My Little Pony Friendship is Magic: Return of Nightmare Moon Pt. 1
A/N: As I promised here is the new chapter and the last chapter for this story. Yes, like the episodes themselves, I've decided to make this a two-parter, and I'll be posting part two sometime next week. Thank you to everyone who has been posting reviews and any ideas suggested, I'll be considering them, although I'm making sure my stories remain kid-friendly as much as possible while remaining true to the show itself. Now, on with the show!
Read, review, and enjoy!
Disclaimer: I don't own anything from My Little Pony: Magic is Friendship. I just own any and all characters that I just happen create.
A few hours later, every pony in Ponyville was now gathered in the town hall for the celebration and it didn't take Pinkie Pie very long to catch up with Twilight Sparkle, Spike, and Sunrise Blossom.
"Isn't this exciting?" she asked, bouncing next to them. "Are you excited, 'cause I'm excited, I've never been so excited – well, except for the time that I saw you walking into town and I went" she did a deep gasp "but I mean really, who can top that?"
"Yes, Pinkie, it's very exciting," Sunrise Blossom agreed when the trumpets rang out. "Show time."
Twilight Sparkle glanced at Pinkie Pie and then whispered to her sister. "Is she always this hyper?"
"Pretty much," Sunrise Blossom whispered back. "But I've just learned to roll with it and accept that this is how Pinkie Pie is on a regular basis."
All other conversation stopped when Mayor Mare stepped onto the stage to begin the celebration. "Fillies and gentlecolts, as mayor of Ponyville, it is my great pleasure to announce the beginning of the Summer Sun Celebration!" she announced and the ponies cheered, unaware that the pony shape had just disappeared from the moon's surface. "In just a few moments, our town will witness the magic of the sunrise, and celebrate this, the longest day of the year! And now, it is my great honor to introduce to you the ruler of our land, the very pony who gives us the sun and the moon each and every day, the good, the wise, the bringer of harmony to all of Equestria…"
Fluttershy looked at her choir of birds. "Ready?" And they nodded.
"…Princess Celestia!" Mayor Mare announced and the birds began singing as the curtains on the balcony above her opened – to reveal nothing.
"Huh?" said Rarity before running up the stairs as the ponies chattered quietly and nervously in the background.
"This can't be good," Twilight Sparkle moaned, and Sunrise Blossom agreed since it was unusual for the Princess to not appear for an important event.
Mayor Mare was doing her best to hide her own nervousness. "Remain calm, everypony, there must be a reasonable explanation!"
"Ooh, ooh, I love guessing games!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed. "Is she hiding?"
Rarity reached the balcony and looked around, but there was no sign of the Princess. "She's gone!" And the ponies gasped fearfully.
Pinkie Pie giggled nervously. "Ooh, she's good." And then she and the rest of the ponies yelped when there was an explosion of dark blue light that sent Rarity running for cover as the light was replaced by a pitch-black Alicorn with with a flowing gray/blue glittering mane and tail, snakelike cyan eyes with dark purple eyeshadow, a white crescent moon cutie mark, and she wore gray armor on her head, chest, and hoofs.
"Oh no…" Twilight Sparkle whispered fearfully while Spike fainted, landing on the floor with a thud. "Nightmare Moon!"
"She's real!" Sunrise Blossom gasped, eyes wide with fear.
"Oh, my beloved subjects," Nightmare Moon sneered as she looked down upon the terrified ponies. "It's been so long since I've seen your precious little sun-loving faces."
"What did you do with our Princess?!" Rainbow Dash demanded, and headed for the balcony-
Applejack, however, clamped her friend's tail in her mouth to restrain her. `"Whoa there, Nelly…"`
Nightmare Moon chuckled at the attempt and proceeded to terrorize Fluttershy, who looked ready to faint, and Rarity since they were the closest ponies. "Why, am I not royal enough for you? Don't you know who I am?" she inquired smugly.
"Ooh, ooh, more guessing games!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed, having moved next to Applejack, who was keeping Rainbow Dash from flying off, and the table covered with food that included a basket of apples. "Um, Hokey Smokes! How about… Queen Meanie! No! Black Snooty, Black Snooty-" her voice became muffled when Applejack shoved an apple into her mouth.
Nightmare Moon was disappointed that no one recognized her. "Does my crown no longer count now that I have been imprisoned for a thousand years?" she demanded while Rarity and Fluttershy retreated to avoid her. "Did you not recall the legend? Did you not see the signs?"
"I did," Twilight Sparkle announced, doing her best to sound brave although she was terrified like the other poines. "And I know who you are. You're the Mare in the Moon – Nightmare Moon!" And the ponies gathered around her all gasped fearfully.
"Well well well, somepony who remembers me," Nightmare Moon complimented. "Then you also know why I'm here."
Twilight Sparkle nodded. "You're here to… to…" she gulped, not daring to say the dreaded words.
Nightmare Moon chuckled once again. "Remember this day, little ponies, for it was your last," she announced as her dark magic flowed into the air above her. "From this moment forth, the night will last forever!" And she laughed evilly as thunder and lightning crashed around her.
Twilight Sparkle, Sunrise Blossom, and the other ponies cowered in fear. Had the end of Equestria finally come to pass?
To be continued.
A/N: Is all of Equestrian doomed to be plunged into an eternal night by Nightmare Moon? Stay tune for the answer next week at the same pony time and the same pony channel! R&R everyone!