
Chapter 14

Tezuka walked faster while looking around the big square methodically. Kikumaru had just informed him that Fuji had disappeared for a while now. Honestly, Tezuka didn't have any clue about Fuji's whereabout.

Tezuka had searched the square, Momoshiro's house without raising any suspicion from his sister, and even the cemetery. Yet Fuji's nowhere to be found. His mind was racing faster as the time passed. From what Kikumaru said Fuji suddenly ran away from the tent for his dancing performance. What performance? He never heard about it, Fuji didn't tell him anything about it.

Tezuka stood at the main gate. Fuji should be hiding somewhere since nobody saw him left the village or anyt suspicious thing at that time. He left the gate soon after hearing that.

Never before he felt so useless and desperate. Had something happened to Fuji.. no, he didn't even want to finish that sentence. He should stay focused and keep his mind clear, finding Fuji.

Tezuka's paces halted on the road toward the square when he decided to search there once again.

There was a place he hadn't check out yet.

Tezuka sighed in relief when he saw the lantern at his house was lit. He entered the house then proceeded to the bedroom when he found the living room was empty.

"Let's take it as my lose. I am going to go away from here on next spring, anyway." Fuji said from under the thick blanket when he heard someone entered the bedroom.

"Fuji?" Tezuka called.

Fuji went silent.

"Are you okay? I thought something happened to you. Eiji told me that you ran away from him for unknown reasons."

Fuji stuck out his head from the end of the blanket, looking cute and tempting there with his blushing cheek.

"Who were you thinking of just now?" Tezuka asked from his position at the door.

Fuji crinkled his nose, "No one."

"Eiji said you were participating in tonight's event..."

And then the pout returned, "It's cancelled. I don't feel good." His gaze shifted to the floor instead of Tezuka.

That took Tezuka's attention, "Where does it feel bad? Is your hand still painful?" He walked to the bed quickly.

Seeing Tezuka's advances toward him, Fuji curled more into the bed, "Don't come closer. I'm fine." He warned.

"But you said otherwise just now." Tezuka replied with deep frown.

"Everything's good here." There was a hint of urgency in his voice.

"Don't lie." Tezuka sat on the bed, "Let me.." and proceed to touch Fuji's forehead and then his cheek, "You aren't warm." He said then pulled his hand away with a relief sigh.

"I'm fine.." Fuji mumbled. Tezuka waited patiently next to the smaller man. Tezuka knew Fuji, the lithe man wouldn't be hiding under the blanket unless he had something on his mind. So, he waited.

"Eiji is very worried about you."

Fuji still refused to look at him. "What are you going to lose anyway?" Tezuka asked Fuji to change the topic. "And why is it related to going away next spring?"


"If you feel unwell, you can stay at home. I'll tell them to let you rest."

Fuji shook his head, "I just don't feel like it.. nee,Tezuka..have you ever felt inferior to someone else?" Fuji asked with a curious gaze.

"Inferior?" Tezuka hummed then nodded, "One time."

Fuji opened his eyes and gaped at him, "Really? You have? When? How?"

Tezuka clucked his tongue, "It's a secret."

"What? That's cheap! I asked you so you must answer it!" Fuji whined.

"Why do you want to know?"

"Because.." because I feel so at this moment, he wanted to say that but then he was ashamed by it. "Just because.." Fuji planted his face onto the bed.

"It's you."

Fuji looked up immediately, "huh?"

"It's you." Tezuka repeated shortly.

"Me?" Fuji asked dumbfoundedly. "But I.."

Tezuka hummed, "You save many people who I am supposed to protect. Without you, they wouldn't have been alive, I am forever indebted with your help."

Fuji narrowed his eyes, looking at Tezuka in disbelief, "You are just saying it to make me feel better, aren't you? Too bad."

"I bet Ryuzaki, Momoshiro and his wife wouldn't agree. Perhaps, the mothers in this clan are in with me. They love you."

Mentioning Ann's name seemed to lowered Fuji's spirit more than uplifting it. "I failed to help Ann-chan."

"You don't. I was there that time and I saw that she was fine after that." Tezuka tried to cheer him but Fuji sighed and refused to look at Tezuka.

"If you feel low then you don't have to perform. It's okay to rest." He tried to change the sensitive topic.

The small fingers were pinching the sheet of the bed nervously, "But, then people will start to gossip about it."

Tezuka placed his own hand on the cold fingers, "They wouldn't be satisfied either way. It's fine as long as you feel okay." He said calmly.

Fuji bit his lower lip, "Is Keiko-sama going to perform tonight?" He pulled his hands away from Tezuka.

