This is my first fanfic, and I am super excited! I, personally, love Elita One and Optimus Prime, so I decided to go on with writing a fanfic telling about the two before and during the war! It starts in Elita One's point of view, talking about how she feels she somewhat played a role in Megatron starting the war and everything. Here's the first chapter!


To be honest, I think I was part of the reason that this war started in the first place. I mean, I know that it started out with Orion Pax and Megatronus, but sometimes I still wonder if I really did play a huge part in it. At the time, I went by my maiden name, Ariel. Orion and I were dating at the time that Orion started hearing about this gladiator named Megatronus who was speaking out for all Cybertronians to have freedom from the castes that limited most of them from following their sparks. I found out later that Megatronus had shortened his name to Megatron and that Orion had been communicating with Megatron about equal rights among Cybertronians. I was always the one to question another's beliefs, however, and I became wary of this Megatron's true motives, so I tagged along with Orion during his next meeting with Megatron.

We met up underneath the gladiatorial pits underneath Kaon. There had been recent attacks, Orion had stated, in seemingly random places, all over Cybertron! These terrorists, or so they were called, called themselves Decepticons and claimed that their violent actions were from the words of Megatron. Megatron, however, wasn't listening. He just kept staring at me, and I shot him a look that said stop it, you're creeping me out! When Orion was done stating his case, his best friend, Jazz, called him on his comm, so Orion stepped out of the pit for a moment to listen.

Megatron took advantage of this and sat down right next to me. He immediately started asking me personal questions such as where I lived and whether Orion and I were just friends or not. I stared at him in horror! Was this, demon, this menace, trying to flirt with me? I couldn't stand it any longer, so I leaped from my seat and joined Orion in the tunnels that led to the different sections of the gladitorial arenas.

Apparently, he had just gotten off the comm with Jazz, who had told him that Megatron himself had stormed through his neighborhood and threatened a family consisting of a mother, father, and 3 daughters, who he had claimed were trying to go against his words and raise an army to bring down him and his followers. They had begged him to spare their family, swearing that they were innocent, but a strike team had brought down their home and injured one of their daughters. They were now safe in Jazz's home but frightened out of their wits because of Megatron!

Orion had heard enough, so he dragged me out of the arena, and we went before the High Council. Megatron had somehow beat us to it, however, and pleaded that Orion had forced him into the attacks and scared me into becoming one of his followers. He demanded that he be named the next Prime because of his vision for a just society. We both protested until the High Council demanded that Orion state his case!

Orion told of his vision of Cybertron and of the crimes that would be committed if Megatron executed his vision with the violence that had already been caused. The High Council was moved by Orion's words! Never before had they witnessed someone who was worthy of being a Prime! Orion had never expected an archivist of his caste to be worthy and honorable enough to be named the next Prime, but the High Council saw a spark in Orion that deemed him the next in the line of Primes. He emerged from the High Council as Optimus Prime, the last in the line of Primes. Megatron was furious! He ordered a battle between his followers, Decepticons, and Optimus', Autobots. He told his Decepticons to seize me and destroy Optimus, but Optimus would do anything to protect me from harm! The High Council saw this and deemed a short spark-bonding ceremony between the two of us. My name was changed to one of a more honorable descent, Elita One.

Megatron was still furious, though, and the War of Cybertron came into place. Megatron, in his desperate attempt to bring down Optimus and the Autobots, unleashed Dark Energon, the poisonous form of Energon and said to be the blood of Unicron the Destroyer, into the very heart of Cybertron: Primus. I followed Optimus, Jazz, and a younger bot by the name of Bumblebee into the core of Cybertron to help remove the Dark Energon plaguing our world. Primus could sense the aura of the Primes on Optimus, and he bestowed upon him the Matrix of Leadership. Optimus was even more powerful now! He knew that he would have to do whatever it took to bring down Megatron, and he was willing to sacrifice himself to save Cybertron.

Primus, however, had a different opinion. He told Optimus to leave aboard an old ship that used to be used to transport Cybertronians to other galaxies. He should take the Autobots with him aboard this ship, known as the Ark, and depart to another world until Primus could heal the damage done to the surface of Cybertron by the fighting. Optimus sadly agreed, and he ordered the Autobots to meet him in the old shipyard just outside of Iacon. As the Autobots started boarding, however, I had chosen to stay near the end of the line to look for my sisters, Arcee and Chromia. Optimus knew that he couldn't stop me, and I made sure that both my sisters boarded the Ark safely.

Optimus was helping me up onto the ship when a blast suddenly knocked him backwards. I fell into the hands of Megatron, who had learned what was to become of Cybertron and ordered the Decepticons to board another transport ship, which he had renamed the Nemesis. Optimus leaped from the ship and fought violently to get me back, but the last thing that I remember that day was hearing him desperately call out my name. Tears fell from my eyes as I was knocked unconscious and dragged onto the ship.

Knowing Optimus, he made it to the ship and took off in the Ark, but still thought about me on the inside. I wish I knew what happened to the Ark after that, but the last thing I remember was waking up inside a small cell, more than likely within the Nemesis…

I don't know how good this sounds for the start of my first story, but it sure was tiring to type! I thought of this story with how in G1 Elita is captured on Cybertron, except for it takes place when the Nemesis and Ark are about to take off. Hopefully, the next chapter will talk about how Elita manages upon the Nemesis and where Optimus ended up. Thanks for reading!

Signing off, theautobotprincess.