Authors Note

Hello my lovelies and welcome to my little corner!

I have been sailing on the Reylo seas since 2015, always hungry and satiated with the amazing art and writings of my fellow shippers. Upon seeing the real life fanfic that was The Last Jedi, I had to try and put all my little Kylo/Rey dreams onto paper. I am kind of letting these two decide what they want, and this story isn't fully charted out, but it is inspired almost to completion I think. This is my first fic, and I am open to help, suggestions and love.

This first chapter is a short little nibble, just to get things started a bit. Please enjoy and I cant wait to hear your thoughts 3 3 3

It was rarely ever quiet on the Millennium Falcon. There was always some type of noise, be it voices or the groans of a "piece of junk" hurtling through space.

She walked the halls in the days and nights following their escape on Crait, her fingers gliding across the walls of the ship, the voices of those on board, the emotions and thoughts flittering across her consciousness in an endless stream. She really just wanted some quiet, just a little silence to call her own. She knew she was strong enough to block it all out but for some reason, she didn't think she could find the peace and balance to do so.

Come to think of it though, the silence probably would make IT worse, that which was always there…like a small scratch on the roof of her mouth that she couldn't help but touch instead of ignore completely to let it heal. She didn't dare think on it more than that, still not ready to process all that had happened in such a short amount of time.

As she walked the corridor this night, something (well she knew there wasn't such a thing as "something" anymore, was there?), had moved her to this area of the Falcon… through a floor grate, through a tunnel, into a long forgotten room. It was small, dusty and very much abandoned. All there was, was a slept in bed, a small tiny window to the stars and nothing else.

Except there WAS something else.

A strong presence, lingering over everything.

She knew immediately whose it was.

She knew she should leave. She should not think, speak the name, or let the face even manifest itself into her mind.

Yet her feet betrayed her and almost as if on autopilot, she found herself slowly lowering herself down onto the simple cot. She loosened her three buns, running her fingers through her hair as she laid down, hands splayed across the material of the little pillow. She breathed deeply, feeling something churn in her stomach and tighten in her chest.

It was undeniable and Rey made no effort to leave.

Every single breath was HIM.

Galaxies away, he paced up and down the corridors of the cruiser and as usual the silence fell immediately upon whichever corner he turned down, those under his direction always in fear of the Supreme Leader. He could care less how they reacted to him. The helmet had certainly scared and intimated them all, but he knew even more so this bare face was far worse. The idea that all the monstrous acts were actually that of a flesh and blood human, and not some persona, seemed to scare everyone even more. Regardless, the silence at times was overwhelming because that was the last thing he wanted.

He didn't miss his old Master. Didn't miss his thoughts being watched, didn't miss doing everything conceivable and still not gaining his Master's approval, did not miss the nights of not sleeping, of waiting on his Lord to call him, of being essentially held captive …but there was something to be said about the constant low whisperings, his mind always filled with dark tendrils of thoughts since he could remember. Now there was nothing but overwhelming silence.

Unless he counted that.

But he wouldn't.

Not now, not ever again. Especially not when everything he had ever wanted was so close to him, just within his grasp with essentially nothing holding him back save the measly smatterings of the Resistance. He knew they could gain momentum again, knew that they could sway and turn the people with that stupid notion of hope. He frowned then, bile rising in his throat, anger nipping at his insides. He hated that word.

Frankly, he cared very little of that now. He knew he'd overcome this small obstacle. He would bring balance, the way he wanted to. No voices from either side telling him what he should choose and what he should do, no universe split in two the same way he …no. That was him before. Never again would he allow himself to be conflicted. He knew his path, knew what he had to do. Nothing would change—

He stopped, feeling as if something had softly tapped him on the shoulder.

He cocked his head slightly, his next breath stuck somewhere in his chest. He turned slowly, slower than he had ever moved in his entire life. He knew the hallway behind him had been empty, everyone dispersing even if they had needed to be there. There had been still silence, but he knew he felt it. Without a doubt it was there, he would never not recognize it.

Kylo Ren finally let out the breath he had been holding, accepting the now almost soft glow, the small body curled up, and the soft, warm whispered, "Ben?"