Tezuka, whose lost the privilege of touching his bride, pulled away his hand and shrugged, "I don't know, perhaps. Why?"

"And, you are going to watch?"

"I am accompanying the guests there, so I am." Tezuka replied honestly albeit still confused about Fuji's randomness.

Fuji lowered his eyes to the white bed in front of him rather than looking at Tezuka's handsome face. His eyes then fell on the thick dark blue material of Tezuka's clothes. Fuji was upset that Tezuka would be there to watch Keiko's performance. Keiko with her mature beauty, Keiko with her majestic aura and the Keiko who had everything Fuji lacked. And perhaps, Tezuka would realize how the lady was better than Fuji. He didn't want that.

"I'll join the performance tonight." Fuji stated suddenly.

Tezuka raised his brows, "You will? I thought you said you were unwell."

"I feel much better now."

Tezuka clearly wasn't convinced by Fuji's words. "Fuji, you don't have to force yourself.."

But Fuji's face was full of determination. In the end Tezuka let him do as he wished as long as he promised not to overdo it. "If so then let's go. Eiji is dying to find you." He raised to his feet and waiting for Fuji to move.

Fuji looked at him in horror, "Just..go.. I mean you can go first, I'll follow you later."

"What's wrong? Is everything alright?"

"Well, yeah. I still have to..err, tidying the bed. Yeah, I have to do some tidy up you know around the bedroom, sometimes it needs more attention that I think." Fuji rambling about things he had to do nervously.

"Haven't you done them this morning?" Tezuka asked, his voice was tinted with amusement, looking at Fuji.

"Yes, I know. Can you just.." Fuji slid out his hand and pushed Tezuka away as far as his hand could extend, while the rest of his body was still protected under the blanket, "go.."

"Are you sure? Because if you need.."

"Perfectly, totally sure. Don't worry." Fuji replied quickly.

Tezuka relented and went out of the room.

Fuji counted to ten after the door closed behind Tezuka then slid out of the blanked still in his performance's suit. He grimaced when he saw the thin material on his arms and his lower limbs. "If I go out in this stupid costume, the people without doubt will have a field day." He mumbled.

But it was more ridiculous to go to the square buried under his blanket. Fuji then looked around the room and cabinet to find coat or anything more reasonable to wear but found nothing. His gaze fell on the necklace with blue stone he usually wears when he heals someone, "For a good luck charm." He said to himself while putting the necklace around his neck.

"Ah, that's right." Fuji pat his temple, "There's a coat at the livingroom." Fuji smiled and walked to the door, eager to take the said coat.

Only when he opened the door, he froze on his feet.

Tezuka was standing there, behind the door.

Actually, Tezuka was going to follow Fuji's suggestion when the smaller man asked him to go to the square first but he reconsidered his decision after few steps from the door. It was unwise to leave Fuji alone unguarded especially after the bad news Keiko had told them that night. Honestly, Fuji was his top priority at the moment not only because of the hunter who tormented his bride for years but also he meant more than a bride to Tezuka. He couldn't stand it imaging Fuji disappeared from his side. So he decided to wait and go together with his Fuji.

Imagining his life without Fuji, perhaps he would lose his mind.

And now he totally lost his mind.

The moment he placed his eyes on Fuji, he wanted to yell at the smaller man about what clothes he was wearing. But all he did was standing there and openly staring him. The clothes seemed familiar for Tezuka but he wasn't sure. Tezuka clearly didn't know that Keiko had donned in same costume except in different color. For Tezuka, the previous performance was merely performance, he didn't really put his mind when seeing it. Yet, when it was Fuji, it meant everything to him.

He didn't know that Fuji had such nice long legs. They were always covered by long thick material of his trousers so it actually the very first time he openly stare the nice legs, not to count the previous time when he had to change Fuji's clothes. Imagined how they feel when they circled around Tezuka's hips when he took his bride..

Fuji cleared his throat when he saw Tezuka staring at him, "Uh..do you have any spare coat by chance? I left mine at the tent before." His face felt hot under the long gaze.

Fuji then added again, "I need it since it will be awkward walking around in this." He blinked and waited for Tezuka's reply.

"Hn.." but the man didn't move.

A minute of silence, "Tezuka?" Fuji asked again.

Tezuka looked at him confusedly so Fuji chuckled, "Do you have spare coat that I can borrow?"

And that finally turned Tezuka's brain to work once again, "Ah.." the bespectacled man went to the livingroom and came back with a thick coat in his right hand. "Here."

Fuji thought there was reddish area on Tezuka's cheeks when he walked away but dismissed it immediately. There was no way Tezuka would blush looking at his scrawny figure.

