War, the thing everyone in Ashfeld knows, whether you're a child, man or women you knew war. It touched everyone. Small skirmishes were fought daily, very rarely were full blown battles fought, but when they were fought hundreds of people could have lost their lives and it was those battles that Cacistus remembered the most.

Cacistus was currently standing at the scene of one of his first expeditions as a lawbringer. His armor once black now stained red, his poleaxe beside him similarity stained. He found himself at the top of a set of stairs that led to the temples entrance, beside him stood his poleaxe that he stuck into the ground. They had started marched on the dawn empire's temple with a thousand-foot soldiers, currently less than two hundred remained. 'was this worth it' the young lawbringer thought to himself, he then chuckled to himself, 'I never had this doubt when I was but a foot soldier, so why now.' Hu turned to the rest of the soldiers currently pillaging and killing the people that lived at the temple.

Ever since he felled the warlord that had received god's gift, he began to doubt his masters all this war all this killing, for what. Any resources we find go straight into the war, so why fight.

His thoughts were broken when an exhausted Courier arrived. "Sir I bring a message from the order." He paused to catch his breath. "The order has requested your return, sir Allectus." He gave the courier a nod before grabbing his pole axe and beginning his long walk home.

As he left the temple the world around him seemed to dissolve.


Cacistus slowly woke from his slumber to the sight of a unfamiliar celling, the glow of candle light telling me it was night time, glancing down at his body he realized he was no longer in his armor, only his brown laced shirt blue pants and brown socks. He also noted that his feet were hanging off the bed as this bed was a bit short for a man of his stature.

checking his right hand he realized that words were burnt into it. he thought nothing of it since he couldn't understand them.

stretching his arms before bringing himself up, he found himself in what looked like an infirmary. Twisting his body, he brought his feet to the floor, where he found another pair of boots, picking one up he brought it closer to his face reveling that it was his boot he arrived here with, the armor that adorned the boot was taken off.

Cacistus put booth boots on before trying to leave the room, only to be stopped by one of the nurses here, she explained that she was to tell his summoner when he awoke, he gowned at that before making his way back to his bed and sitting down.

A few minutes later his pink-haired summoner had entered the room by her side was the professor Colbert, remaining seated he greets them "Louise, Colbert" Cacistus says with a nod

"You had us worried there Cacistus, when you had told me of the battle you were in I had assumed you had succumbed to injuries unseen." Colbert had a smile while Louise looked surprised at the mention of a battle. 'had he not told her of our conversation?' Cacistus thought

"Yes, I would have died if not for my armor, which I would like to know where it is?" Cacistus asked his gaze now on Louise

"Ah, yes I had one of the servents clean it while you were unconscious, although that was some time ago, you might be able to go get it tonight." This seemed to please the knight, Colbert recentered the conversation. "Well, Louise here has wished to bring you back to her room, you won't be a good guardsman if you stayed here all day." Cacistus gaze shifted towards Louise who was studying him.

She jumped as Colbert tapped her on her back. "Oh yes, if you would sir Allectus could you follow me." With a nod the lawbringer began to follow the young girl as she brought him through the castle they were in. This castle was weird for the lawbringer, every castle built in Ashfeld were built millennia ago the war lords would only ever build on top of preexisting structures, but this was different, this castle seemed older, yet newer at the same time. Perhaps this is because they hadn't lost the ways to build them.

Before he Could finish his thoughts, Louise led them outside, the cold air brought back memories of peace and of war. Cacistus paused in the middle of the bridge to get a good look at the courtyard they were over. 'this is nothing like Ashfeld, the courtyard is clean, there's no mud where battles were fought, there's no fear in the child I know protect.' He turned his gaze back to Louise who had now noticed that he stopped, her face showed concern for him. Cacistus chuckled 'not as much fear as the children back home.' He took in one more view of the courtyard before they continued on.

They eventually made their way to the tower where Cacistus assumed his summoners dorms were. Upon entering they went up a flight of stairs to the third floor of the tower. Arriving at a door, his summoner began trying to fish out a key from her pocket, she began to open the door when. "Louise." She immediately flinched. Cacistus turned his gaze towards the source of the sounds. A tall tan woman, who was wearing the same black skirt white shirt uniform his summoner was wearing but the top few buttons were undone to expose her cleavage.

