Disclaimer: I do not own Dragon Ball.

Frost - Prologue

Year 674

King Cold easily ignored the anguished cries of the woman on the operating table, all of his attention focused on the bulging of her stomach.

Doctors scurried all around the room, checking their equipment and performing the last checks of the readings while they waited for the birth. Two of his soldiers stood at the sides of the alien woman, ready to restrain her should she manage to overcome the shackles chaining her to the table. Unlikely, given her current condition, but it never hurt to be safe.

The woman's skin was a light shade of purple, with yellow dots decorating her entire body. Her luscious silver hair was in disarray and her brilliant blue eyes were scrunched up in pain. King Cold didn't particularly care about her beauty, though it certainly helped during their mating, what caught his attention in the first place was her power level. He didn't know how she managed to reach 100,000 while on her primitive planet, but he swiftly remedied the situation by capturing her while he personally destroyed her planet and her race. He didn't intent to give her people a chance to produce another warrior of her calibre.

Now there she lay, ready to give birth to his second son. Hopefully he would be strong, or he would follow the same fate of his many predecessors, who didn't manage to impress him. Only Cooler showed promise and for that he was rewarded with his life.

The woman's screams of pain reached a new height as her belly stretched grotesquely, snapping noises could be clearly heard as his offspring broke her bones as he prepared for the birth.

King Cold's lips stretched in a small, pleased smile, that was a good sign, it meant his child was coming. Only Cooler managed to break his mother's bones during the birthing and he was clearly superior to his dead siblings.

It seemed like no time had passed before he could see the form of his infant son being washed of the blood by the nurses in attendance while his soldiers silently unchained the broken woman and dragged her outside the room. She had done her part in giving him another child and for that he would grant her mercy. A clean and painless death.

A small nurse, a green alien with antennae emerging from her forehead, approached him with a bundle in her arms. She was trembling in fear and she seemed indecisive whether to run up to him and get away immediately or slow to a crawl and prolong the moment when she would be in his immediate vicinity.

She stopped in front of him, her arms extended to show her cargo, "Your son, Your Majesty." She stuttered.

King Cold didn't reach out, didn't even bother asking about his health, all he did was reach up with his right hand and press a button on the side of his scouter.

*blip blip blip blip*


King Cold grinned, ferocious and satisfied. The woman squeaked in fear but stood there, watching him with wide eyes.

That's almost 10,000 higher than Cooler! He thought, his grin widening with each passing second. A new heir!

Finally, he extended his hand and took his son from the alien woman, immediately dismissing her. His tail swished lazily behind him, an outward sign of his pleased mood.

He looked at his most promising offspring to date, quickly cataloguing his features. White skin with red gem-plates on his head, torso and shoulders. Two black lines extended under his eyes, the red of his irises contrasting with the pallid shade of his skin. His tail was curled protectively around his waist while he remained immobile under his scrutiny. King Cold gave a nod of approval at that, Cooler did the same after his birth. The others all wailed and cried and fussed, but King Cold didn't waste more thoughts on those failures. Their fussiness merely showcased what his scouter already told him, they were weak.

"Your name shall be Frost, son of Cold, King of the Universe." He stated, his voice booming throughout the room. He ignored his servants jumping in surprise at his proclamation and directed a proud smile to the new member of his clan, "I expect great things from you, my son."


I remained immobile, my entire body frozen in primal terror by the being holding me in his grasp. The last hours of my existence were the worst I ever experienced, from waking up in a prison and trying my hardest to escape, to realising I had just been born and probably killed my mother in the act and finally finding myself in the grasp of King Cold, father of Frieza. An anime character. Did I just get reborn in an anime?! But I didn't die! I was just living a normal life in a normal world...

I desperately shelved those thoughts, much more intent in trying to escape the sensory overload my newly developed sixth sense kept giving me. From the moment of my birth I kept sensing the world around me, from the shaking nurses and nervous doctors to the pillar of pure power that was my apparent father. It wasn't until I heard his claim that I understood what I was sensing was the Ki of those around me. The doctors were inconsequential, it felt almost like noticing a fly on the wall. Cold, however, was like a sun going supernova right in front of my eyes. It blinded me and couldn't be ignored, no matter how hard I tried.

I was handed to another -weak weak weak- who gently took me in their arms and I almost sighed in relief, thinking distance would help alleviate the feel of his presence. It didn't, his aura, the sheer potential of his Ki kept battering at my senses, I felt like I was drowning under the pressure he unknowingly emitted. I blacked out.

