III. Closure

What's the standard apology for being a year late, by the way? Oh my god I swear I meant to finish this a long time ago! I just couldn't get myself to do it! But here it is, short, sweet, and fluffy as all hells. I hope you enjoyed it, and this story generally. It's meant to be a short and sweet tale of how Kakashi and Sakura got together. A mindless read in other words.

Let me know what you think, I could use some love lately. Criticism is, of course, also welcomed as long as it's constructive.

See you next story! -bouncy

This chapter was beta'd by the lovely ohayohimawari!

Spring came and went, summer and winter followed closely behind. It all passed in a whirl. And that whirl bought about a tornado of change that resembled the seasonal switches into Sakura's life.

For instance, Sakura Uchiha became Sakura Haruno again. To her never-ending streak of Sasuke-induced humiliation it had taken Naruto tracking him down in person to make the divorce happen, and by then it was the talk of the town that Sasuke refused to return, even to divorce his wife. It made Sakura feel like a diseased rodent.

She'd locked herself in her apartment for days until Ino managed to drag her out, explaining that Kakashi came to her for help because he was becoming too worried. She'd called her silly and foolish for letting the gossip affect her. Sasuke was an asshole and everyone knew that.

"If anything, you're the victim here, forehead girl!" Ino had insisted. Sakura didn't quite agree. Maybe Sasuke had married her out of pity. After all, she wouldn't let him go.

How embarrassing it had been for her to even internally acknowledge this. But life went on, regardless of anyone's feelings, and change it brought with it.

Sarada turned thirteen, beginning her trip through adolescence and the very troublesome thoughts of boy problems and dating. Sakura had a sneaking suspicion Sarada had a thing for Shikadai, Shikamaru's son, which was a very strange notion to contemplate.

And finally for the biggest change in her life… She and Kakashi were officially dating. Lately, the thought of him always brought butterflies with it. They'd started out discreetly enough and gained courage from there. He'd been especially courteous and patient, letting her sort through her divorce at her own pace. He'd helped her move apartments, and had continued to tutor Sarada and contribute to her growth as a kunoichi.

He'd been incredibly sweet in all his actions and words, giving her some much-needed space while also making sure she was looked after and okay.

Now she sighed contentedly, and accepted the cup of tea he'd prepared for her with the perfect amount of sugar she preferred. It had been almost an entire year since that fateful night in her kitchen— and Kakashi never once faltered in his conviction or affection towards her, not even when she had frequent emotional breakdowns and later, sudden and prolonged lapses of silence in which she withdrew into herself.

With every passing day, he was still there, waiting for her, fighting to stay by her side, and she fell a little more in love with him. She'd been correct in her assumption, it was ridiculously easy to let her feelings for Kakashi grow enough to consume her whole. What she felt for him was so raw sometimes it manifested as a physical ache in her chest.

Kakashi had wanted to do this the 'right' way. He'd asked her out on multiple dates, took her to fancy restaurants and romantic walks. He'd held her hand and walked her home and kissed her good night. And the best part was… Sarada had been completely accepting and ecstatic to see her mother smiling and happy again.

Sakura often wondered where this was headed, Kakashi had never explicitly told her what it meant for him to love her and be with her. "What are your plans?" She asked Kakashi as he seated himself at the other end of the couch.

"Regarding?" He raised an eyebrow, sipping from his teacup and pulling Icha Icha from under the table.

"Us." Sakura never failed to blush at the mention of them in a unified context. It made her giddy like a schoolgirl. "You know… Where does this," she motioned between them, her cheeks burning, "go? What are your expectations?"

Oh, wow, she was such a blubbering idiot. Kakashi for his part seemed fondly amused. "My… expectations? Who said I was expecting anything?"

Oh. Sakura's cheeks were positively on fire. "Um. I mean…" she made another vague motion with her hand. "Do we just… date? Forever?"

Kakashi actually chuckled, much to her embarrassment and set his teacup and Icha Icha down again. He then took hers from her hand and set aside it too, scooting closer to her. "Sakura," he said gently, squeezing her hands in his. "This dancing around is giving me a headache. Just tell me what you're thinking?"

"How serious are you about me?" She blurted and then slapped her hand over her mouth in utter mortification.

Kakashi looked like he was resisting a smile as he peeled her fingers off her face. "See? That wasn't too hard was it?" he was chuckling again and she looked away, afraid she'll snap at him to cover her embarrassment.

"For the record, I'm very serious." When he said this, she looked back at him, finding that his serious tone matched his expression. "I didn't think us being together was a possibility ever, but if you're wondering about my intentions… well, you've always been family. But…" and now he was blushing. "And only if you want, I'd like to make you my wife."


Not that she never thought about this, in the back of her mind, ever since they became a thing, because calling Kakashi her boyfriend sounded incredibly silly when he was so much more. However, having him say it out loud sent her heart into a rapid staccato rhythm that she was sure he could hear.

"Um," she stammered, feeling heat wafting off her face. "I'd… I'd like that. You know. Down the line. You know, so that I don't repeat any past mistakes… not that I think this is a mistake! I love having you around all the time, and Sarada—Sarada loves you, which is great! I was so worried she might find this weird, but she's such a sweetheart you know, she just wants a father and I really appreciate what you've done for her—and me! But I just worry about driving you away, I could be such a handful sometimes, Sasuke used to tell me that—"

His finger on her lips silenced her and her whole body flushed in embarrassment as she realised that she was blabbering at a thousand miles a minute.

