Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or High School of the dead this fan-made so don't sue me

so sit back, relax and enjoy

The Beginning of it all

Fujimi Academy was considered to be one of the most prestigious in the area; in recent years that prestige that it once held has decreased. Soon the enrollment rate has declined; in order to increase they needed to drop the standard of the entrance exam. With the drop of standard for admission, more students have been accepted into the school. Which in turn, increased the number of delinquents and generally poor performing students enrolled with each passing year. Soon trouble started to spill outside and started to cause trouble for the town that housed the school. The reputation of the school soon had plummeted to a new low. A couple students were accused of a sexual assaulting a few students from a nearby high school. The headmaster of the school was soon forced into resigning for allowing the school reputation to fall as it did and brought in a new headmaster to help combat the surprising increasing number of delinquents.

Akimoto Atsushi was soon called with the job offer, which surprised him since at the age of 51, he was closing in on retirement. The elderly man was what a person wouldn't call threatening; he was 5'4, a bit of the hefty side. With white hair and a bald spot on the top of the head, his head, he knew his appearance wouldn't help to bring order to the rowdy students of the school he was asked to maintain. He was hesitant to accept, but soon realized the answer to his problem was actually in the school he was currently in charge. A student, this student was in his final year of junior high and was currently looking for a school to enroll in. Akimoto knew that the student will have problems getting in enrolled due to the incident earlier this year. It wasn't even the boy's fault; his heart went out to the male.

He had talked to the person in mind and made him an offer. The male refused, his pride wouldn't accept help that easily, Akimoto tried in vain to persuade the student to accept but failed. He gave the boy a few pieces of paper and said if he changed his mind, he'll just have to fill out the paper and hand it in, He'll fill out the rest of the paperwork for him.
The very next day he was surprised to see that the student was waiting for him in his office before the school day started. He didn't expect the male to be in his office so early in the morning, he was shocked to see him at all.

"Uzumaki-kun, it's a surprise to see you in my office, Is something wrong?" Akimoto said as he adjusted the collar of his shirt as he felt some sweat roll down his back. The male in front of him was 5'5, just slightly taller than him, but the fact that he was only 15, with spiky unkempt blond hair and three whiskers on each side of his cheeks. Most would consider the male intimidating, but he was surprisingly popular with the female students and teachers. But that was beside the point, Naruto was currently wearing the school uniform, which consisted of a white dress shirt, a navy dress pants with a matching blazer over his shoulders.

"Sorry , for barging into your office so early in the morning like this, Sensei." Naruto said as he stood up from the seat that was in front of the headmaster's desk. Akimoto quickly made his way and sat down at his desk and motioned Naruto to sit back down.
"So, Uzumaki-kun why are you he-" Akimoto started to talk, but was soon cut off when some sheets of paper landed on his desk, looking at them for a second, in confusion but soon realized what they were.

"I… Had some time to think about what you said, you're right… After… you know. I highly doubt I will be able to get into high school around here even with my past achievements." Naruto pauses for a bit as he looked uncomfortable in talking about his situation. Rubbing the back of his neck a habit of his when he was embarrassed or awkward in what was happening. So if you still want me to join Fujimi high school as the head of the discipline committee, then I'll go. Under certain conditions, of course." Naruto said, as he with a look of determination on his face as he stood up straight in his seat.

Akimoto gave a gentle smile as he stood up and went around his desk sticking his hand out for Naruto to shake. "Of course, I will be happy to have you Uzumaki-kun. We can talk more about this at the end of the week when we both have more free time." Naruto quickly stood up and shook the man's hand, and made his way out the door but before he closed the door to the office Akimoto spoke up.

"Uzumaki-kun, did something happen yesterday to make you change your mind?' Akimoto asked in curiosity, the blond male was all stubborn as a male after all. Naruto stood silent for a moment before his mind drifted for a moment remembering last night's events.

"Yes, something did happen. It's taken care of" Naruto said, Akimoto nodded his head before reminding him if he needed anything to just ask.

"I will, Sensei. I'll see you later." Naruto then closed the door and left the faculty office with a surprise looks and glares from the teachers that were already there. Unfortunately, he was already used to the stares, glares and whispers from both teachers and students. It was only a couple of months ago that he was received with praises and admiration from the occupations of the school. Soon that changed and was then looked at with venom, it hurts, but the blond knew that the people around him never cared about him, even his old club mates resented him. This only allowed them to express their dislike publicly.

