Ch 10 Real Talk

"What, about us?" Marco asked not understanding the full question asked of him.

"I just… I just wanted to know where we stand," her voice sounded both confused and a little hurt. "So that I know I can trust you and you can trust me. That thing with Star opening up those portals and you keeping it from me made me think you didn't trust me to consolidate with."

"It wasn't easy for me to tell you."

"And why was that?" she gave him a questionable look. "Well?"

"She is my friend."

"So am I. In fact, you've also happened to have known of me far longer time than Star. You know I can keep a secret."

Now it was Marco's turn to give Hekapoo a questionable look. "Really?"

She rolled her eyes at that. "Secrets that I promise to keep. And just to reiterate, I never did say I'd kept those things we did in my dimension a secret."

Marco now had a really worried look on his face. "You… you didn't tell anyone about them did you?"

"Oh, gods no," Hekapoo answered relieving Marco of his worries. "A lot of those things involve embarrassing things about me, but that's beside the point. You didn't tell me."

"I couldn't betray Star's trust."

"Marco," Hekapoo whispered his name as she gently gripped his hand that was on the table. "What you two were doing was really, and I mean, really dangerous. With Star opening all of those portals a lot of bad things could have happened."

"I know that."

"Really, because a lot of bad things did happen Marco. All those times we went together we got lucky as they were only minor dimensional disturbances. My clones, on the other hand, were not so lucky. Nothing too bad, but bad enough that it caused a lot of collateral damage."

Marco hung his head in shame, he forgot that Hekapoo could be in more than one place at a time when she was with him. Hekapoo could see the regret in Marco's face and her facial expression softened a little. Just enough to be seen by Marco.

"So when I found out that you knew about what was happening I felt betrayed by one the people I trust the most."

"Hekapoo I'm-"

"But I forgive you."


"I said I forgive you, Marco."

"Really, just like that?"

Hekapoo rolled her eyes at the dumb question. "Yes, Marco I forgive you. Well, now at least. I hated you when you lied to me, but I know you only did that was because it was for a friend." She smiled a little bit more on the devilish side than normal. "So I'll be expecting you to lie for me when I need you to."

"Sure, whatever you want."

"You damn right, whatever I want!" Hekapoo poked her finger on Marco's chest. "I just want the truth and I promise not to give you grief about it and I also might help you if you need it. Just promise me you won't lie to me like that again."

Marco smiled at that and could tell Hekapoo was not joking.

"Thanks, Hekapoo. That means a lot."

"No worries, Marco. After all, what's a mere bump on the road between old friends?"

Hekapoo and Marco continued to talk to one another about random things about their days in Hekapoo's realm and stuff that's happened to them after that. The conversation was going great until she asked Marco about his nineteenth birthday party they had together.

"Hey, remember your nineteenth birthday?" Hekapoo asked a little hopefully.

Marco thought about it for a second but shook his head. "No, not really."

Hekapoo's smile seemed to have faded a little at that answer. "Really, not even a little," she asked hoping he did.

"No, you got me drunk and I blacked out." He answered truthfully. "And if you're hoping for a repeat of that you can forget it. Every time I go out with you I get drunk and do stuff I regret."

"Oh come on." Hekapoo groaned as she looked into Marco with sad puppy eyes. "They weren't all bad. Some of those times were quite nice."

Marco shrugged. "Well, I can never remember them." He stated it as a joke that just so happened to be true. Well, mostly.

'Hopefully, I'll get that to change tonight.' Hekapoo whispered to herself and seeing as Marco was still talking it would seem he didn't hear what she said.

"And just so you know, I won't be drinking that much this time," Marco declared. "I don't want a repeat of what happened on my twenty-ninth birthday. Still can't believe that was one of the only things I remember when I got drunk."

Upon hearing that Hekapoo had a flash in her memory of that time and looking back on it she could help but laugh. She didn't even try to hide it from Marco.

"Not funny," he huffed.

"Oh come on, it was funny." Hekapoo tried to stop laughing but failed at first, the second attempt showed more results in her self-control. "And it wasn't that bad."

"It was bad."

"It wasn't that bad."

"It was that bad."

Hekapoo smiled as she laughed with merriment at Marco's expense. "You call sharing a nice, cozy bed with Brunzetta on a cold winter's night a bad thing Marco? Tsk-tsk." She shook her head in mock disappointment. "If she was here to hear you say that she'd put you in a chock hold."