"Zerbst, what do you want" Louise said with a tired sigh. Seeing as how his master wasn't on the best terms with this new comer he shifted his body to cover Louise. Meanwhile Cacistus was distracted by a curious red lizard that was following her around, a flame on the end of his tail told him it was no ordinary lizard

Kirche leaned forward as if flaunting her chest out at Cacistus. "Oh, don't be like that Louise, I just wanted to see if the man in the armor was as big out of it as he was in." Kirche said in a sultry voice "By the way he shifted towards me, it seems that he is more interested in me."

Louise's gaze shifted up in a look of worry at her new familiar 'was kirchi right, did he already lose interest in her.'

"Warborn" Cacistus muttered under his breath. His gaze shifted back to Louise making sure before he did anything. "friend or foe?" Was all that he said

Kirche face quickly switched from sultry to panic recalling what the knight did to one of his foes. "Hmm" Louise brought two fingers up to her chin as she pondered. "Foe" she finally stated. this was all Kirche need as she ran back to her room, her lizard following her.

Taking a breath Louise finished opening the door and walking in. As Cacistus entered he took in the room, gazing to the left he saw what he assumed to be his summoners bed, across from them was an open window, but at the bottom of the bed was a pile of hay, as he turned to his summoner with a inquisitive look, she immediately flushed red. "I'msosorryithoughtiwasgoingtogetaanimalandnotaancientknightpleasedon'tbemad." She all but stumbled to blurt out

"This will do" he softly said, causing Louise to pause her rant.

"Huh" Louise seemed confused. This was knight of the old tales surly he wasn't used to sleeping on the floor.

"I've slept on much worse." He took a pause before shifting his gaze towards the young summoner. "Might you inform me of my duties now that I am your guardian?" He stood at attention.

Not wanting to push her luck with the knight she only gave him two instructions. "I need you only you wake me at dawn and to protect me." Which he gave a nod to

"Then may I take my leave summoner." This caused her to raise an eyebrow before he continued. "I only wish to retrieve my armor from the servants. If I am to protect you properly I need to be armed." His gaze never leaving her.

With a sigh she agreed. "You may sir Allectus. But if you could, could you bring down my clothes to be washed?" With a nod he grabbed the basket and left

The knight walked for some time before encountering another soul. It was a blonde boy confiding his love to a brunette. 'this is truly a different world' thinking with a smile. Walking closer with the intentions to get directions, the blond hair boy seemed to have notice the noise. "Servant, you best give me a good reason not to have old Osmond reevaluate your contract." The boy finally turned his head, turning pale as he realizes just who he accosted. "Sir Knight! Please forgive my folly I assumed you were but a servant."

Cacistus only chuckled, "It is not a problem, I only seek directions to the servant's quarters."

the young blond pointed the lawbringer in the directions, picking up where he left off, the knight went down another flight of stairs before eventually leaving the tower and into the courtyard. After several minutes walking in the open air, he finally arrived. A torch was set up as a servant was working on some clothes.

"EEP" the servant jumped as I set the clothes basket down, her gaze shifted to me, she held it for several minutes before I attempted brake her from her trance.

"I was asked to bring these to you." Even with these words she was still staring at me. "I was also told I could retrieve my armor and weapon." At my words she shook her head clearing her thoughts.

"Oh yes sir knight, if you follow me this way I can bring you your armor." She said with a nervous smile before picking up the basket I had set down and carrying it inside. She led me to a room that contained all my armor pieces all disassembled and drying with my pole axe on a wall nearby. "I was put in charge of cleaning your armor," she moves closer to the table containing my armor "But the head maid taught me how to clean it, I used oil to wash the plate solid pieces and your weapon, while used a sand wash for the chainmail." Cacistus moved closer to the armor before inspecting it

Picking up his helmet, he let his finger run over the several circular holes that adorned his helmet, still wishing to be back is Ashfeld.

Satisfied with how his armor was handled he turned to the maid "What is your name servant" he said in a neutral tone.