He even got into a couple of fights with some of the students, but they were idiots for trying. Who in their right mind pick a fight with a trained fighter? Especially a national level boxer even if he was in Junior high. He messed up a few faces since then, but some people just don't get it. Oh well.

Soon Naruto arrived at his homeroom class, as soon as he opened the door the noise that was coming from the room stopped. Closing the door, and walked to his seat in the second row, next to the window. Without a word said he sat down and everyone one began to talk again.

" Why is he still here?"

"I thought he would drop out already?"

"Who cares why he's here, were are all in danger with him here."

"It's a shame that the best looking guy in class is a no good criminal."

"Did you hear that he got into a fight with couple of students in 3-C yesterday?"

"No way! I heard he ended up beating this high schooler near the arcade."

'Don't they have anything else to talk about?' Naruto thought as he looked out the window in boredom trying to drown out the noise in the classroom. Soon the teacher walked in and the students began to sit down to start the class. Not interested in hearing what the teacher was saying, he began to daydream, But didn't notice a pair of blue eyes watching him, it soon drifted downward to the inside of her desk.

'I hope he'll enjoy this.' The blue eyed girl thought as she looked at the orange colored Bento before brushing a strand of purple hair behind her ear. And resumed to listening to the teacher, but every once in a while would look over at the blond male.

"Okay, every time for lunch you know the drill." The male teacher said before taking off to get some food as well. The classroom was soon filled with noise again as desk were moved, people talking to their neighbors and friends. Some ran out the class to get some food from the school store before they ran out of the good stuff. Sighing to himself, Naruto didn't have a lot to eat in the morning since his mother had overslept and didn't have time to make lunch for either of them. He forgave his mother, it was rare for him to bring meals from home to school, he will either forgo lunch or brave the school store for some bread. Reaching for his pockets to get his wallet out to see how much money he had.
"5,000 yen, well at least it's enough to get lunch and some take out for later." Naruto muttered, but before he could stand up from his a shadow of a person soon was hovering over him and his desk. But what was odd was that the class stood silent, before whispers erupted from the students. Most of it was why was she standing over him. Turning around to see this person, Naruto couldn't help raise an eyebrow.
Standing in front of him was a purple haired girl that was put up into a long ponytail, reaching her shoulders with a weird triangle fringe in the front. She had dark blue eyes, about 5'4 wearing the school female uniform that consisted of a navy blazer with a white scarf and a navy blue skirt that reached her knees, with a pair of black loafers. Her defining feature which made her very popular among both male and female students and teacher alike, was a large pair of breast that the young women had that was larger than the majority of females in the school. Saeko Busujima, 3rd year student, Captain of the Kendo club in school and the most popular student of the school.

"Excuse me, Uzumaki-San, is it okay if we talk for a moment in private?" Saeko said with a slight smile on her face. Naruto stayed silent before he nodded his head in confirmation before he stood up and the two went to a private location. As the two walked some students noticed them as the most well known students both good and bad reasons were walking together; began to talk to one another about what they just saw and will soon rumors began to fly. As the duo kept walking the soon realize that there was only one place on school property where they could get some privacy, the roof.

When they arrived at their destination the two looked around the white tiled rooftop, making sure no one was with them and made sure they weren't followed. Once they were content the two faced each other. Silence filled the air as the two stood quite both unsure how to start the conversation.

"So Uzumaki-san, I want to thank you, about what happened yesterday. So Thank you for everything." Saeko said before she bowed to show how thankful she was for the male interference. If he hadn't shown, who knows hat couldn't have happened.

"I highly doubt you needed my help, but I know what you meant. While it was a bit excessive, I understand at certain situation some time some excessive force is necessary. " Naruto said as Saeko flinched when he mentioned what had happened, she remembered at the memory of the old man attempted rape. As she drifted off into her memory, Naruto eyes looked at the large bento that was in her hand.

"Busujima-san, You should really start to eat your bento. We only have so much time left?" Saeko quickly jolted out of her daydream, when she remembered what she was carrying.