"And if you have ever shared the same bed with her you'd know it's pretty much the same thing. Except for the chock hold lasts for hours until she wakes up instead of a few moments until you tap out. Trust me, she's a heavy sleeper."

Hekapoo shrugged. "Yeah look on the bright side, she likes to sleep in the nude."

Unexpectedly Marco smiled at that jab. "True, it was pretty nice. She has a fine well-sculpted body and surprisingly soft and smooth skin, despite her harsh lifestyle. A shame that I was too preoccupied trying not to suffocate to death to appreciate it," he joked, still remembering all the times he nearly passed out from lack of air. "Just between you and me, her morning breath was far more deadly than her chock hold."

Hekapoo didn't know if what he said about Brunzetta was true or not, but just smiled at Marco's attempt to humor his near-death experience with a giggle.

"Come on Marco drink with me," she pleaded. "It feels weird drinking alone."

As soon as she said those words the waiter from before appeared with a tray that held two glasses of wine and a bottle of red wine that read Eight Prefixes Red Wine. He placed the two glasses of wine down on the table, uncorked the wine bottle, and placed it on the center of the table.

"Your meals will be served shortly," he said and gave a short, quick bow before he left.

Hekapoo was the first one the take her glass in hand and took a small sip of the red liquid.

"Are you going to leave me to drink this whole bottle alone?"

"I've seen you drink down a full keg of ale."

"That keg of ale was piss poor and watered down and you know it. Hell, you're the one that pointed it out in the first place."

Marco nodded knowingly "That is true, but you are forgetting that watered-down ale was Dead Water Ale. The strongest drink in all of the Neverzone. Even watered down, that stuff can give a human liver failure."

"Well, I seem to remember you and Brunzetta helped me out with the seasoned keg."

"Do you also remember that's how I ended up in an actual near-naked choke hold with Brunzetta?"

"Yeah, I do." She answered honestly. "Good times."

Marco snorted as he took a big gulp of his wine, drinking all of its contents. "You're such an ass." He held out his glass to her to refill it.

She smiled. "I'm such a 'HOT' piece of ass thank you very much. Especially now, all of this takes effort." She corrected as she refilled his glass for him taking her own and clinked glasses with each other before they downed the contents in one go.

"Another!" Marco called slamming his glass down on the table wanting another refill.

"Wow, slow down lightweight. This stuff is strong and the night is still young."

Marco gave her a funny look. "I'm two glasses in while you have only one. If anything you need to start catching up with me."

"It's not a race Macro if it's anything it's a marathon."

"Why not a race, that's your favorite kind of dinking?" He asked suspiciously. "Got somewhere to be?"

"As a matter of fact, I do." She answered honestly but didn't elaborate on it much. "And after this so do you~." She winked playfully.

Marco nodded in agreement, "You're right, I kind of do need to do stuff after this."

"See Marco, I'm always right."

As soon as she said those words Marco just had to add it snide comment in on the last second."

"You're hardly ever are H-poo."

Hekapoo frowned at that. "You know what, just for that no more of this fine vintage red wine for you." She held the wine bottle close to her as she stuck her tongue out to him in a childlike manner.

"Well if you say so," he said pulling his glass back only for Hekapoo to grab his hand.

"Wait a minute, is this just an elaborate rouse so you don't have to drink with me?"

He shrugged. "Maybe?" he said with a coy smile.

"You're such an ass, Marco."

"I'm such a 'HOT' piece of ass thank you very much. Especially now, all of this takes effort" he corrected her with her own words she had used on him.

"Hmmm, you're more of a 'cute' piece of ass to me, Marco." She smiled as she refilled his glass, but his time they both only took a sip from it.

"If I'm such a cute piece of ass as you say, how come all the ladies in this room are looking at me then?"

"That's because your dick is hanging out from your zipper," she said with a straight face. "Must have busted off when you were in the fight with Ki."

Marco jolted up straight as he looked down on himself to see if his dick was out, which it wasn't. Thankfully.

"Oh thank God I'm not wearing a zipper." He sighed in relief. "And also do not joke about that."

"Well, you only have yourself to blame for falling for such a lie. You should know better than that, those pants you're wearing were made by me and if they did have a zipper it would never break."

"And they'd also be self-zipping," Marco added.

"Oh, hell no." her response came quick and to the point. "I tried that once and the guy that wore them, well.." she trailed off not really wanting to say what happened.

