It was an average Saturday morning for Team JNPR. Ren was in the kitchen making their usual weekend breakfast of pancakes. Colored pencils surrounded Nora, who lay on her bed furiously scribbling detailed plans for upgrades to Magnhild and cackling maniacally.

Most of these upgrades consisted different colored "Death Beams" that caused Grimm to explode.

Jaune was putting the final addition on his essay that was due for History class tomorrow. He was determined to ace this assignment if it killed him. He really needed to bring up his History grade, to help compensate for his lackluster combat scores.

And Pyrrha?

Pyrrha was currently curled in her bed, cocooned in the combined blankets of both her and Jaune's beds, and snuggling into the Pumpkin Pete hoodie she had "liberated" from his bedpost. The Mistralian native fought a shiver as she wrapped her cocoon tighter around herself.

Jaune finished the final paragraph of his essay and turned from the shared team study desk to check on his partner as he stretched. Jaune had to stifle a laugh as he gazed at the shivering mass of blankets. He could just see the top of his hoodie peeking out.

'She looks like Remnant's most adorable burrito,' Jaune thought as Ren chose that moment to arrive from the kitchen bearing a plate laden with pancakes for Nora.

Jaune nodded his thanks to their resident pancake chef as he went into the kitchen, retrieving his and Pyrrha's shares of breakfast. Carefully balancing the stacks of pancakes on each plate, Jaune made his way to Pyrrha's "Burrito of Fluffitude" and gently set their breakfasts down on their shared nightstand.

JNPR's leader sat on his own bed across from the cocoon, waiting for the pancakes to do their work. A few red leaves blew by outside as the wind picked up, a rarity amongst the still mostly green foliage. One even stuck to their dorm window. Jaune smiled at the sight. Autumn was almost upon them.

Eventually, his patience was rewarded.

Slowly, like a groundhog emerging to check for its shadow, Pyrrha's hoodie-clad head peeked out from her blanket fortress. She turned toward the scent of the pancakes, blinking lethargically as she began to focus.

Moving cautiously, so that he wouldn't spook her back into her cocoon, Jaune picked up the plate of plain buckwheat pancakes and held it out toward his partner.

Her eyes regained some of their usual brightness as they focused on the offered food. She took the offered plate from her partner with a murmured "Thanks," as she speared a bite of pancakes with her fork and chewed slowly.

Once finished, she set the plate back down on their nightstand, and emerged from her cocoon like Remnant's most reluctant butterfly. She was dressed in sweatpants and a long-sleeved sleep shirt under Jaune's hoodie. Thick socks adorned her feet. Despite this, she still wrapped a piece of her former blanket burrito around herself like a cloak as she shuffled to the bathroom.

Pyrrha muttered something that vaguely sounded like "Good morning," to Nora who paused her drawing long enough to offer a cheerful wave, and gave a nod to Ren as she made her way to the bathroom she shared with Nora.

When the door shut with a 'click' Jaune let out a frustrated sigh as he finally allowed himself to begin eating.

He was becoming rather concerned about Pyrrha lately. Granted, as team leader, the well-being of his team was something he always considered. However, this was the first time any of them had given him cause to actively worry.

Jaune's skills in combat were mediocre at best. He was quirky, socially awkward, and prone to bouts of macho foolishness. However, if there was one thing the Arc scion knew he had going for him, it was his ability to read his team.

He had noticed the change as soon as the season began to turn. When the temperature began to drop, so too did Pyrrha's mood. She was still polite to a fault, undefeated in Combat Class, maintained excellent grades, and still somehow found the time to teach him not to stab himself with his sword.

However, she was becoming increasingly reluctant to leave her bed in the morning. His partner had never been a morning person, despite how early she rose, but it was taking her even longer than usual to get the usual spark of alertness in her gaze. Even Ren seemed to have more energy than her lately, and he was practically a human sloth!

The knight let out another frustrated huff, as he continued to fret.


Pyrrha breathed a sigh of contentment as she wrapped a towel around her hair.

As the weather got colder, it was becoming increasingly difficult for her to feel even the least bit energetic. Growing up in the tropical kingdom of Mistral, Pyrrha was very used to bright sunshine, high humidity, and temperatures that rivaled the desert kingdom of Vacuo.

She truly enjoyed Vale, and did not regret her decision to attend Beacon at all. However, The Invincible Girl was finding herself wholly unprepared for temperatures below the mid 80's. The cool air, and less humid climate was drying out her hair and skin terribly. She had even resorted to importing a designer skin moisturizer and olive oil to keep her hair from drying out.

