Me: …so yea um…hi everybody, how was your Christmas and New Years or soon to be New Years? Don't hex me!

Once again, I got sick – blasted infection – and had to spend Christmas in the hospital and stayed there until the 29th. Well, nothing special happen to me in Christmas so no big deal. Hey, at least I don't have IV antibiotics this time around, right?

Anyway to those who reviewed: (chapter 7) Wishfull-star, white collar black wolf, Penny is wise, sexy Seren, gefan1; (chapter 8) angeles372, tooker86, wishfull-star, wounded Lily, Penny is wise, Sawcon and gaywhovian93 – I thank you all!

Well, onward to the waited chapter! Enjoy! And Happy New Years!

-Nov. 21, Library-

Regulus was looking around the herbology section while his cousin and the others were at Hogsmeade. Draco tried to encourage him to come along, but he told them that he needed time for himself.

Irving and the others understood while Draco and his friends were slightly disappointed, but agreed and left him be. In truth, he was currently working on a potion that might help cure some different cancers, but he's having trouble on which ingredient to use in the next step.

He rubbed his neck before heading over to the potion section when he spotted Granger who was reading a rather large book. She and that Weasley boy have been bothering him about how he should be in Gryffindor and it was his duty to kill Riddle when he comes back.

What's more weird is that Weasley's little sister, Ginny has been stalking him or hangs around with him and his friends or when he goes to the library…which he finds it a bit creepy. Luckily, Nyla would transform anything she was holding into something gross or charm her hair into a different color that wouldn't change for several hours.

Regulus sighed, not wanting to deal with the annoying muggleborn, he was about to turn around when he heard Granger calling out to him.

"H – I mean, Regulus! What are you doing here?" asked Hermione. "I would have thought you were with your friends in Hogsmeade."

Regulus crossed his arms, "I'm not glued to my friends all the time, Granger. I do need some time of my own. What are you doing here?"

"Just getting some extra studying," replied Hermione, honestly. "Oh! Do you know anything about the First task yet?"

"…no, not yet," answered Regulus. "But I'll be ready. Back in Salem, in camp, they would arrange small task for us to solve…almost like this."

"But you used a riddle to find the first clue and there's no clue for the First task," said Hermione.

Regulus smirked, "Which I like. The unknown is the best challenge, don't you agree?"

"I…I um…I guess," murmured Hermione. "Is there anything for me to help you? Ron and Ginny really wants to help you as well."

Regulus snorted, "Yea sure, those two helping me. All I see is greed and jealousy in their aura."

"That's not true!" argued Hermione, slightly wanting to know about this aura. She frowned, "Is Malfoy and Aviur telling you false things about us? Please don't listen to them Regulus. They're the evil ones, not us!"

Regulus narrowed his eyes, "Just because someone is sorted into a house, doesn't tell you if that person is good or bad. Don't judge a book by its cover, ever heard of that saying."

"But all dark wizards have come from the house of Slytherin," stated Hermione.

"So you're saying that Merlin was a dark wizard," questioned Regulus. "He's the one that practically raised Lord Salazar Slytherin and Lady Rowena Ravenclaw. Get your facts straight, Granger."

Hermione gritted her teeth, "I'm in the top of my class year and I know the whole history about the four founders!"

"Oh, do you?" challenged Regulus, smirking. "Alright, let's make a deal. I'll ask you a question about the founders and if you get it right, I'll allow you to help me out for the First task."

Hermione smiled, "Deal, but there's no need to question me."

"We'll see about that," murmured Regulus, taking out a dark green and silver book from his shoulder bag. Hermione noticed it had the Hogwarts crest on the front, but on the side it has the four houses crest.

"What is that? Where did you get it?" asked Hermione.

"None of your business," snapped Regulus. He opened the book, "Let's see – ah! What caused Salazar Slytherin to hate the muggles?"

Hermione snorted, "That's too easy. It's because they were not magical and he didn't trust the muggleborns going to his house."

Regulus smirked, "Wrong."

Hermione widened her eyes, "What?! It's the truth! Let me see that book!"