"It's embarrassing for a man being this short." Fuji commented while tucking his hand out of the long thick sleeve. The coat looked short when it was worn by Tezuka, the hem didn't reach the half of his calf while the sleeve fit perfectly on his long arms. While for Fuji, it was pathetic. The hem almost reached his ankle while the sleeve was too long like a tunnel for his short arm.

"Okay, you don't need to look at me like that. I know I look weird in this." Fuji joked lightly.

"No. You look lovely." Tezuka answered in the most honest and serious tone that made Fuji blushed heavily. Oh gosh, couldn't he stop blushing for every single of Tezuka's comment?

Fuji jutted out his lower lip and pretending he wasn't listening to the sudden confession, "We must hurry, the show is starting anytime now."

"Ah.." Tezuka stepped aside to let Fuji lead the way.

The way to the square was perplexing. They walked next to each other, closer than they used to be but didn't touch. Fuji could feel the warmth radiated from the man next to him and Fuji wanted to circled his cold fingers to the bigger and warmer of Tezuka's. He did try to, several times but before he could muster up his mind they reached the crowded square.

Tezuka, being a gentleman as usual, brought him to the tent. Eiji was there, walking back and fro hastily while biting his nail. He rushed and hugged Fuji tightly when he saw the slender man. Fuji tried to calm Eiji down with a warm smile and assurance.

"I'll be on my way then." Tezuka said.

"Oh, thank you..for helping me and everything.." Fuji smiled back still confined in Eiji's hug. Tezuka said his good bye then disappeared between the crowd, leaving Fuji and Eiji alone.

When they entered the tent, Fuji's dancing teacher yelled loudly at him. The girls had been readied and were waiting for Fuji. Fuji apologized quickly. Keiko was there, too. However, she wouldn't be performing that night since she wanted to watch Fuji's performance, she said.

Performing or not, her clothes was as impressive as ever. Her thick well made layered dress showed her status. Her hair accessories were beautiful, dangling on her braided and coiled hair. "My presence here only to make sure you don't back down from the bet."

Fuji was relieved that he didn't. "I don't."

"That's good, then. I'll watch from the first row. See you in a bit." She waved her nice red fan which matching her red suits then she stepped out of the tent.

The make up artist and hair dresser quickly took over. They put something on Fuji's face while the other combing his hair efficiently. Between their works Fuji could hear his teacher rambling about his foolish behavior.

"Or perhaps he is worried about the Bride Snatching." One of the dancers added and then the rest giggled at her comment.

"Unya? What is bride snatching?" Eiji who watched the ladies tormented his friend, asked out of curiosity from the stool behind Fuji.


The closing ceremony started the moment Tezuka sat on his chair at the first row. Keiko followed not long after two chairs away. People had gathered around the bright stage which was lit by big torches so people can see it clearly as the sun setting. Tezuka greeted the guests and talked about the festival and accepted humbly how he succeeded the clan.

The crowd kept gathering and they waited in anticipation for the night performance. Some of them still walked around the stall to eat or buy something, some were talking and some were still on their way to the square.

The most busy place was the communal kitchen. The ladies in duty that time were busy preparing foods and drinks for the elders and clan's guests. They cooked the foods, garnished the platter and prepared special drinks as the compliment. It was hot and noisy there but they worked effortlessly and then rows of foods were ready to send right when the performance started. "We have to finish this and serve it right onto time. Don't be lazy! Now move!" One of the ladies ordered loudly.

Younger women took the tray and walked swiftly toward the square via the side door. To reach the square they had to walked past a big field with dry stony track. There was no time to waste so they walked swiftly. Yet, one of the women at the end of the queue who wasn't used to such duty, walked clumsily and spilled the drink on her tray when she had a collision with an orange haired handsome stranger.

"Whoops! My apologize, I don't see you there, sweetie as I am looking for my way. Are you okay?" He asked kindly when helping her to stood up.

The young woman blushed heavily and nodded while answering that she was fine.

"Oh, jeez. Look at this. They all are spoiled." The man knelt down and took the empty cup and rice wine kettle then settled them on the tray. The young woman then helped him quickly while stammered to let her do it.

"Whose drink is it supposed to be?" The man asked with a warm smile.

She looked dejected at the empty cups, "It's for Tezuka-sama and his guests."

"That's a bad news. We should prepare another one before someone else knows." He grabbed her smaller hand and squeezed it softly, "Let me help you, okay?"

"Eh?" She asked dumbfoundedly.

"We can't let this known by someone else. What would they say about Tezuka-sama's sloppy service? We can't let that happen, can we?" He said it with much persuasion that she fell on it.

