She must have had the most comical look on her face. She held the stance for a moment longer before standing straight and coughing to fill the awkward silence.

"Uh, hello. I'm John, this is Sherlock. Sorry, I tried to talk him out of it but just can't stop this one sometimes," the shorter man said. So, these were the neighbours. Bit of an odd couple, but she had been told to expect that. She chucked on a bright smile and tried to pretend they hadn't just broken into her flat.

"Lovely to meet you John, I'm Hermione. Hermione Granger," she approached the men and shook John's hand. "You too Sherlock, your lockpicking skills are something I'll have to watch out for it seems." She stuck her hand out for him to shake too. It sat between them for a moment, John looked worried. Hermione looked into Sherlock's eyes which was a challenge considering how much taller he was. He was trying to read her, but he wouldn't be able to. The fighting stance had been a mistake, but he wouldn't be getting much more than that. She'd spent too long hiding herself for there to be any clear signals, even when she wasn't concentrating.

Hermione could tell he wasn't shaking her hand to try and make a point, but she figured he hadn't met anyone like her before. She also figured that he was doing it to be deliberately annoying in order to cement a particular first impression in her mind.

Her hand remained out. It wasn't so much a battle of attrition as it was Hermione stubbornly refusing to let the man be rude through her acquiesce. The moment stretched on for a full minute longer before John nudged Sherlock and he sighed rolling his eyes and shaking her hand. She knew she had a self-satisfied look on her face, but she couldn't help herself.

"Well, now that the fun and games are over, would you two like to come in for a cup of tea?" she offered, standing to the side and gesturing to the dusty couch and cloth covered coffee table. The two men froze, not expecting to be invited to tea after their breaking in but John manage to shove Sherlock subtly though the door way. They were Englishmen after all and could hardly refuse tea. She put the kettle on and discreetly waved her wand to shut off the floo. Last thing she needed was someone walking out of the fire place while she had muggles present.

"Why are you here?" Sherlock asked, not sitting down but directing his question to the couch with a disdainful look. She heard John hiss at sherlock.


"I'm an old family friend of Mrs Hudson's. I've just returned to the area and she had a place I could rent until I got settled. Longer if need be, I'm not particularly sure what my future holds at this point in time. The tea will be ready in a moment." She said, desperately wanting to cast a cleaning charm on the couch as she passed it on her way to the kitchen. A few moments later the kettle whistled, and she poured the water into her favourite tea pot. It had been a gift from her parents after one of their holidays and she treasured it. Hermione loaded the tea pot and three cups onto a tray with milk, sugar and a small plate of biscuits. Re-entering the lounge, she saw that they had taken the cloth off the table and put it over the couch, so they'd be able to sit on it without worrying about dying of dust inhalation. She smiled at their thoughtfulness. Just as she put the tray down on the table, there was a knock on the door.

"see, that's how you get my attention if you want to come it, maybe you should take notes Sherlock," she threw over her shoulder cheekily, earning a glare from Sherlock and a snort form John. Opening the door revealed something that made her smile, a real smile. The happy squeal that greeted her had her laughing and then she'd taken hold of the small giggling boy and was spinning in circles.

"Oh, my precious little man, I missed you. Yes, I did," she cooed into his hair.

"I expect spinning next Love, fairs fair," the deep voice said from the doorway.

"You're far too big for that, old man," she sassed.

"Aunt Mi! look!" Teddy said pointing at the now standing and confused men she already had in her house.

"I know they're there darling, I let them in… sort of. Teddy, this is Sherlock and John, go over and say hello," she encouraged, setting him down so he could walk over on his own. While he toddled his was over she went to Remus. Wrapping her arms around his waist she squeezed him tightly. In turn he wrapped his arms around her.

She'd missed him while she had been in Australia and hadn't visited before she'd come straight here to begin her mission. When she had first saved Severus a rift had been caused between her and many of the Order. While Remus and a few others had sided with her, she had felt it prudent to distance herself as to not ruin everyone's relationships.