The servant seemed to become fearful, in a wavering voice she answered. "S-Siesta sir"

Cacistus gaze returned to the armor for a second before coming back to the maid. "then I must thank you." He paused for a second as the maid's fearful expression became one of confusion. "you have nary an idea how many times I gave my armor to be washed only for the servants attending to the task to dump it in water."

She seemed to gasp at that. "How could anyone treat such exquisite armor with such little respect." She said her hand now covering her mouth.

Cacistus only shook his head "it's easy not to care if it's not your own." The knight paused continuing to look over his armor. He eventually noticed a chest to the side of the table and began putting the armor inside "I have another request miss siesta. Could you carry my weapon to my summoners dorm for me?" With a nod the maid went over and grabbed my poleaxe, letting the weight rest on her shoulder. seeing that she was ready to go the lawbringer grabbed the chest and lifted it up.

The walk back to his summoners room was done in silence, the blond boy and brunet were long gone at this point. Upon entering the room Cacistus saw that his summoner was fast asleep cuddling one of her blankets. Moving quietly Cacistus and Siesta set down the chest and poleaxe by the windowsill. Giving her a nod, she'd bowed before leaving, trying to be as silent as possible.

Still not tired, Cacistus pulled the chest away from the window a bit before sitting down and began to gaze across the land.


Cacistus awoke some time later, he found that he had fallen asleep at the window. It was still night outside, but the orange glow of the sun soon to be coming over the horizon told him that it wouldn't be night much longer. Cacistus gaze turned to his young summoner who was still curled up cuddling her blanket. Cacistus still marveled at how peaceful this land is noting that people her age would most likely be preparing for that fateful age of sixteen where they would be drafted.

Knowing that the time to awake his summoner was slowly creeping up on him, he decided to dawn his armor, a task not that easy for two people let alone one. Spending half an hour putting on his armor. he proceeded to walk over to the bed, where his summoner laid dormant, much to the Lawbringers surprise

Giving her a slight shake, she seemed to stir awake, giving light hearted mumble as she tried to cling to sleep. "Young summoner, it is dawn." Cacistus Plainly stated. She continued to stir, but eventually she relented her sleep to the waking world. Her eye's slowly parted, but as she gazed around the room she jumped back in fear as she saw the nearly two-meter-tall man in steel armor.

Realizing it was just her familiar she calmed down just in time for her face to turn red. "You know you didn't need to wear your armor to wake me." The young girl said her face flushed.

"I must always be ready for an attack." His voice completely devoid of emotions. "now if you excuse me I will wait outside your door for you to be ready." He stated plainly before and turning leaving the girl in her room alone.

She quickly got ready and joined her guardian outside her room. As she left to go down to the dining hall he silently began to follow, she noticed heading through the halls of the tower that people actively avoided her, 'good.'

They eventually left the tower and began walking in the courtyard, it was still fairly early in the morning and the students haven't fully awaken yet leading to the courtyard being empty. "what is on the schedule today, summoner." Her guardian asked

"Today the second-year students get off to bond with their familiar. But I will most likely use it to study." She paused for a second "and can you stop calling me summoner, call me Louise."

"As you wish Louise."

They wordlessly made their way to the dining hall, Louise paused at the door thinking about something before continuing inside

Finding a seat with her back to a wall, she walked over and sat down, her guard moved behind her and stood legs apart holding his poleaxe to his left standing it straight up. Louise was confused. "Are you not going to sit and eat?"

Cacistus looked around before answering. "I shall eat while you study." The knight continued to stand behind her as more students entered the room.

Eventually breakfast started, servants began filtering out of the kitchen with treys full of food Cacistus caught a glimpse of Siesta as she brought food to their table, giving her nod of acknowledgment.

Across the hall a red head and blue haired friend were currently waiting to eat. The red head was currently glaring at the knight while the girl with blue hair was currently reading her book. "So, he cares about that maid but not me." She paused without even noticing she was playing with her hair. "You know he threatened me." The blue haired girl suddenly tensed.

"Really?" Upon seeing what he was capable of at the summoning she was imminently cautious of the man. But hearing that her friend was threatened by the man hit something close to her. Perhaps she would have to dispose of him, perhaps he was too home sick and decided to jump out of a tower. She wondered.