"So, let's clean and prepare another one quickly this time, hm?" He handed the empty kettle. "Get another rice wine while I clean the cup there." He pointed to the well the ladies used to wash the dishes. Since almost of the people gathered either at the square or at the kitchen, the well area was empty. "I'll wash this for you."

"But.." she fidgeted on her feet.

He nudged her softly towards the kitchen, "Hurry up, or else the ladies are going to see us."

She nodded then ran back to the kitchen while the man walked to the well. The woman came back not five minutes later. "That was fast." He commented while shaking the last cup he had cleaned.

"Umm..yeah. I told them that the guest asks for another one."

He placed the tray on the edge of the well then poured the wine from the kettle to the cups. "Smart girl." He grinned and she blushed again. "Which one is Tezuka-sama's again?" He asked nonchalantly.

She pointed to the cup with blue rim, "This one. It has our clan's emblem on it."

"Aahh..That's right. The emblem." Then all cups were filled. "Here, clean and full like new." He grinned at her.

"Thank you." She took the tray gratefully.

"My pleasure." He bowed and blinked at her. Before she could step away, he leaned down and kissed her on her lips softly, the young woman was far too astonished that she didn't even realize his fast hand pouring white powder from a small paper package into Tezuka's cup. "For a good luck." He whispered to her with another wink after the quick peck.

Now her face was painted with red from shyness and delight, she opened and closed her mouth but no words were formed.

"Kana! You still there?! The time is ticking, do not stand there and daydream!" A loud voice started her. She whispered 'later' to him and went after a short bow.

The orange haired man waved happily, but right after she turned her back to him, he stared at the tray darkly. "I definitely need a luck from you, Kana-chan." He murmured.

The orange haired man, Sengoku, then walked to the dark area of the square, far from the crowd but could still watch his target clearly. It was easy since people were too charmed by the musical instruments performance that time. The tray was there and Tezuka was holding the spoiled drink in his hand. Sengoku smiled when he saw Tezuka frowned after a sip of the drink, he snickered when the guest next to the bespectacled man poured another drink and that made the Seigaku clan leader had to drink all of them in one shot. "Lucky.."

The crowd were clapping their hands when the instrumental performance ended. Tezuka nodded at the guest next to him who praised the group. Yet, he winced when a small stab was felt on his stomach, it felt like heartburn but worse. He wondered whether it was because of the drink or thinking that people would be seeing Fuji in his dancing costume. Fuji and his costume. It worsened Tezuka's mood.

A melodious song from a flute then played after a while. The dancers entered the stage, without Fuji. The melody of the flute continued till someone drummed up a louder tone from a big taiko. Then, Fuji appeared elegantly and ethereally to the center of the dancers.

There were whistles, catcall and mesmerized sighs among the cheer from the crowd. It was a good thing that Tezuka had mastered the art of not showing his emotions or else he had to throttle every single man there. He knew it was only a performance and even if they whistled or even giving catcalls those meant nothing. Fuji was his. He knew it perfectly yet his mind and heart apparently weren't in a same page.

"Why did he join this again?" He murmured to himself. Fuji never told him. Had he known, he would have stopped it. Not because he was hating giving Fuji time to shine but he hated have to share Fuji's beauty to anyone else. For the first time in his life, he wanted to monopolize something entirely. And that something, no, someone, was Fuji. Fuji was his and only his. Tezuka balled his fist, the heartburn went ten fold up now.

Unlike the crowd enthusiasm, Fuji felt nauseous. His head felt heavy since the ladies insisted that they had to shaped into small bun and decorated it with various hair pieces with nice shapes; his lips felt funny from the creamy thing they applied while giggling; and he felt cold in the attire especially when wind flew by. If not the big torches around him kept him warm, he would rather ran back to the tent. In conclusion, it felt like hell albeit hell must be a nicer place since it should be warmer.

He was aware that his body moved awkwardly and he even forgot the choreography several times but nobody knew that or that they knew but took a pity of him and pretended that he was doing fine. Fuji flicked his wrist and the white fan with nice pattern opened swiftly right when the tempo of the music increased. He followed the tempo of guitar and tambourines; turning and spinning on his steps while kicking the ground softly, the small anklet jingling as he moved. He raised his hand which still holding the fan above his head, twirling on his covered feet. It was the most difficult part, he had to maintain his tempo but the fan still had to flutter elegantly. Fuji failed to master this part even after times retrial and he didn't want to fail in front of the audience, so he had no choice but to keep his attention solely to the fan and concentrate to his feet.

Entering the sixth rotation, his feet lost their balance that Fuji went on tumbling and falling down. "Ah, shit.", and shut his eyes spontaneously and waited for the impact on the floor.

