Saddle Club 2541

Chapter 1

May 5, 2541 A.D. Day is breaking over the most prestigious riding school the Whole Galaxy. Pine Hollow. Maxine Elizabeth 'Max' Regnery was just walking toward her office after her morning hack to start the rest of the day. She was sure that her 12 greats grandfather the first Max Regnery would be slack jawed if he could see what his beloved Pine Hollow had grown into and how well it was respected. Planet Earth was now united and part of the Galactic alliance. I didn't take long after it was discovered that we weren't alone in the universe to also find out that earth wasn't the only planet in the universe where horses existed either.

She paused in front of a large portrait that hung the Main stable area. It was really an enlarged photograph of Max Regnery and his three favorite students. Stephanie 'Stevie' Lake, Lisa Atwood, and Carole Hanson. Max was standing behind them with his arms spread around all three of them and their horses could be seen in the background.

She Always wished that she could have known Max. But alas she was born in the wrong century. She also wished that she could've known those three girls in the picture with him. They were the intergalactically famous original Saddle Club. All over the Galaxy girls of all civilizations had tried to make their own Saddle clubs and live up to the idea of the Original three. finally Max herself came up with the idea of Making the Saddle and intergalactic organization with different chapters on each world.

Her ancestor and his mother Mrs. Reg had both Journaled extensively the adventures of the first Saddle club right up to the night where they mysteriously vanished and were never seen or heard from again.

Max had written that for a time afterward it seemed that the life had gone out of place, but finally he had realized that the girls wouldn't have liked that, so if they wanted to honor the memory of the Saddle Club they had to pick themselves up and go on.

Max or Maxi as her friends call her was brought out of her musings when her head stable hand William 'Will' O'Shea tapped her on the shoulder.

"Maxi," he said, "Don't forget that Aurora Katan is arriving from Centauri 5 today for the summer course."

"Right, sorry," she said, "I was lost in thought!"

"I understand," he said with a smile, "We all wish we could have known them,"

He changed back to the other subject.

"Miss Katan's transport will be arriving on Landing Platform C."

"Thank you, Will," said Max, "You do look after me." He smiled, and she hurried off to the landing platforms.

Later that afternoon Max was sitting in her office dictating a report on Aurora's arrival. When suddenly she was interrupted mid dictation by incoming call signal on her tech pad. She switched to the big screen and answered it.

It was her brother James, he was an archaeologist specializing in local ancient history. For the last several weeks he had been conducting a dig up the hill near the old Willow Creek Cave.

"Hi Jim," she said, "What's up?"

"Maxi," he said looking positively wide-eye, "you'd better get up here now! You're not going to believe what we found!"

"What did you find?" she asked

"You wouldn't believe if I told you," he said, "But believe it's big and it directly affects Pine Hollow so drop what ever your doing and get up here.

A few minutes later Max came riding up to her brother's camp on her jet-black horse Bella. She dismounted and walked down into the Cave. She followed the path that was lit with hovering beacons until she reached her brother.

There wall standing around a portable hover-desk with a screen on it and were absolutely astonished at what they were looking at.

"All Right, Jim," she said, "What is so all fired important that you had to drag me away from my job?"

"Do you remember that Colossal vertical shaft that I've always believed was here," he said, "Well We've found it."

"Is that what you dragged me up here for," she growled ready to strangle her idiot brother.

"No, no, no," said her brother quickly, "I dragged you up here for what's in the shaft!"

"Well what is it?" she snapped

He led her around to where she could see the screen.

"Look," he said pointing

On the screen was the feed was a probe that was sent down the shaft through a near by drill hole. Through this feed she could see three girls and three horses suspended about ten feet above the bottom of the shaft in the middle of a bluish green haze. They looked like a moment suspended in time.

When the probes scanned zoomed in on their faces Max let out an audible gasp.

"That's the Saddle Club," she said, "I mean that's the Saddle club!"

her brother nodded,

"And," he said, "That Bluish green haze is natural pocket Nervano Gas!"

"If that's Nervano Gas," Max said growing excited, "Then that means they're not dead they're in a state of Cellular suspension! And when we get them out of there they'll wake up."

"Yes," said James, mirroring her excitement, "The Original Saddle Club is fully preserved and living!"

TBC… well here is my newest saddle club story, it's even more off the wall than my others I know but I hope you like it.