"His dick got zipped off?"

"Well, yes and no," she answered. "You see I was drunk when I made those pants."

"Not a surprise there."

"Shut up, let me finish. So, when I made them I was pretty hammered. Well, more than usual on some silly little bet I don't really remember because as I said before I was pretty drunk. When I made them I sort of kind of made them like I would with one of my dimensional scissors. Turns out that's a really bad combination to have."

Marco was flabbergasted. "You sent his dick to another dimension, how does that even happen?"

"Pretty much yeah and surprisingly enough he says that he can piss normally. Turns out he is still attached to his junk in some special anomaly sort of way. Fun fact, he is currently on the lookout for his dick and he says that he feels it's in a dark dank and place like a cave or something similar and that on a few occasions he feels his dick flying in the air."


"I know right, weird."

"Why are we talking about this?"

She shrugged and took a sip out of her wine glass before speaking. "Don't know. Just sound like a good story and I didn't want you to embarrass yourself in front of the ladies with all that cocky pride you have. It's bad for your well-being even with that necklace you have now you know."

"You're one to talk."

"Hey, I am not some common gold-digging slut like some of these women here. I'm an immortal entity that will outlive a billion of your mortal lives. I can very much afford to be as prideful as I want to be… within reason of course. But enough of my crazy life, what about you? Done anything exciting or crazy since the last time we've meet?"

Marco had thought about it, but decided that telling Hekapoo about his and Star's adventures across the Multiverse was not her definition of exciting or crazy. That would have just seemed ordinarily normal and uneventful to the both of them.

"Well, I'm going to be a big brother soon."

Hekapoo's eye widened at that news. "Really, no kidding?" Marco nodded to her telling her that he wasn't kidding. "That great new Marco. Is it a boy or a girl?"

"It's a boy and he's already got a name and can you believe they're naming him Marco Jr?"

Hekapoo had an odd look of confusion. "They named your future brother after you. Is that normal on Earth?"

Marco shook his head in the negative. "No, it's just… I don't really know my self? Maybe they just wanted me to be around more, but you know with me on Mewni I guess I sort of left a hole in their hearts or something. So, in the end, I think it was just their way to cope with me gone. Hell, I didn't even know my mom was pregnant until I saw that she was already close to giving birth now."

Hekapoo saw that Marco had a hurt look on his face when he confessed to her on his home life. She could tell he felt bad about this, who wouldn't. It goes to show about the little things people like her and Marco and all other people that had to split their time between two or more dimensions tend to lose track of those around them. Further adding time dilation to the mix one could really lose one's sense of time and placement of things.

Marco was also relatively new to it, but even people like her could be lost in the ebb and flow of events that transpired around her. Even with her clones it still was relatively difficult to master keeping up with everything that happened and now was no different. But now she has an opportunity in front of her that she won't miss, unlike last time. It is now or never, time to claim what she wanted in life no matter the obstacle that got in the way.

Hekapoo reached out with her right hand and cupped his face gently lifting it up so that he'd be looking straight at her. She gave him a kind smile which for some reason caused him to smile. It might have been the nice atmosphere of the restaurant or the alcohol talking, but neither of them did anything but look in each other's eyes and enjoyed the moment.

"Don't feel bad Marco," Hekapoo said breaking the silent moment as she let go of his face. "It's not like you missed his birth or anything did you?"


"See, and I bet you're already planning something to do for him and your parents to make up for all that lost time?"

"Yeah, I am actually. I going to get him something for his baby shower."

"That sounds nice, Marco. Also just to make sure we're on the same page a baby shower isn't an event where nobody showers a baby, right?"

Marco nodded as he laughed at that insinuation "No, a baby shower is an event where loved ones, family and friends get to spend time with prospective parents and give them gifts and stuff for the baby." He explained until a thought came to mind. "Yeah why don't you come along? It'll be just you and me."

'That's right Marco just you and me together with your family and…'

"Along with Star."

'Goddammit, Marco you lovable hunk!' Hekapoo was very displeased with the outcome, but saw she could still work with this. "That sounds great I'd love to see Star again." She said in false enthusiasm as the eye that was always hidden behind her bangs was twitching fiercely.

Luckily for Hekapoo Marco didn't notice the clear signs of displeasure on her face.

"Oh, just a heads up, if you plan on getting my to be baby brother anything for the baby shower just make sure it's nothing remotely dangerous that he could use to hurt himself with."