Yet what he was afraid of didn't happen. Rather than the cold and hard surface of the floor, he was engulfed by the warm and sturdy wall. Fuji opened his eyes and gasped, "Tezuka?"

Tezuka wrapped his coat around Fuji's lithe body then proceeded to bring his bride out of the stage, happened to in bridal style. Everyone; the audience, the musicians, the dancers who went to silence when Tezuka caught his bride, cheered loudly when Tezuka stepped out of the crowd. "Way to go!" This time the whistling went twice louder that Fuji's protest was gone unheard by Tezuka.

Tezuka's firm and steady steps brought them to the darker side of cliff area, far from the watching eyes, where it was empty that time. Tezuka stood there unmoving, the warmth of the older man was seeping into Fuji's shoulder and his face. "Tezuka?" Fuji nudged Tezuka's shoulder softly after a while. Tezuka didn't budge, his gaze was fell on to the dark sky far away from them.

The older man seemed to be deep in his thought. Fuji couldn't guess what the man was thinking at that time. "Are you okay?" Fuji asked again.

"I wasn't before." Tezuka answered, even I the cold night he still radiated heat and looked undisturbed by the cold winds. "But I am now, with you here with me." He shifted his gaze and now was placed right on Fuji. The gaze was different, it wasn't the same gaze Tezuka had ever given him; not the annoyed, the curios or even the suspicion gaze he gave when they first time met months ago. It was different..as if..as if..

"You won't do the thing I think you would do, will you?" Fuji blurted nervously to the older man.

"What would I do in your opinion?" Tezuka replied with another question.

Fuji wiggled around the strong arms so he could slid away from the hazel eyed man, "Let me go. I just remember that there's something I have to do." He pushed the wide shoulder desperately to free himself.

Tezuka's deep gaze reminded him of the discussion he had with the women in the tent just before the performance happened.

"What is Bride Snatching, you ask?" The young woman who braided Fuji's hair sighed dreamily, "It was an old ritual of Spring festival where the groom of a newlywed snatches his bride to renew their wedding vow at the last day of the festival. He might be steal you when you are walking with your friends, or when you are watching the firework.."

"Mine happened long time ago but I still remember it vividly..." another woman added with a detail how her husband had snatched her from her family, leaving them unaware, and how they enjoyed their renewal that day.

"It's soo romantic." Another woman added with her own sigh.

And now Fuji was panicked. "Let me down." Tezuka let him down as he asked and right after his feet touched the hard ground, Fuji tried to run away but Tezuka held him and pulled him back to his arms.

"It's okay, Fuji. I won't hurt you." Tezuka whispered softly while his hands were circling around the small body protectively. He was torn to see the shocked expression from his bride. In Tezuka's mind, Fuji's refusal came from his fear from Tezuka's harsh actions rather than other options.

Thinking about how he frighten the smaller man, pained Tezuka's heart. "I'm sorry Fuji.." he kissed Fuji's temple softly.

"Huh?" Fuji murmured, his voice was muffled by Tezuka's thick clothes. "Tezuka, are you going to-" he asked nervously while looking up to the man.

"It's okay." Tezuka assured with soft tone and light caress on Fuji's back.

"No, it's not." Fuji said quickly.

Tezuka detached from Fuji and stroke Fuji's cheek tenderly. "Do you hate it when I do this?" He asked in a hushed tone as if he was afraid that Fuji would break like the fine porcelain set his grandfather used to collect and admire if he used harsher tone on him.

Fuji bit his lower lip but he shook his head slowly, the hair pin swayed as he did. "No, I don't..but.."

"Do you think I would hurt you?"

Fuji answered more certainly this time, "No. You would never."

Tezuka let out a small smile as he heard Fuji's trust for him. "But, you're still shaking like a leaf in an autumn day. Do you hate me?"

That's because I don't want the vow renewal but I also don't want to see you with another woman as your bride, Fuji wanted to say that but he decided not to.

"I.. I don't know." And that was an honest answer. He truly didn't know what he wanted.

Tezuka accepted that answer well. He then placed his chin on the top of Fuji's head when he pulled the smaller man into another tight hug. "You shouldn't be worry. If anything, let me worry about it for you, hm?"

"Of course I will! It is permanent, you can't get rid of it after you do it." Tezuka mustn't! Fuji wasn't the one for him! Fuji could only bring him bad luck.

Fuji lowered his gaze then added, "We shouldn't do this. You have a nice clan and good people around you. You are a nice and respected man, you have a bright future, Tezuka. Don't try to involve yourself with us."

