

"I guess you're right. I could of gone anywhere else." Harry stopped and looked back at Jessica and gave her a small smile.

"So are we gonna fuck….? Because if not I could use some sleep."

"Well you make it sound so tempting." Harry said as he stood up and stretched, "but I like a challenge." Harry shot her a smirk and started to head towards the door. "I'll get out of your hair for now."

"Yeah maybe try calling next time." Jessica said as she followed him to the door. "Good luck with whatever it is you end up doing."

"Thanks," Harry said as he pulled open her door and stepped outside.

"Maybe it's just me, but I'd tell that fucker off if I ever saw him again." Jessica leaned against the door frame. "You know if you do end up seeing him."

"Sounds like you." Harry said as he started walking away. "See you around, have a good one." Harry heard the door shut as he made his way to the stairwell. Harry took the first few steps and stopped. He stared down at the dirty stone steps for a moment. Unsure of what he should do. Harry took a deep breath and shook his head. "God damn it," he swore under his breath. Before he turned on heel and disapperated.

A/N: Hey everyone! I know it's been a while but I'm not done yet! Please feel free to leave a review!