"Sure, no problem."

"Or anyone around him," he added just in case.

"Marco, please. I'm the epitome of safety." They both laughed hard at that.

"Haha, but in all seriousness H-poo," Marco's mood went from playfully joyful to deadly serious quicker than a heartbeat. "Nothing dangerous."

"Relax Marco I won't get him anything dangerous. In fact, I've already got something in mind to give mini Marco."

"Never call him that again. Remember, nothing dangerous."

Hekapoo rolled her eyes at Marco's insistence, but she was a woman of her word and won't give Marco's baby brother anything dangerous… now looking dangerous, was another thing entirely. She couldn't wait for the look on Marco's face when he sees what she had in store for his soon to be baby brother.

"How can someone that looks like you be such a safe kid?"

"Can't the same thing be said about you?"

This caught her off guard. "What do you mean by that?"

"Well, part of your job is making sure people use your scissors safely and reasonably thus you are the safe girl."

"Call me that again and you'll see how safe I can really be!" Marco knew this was a threat she meant.

Seeing the anger on Hekapoo's face Marco was going to apologize and promise he'd never call her that again. You know, the old song and dance until something from the corner of his eyesight caught his attention and the cool bravado he had disappeared. Replaced with a worried look as he compressed himself down on the table and covered his face as he looked away from what had initially caused him to act like this.

Hekapoo seeing all of this transpire lost all of her rage on the safe girl comment and looked behind her to see what was causing Marco to act like this only to see someone she knew walking towards her. At the sight of the familiar face, she smiled and waved at the individual what was fast approaching as he too smiled and waved back.

"Ah, Hekapoo. Fancy seeing you here." The new individual greeted. His voice was soft and very effeminate so much so it was hard to tell whether or not he was a boy or girl.

"Fancy seeing you here too." Hekapoo greeted back as she looked at him once over. "By the way, love the new look you're sporting. It is very nice.

The clothes he was wearing wear very slim fitting and exposed enough of his light blue skin that it gave him a very sex and androgynous look and feel to him as it exposed his stomach, chest and leg areas. His skin along with his face was without fault. There were no blemishes to see no excess body hair or fat. Each step he took was as graceful as he was and when he reached his destination his poster was sublime. His hair was as white as snow, but as the light reflected off his hair some of the strands of hair turned into a clear blue like shine.

"Please, this?" He gestured at his current attire. "This was something I just throw on last minute, but look at you all dolled up and buxom." He looked away from Hekapoo to look upon Marco. "Well, who is this shy yet handsome hunk here with you?" Vulen glanced over Marco with a critical eye. 'Well, it seems her standards in men haven't dropped. Wait, are they a thing? Hekapoo does tend to flip flop with her partners.'

"Oh, sorry. Where are my manners? Marco this is his Royal Highness Prince of the snow elves Vulen Trisgwyn. Vulen, this is Marco Diaz my 'good' friend."

Hekapoo's introducing of Marco told Vulen that he was off the menu as he was already taken by her, but given Vulen's reputation she did expect him to try his luck with Marco, even with her claim to him. However, Vulen seemed to have a contemplative look about him as he looked Marco over once more.

"Marco 'Diaz' uh? I too know a Marco Diaz that looks kind of like you but... younger." Vulen clicked his fingers as he discovered his answer to this odd conundrum. "You two must be related to each other. Small multiverse, you wouldn't happen to be related to Marco Diaz, a friend of Star Butterfly would you? Because if you are please tell him I miss him."

"Wait you know that Marco 'Diaz' friend of Star Butterfly?"

"Well, yes." Vulen answered "I met them during the filming of the 'Princess Turdina' movie I co-stared in."

Hekapoo's head immediately snapped onto Marco as he was starting to sweat a little as he drank all the wine in his glass. As he finished his wine he reached for the wine bottle, but Hekapoo grabbed it first and dragged it out of his reach.

Confused Vulen spoke out, "Did I come at a bad time?"

"No, but now it is. You don't mind leaving this matter for us to solve… in private Vulen." Hekapoo said in a calm voice but the power behind those words was felt by Vulen.

Many people may not know this but Vulen Trisgwyn was a very powerful man. Both in magic and political power so very few things are considered a treat to him. However, even he heeds the words of the forgers of the scissors. So with reverence he bowed to them both and left to his table.