If he didn't wish for the renewal he shouldn't be feel bitter thinking that one day someone else would stand next to Tezuka, which was not Fuji. Imagining Tezuka and another person who wasn't Fuji tightened his heart in bad ways. He hated it.

Then if Tezuka wanted to renew the ritual, would Fuji still refuse it? Would he defy it when he felt hatred toward Tezuka's bride who wasn't Fuji? No, he didn't want that. He wanted to be the one next to Tezuka. No matter how.

Fuji tightened his grip on Tezuka. Would he really let Tezuka to renew it?

Tezuka held Fuji's hand and caressed the soft upper side, "Just trust me this one time. I wish only for your trust, Fuji."

"No." Fuji said stubbornly.

"Fuji.. It's not going to be easy, I know it. But, at least we should try-"

"No. I won't let you!" He pushed Tezuka away, then looked up to the man, "You know why? Because I can't give what you want. Doing this means a permanent thing. You can't redo it even if you regret it later. I can't stand seeing your acussing eyes when you finally realize that you can't change it!" Fuji massaged his temple, "You know..You should choose a better and more suitable bride, one who gives you names, fame, family..find someone else. Someone like.." Fuji swallowed, "like Keiko-sama."

Fuji's stupid mouth then running by himself, blurting out what he truly felt when Tezuka didn't respond. "That's what I used to think." Gosh, he really tired of this thing. He truly wished that he finally had a place to be called home. "But.. but I don't want that. I.. I can't. I know she is better..she is the best even.. but I want you. If by doing this I can stay and hold you, then.." he swallowed and looked at Tezuka, cheeks flushed, "then I will do it."

Tezuka stood there dumbfoundedly, "What was that about?"

Fuji brushed his bangs away from his eyes but it was just too stubborn and stayed at its place, "My thought about this matter." Then a sigh.

Tezuka frowned at him, "Why does it involve Atobe Keiko?"

"Why doesn't it involve her?" Fuji blinked in confusion, "We are talking about the Bride Snatching, aren't we?"

"I was asking you to share your burden with me-" Tezuka replied as the same time Fuji said about the bride snatching.

"What?" Fuji asked again.

"Bride Snatching?"

This time Fuji's face turned as red as a ripe tomato. "Oh..oh gosh..I.." Fuji gaped then added quickly, "Excuse me, I just remember there's something I have to do." He said and tried to run away quickly but Tezuka was quicker.

"Don't." He hugged the smaller man from behind, engulfed him in a tight hug. "Say it again." He whispered next to Fuji's ear.

Fuji hi his face behind his hands in embarrassment, "No. I'd rather die."


Fuji lowered his head more, face still hidden behind his palms. "Please, spare me."

Tezuka had to bit his inner cheek to stop himself from smiling. He never thought that he would hear such cute words from Fuji.

Watching Fuji at the stage was an eye opening moment for him. He finally got his answer for the sleepless nights staring at his bride, restless days worrying about his bride and annoyance whenever he saw his bride laughing with someone else who wasn't Tezuka himself. He realized it right then when he brought Fuji away from the crowd, that Fuji had stolen his heart unknowingly and effortlessly. He didn't want anyone else to stare at his bride, he hated it when Fuji wasn't next to him, he wished it was him in Fuji's heart, too.

At first, he didn't think Fuji would reciprocate. He told himself that Fuji didn't hate him and that was enough, for now. He would wait patiently to gain Fuji's trust and love, even if he had to wait for years. He would.

Yet, hearing Fuji's confession was like getting the moon and the star, or even the sun at the same time. It brightened Tezuka's mind and heart, warming it and keep the warmth there only for him.

There was no way he would let this chance slip off of his fingers.

"Fuji.." Tezuka called him one more time in a most gentle way. The reddish color of Fuji's ear was the cutest thing he ever saw. Tezuka turned Fuji around then pried the palms away from Fuji's face, and was greeted by the most beautiful face he ever saw.

Fuji tried to tug his hands away from Tezuka to no avail, "Stop staring." Fuji said in a tone between a whimper and whisper.

"Do you mean it?"

"No." what a stupid mouth! Fuji stepped back but Tezuka followed.


"It's a mistake. There's nothing between us because we never agreed to this arrangement, didn't we?" Fuji persisted to hide his embarrassment.

Fuji kept moving away from Tezuka but he couldn't do much since he was captivated by the taller man, literally and figuratively. Fuji gasped when he felt his back touch sturdy big tree, great, now he was sandwiched between Tezuka in front of him and a big tree behind him.

"For me, it's never be a mistake."

In this position, he was totally surrounded by Tezuka. He could feel the warmth, his intense gaze and his smell which made Fuji drunk. He was drunk on Tezuka. "Liar. We hate each other." Fuji persisted.

