Hi everyone!

Pineappleman here giving you my first story! Warning this story could get graphic and might contain Lemons~ so it's rated M. I really really hope you all enjoy this story and it becomes famous. Feedback is nice! Keep it constructive though...I already have a bad self-motivation no need to make it worse.

"Ab initio mundi- "from the beginning of the world". A Latin phrase that means to begin, many can take their own meaning from it, but for Alex it means to begin.


"8th period finally" I thought to myself . "only 30 more minutes of this schlock and I'm free!"

I got up out of my desk and started the long walk to biology. Why a school would have the math room on one side of the school and the science room on the other I will never understand.

But what I do understand is the workout you get from rushing around the hall to get to class in time, i'm practically sweating. Oh! I should probably introduce myself.

I'm Alex Richard but my friends call me Stonehands because of my minecraft character Alex Stonehands. Anyway I'm 16 going on 17, 5,7 caucassion, dark black hair, and blue eyes. Pretty all around normal guy, problem is I have never felt normal.

I am always the outcast in everything, mostly because of my bad social skills but even when I do try to be sociable it always crashes and burns, and let me tell you something, today is no exception, because today i-

"HEY RICHARD" Out of nowhere comes a huge figure of a man, and his two goons in tow. "LOOK AT ME WHEN I TALK TO YOU DICK" Richie and his two goons come up to me in the hallway only inches away from the science class door.

"What do you want Richie?" I ask in a slightly terrified tone.

"It's Friday and you know what that means" Says Richie. It's either give him all I have or lose my front teeth. "Cmon man I need the money." He's even more pissed now, "I have a better idea you give me that gay ass sweatshirt" he replied. "My skeleton hoodie?" I thought, that's my favorite piece of clothing! "I...I.." I said trying to buy time.

Just then a voice of an angel came out of nowhere. "What's going on here?" Mrs. B! the science teacher. "Uhh nothing Mrs. B just talking to Alex." Richie said trying to defend himself, "Go to your classes now before I get the principle." With no reply they start walking. "did they do anything?" asked Mrs. B, "No but they did try to take my money." She then left me to collect myself saying something along the lines of someone needs to teach those bullies a lesson.

I then take my seat next to my best friend Liam. He's always been my friend since kindergarten. He always has my back when I am deep in a cavern trying to get the last of an iron ore vein or searching for diamonds. Or I have his covered when hes trying to build our house. "Yo Alex what happend out there man, Richie again?" He said "Yeah him and a couple of his goons tried to get me to give him my sweatshirt.'

He looked visibly angry "Man they made me cough up my creeper dog tags." His tags? those are one of his most prized possessions "What? you loved those tags!" "Yeah Loved is the word... We need to do something man" He looked like he was in deep thought. "We could ynow...Slash his tires"

"What!? "Jesus Liam I know your hard and stuff but slash his tires? fighting fire with fire usually doesn't work." He starts to laugh a little. "Hey man I got a rep to keep up and stuff."

Now I start to laugh a little. "Liam you grew up in the suburbs you couldn't hurt a fly."

People are starting to look at us because we were starting to laugh a little to hard. "Hey man they used to call me "Big Liam" in the streets."

Mrs. B then talks "is there something you two gentlemen would like to share?" we both look at each other. "No Mrs B.' We say in unison, and so class goes on as usual.


Finaaaaaly sweet sweet freedom, Winter break. Me and Liam head towards the exit of the school and he follows me out to the parking lot to my car.

Since out of the two of us I am the only one that can drive, since he crashed his car the first day he got it. Not like it looked very different any way...But still his parents will never let that day it happened he wanted to sneak and stay overnight at my house so he wouldn't face his parents wrath.

"so bro you gonna be on later tonight" He asks "where else would I be?" I ask "Cool man shoot me a text if you wanna go co-op, but If you wanna do that anime mod thing.

I start to blush hard "Hey man please don't talk about it here people could be...listening." He starts to smile "Hey you were the one telling about how cool it was and how much you loved it." Now I'm standing there smiling and blushing like an idiot. "Well I know this may sound stupid but...It make me feel less lonely, y'now having someone there to love and care for you who is waiting at home just for you is great." We're close to the car "I get ya man I get ya your not the only lonely guy around here."

Finally the car after what felt like a century of walking we get to my 2007 Ford Fusion. I go to unlock my door when suddenly.


"Mrs. B aint here to save you now Dick" All I see is richies jock friends restraining Liam. "I don't know why you love this sweatshirt so much but ya know what." Richie then rips the jacket off of me "I know I hate the thing!" Richie then starts to rip the thing to shreds with a pocket Knife he has.

I stand there stunned unable to move, not feeling any emotion until reality is harshly given back to me by a blow in the face by richie and some bitter words from the man. "Get some better fashion tips...Dick" Richies goones then release Liam who rushes over to me. "You pieces of shit will pay! I'll fucking go ham on you concha!"

I look at Liam teary faced and bloody nosed "Stop Liam, I don't want anymore trouble, let me take you home" He's pissed "Man they just bloodied you we gotta get back at-"


"Ok man just take it easy let's get out of here." after a little bit of an awkward ride I drop Liam off at his house. "If your still up for Minecraft shoot me that text, take it easy man that nose doesn't look good."

It's true there wasn't much to stop the bleeding so the nosebleed was only semi-contained. "Aight man thanks I might go on..." "Later bro" he said waiving a ride or die salute, I laugh and do it back. Driving home was always uneventful just follow the speed limit and a couple blocks badda boom home sweet home.

"Hmm no car parked mom must be working late" I thought. I parked my car and locked it having a slight trouble with the lock since it sticks a little. Adding more trouble to a terrible day. I walk into the house and meet my dog barking at me. "Hey Lola how was your day?" "Bark!" "Hmm probably better than mine". I thought I drop my bags at the table and then head to the kitchen for a paper towel to stop the blood coming from my nose. "Oh a note?" I saw it on the counter after I grabbed my paper towel. It read as follows "Hey Alex just want you to remember won't be back till Sunday remember to take care of Lola and please don't stay in your room all day, love Mom."

Ohh yeah business trip or something. Stay in my room all day what does she think I am some introvert? I'm also staying in there all night! With that thought I rush to my room and throw open my door to the sight of white...



"There we go my first chapter. Hopefully you all enjoyed it, remember be sure to comment and share this story!


Edited to make viewing more enjoyable.