She could smell old books as pressed her face into his jumper and sighed happy before pulling back and looking over at Teddy. The little guy had utterly charmed John who had him on his lap feeding him biscuits. Sherlock was still standing and looking suspiciously at Remus.

"You never said you had a child, you don't even look like you've had a child, the tilt of the pelvic bone, all wrong," Sherlock said. If Hermione was looking into things she'd say he sounded offended.

"Well I have a god child. Also stop looking at my pelvis Sherlock," she snarked back and got a small sense of joy at the flush that ran up his neck. "This is Remus, an old friend. Teddy is his son. Remus Lupin, this is Sherlock and John. My new upstairs neighbours."

"Remus nodded at the men but didn't say anything. Then looked down at Hermione.

"You'll be having a couple of visitors soon. Someone from the Mu… government and someone from law enforcement. They've offered their services to give you anything you need," she rubbed comforting circles on her back as he gave her the news.

"Will you stay? Not that I can't handle it but I'd rather like the support. I have a spare room for you and teddy to stay," she suggested hopefully. He nodded.

"What could two soldiers possibly need government and law enforcement representatives for? Who are you two?" Sherlock demanded.

"Brother mine, I do believe that's far, far above your level of clearance," a nasal but soothing voice said from behind Remus. He and Hermione stood aside to let the tall, thin man through, he was followed by a man with grey hair and kind eyes. Hermione was still reconciling that Sherlock had a brother when the conversations started.

"Can't help by meddle can you Sherlock," he said. They both then turned to Hermione.

"It's a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance Miss Granger, I'm Mycroft, you've been corresponding with me regarding your situation," he took the back of her hand and kissed it, bowing slightly. She heard Sherlock scoffing in the background and chose to ignore him.

"The Pleasure is all mine Mycroft, and I insist you call me Hermione," she replied before facing the other man. "You must be Detective Inspector Lestrade. I've been so grateful for all your help these last few weeks."

They shook hands before he responded.

"Please, call me Greg. It's been as interesting working with you as it usually is working with that great ponce over there," he gestured in the general direction of Sherlock with his head.

"enough, I demand to know what's going on. Weeks Lestrade? You've been doing something behind my back for weeks? Never trust the Yard," Sherlock complained. He was sulking just as Teddy started laughing.

"I like the grumpy man Aunt Mi, he funny," he said as he stretched his arms out towards Sherlock making grabby hands. Hermione felt that under normal circumstances Sherlock would have simply ignored Teddy, but as he wanted to part of whatever was going on here he was playing nice. Once the young boy was happily perched on his hip he gestured with his other hand for them to start explaining. Hermione gave Mycroft a pointed look.

"He's never going to believe me. You barely believe me, and you've seen so much. Besides…" she started but was cut off by Remus.

"Maybe… maybe he could help. I've been hearing a lot about a Sherlock that can solve impossible crimes. His input could be useful,"

"Yes, see even your boyfriend thinks I'd be useful," Sherlock said haughtily. Remus and Hermione looked at each other before laughing. They were almost falling on the floor. John and Greg looked confused and Mycroft was smirking. By they had collected them selves and wiped away the tears, Sherlock looked distinctly pissed off. "What is so funny?"

"My boyfriend, you really think Remus is my boyfriend? Remus is my very loving but very gay best friend. You should read his diary some time, it gives mills and boon a run for their money occasionally," Hermione teased, earning a friendly punch from Remus.

Sherlock was shocked. He's never really misread someone in person that badly before. It was affronting and only drove home that there was something strange going on with Miss Hermione Granger. He was ready to call a psychiatric facility when the next words came out of her mouth.

"So, Sherlock, do you believe in magic," she asked, one eyebrow raised. He nearly laughed out loud but took that moment to look down at Teddy. He was ready to have himself committed when he saw the child's hair lengthen from it shortish mousey brown waves into his thick black curls. In fact, if he wasn't holding the child he would have fallen onto the floor in a dead faint. Luckily, John took Teddy from him just as exactly that happened.

Oddly enough he didn't remember hitting the ground.