"I never was."


Tezuka hugged Fuji once again, "I was wary of you, yes. A little guy with pretty face never be a good news. 'He deceives my grandfather, he exploits my grandfather's trust to get his own profit, his motive is impure. Don't let your guard down. Don't ever let your guard down.'was all in my head that day."

Fuji was offended by that, he looked up to the taller man, "I would never-"

"Ah.. I know." Tezuka gave a little honest smile to his bride, "Then after spending my time with you I learned that rather than deceiving my grandfather, you helped him till he back on his own feet and enjoyed his last time without regret; you exploit yourself willingly and never asked for anything in return; you have the purest heart I ever met."


"I always remind myself not to letting my guard down but when I am with you I can't help it." Tezuka let his grip loosen and stared right to Fuji, "I ached when I don't see you," Tezuka caressed Fuji's cheek with his thumb. "I can't help myself not to touch you when I am next to you," he leaned down to kiss Fuji on the lid of his eye.

"And I can't imagine my future without you next to me." With that he kissed the tip of Fuji's lips softly.

"Marrying you is never be a mistake. I am truly grateful that I meet you. Having you next to me is something I would never regret and loving you is my own choice."

Fuji was astonished by the words. Did Tezuka truly mean it? Did he hear it wrong? But, the deep intense gaze told him otherwise. Tezuka truly meant it.

It was the most beautiful thing Fuji ever heard from someone. It wasn't romantic like what his brother-in-law whispered to his sister, it wasn't as boastful as what the men usually told his spouse; it was an honesty and it was beautiful. It was Tezuka. Only Tezuka.

Tezuka wiped the tears which rolled down Fuji's cheek tenderly, "What's wrong? Did I-"

"Tsk. You are really.." Fuji tiptoed and pulled Tezuka into a kiss. He felt an electric shock ran down to his spine when his lips touched Tezuka's warm one. Tezuka placed his left hand on the tree to keep him balanced when Fuji attacked while his right hand circled around Fuji's slim waist automatically.

Tezuka tilted his head a bit then they fit perfectly in the harmonious dance called kiss. Their lips rubbed and moved slowly as Tezuka let Fuji set the pace. "There, we've done the renewal vow. With this you are tied with me forever and any second thought, complaints or even lamentation are not acceptable." Fuji said after their kiss.

Fuji thought that Tezuka would nodded and agreed that they had done it and finalized it, but the taller man gave him an amused yet the most childish yet charming smile Fuji ever saw in his life. "Was that the renewal kiss for our vow?" Tezuka asked, there was a hint of teasing in his tone.

"Yeah. What else? I told you I would do it, didn't I? What? Why are you grinning like a stupid guy there?"

"Because, my pure little wife doesn't know what the vow renewal means." Tezuka held Fuji's small face with both of his hands and leaned down till his lips hovered right above Fuji's lips yet they didn't touch, "Shall I tell you how it is done?" He asked and each time his lips moved, they brushed Fuji's lips just so that Fuji had to hold on Tezuka's arms to keep him balanced.

"It's just a kiss, right? Like the one we mmph-" and Fuji was silenced by Tezuka's lips.

The kiss this time was totally different from the kiss Fuji gave just now and skipped right to the kiss they shared at the wedding day that time, hotter even. The small pecks and slow movements were forgotten, they were replaced by hot and wet kissed, and something primal between them.

Fuji moaned when he felt Tezuka's tongue caressed his. They movements were rapid, unpredictable. Fuji gave up after trying to keep up with the taller man, and let Tezuka did as he wished. Tezuka didn't waste his time; he kissed the small lips, explored the warm and damp cavern religiously and alternated the kiss with licking and biting. "I..umph.." Fuji tried to protest but Tezuka didn't let him. "Tezu- air-"

Tezuka chuckled when he saw his bride stammering between the kiss and gasps, so he decided to spare his bride and kissed Fuji's face in turn. He loved it when his little wife looked dreamy in flushed cheeks and red lips, ah, also the slightly messed hair thanks to his wandering hand when he held the little man in his arms.

"My legs.. I don't think I can stand any longer." Fuji gasped, lips red.

Tezuka smiled when he kissed Fuji's warm neck which wasn't covered by the coat, "Here. Put your hand around me." He said while placing Fuji's hands around his board shoulder. This position made them closer and more intimate than the previous one.

They stared at each other for a while and then their lips touched once again. This time they smiled in their kiss. This time they enjoying their time, it was slow then deep then slow again. Fuji thought he enjoyed this one better. He played with Tezuka's smooth hair while Tezuka pushed Fuji more to the board chest. Fuji let out a whimper when the friction on his lower half intensified and tried to get more.

