Have fun with the last chapter, it was written before the last episode so the reason he left for good is different

"Oh…" was all Chloe could answer to Lucifer's description of hell. She knew how lonely Lucifer was and still felt from time to time. She knew how touch starved he was, but it wasn't a surprise when she thought of his time in hell. Only fighting against others and rough sex with Maze to have at least some kind of emotional connection. But that was not affection. No, more to muffle the screams of hell and the void inside.

Chloe continued grooming his wing. She loved his reaction to that, the purring was adorable and he looked so relaxed and much younger.

And how could his own brother call him a monster? Yes, his true form was terrifying at the beginning, but not for long - except to sinners maybe - for he was hurt and still in pain. Chloe knew that he hated it. Lucifer didn't want to scare her and even after all this time he was still insecure about showing his burned self. But she didn't mind. In fact, she liked that side of him. Yes, her handsome Devil was amazing, but his burned side was animalistic and vulnerable at the same time. It was special.

Sometimes he changed in his sleep, and then she always woke up, because he was so much warmer in this form that she started to get warm. She learned that he had to concentrate all the time to hold his glamour in place, even when he was asleep. And since she told him that it would be okay to change, he did and then his sleep was so much more peaceful. She watched him for hours in that form, recognizing every scar, every feature that she already knew in his human form. And every time she asked herself if he was really alright.

"It's fine, my love. It was a long time ago."

But it still hurts was something he didn't add.

When she plucked the little feathers between his shoulder blades, he shuddered and his wings ruffled like they were offended.

"Your glamour, this is something angels don't do normally - how did you learn it? And why?"

She could remember how Amenadiel told her once that glamour wasn't the same as hiding the wings in another plane.

"Show me, Mazikeen!" Lucifer snarled in her direction, frustrated. The demon sat on his throne, and the fallen angel didn't mind. Maze was allowed to do this, that thing wasn't comfortable at all.

"I did, Lucifer, but this is infernal, you are divine. I'm sure you are not able to learn it."

And once again his beautiful demon changed her face into that of a plain human.

Over the last eons he found beauty in her real face. Something he still couldn't find in his own burned skin. It still hurt, horribly in fact, but at least he didn't bleed anymore.

"I don't care if it's infernal, I will learn how that works."

He went to earth once, searching for a damned soul that his sister forgot to collect. And all he got were screams, prayers to his Dad and pain. Those stupid villagers tried to exorcise him with crosses and holy water...HIM! He wasn't a bloody vampire. They hid in the church, but again, he wasn't a vampire. He just wanted to protect those stupid humans, but they didn't answer even one of his questions. It was annoying. And when the exorcism didn't work, they threw stones at him and tried to burn him with torches...Again, HIM!

How stupid. But he was also curious, last time on earth was shortly after Rome fell. Caesar had talked a lot about the world.

But not again, he couldn't go up there looking like this. He may bury his emotions deep inside him, but the looks he got from the tortured souls alone killed him a little inside each time.

So this time, he would go prepared.

Carefully he watched his demon change back and forth again. He sensed how this kind of magic worked. He was divine, that was true, but he was also ruler of the infernal plane. So he dipped into his source of energy and pulled it out. And after a few tries it worked, well partially - he could cover his face and parts of his chest with his old handsome face. He wept and cried as he saw himself in the mirror. Touched his face desperately - no scars, not so much pain through touching, stubble, his formerly hated curly hair.

Oh, how he had missed it. It only lasted a few minutes till his concentration was gone, but it was enough to encourage him.

He practiced a lot and tried to extend his glamour while holding it longer.

The first trip to earth with his glamour was in medieval times. He hid his wings, and just in case, wore some of the weird things called gloves, because he couldn't cast a glamour over his hands perfectly, but he enjoyed it.

It was the first time since his fall he heard music other than the one in his head. A little festival was all he needed, even if he couldn't enjoy it long, though.

Lucifer could feel how his glamour started to slip. And he couldn't bear it when the humans screamed at him again. In hell, or when they are evil and need to be punished? No problem. But not those innocent humans. He had to get away from them. But it was too late. Too many humans and he couldn't run away, and the more nervous he got, the more difficult it became to keep his human appearance.

Till it slipped. A loud, piercing scream echoed from the man next to him, who was about to have sex with him right here a moment ago.

"No...please, listen to me." More screaming and they ran away from him. They pushed each other out of the way, but none of them even touched him in their panic. That reaction shattered his heart once more. In moments like that a glimpse of the old, innocent Samael was there. It hurt him, he couldn't hold back his tears. He just wanted some company. More than soulless and emotionless demons. Was that too much to ask? Just for a few hours.