Waking up to an increasingly cold room without the familiar warmth of the sun on her skin to energize her for the day was making it rather difficult to focus in class. She wasn't sleeping very well, either. She doubted she would be able to sleep at all without all the extra blankets on her bed.

She had never been more grateful for her partner insisting they set aside closet space for "linens".

Of course, she was also growing very attached to her partner's trademark hoodie. She was sure to return it each morning, but really that was just so she could wear it at night and be surrounded by the warmth it provided as well as the soothing scent of her team leader. It filled her body with a delicious heat all on its own.

'Perhaps I could get him more hoodies?' Pyrrha mused as she applied moisturizer to her face, 'then I can use the combined hoodies as another layer of blankets!'

The Champion took a moment to smile at her ingenious plan. She never thought she would be grateful for accepting that Pumpkin Pete's contract.

Her increasing need for warmth to feel energized did make her wonder though…

'Perhaps those girls at Sanctum were right and I'm part reptile Faunus?' the redhead thought, missing the negative connotations of such a label, 'I believe I would be a most talented dragon.'

Pyrrha had to stifle her giggles at the mental image of flying around as a great dragon, scales the color of her combat armor, as she used her semblance for combat on a grander scale.

It was a most amusing thought.

When she finally exited the bathroom, dressed in casual clothes for the day, she was greeted by the chime of her scroll that signified a text message.

Jaune wordlessly handed it to her from their nightstand as he got up to wash their breakfast dishes. Pyrrha sent him a grateful smile as she read the message.

Father: I've arranged a meeting for you with some representatives of the BodyFIT company. You will be the model mascot for their new campaign to make children more aware of the importance of fitness. This could be a very lucrative deal for us. Dress in combat gear and bring your weapons.

Pyrrha sighed as she realized that her Saturday of being able to relax with her team was now effectively ruined. She wasn't surprised anymore, really. Her father was always her manager first and her father a distant second; he always seemed more concerned with how much lien she could make than her own happiness.

Jaune noticed her irritated expression as soon as he came back from cleaning the kitchen.

"Bad news, Pyr?" the knight queried as he grabbed Nora and Ren's dirty dishes.

His partner let out another aggrieved sigh as she sent a brief reply to her manager, and turned to address her team. "I'm afraid so, everyone. My manager has arranged for me to meet with a well-known health and wellness company for a potential mascot opportunity. Unfortunately, I won't be able to go with you to see the new Laird Newsan movie, after all."

Nora gave a whimper of distress, latching herself onto Pyrrha's arm and staring at her best female friend. Her eyes were shining with repressed tears and her lips trembled.

"But Pyrrha~!" Nora wailed, shaking the girl's arm violently, "You have to go! We've been planning this trip all week! Don't you want to see Laird Newsan get his daughter back?"

The hammer wielder proved how devious she could be by using her position to lean close to whisper in Pyrrha's ear, unnoticed by the guys. "Plus, you know how chilly movie theaters can be. You may just have to snuggle with Jaune-y for warmth~!"

Pyrrha valiantly controlled her blush at the thought of being able to openly snuggle her crush while simultaneously lamenting the missed opportunity.

"Could we go with you?" Jaune asked as he took over wiping down their dining table so that Ren could unlatch Nora from his partner, "I've always been curious to see what goes into the modeling process for these kinds of things."

Ren had finally detached Nora, who promptly scrambled onto his back and wrapped her arms and legs around his torso like a territorial koala, when he decided to chime in. "I would enjoy the chance to talk with some of their nutrition experts about the benefits of green smoothies."

Nora just giggled from her Ren perch. "I wanna see if they'll let me test some of their exercise equipment! They say on TV all the time how it can give you a great workout and burn lots of calories! I gotta know if it's true!"

Pyrrha opened her mouth to correct her teammate's misconceptions, having tested some of that equipment in the past and finding the workouts barely more than a warmup, when a thought struck her.

'They want to change their plans just because I can't go with them.' Pyrrha was immensely touched by the thoughtfulness of her friends. On the heels of that thought however, were visions of all the potential chaos her team could get into in such an environment.

JNPR's celebrity smirked as she considered the idea. 'That will teach my manager to interrupt my weekend free time!' she thought as she focused on all the chances she was missing to cuddle her partner in a dark movie theatre.

Let it never be said that Pyrrha Nikos was not capable of revenge.

"Okay, everyone, get changed into your combat gear and grab your weapons~!" Pyrrha caroled, smiling brightly at her team, "We're going on a field trip!"