She seemed to scoff "yes Tabitha. I was making a pass at him and the only response I got from him was asking Louise if I was friend or foe." Tabitha just stared at the red head. Perhaps her plans for disposing of the knight were preemptive.

Breakfast was soon over the girl left for the library and guardsman left for the kitchen for food.

Quickly eating Cacistus quickly rejoined Louise in the library, again taking the stance he took in the dining hall.

After an hour of reading various books she grimaced. 'this is all old knowledge, I know what these books are trying to say but no matter how much knowledge I accrue I still can't understand my situation.' With a sigh she got up, believing that she needed air, Cacistus said nothing as he followed.

Entering the courtyard Cacistus saw several tables set up with chairs that students were using to drink he assumed to be tea while sitting with strange creatures that he could only assume were their familiars. A few were animals that Cacistus saw back in Ashefeld, dogs, cats, but some were odd to say the least, floating eyes, giant moles and fire salamanders. As Cacistus was lost in thought Louise found a table to sit down.

When Cacistus didn't sit Louise could only sigh. "Are all knights allergic to sitting in your country." The knight said nothing as he sat down, his pole axe resting to his right. Once seated Cacistus reached up to his helmet, the nobles that were once not paying attention began to stare as Cacistus pulled off his helmet. After the initial shock of finding out what the masked knight looked like, the students went back to their familiars.

Eventually a servant came over and asked Louise what she wanted, simply asking for tea she turned to the knight, who simply muttered water.

*slap* *slap* pulled from his thoughts by the sound of flesh hitting flesh, he turned towards the noise. It was that blond kid from last night who was getting slapped by a blond girl while the brunette watched 'odd you would think that his girlfriend would be standing up for him' "I can't believe you were trying to seduce a first year, is our marriage just a farce to you!?" The blond girl screamed at him 'ahh'

The blond boy was rubbing his red cheek. Before turning to the servant close by who Cacistus recognized as Siesta. "You maid, how dare you hurt the hearts of two feeble ladies." The two girls who were angry at him just looked confused. "To hurt a noble in such a way, I'll have you fired for this."

Siesta tensed at that. "Please sir Garmont, madam Katie was just looking for you." Pleading to the noble. Across from the confrontation Cacistus sighed before putting on his helmet and grabbed his pole axe.

As Cacistus walked over to the confrontation, the blond boy was too consumed with berating the servant to notice the giant armored clad man. "Siesta" Cacistus spoke a single word causing the blond boy to turn looking at the large metal man. "I have need to inform you that I may need you to clean my armor tonight." He paused letting his words sit with both of them. "as I feel that a battle maybe starting soon, and letting blood sit for too long is bad for rust." The blond boy seemed to catch the hint at these words and proceeded to back up away from Siesta.

Siesta looked up at the knight. "It should be no problem sir." Giving Cacistus a nod. Turning he saw that the blond boy returned to being berated by the two women he two timed.

Satisfied he turned and returned to his table, as he sat down Louise gave him a confused look. "Why did you defend that Maid." Louise asked

Taking off his helmet he took a sip of the water that had arrived in his absence "How my armor is made is a secret of the order I am a part of, the less people who touch it the better," he said before taking another sip of water

Louise looked satisfied for all but a second before an inquisitive look took her face over, "I heard you talk about this order, you were a part of but you never really talked about what it is."

"I am a part of an order of judges, where I come from, Ashfeld is a lawless land, and it is up to us Lawbringers to enforce the laws of the iron legion. We live by the law and we die from the law. Where ever were needed we go." He paused for a moment. "it doesn't matter the status ether, whether you are the lowest peasant or the highest noble, if you are acting indifferent to the law we come for you." Louise felt a chill run up her spine as her familiar said this.

'Ashfeld Could that be what ancient Romanian called the rest of Halkeginia' she wondered to herself. The day continued with her studying while her guardian stood close by.


A/N a bit smaller of a chapter this time, taking advice from halo is badass, I tried to comment more on the differences between helk and Ashfeld

Anyways next chapter should be count mott's estate. But I may go back and rewrite a bit of chapter one

to be honest writing slow stuff is hard for me, so as always let me know what you think.