"Was it worth it?" Mazikeen asked when they returned to hell once more. Her master became a little more broken every time they went to earth. Every single time, a small piece of him died inside. And it was a weird thing that made her chest tight, every time she saw that look in his eyes. Even when she didn't know what it was.

"Yes...every single second." Even if he was still heartbroken, he enjoyed it. And nothing would stop him from doing that again.

"But a lot of time passed between then and leaving hell permanently. Why? And why did you decide to leave for good, anyway?"

Chloe now massaged his cramped back muscles. It seemed like tucking giant angel wings in all day would mess up those too. But she enjoyed it as much as he did. It was a good decision to move in with him, instead of the other way around. She would go crazy with him and those fluffy things knocking things over all the time.

The first time they had sex was shortly after his reveal. And his wings unfurled with such an intense force that they punched a hole in her wall and shattered the window on the other side, as soon as she touched his back.

If Chloe was honest with herself, she was turned on by this sight. Especially during his climax, his wings spread out, the room too small for them so they pressed against the wall, his eyes glowing and his glamour dropping for just a few seconds.

That was a first timer for the Devil, and yes, she was very proud of it. Lucifer was ashamed at first, but after she kissed his glamourless form and assured him that it was fine, he relaxed. Since then they sometimes even had sex when he was in this form.

"Hey, still awake?" It was several minutes and he hadn't answered her questions.

"Hmmmm…" Okay, nearly asleep, he was adorable when he was drowsy like that. She had to kiss his nape and he shuddered.
"I needed to train my glamour. I couldn't run around, risking losing it at any time. The times humans saw my true face was enough to make me sure of that. So I trained. And it took a lot of time. I needed to be able to hold it when I was sleeping or fighting, or whatever. Permanently. What was maybe 200 years on earth were eons for me."
Yes, he told her that time moved differently, each second that passed here was roughly a year down there. When she learned the truth about her origins, and that Lucifer went back to hell - again - to save her life, and everything that happened with him, Uriel and his personal hell, she made the mistake of calculating how long his torment lasted. How often he had to kill his own brother in his hell. He never wanted to talk about that, not even to Linda. And that was something she could understand.

Nobody should have to go through this ever. He tried to forget.

"I know, but you managed it, right?" She now was massaging his wings again, burying her fingers in the soft down, till she could feel the inhumanly warm skin beneath.

"I did, actually on my first test trip I had fantastic sex with that chap Shakespeare. Yeah, I know. I helped him pimp up his writing. And I could hold on to my glamour. It was fantastic. And from that point on, I planned my escape from hell. You know, when you are immortal time is not important to you…" She could hear the slight sting in his voice. Yeah, he was immortal, she was not. Something he avoided talking about at all costs. A few decades till she was old and would die, if nothing happened. Barely the blink of an eye for him. And to be honest? She wasn't ready to think about that either, especially not for the third time this day. Her death would break Lucifer - it wasn't a guess, it was a pure and cruel fact.

"And I needed to be prepared. So I visited earth more frequently. And what made me leave for good?"

He looked at her over his shoulder for a few moments with such an intensity that it gave her chills.

"I told you how hell looked, how it felt, how it drove me insane slowly? I think the thing that broke the camel's back was that poor soul I met. Dad is very strict when it comes to suicide. And it's not fair. When a human suffers so much during his life that this is their only way out, it's just not fair to let them suffer for all time, till they find a way out of their own guilt. And as you know, that never has happened. Even I would still be stuck down there without Mom's help. But this soul, a spawn...can you believe it? It was a spawn, around Beatrice's age. She killed herself because of the gruesome things that had happened to her. The people supposed to love and protect her...hurt her, damaged her and in my eyes also killed her."

Chloe froze a few moments out of shock; this was so cruel. She knew Lucifer hated that suicide victims went to hell. But a child? Why was his father that cruel?

"However, that was it. I couldn't stay there anymore. I don't know why, but I needed to get out of there. And I did. I didn't care for anything, I just left with Maze. We arrived, I got rid of my wings and we started our adventure in the human world. Of course, I found the spawn's parents and punished them accordingly."

He sighed heavily, till another shiver ran through his body. Now Chloe was stroking the base of his wings. It felt amazing.

"And I'm glad you did, Lucifer. My life is so much better since you are in it. Even if you drive me nuts sometimes."
The Devil pouted at that and Chloe just fluffed his hair, knowing that he hated it.

"You do, you know it and you love doing it." She kissed right between his shoulder blades, which made him spread his wings again and moan with pleasure.

"I'll love you till the end of time, Detective."

She knew it was true. And that was something she had to work on. She didn't want to leave him alone when her time came. If necessary she would punch his Dad right in his face, but somehow she would find a solution.