Holy Phantom featuring Danny Phantom

Disclaimer: I do not own Danny Phantom.

Julia: I knew this would come back.

Illarion: Fan-freakin'-tastic! I love this show.

Kei: We kind of had to, what with waiting our fans have gone through from the first one. It's the perfect time too, as it's the 7 year anniversary of the first story and Butch Hartman gave us those sweet designs. Also we've been watching RWBY.

Julia: This story shall begin sort of like how the last one did. You'll see how.

The First Darkness – Foreshadow

The Ghost Zone; It is a green and black realm existing beside the Human world. It serves as the flip side of Earth and is just as big as it. But then again, no one reading this story wouldn't know about that. What is unknown to the readers is the story behind it, and what surrounds the universe of this darkness.

We'll get to that later; right now there's a battle going on in the midst of this dimension, between three beings of differing existences.

"Whoa!" This is our first, a white haired half ghost boy barely 16 years old. He is dressed in a black jumpsuit fitted to stick like skin with traces of white on him from his silver gloves and straps on his abs and top abdomen connecting his flowing blanch cape. He wears a green visor over his spring green eyes, a white attachment on his left wrist, and silver boots with the jumpsuit. He has a black P inside of a white D on his chest, matching his white regal collar, and wields an eight foot scythe. The black, wooden part of the scythe is actually chains and the bottom of it has a cross point. The top of the scythe connected to the blade is similar to the bottom but shines with a black glow while colored ectoplasmic green.

He flies up high, him and his cape escaping a slash coming his way. He raises his scythe and blocks a sword aimed for his head. This blade is owned by a warrior wearing a mechanized suit. His is black and blue mainly with glowing lights. His arms have a gray paddling on the elbows same for his knees and shins, and his faceless helmet shows a metal mouth and red flares that many can replicate for eyes. His weapon is a straight sword with a mechanical golden and black spiral hilt 81 centimeters in length.

The two clash with their weapons, until eventually coming to a stop when a slash wave comes their way. The wielder is a dark skinned male with silver white hair sweated down as bangs. He wields yellow eyes with a red iris and a bloody scar along his right eye. He is dressed in a maroon coat that hangs down to his knees buttoned at his chest to have all three coattails flow. It goes over a sleeveless yellow vest which sits atop his orange pants and the brown boots; his belt is a brown, snakeskin with a silver buckle while the boots have orange buckled straps. He wears crimson, fingerless gloves to show his claws. His sword is a katana, a meitou with red lines along its blade similar to veins, stretching from the guard. The guard is a traditional regal star while the hilt are golden spades surrounded by the color of dried blood.

The ghost boy deflects his attack and takes flight, dodging the energy bullets fired from the metal hero's pistol. The gun is knocked out of his hand by the severely lengthy katana twirling through the air. The sword moves in closer to his face, slicing along his armor, but he bends back and avoids a missing head.

As the swordsman lands he swipes twice, both fatal blows blocked by his opponent's sword. The katana comes down, scraping along the edge of his sword, and before he could make a follow up he gets knocked back by a shoulder push. They part from eachother with another collision of blades before the metal hero rolls over to grab his pistol.

The ghost boy flies down throwing his scythe, the chains extending as the blade spins like a gyro towards them. The swordsman blocks using his held sheath like a back hand sword, and then sheathes it. The ghost lands on the platform of skulls they're on and pulls back his scythe, aiming his right hand to fire a green ghost ray. The metal hero deflects it using a shield projected from his arm, and fires from his pistol. The ghost manipulates his spectral body slithering through the air like a snake, and flies along the air drawing his fire towards the swordsman.

This blade master rapidly swings his sword in a circle, causing the bullets to be drawn into the vacuum. He then swings, sending them towards the ghost. He slithers away from them again dodging the bullets. The metal hero jumps in at the swordsman from behind, his sword now glowing the color of solid lightning. The swordsman steps away deflecting his sword.

The three warriors stare at one another. Eyes lock on one another and pass to the next. The swordsman sheathes his sword, leaving a slight opening by his thumb. The metal soldier backhands his sword and slides his free hand down the blade, causing it to shine a laser blue. The ghost holds his scythe behind him vertically, causing black ecto energy to form around the blade.

A moment of pause finally relapses, and they each slash releasing energy attacks. The collision causes a massive tidal wave of power to backlash.

"It only gets worse from here," speaks the specter and observer of time Clockwork. This time ghost and his now young and vibrant form turns over to the golden knight like woman sitting in a chair before him.

"And that's why you need my help?" She glares at the portal before her, turning an eye towards her targets. "Three warriors – a soldier bred by science and hatred, a demon fueled by pride and jealousy, and a ghost boy who became a monster to protect…these three are veritable forces that will change the worlds for the better?"

"Yes," begins Clockwork, turning into an adult, "because we're all doomed if things do not follow this direction."

Her red eyebrows lift up at that. "My word… you've never said anything that apocalyptic before. Not even towards that giant rock that's about to crash into our world."

"That rock as you call it is all a part of their plan. Bring him here as soon as that happens, and make sure no one knows where he is."

She glares with unbridled anger. "Since when do you give me orders? I am Reina Dark!" She draws a golden blade from a wrist compartment and aims it at the now elderly man. "I'll help you, but next time tell me everything. I'm sick of being left in the dark by your cryptic messages, and you will tell me the full truth of what will happen."

"As you wish." He watches as she takes her leave, slashing the air behind her to create a portal to walk through. "He hasn't fallen off his ideal path after all."

Kei: At this point, we would have the title card appear and then foreshadow events to come. That only worked with Darkness Phantom because it was treated as a special for Danny Phantom. A sequel should strive to be better.

Illarion: For those curious, this story will take place during Phantom Planet, and continue after it because we do not like that story, no, that ending for Danny Phantom. We need to keep at least half of it to make the story work in our favor.

Julia: See you next chapter.