Regulus shook his head, closing the book and placing it inside of his bag. He sighed, "He hated the muggles because of those witch burning or hanging during the 1600s. The villagers believed that the witches were the servants of the devil to bring destruction upon them."

"I…I guess I can see why he would hate the muggles during his time," murmured Hermione. "But he never gave a muggleborn a chance! They won't allow to be sorted into his house! He even created a chamber that had a deadly Basilisk to kill the muggleborns!"

"Bullcrap," said Regulus. "The Chamber of Secrets was created by all of the founders. It was specially designed for extra defense in case any witch hunters attack Hogwarts. The Basilisk was born and raised by the founders themselves. She was placed as a protector for Hogwarts."

"Well, she wasn't doing her job properly," said Hermione. "About fifty years ago, a muggleborn student was killed by that monster!"

"Ever thought that she was in the wrong place, at the wrong time," stated Regulus. Hermione opened her mouth to argue, but closed it as she never thought about it.

"Also, there were at least a few muggleborns sorted into Slytherin during Slytherin's time," said Regulus. "And that's because they were abuse at home and were called the devil spawn. They needed cunning to survive, but most of the time the Slytherin muggleborns were allowed to stay at Hogwarts to protect them."

Hermione shook her head, "That can't be true – my parents are nothing like that! They accepted me being a witch!"

"Even if your parents accepted your magic, what about your other relatives? Do they know that you are even a witch?" questioned Regulus.

"Um…well, no, they don't," replied Hermione, biting her lip. "But Professor McGonagall told us that we shouldn't inform my other relatives about being a witch. That I go to an elite boarding school in Scotland."

"And do you know why?" questioned Regulus. He gritted his teeth, "It's because your freaking Ministry are a bunch of cowards and don't want to accept muggles and muggleborns at all! Why is it that the British wizarding community still in the middle ages? Why is there no technology?"

"I…I…that's because technology and magic don't mix well," answered Hermione, recalling when she done some accidental magic near technology. "Besides, the Ministry is just trying to protect us by separating us from the muggle world."

Regulus snorted, "You got to be kidding me! In Salem – where the witch hangings started, the Ministry works with the muggle authorities and officials. Purebloods, halfbloods, muggleborns and even squibs live there."

Hermione couldn't believe that there was a place that magic was welcomed and opened to the muggles. She simply looked down at the book she was reading and stayed silent.

"If you truly want to know the truth, seek me out," said Regulus.

Hermione watched Regulus leave the library before she left as well. Many thoughts were going to her head and many questions that need to be answered.

Was Slytherin truly evil? Was he really trying to protect the muggleborns?

The brunette headed to the Gryffindor tower and sat down on the couch. She sat there for who knows how long as she startled when the portrait opened and came in the other Gryffindors.

"Hey Mione," greeted Ginny, happily. "Next time, you're coming to the next Hogsmeade visit. I was really bored without you since my brother was being annoying again."

"Mm…sure," said Hermione, staring at the fireplace.

"Hey, it's not my fault!" snapped Ron. "Harry wasn't at Hogsmeade! I wanted to tell Harry about what he's going to face in the First task, but I couldn't find him."

"You know?" said Hermione.

"Yea, Charlie said me an owl stating that a few dragons will be coming for the tournament," said Ron. He snorted, "I bet Harry has no clue what he needs to defend himself against a bloody dragon. He needs us to guide him to victory and him staying in Britain so he can defend You-Know-Who when he returns."

"I…um, did see him in the library," said Hermione, softly. "He told me that he'll be ready for the First task. Back where he lived, he faced quite difficult tasks."

"Mm, he's quite a powerful wizard," murmured Ron. He then leaned over to his sister, "Hey, has mom send out those Loyalty and Love potions yet?"

"She's going to send them after the First task, just before the Yule Ball," replied Ginny. "Mom said to give in small amounts as it can effect Harry's mind if we give him in large amounts."

"Perfect! That way, he'll ask you for the Yule Ball," said Ron.

Ginny grinned, happily, "And announces to everyone that we're doing to start dating! For sure, he'll want to stay because he needs to defend his girlfriend from You-Know-Who."

"With the help of the potions, Harry will see reason and be back to us before the school year ends," said Ron.