"I'm going to stop you right there," he said gently, yet firmly. "You don't have to explain all this to me. I understand Sakura, you've only been divorced less than a year. I don't expect anything right now. Having you is more than I ever dared to ask for. This is enough for me. I've been around for more than ten years now, and I won't be easily chased away."

Then he smiled, and it was so endearing. "You take your time figuring us out. I'll still be here afterward. Unless you kill me at some point for not hiding Icha Icha away from Sarada—in which case, you would be completely right to feel murderous rage... and I give you full permission to punch me into Kumo."

Sakura couldn't help the giggle that burst from her lips, and she pressed a chaste kiss to his index finger before playfully biting it. "Deal."

He grinned as his hands framed her face and pulled her in for a sweet, lingering kiss. "Silly girl, what did you think was going to happen?"

"I don't know," she punched his chest light-heartedly before dragging his hands away from her face and holding them in her own. She played nervously with his fingers, "I… you didn't particularly strike me as—as the family type. Before I mean."

"And now?" he wondered, eyes honest and curious.

"Now… well," there was no way she could look him in the eyes as she said this, "I think you'd make an amazing husband and an even better father … if that was ever your plan."

She stared at his hands in her lap and wondered how to phrase her words in a way that didn't make him bolt, "I think that… that people don't see this side of you. I used to think you hated kids. But I don't think that's really the case. I think it'd be a shame if you never had children."

Oh, gods, she thought in mortification, her shoulders hunching slightly, what am I saying?!

She snuck a peek up at him and found his eyes slightly widened, his lips parted a fraction. He blinked, once, twice, before opening his mouth: "Really?"

Sakura blinked back at the obvious surprise in his tone. "Yes, why?"

"Well … I have thought of children before, but … I didn't think you'd want more of them. I mean Sarada is twelve. And you're busy with the hospital, and you've just recently started to get your life back …" he scratched shyly at his cheek.

All of a sudden it dawned on Sakura that if Kakashi was to have children they'd be hers too. Her stomach tightened; a strange mixture of longing and anticipation the more she thought about it. She just wished she'd stop blushing! "Well … I've always wanted Sarada to have siblings. But um, Sasuke wasn't keen on the idea of having another child."

Yes, and what was the point? He was never there anyway, she'd just be subjecting another poor kid to a life without a father.

Kakashi's smile held a strange tentativeness. "Not that I don't love Sarada like she's my own, but that would be nice—having kids I mean."

Kids. He said kids as in plural. Sakura had to suddenly fight back intense giddiness.

Before she realised it, she was throwing her arms around him and kissing him again, forgetting her strength entirely.

He let out a winded breath as he fell back on the couch, her on top of him and wrapped his arms securely around her as he kissed her back. His chuckle vibrated through her, and he stroked her hair as her lips parted his own.

"Mum, Kakashi-tou I'm home!" Sarada's sudden call had Sakura flinging herself off him, leaving him sprawled comically across the couch.

"Sarada! Welcome home," Sakura yelped, running a hand through her mussed up hair as she scrambled to sit up as naturally as possible.

Sarada rounded the corner into the living room, looking suspicious. "Why are you red in the face?" Her eyes fell on Kakashi who slowly sat up and whined. "Oh, ew! Not in the living room mum!"

"What are you implying, young lady!" Sakura exclaimed in mortification. "We were just talking!"

Sarada started to roll her eyes before she remembered who she was talking to and stopped mid-motion. "Aha. Okay. Well, Chouchou invited me for a sleepover, can I go please?"

"Is it just Chouchou or will Shikadai and Inojin be there?" Sakura raised an eyebrow.

Sarada flushed. "Um, just Chouchou and I but they're coming over for movies. Can I still go?"

Sakura smiled at the way her daughter started fidgeting. She was so cute sometimes. "Sure. No funny business though."

"Mum!" Sarada blushed to the tips of her ears before storming out, leaving Kakashi and Sakura to laugh quietly to each other.

"You're so evil Sakura," he said, dragging her closer to his side again as he heard Sarada depart once more. "Don't tease her."

"She's thirteen, I have to." Sakura insisted with another chuckle before relaxing against Kakashi once more. "You'll understand one day."

"Oh? Is that a promise now?" His eyes held an affectionate streak that warmed her from her head to her toes.

"Yes," she confirmed as she kissed him again.

He hummed against her mouth, tongue stroking hers as he tilted his head for better access. Slowly, Sakura crawled into his lap, tongue teasing his, her fingers running up and down his chest, "Now, since we have the house to ourselves…"

"Oh, I see…" He murmured mischievously, his hands gripping her thighs and hefting her up as he stood.

She squealed, held onto his shoulders and grinned as they exchanged eager looks before he spun on his foot and marched towards her bedroom. "I can't be held accountable for any loss of panties then."

"Oh shut it, that was one time!"

He laughed heartily and sealed their mouths together once more. "I love you, Sakura Haruno."

The End.