Tezuka groaned when Fuji kept grazing his hips, "Fuji..Wait..we can't do this here."

"But, Tezuka.." Fuji mewled desperately, he needed it and he wanted it now.

Tezuka kissed the soft spot behind Fuji's ear and grunted, "Later. I promise."

"You promise me-" Fuji turned his head to kiss Tezuka more but suddenly the taller man slumped into Fuji, "Ouch- Tezuka, what.." Fuji staggered on his feet when the extra load of man who were one feet taller and twenty pounds heavier than him collapsed on to him. Fuji tried to called him but Tezuka was unconscious as they slid down to the damp ground.

"Ah..ah.. He is one of stubborn man." A man entered the area, he stopped in front of Fuji and unconcious Tezuka. "Hi, Fuji-chan. Remember me?"

"Who are you?" Fuji demanded, his body was tense.

"That's cold of you. We met before, remember?" But when Fuji gave him a deadly stare he shrugged and added, "Your husband kills our business and we are here to take our revenge." He smiled happily and leaned down to take a small dart embedded in Tezuka's nape.

Fuji's eyes opened, "What was that?" He asked in rage.

"Oh, just a little present. I tried to give it through his drink but seems like it doesn't effect much to your hubby. So, I tried a direct approach instead." The orange haired man pretended to throw the dart and making a swish sound and then making a big pop from the same annoying mouth when the imaginary dart touched his other hand, "And..dead." he said with a bright smile.

Fuji circled his arms around Tezuka more while trying to heal the taller man secretively, "What do you want from us? You guys have guts to enter our territory, aren't you afraid of the consequences?"

The man waved his hand lazily, "Don't worry, it's a common thing that the surveillance system gets loosened when a festival starts. We enter just like anyone else and you guys let us, don't you?"

"Tezuka would never. You guys must be doing something."

The man placed his hand behind his head and whistled, "Well, we did some kidnapping and robbery but it doesn't matter anymore."

"Sengoku-san, we must hurry. The soldiers start to wonder around.." a man from the orange haired man, Sengoku, said hastily. It was only then when Fuji realized that Sengoku wasn't alone. There was at least five other rough looking guys behind him.

"Alright." Sengoku then pulled Tezuka's limp arm but Fuji pushed the man away.

"Don't touch him!"

Sengoku snapped his fingers and two men stepped up then dragging Tezuka away from him while another one was holding Fuji. "Let me go! I swear I'll kill you if you touch him!"

"I gave him poison of poopy pills. A normal dosage will kill you in two days painstakingly and your husband here just get a pure injection, which means ten times worse than that."

Fuji went rigid.

"Only our clan has the cure so you have to follow us to save him."

No, if you are a Fuji. The blue eyed man grabbed the blue stone. He could do this.

Sengoku saw it then gave a signal to the fourth man. Fuji screamed when the bulky man cut Tezuka's throat with his sharp blade.

"No! No!" Fuji screamed loudly when he saw blood gushing out of Tezuka's throat and mouth, yet the taller man still unconscious. "Tezuka! No! Damn you, monster!"

"Whoops! Now, you shall decide to follow us quietly so your husband will survive or die trying to escape and heal him in mean time." Sengoku offered with a sweet smile while Tezuka's blood was starting to turn the snow into red. The scene would forever etched in Fuji's mind.

"Come on! We don't have much time, Fuji-chan."

"I'll go." Fuji swallowed. "But let me help my husband first." Sengoku shrugged.

Fuji's hands shook uncontrollably when he touched Tezuka's warm neck, his breath came short as he tried to swallow down his grief and tears. Just a moment ago Tezuka was hugging and smiling.

"You're okay. I got you. You're okay." He whispered desperately to Tezuka. Fuji worked quickly to close the wound too afraid that Tezuka would lose too much blood if not.

Right at the moment Fuji finished, he was pulled away from Tezuka immediately. "That's enough." Then he added when Fuji wanted to rebut, "I won't let you do more than that, sweetie. You might try to alert people if I let you."

"I won't." Not when the man still holding Tezuka as captive.

"Good. I have told you that you'll leave with me that day, haven't I?" Sengoku then blew some strange white powder into Fuji's face and then Fuji went unconscious.

It's been a long time! I miss you all!

I wrote this quickly and I somewhat forgotten about this a little. Sigh..perhaps a bit more than that. I hope you still enjoy this silly thing of mine. If you find it bad or something, please do tell me. I love to hear from you guys.

Also... in this era..please..please..

Stay safe and stay at home if you could. Love you all!