Chapter 7:
6 months later
It's been six months since my Russian adventure with Jack McClane and his father John and to say I was now bored with my life was an understatement. I had always been bored with the Upper Eastside of Manhatten lifestyle but now it was just down right excruciating. It wasn't even the adventure that I was missing but the people that were part of it. I haven't seen Jack since we left Russia.
Once we had arrived in Moscow, Jack contacted his base and reported everything that had happened, including how I got involved. The CIA was able to get me back into my hotel room to collect my things and get me back to New York even without proper identification. I got to take a private jet to JFK but the disappointing part is that Jack and John had to take a different jet to New Jersey.
I immediately started writing once I got home and I wrote nonstop until my manuscript was completed a couple weeks later. I sent it to an editor at Harper Collins who wanted to publish it right away. Once my parents realised that I had succeeded in becoming a published author, they changed their tune rather quickly.
They began bragging to all their friends, associates, and acquaintances. They even wanted to throw a launching party for me which is what I was getting ready for right now. My mother would find a reason to through a party for anything.
I sat in front of my vanity doing my make-up and smile as I saw the thin, barely noticeable scar on my cheekbone. The only physical evidence left that Russia really happened.
When I arrived home six months again in the state I was in, my mother nearly had a heart attack. She went on and on about how my beautiful face was ruined and how she didn't know how she was going to go out in public with a child that looked like she went through a wood chipper. Right, because the way I looked affected her soooo much.
Once my makeup was done I stood up and put on the dress that my mother picked out for me. It was a beautiful, royal blue, floor length, silk gown. It was a halter but the straps met in the middle of the sweetheart neckline. The hemp of the dress has rhinestones sewn into it, just like that halter strap does.
It really was a beautiful dress but I didn't love it. It wasn't me. In fact, this entire life wasn't for me. I sighed as I looked through the mirror one last time before leaving my room and heading downstairs.
"There you are sweetheart." My mother said and beckoned me over, "Let me get a good look at you." I stood tall and poised and let her study me and finally she let out a sigh, "I suppose it will do…I guess." Never good enough.
"Shall we go?" I asked.
"Yes. Your father is going to meet us there. He's working late." She said.
I know she knows that he isn't working late. He's sleeping with his secretary. He was probably having sex with her on his desk right now. Oh well, she can live in her little fantasy world if she wants too.
We got to the party fashionably late like we always do. I spoke to a few people and gave polite greetings to many more. I even spoke to a New York Times reporter about the release of my novel. Once that was over I grabbed a glass of champagne from a waitress passing by and downed it before exchanging my empty glass for a full one from another waiter.
I made a beeline for an empty table in the back of the room but was, unfortunately, intercepted by my mother, "Haven dear, Kenneth is here. You remember him don't you? You went to high school together. Did you know he's recently taken over his fathers business?"
"Yes mom. I could never forget Kenneth." I said – he slept with half the female population…while he was dating me.
"Oh good. He's over there talking to Jill Hennibee. Be a dear and say hello."
I took a sip of my champagne and smiled at my mother before turning around and letting the scowl form. I marched over to Kenneth and Jill and plastered on a fake smile as I looked at the both of them, trying very hard not to glare…or maim. Jill was one of the sluts he slept with while dating me.
"Awe, look at you too. Up to old tricks are we? Jill, you're recently married aren't you? Isn't it sad you couldn't even wait a year before jumping between the sheets with another man?"
"Oh please Haven, we're all grown ups now. Let's leave the past in the past shall we?" Jill suggested.
"Look, the only reason I'm over here is because my mother asked me to say hello. Now that's done. I'm off. Do me a favour though…the next time there is a party in my honour, don't come."
I walked away and air cheersed my mom before downing my glass of champagne and once again exchanging it for a new one. I finally made it to an empty table and sat down, twirling my champagne glass in my hand. I expected to be left alone like I usually am at social events – I wasn't exactly popular, despite my parent's best efforts – but surprisingly, there was a brave soul that decided to sit.
I looked to him and rolled my eyes. He was clean cut just like everyone else here but didn't hold that air of arrogance that is most common at these events. I've never seen him around before so he must be new to the kingdom – or prison, depending how you look at it.
"My name is Aaron and I couldn't help but notice how much fun you're not having." He said.
"Well spotted." I said and took a sip of champagne.
"And your name?" He asked.
"Haven Parks. Pleasure to meet you." I said, not even an ounce of sincerity in my tone.
Despite my clear lack of interest, he kept smiling, "I was wondering if you'd like to dance. I'd like to talk to you about your book."
I raised an eyebrow, "Two seconds ago you asked me for my name indicating you couldn't have known I was the author, and now you want to ask me about my book?"
"I knew your name the whole time. I was just trying to exchange pleasantries." Aaron said and stood up, offering me a hand, "Now how about that dance?"