"O-Of course…sorry, I'm going to bed early today. A bit worn-out I guess," murmured Hermione as the two Weasley's nodded. The brunette got up and headed to her room. She shared it with Lavender Brown and Parvati Patil, but luckily they were still in the common room.

Hermione changed her robes into her pajamas before sitting down on her bed and shut the curtains. She hugged her legs and placed her chin on her knees. For the first time, the brilliant brunette muggleborn was in a total loss.

She didn't know what to believe now.

Hermione was questioning the Headmaster's plan on giving Regulus the potions. Then there was being raised by supposed Death Eaters, the Lestrange's. The brunette thought she was going to encounter a muggle-hating 'Boy-Who-Lived', but in reality, Harry – no, Regulus wasn't evil. True, he was cold to them, but who wouldn't as he was being forced to stay in a place where he didn't want to be.

Hermione sighed, 'I need help. I'll ask Sirius and Remus.'

With that, she grabbed a book by her night stand and started reading a bit before going to sleep.

In the morning, Hermione quickly changed into her robes and quickly wrote a message for Sirius and Remus. Dashing out from the Gryffindor tower, she went to the Owlery tower and handed her message to the barn owl before heading to the Great hall.

She took her seat at the Gryffindor table and started filling her plate with her usual morning breakfast. She was about to take a bit when Ginny walked over to her and sat down.

"Morning, where were you? I couldn't find you at the tower," said Ginny.

"Oh! I had to renew a book as it was due today, but I didn't finish reading it," Hermione lied.

Ginny nodded, but as she was about to fill her plate, she spotted Regulus and the Slytherins entering the hall. She sighed, "How can we get Harry to understand that the Slytherins can't be trusted? Not only that, he was supposed to be in Gryffindor and is destined to be with me."

"What do you mean 'destined to be with you', Ginny?" asked Hermione.

Ginny giggled, "My mother and the Headmaster created a marriage contract between me and Harry. I was nine at the time when my mother told me that someday I'll be the future wife to the famous 'Boy-Who-Lived'."

Hermione choked, "M-Marriage C-Contract?! Ginny…you shouldn't have agreed to that! What if Regulus doesn't love you back? What if he loves someone else back at Salem?"

Ginny rolled her eyes, "That's where the Love potions come in. Not only I'll be Lady Potter after my graduation, but I'll become Lady Black and Lestrange as well. I heard that those two dark families have quite a fortune and a few manors around Britain, Spain, France and Russia."

"I see," murmured Hermione, remembering what Regulus said to her about Ron and Ginny being greedy and jealous. That's when an elegant owl land in front of her. There on the owl's leg was a message which she took and gave the owl some bacon.

"Who's it from?" asked Ginny. That's when Ron finally sat across from them and started filling his plate full of food. Ginny frowned, "You're late, Ron."

"Ah, it's Sunday Ginny. I can sleep in if I wanted to," snapped Ron before stuffing his mouth full of pancakes.

"Have you finished your homework yet?" argued Ginny.

"Ah, I'll do it later, Gin. Let me eat," said Ron. "Hey, Hermione, would you mind helping me?"

"Oh! Um…sorry Ron, but I still need to finish my Arithmancy work and I need to be in the library for that," replied Hermione as she got up. "But let me see if I can help you after dinner."

Ron nodded before continuing off with his breakfast.

Hermione was glad that Ginny didn't ask about the letter again as it was from Sirius, telling her to go to Professor Snape's office after breakfast. She didn't know what to say to Sirius, but she needs to tell him about the marriage contract, immediately.

Carefully, she headed to the dungeons without being spotted by the Slytherins. It took a few minutes until she reached to the portrait that leads to the Potion Master. The brunette took a deep breath and knocked on the door three times.

"Come in, Miss Granger."

Hermione opened the door and saw not just Sirius but Remus, Professor Snape and the Headmistress of Salem Academy.

"Don't be shy, young one," said Lorelei, softly. "Come, sit. Make yourself comfortable child."

Hermione nodded before taking a seat on an armchair. That's when a tea cup appeared in front of her including a bowl of different fruits.

"Now Hermione, you're having doubts about the potions as well?" asked Sirius.