"Actually, I made this for you." Saeko said, as she presented the bento to Naruto, who simply raised his eyebrow as he accepted the meal.

"Really, you made this for me?" Naruto asked in surprise tone in his voice. Saeko nodded her with a bright smile. "Yes, I know it isn't much, but after all you did to help me. If you weren't there when you were I might have ended up… with blood on my hands." The blond flinched slightly but contained himself as Saeko continued to talk.

"I remembered that you tended to buy what was available at the school store, so I made enough for two meals." Saeko said as made her way to a the wall near the door and sat down, motioning for him to sit down with her. Naruto was hesitant, but sat down next to her and unwrapped the large bento to see 2 different types of bento, one blue and purple. Giving Saeko one and then opened the up bento, inside was… rice and curry. The fragrance soon filled the air, causing his stomach to growl. Naruto grabbed the plastic spoon, that was packed with the bento, picking up a decent size of curry before the placed it in his mouth.

Saeko was silent, as her heart began to beat faster, hoping that her meal was delicious or at least good. Naruto swallowed the food, before he grabbed another spoon full and then another. Saeko let out a sign of relief before she began to dig into her meal, the moment the curry touched her she visibly grimaced. It was inedible. Signing to herself at her disappointing cooking skills, she looked in confusion as she noticed Naruto was still eating her curry. Within a minute, Naruto was done as he placed the bento down.

"It was bad." Naruto stated, as he leaned back against the wall with his eyes closed.

"Then why did you finish it, if you didn't like it." Saeko said as she was curious and a bit sad at the statement but knew that it was true.

"You made it for me. It would be rude if I didn't finish it." Naruto said as his mind wandered to his godfather, He should pay him, Yuriko and Saya a visit. He rarely has time to see her since she goes to a private school in town. He'll go during the weekend with his mother, or something.
"I'm sorry, about the curry turning out so bad. I thought, I followed the recipe exactly." Saeko said as she looked at her own bento still filled with the curry.

"Curry tends to be fickle, like any recipe it depends on the ingredients put in. Just one bad ingredient can ruin a dish. " Naruto stood up, reaching down grabbing her bento and began to eat it.

"IF you want to make it up to me, Just keep practicing your cooking; I'll eat whatever you make in return. "

Saeko was a bit wide eyed, at the blond, before she smiled softly. She felt her face flush a bit, but ignored it, standing up and with a determine look on her face.

"Uzumaki-san, I will accept your terms, I will continue making you lunch, for as long as you accept them." Saeko said, causing him to frown a bit.

"Call me, Naruto. I hate it when people call me Uzumaki." Saeko smiled, but nodded seeing his discomfort.

"Then I will call you Naruto-kun, in turn you can call me Saeko." Naruto nodded, not having a problem with calling her by her first name. Taking out his phone to see that it was almost time to head back to class.
"We should head back Saeko" Naruto returned his phone back into his pocket, before he began to leave with Saeko, right behind.

"Of course, Naruto-kun." Saeko said as the two began to talk about random things from schoolwork, hobbies, likes and dislikes, on their back to their classroom. Little did they know, that one moment can change everything. And that bond they formed will be the key to there survival in less then 4 years.

A/N: Sorry this took so long to write, 2017 has been a rough year for more. So i hope to start 2018 with a bang! I haven't been goofing off as much but i have been doing research.

I'm know what you want to know is this a harem, yes. Sorry, If people dislike that but i will limit the women in it to a smaller number then it was in the original. I won't say the number just yet it hasn't really been decided yet.

All i will say is this, Saeko, is in.

Sorry if you want to know more but i have only one more confirmed at the moment. This story is a remake a lot of this will change but the basic stricture will be the same. I have planned out this whole story out, i know how i want it to end, and key moments that will happen and how to get there is really the only problem for me. I wanted to focus on Saeko and Naruto's family relationship a bit more before i the good stuff happens and the canon timeline. So each chapter will be longer then this i will make it 5000-10,000 words a chapter if i can. One last thing is, the next 2-3 chapter will have focus on how Naruto takes over Fujimi Academy.

Confirmed harem


And, like always any feedback, suggestion, or critics will be appreciated, i want to make this story as great as possible.

So until we again farwell