I finished my champagne and then grabbed his hand. He led me to the dance floor and we began to dance. He was a decent dancer. Obviously not as experienced as me, who has taken dance since I was two, but experienced enough to be well versed in the waltz. He started talking but I wasn't listening very well. My mind was wondering.
I didn't want to be here. I wanted to be somewhere else. Anywhere else as long as…
"Jack?" I squinted my eyes to get a better look but Aaron twirled me and when I was able to look back, all I saw was the wall.
I must have been seeing things. I've had a lot of wine since I've been here and I've only been here an hour. I continued to dance with Aaron and nodded in the appropriate parts but I was still barely listening. After hallucinating that Jack was here my mind stayed on him. I wondered what he was doing, where he was, if he was on a mission. If he was on a mission I wondered if he was safe. I also wondered if he found someone the last six months. I know I haven't.
"So what do you think?" Aaron asked.
"Huh?" I asked and then shook my head, "Oh, uh, sounds great?"
"Wonderful! I'll pick you up tomorrow night at 7." He said as the third song ended and walked away.
I looked after him, a little confused, "What did I just agree too?"
"A candlelit dinner on his yacht." Someone said behind me.
"Seriously! That sucks. I hope he doesn't mind being stood up." I said and laughed as I turned to face the stranger but went completely still at seeing Jack, "I wasn't seeing things earlier." Was all I managed to say.
He was in a suit and tie and had a lopsided smirk across his lips, "No you weren't. Congrats on your book by the way. I take it medical school is a no go now?"
I shook my head, "No…I mean yes. I mean I'm not going."
"Shame. You would have made a hot doctor." He said, snapping his fingers.
I laughed, the first genuine laugh in awhile, "Not that I'm not glad to see you, but what are you doing here?"
"I came to see you." He said and looked me up and down, "And you look beautiful."
I blushed a little, suddenly feeling self-conscience, "Uh, thanks."
"From the way you spoke, I knew you came from a privileged family but this is not what I expected when I came looking for you." He said and gestured to the grand ball room. It was a far cry from the last ballroom we were in together. "You seem more rigid than I remember."
I let out a soft laugh as I looked down at myself, "Well I definitely prefer my jeans and combat boots to fancy silk dresses.
"Haven dear!" My mother called as she came over, "Who is your friend here?" She looked at Jack with disapproving eyes, eyeballing his suit which was no doubt not designer.
"This Jack McClane. He's a friend of mine I met in Russia. Jack, this is my mother Lorraine."
He held out his hand which my mother didn't take, "Nice to meet you."
"I'm sure it is." She said and then turned to me, "Haven, Mr. Lowelly's son is here and would like to speak to you. It would be rude to keep him waiting."
"Well tell him I'm busy and I'll talk to him later. Jack here was just about to ask me to dance." I said, not taking my eyes from his.
He held out his hand and I took it and we went to the dance floor. It was a slow song and all we did was rock back and forth. My mother was probably furious right now since I stood up her friends' son and am not dancing like a lady should. How needs to waltz when I can just be in Jacks arms?
"Your mom is quite the character." Jack said.
I sighed, "Yeah. Part of me thinks she never used to be like that but I wouldn't know because I've never known her to be any different."
"I've been here for awhile you know." Jack said, "And I've made a couple of observations."
"Yeah? Like what?" I asked.
"You didn't look happy tonight at all."
I leaned on his shoulder as we continued to shuffle to the music, "It's this world, this life. It drains the life out of you. I've never liked it."
"Then why did you come back to it?" He asked, speaking into the top of my head.
I thought about it for a moment and realised I didn't really know. At the time I felt I was supposed to. The adventure was over, so it was time to go back to reality. I didn't even think about making my own reality.
"I don't know." I finally answered.
"Then leave with me." He whispered.
I looked up at him, "Leave with you? Why would you want me too?"
"You drove me insane in Russia but you got under my skin and I kind of want you to stay there." He said and shrugged with a smirk, "John has been asking about you too."
"Why did it take you six months to come get me then?"
He seemed to have the same debate going on behind his eyes that I did, "I don't know."
"Where does that leave us?" I asked, hugging him a little closer. We were no longer moving at this point.
"With you leaving this party, that you absolutely hate, and coming back to New Jersey with me."
"Do you have a plan?" I asked, bring his face just a little closer to mine.
"Not really. I kind of thought we'd just wing it. You know, making shit up as we go."
"Sounds good to me." I said with the most genuine smile I've ever had.
I kissed him right then and there. It was a heated his kiss with lots lip sucking and biting. His hands were all over my back and mine were clutching his arms, his neck, his back, his chest – everywhere I could get them. It was only me and him but I could vaguely hear my mothers infuriated yells and cries from across the room. It made me smile.
If I was leaving this life behind I wanted to leave it with a bang.