"Yes," murmured Hermione. "And….And Mrs. Weasley is going to send the first patch after the First task, but Ginny needs to give it in small amounts as it can affect Regulus' mind."

"At least those dunderheads are using their brains," murmured Severus. "Giving a large amount of Loyalty and Love potions can make someone insane."

Hermione widened her eyes.

"…There's something else you want to tell us, don't you child," stated Lorelei.

Hermione bit her lip before nodding. She took a deep breath, "Before coming here, Ginny told me…she told me – Oh, Merlin! I can't believe she would agree to that contract!"

"Contract?" said Remus. "What contract?"

"A marriage contract…between her and Regulus," replied Hermione as tears fall down from her cheeks. "It was the Headmaster and Mrs. Weasley that created it when Ginny was nine."

"They did what?!" snapped Sirius.

"That explains the Love potions," murmured Remus, angrily.

"So they had some sort of a back-up plan," murmured Severus. He turned to Sirius, "You need to talk to Bellatrix and get to the Gringotts to rid of that contract – immediately!"

"We'll go tonight," assured Sirius then looking nervous. "…um, do you have a powerful calming draughts? In case I need them…"

Severus nodded, "I'll give you three as Bella's temper can match as a bloody dragon."

"Hermione, in the beginning, you were in the Headmaster's side, what changed?" wondered Remus.

Hermione looked down at the tea cup, "I thought I was helping…the Headmaster assigned me this task last year along with Ron. He told us that Harry Potter will soon be coming back and he would need our help to fulfill his duty as the savior, the Boy-Who-Lived." She took a deep breath, "He told us that Harry was kidnapped from his muggle family by Death Eaters and it was our job to make Harry see that he was blind by false happiness from his adopted family – I can't believe I agreed to take part of this!"

Lorelei walked over to Hermione and sat next to the brunette. She hugged the young Gryffindor, "Easy there child. No need to stress about it now. What matters is, what are you going to do now?"

"…I…I don't know," murmured Hermione.

Severus and Sirius looked at each other before nodding.

"Miss Granger, if you truly want to help out Regulus, you wouldn't mind becoming our little spy?" said Severus. "When you have a meeting with the Headmaster and the two Weasley's, you will tell us what they say or plan."

"I'll – I'll do it!" said Hermione with determination.

"Just avoid eye contact with the Headmaster. He's a master of Legilimency, a person who can read other people's minds," warned Severus.

Hermione nodded.

Lorelei smiled, "Now that's true loyalty and bravery of a Gryffindor though I sense a bit of Ravenclaw material within you…and something else."

Hermione widened her eyes, "Something else?!"

Lorelei laughed, "Don't worry child, there's nothing to worry about. But I do sense some kind of magical block in you."

Hermione was confused while Severus, Sirius and Remus were shocked.

"I'm not sure what will unlock it, but what I do know is that you must not be near any magical or no-maj creatures for too long," said Lorelei.

"Alright, thank you for listening to me," said Hermione before grabbing her bag and left.

"I wish her luck," said Remus.

Lorelei smirked, mischievously, "No need to worry about her. She has quite an interesting magical core…to think she believes she's a muggleborn."

"Wait – What! Hermione's not a muggleborn?!" said Sirius.

"Nope," replied Lorelei before winking, "But I'm not telling…though I can tell you that Lily, Regulus birth mother wasn't a muggleborn either, she was a halfblood."

Sirius and Remus drop their mouths widen open.

Lorelei laughed, "That's the same reaction that Severus and the Lestrange brothers had when they found out about Regulus' family tree when the Gringotts used the Paternal potion. Both parents of Lily were squibs from two different pureblood families."

"Which families?" asked Remus.

Severus sighed, "It was a shock to me as well. It's no bloody wonder that imp is so powerful."

"Tell us!" snapped Sirius.

Lorelei simply smiled before mouthing out the two bloodlines.

-Break Line-

What you guys think?
P. S: no update about removing the liver tumor yet
Next chapter: Um…hehe no title yet and still typing it so no promises when the next chapter will be updated, but please do wait and hope it doesn't take me forever…(blame those blasted doctors)